Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Bonds From The Past ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I've said it before, but I'll say it once more…I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or any characters or such a part of it. So…Please don't sue me Watsuki-san! I'm poor! o.O

A/N: I finally updated…Yay!!!!! ::does a little victory dance:: I'm soooo sorry about the long delay, school, lack of motivation, and to top it all off writers' block. It's been horrible! And now I finally got it done, and at 3 A.M. in the morning. *smiles*

Ahem…anyway… *returns to normal mode* This story contains fighting, flashbacks of a dark past (or two) and a threesome pairing, Aoshi/Saito/Sano. My friend came up with the idea actually *sweatdrops* If any of those offend you…walk away right now because there's no turning back once you're in. I don't accept flames for writing incest, yaoi, lemon, yuri, etc…You get the picture. Otherwise flames are welcomed.

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The familiar clang of metal was the only thing keeping Aoshi awake and up from the ground. His body ached with the stings from the slashes and the steady crimson tears riveted from his exposed wounds. With great effort he retrieved the treatment and gingerly began to treat the cuts. While doing so, he focused his blurred eyes on the former Shinsengumi leader, who held his sword tightly gripped, his golden eyes burning with the icy remembrance of war.

Ketsurui's eyes switched from glaring to mocking, and even slight amusement. The tiniest of smirks stretched the corner of his lips. His sword dangled inches from the ground, the magnetic claws sticking out pointedly, the shining silver tinted red.

"Saito Hajime, the former leader of the third squad of the Shinsengumi…I've been wanting to test that sword of yours with my own ever since the Revolution. The Karasunaki was quite impressed with you." Saito frowned with what looked to be mild disgust.

"You Karasunaki members were always taken with the top ranking swordsmen back then. Your plan to kill all with the best fighters to gain dominance was quite a disgust, and an act of shame."

Ketsurui's mouth twisted in growing rage, "If you knew the true heart of our clan, you might change your opinion, but…" His grasp on the sword tightened. "No use dwelling on the small things. You want to fight me? Then raise your sword and we'll see who basks in the others blood." Saito smirked nastily, "For once you speak the truth." He positioned himself onto the Gatotsu stance, his left hand now embracing the hilt.

"Ah, the ever famous Gatotsu stance. That earned you quite a few victories back then." Ketsurui balanced a good deal of his weight on his right leg; his knee bent outward while his elbow jabbed the air, his lower arm slightly twisted.

Even with this simple gesture and the two short fights before hand, Saito knew from his previous experiences as a manslayer that this guy was as flexible as the cobra that stalked the grass. And by the cold aura his eyes could produce in less then a second, he also knew that the ex-Karasunaki member was not to be taken lightly. While he held the blade straight out, he finished his statement, "But now, I shall efficiently end your victory streak. And turn this spot into your grave." His free arm lingered above the tip. Both men stood poised, waiting for that split second before battle instinct took over and they both charged forth.

Aoshi watched in unaware anxiety. He had removed most of the thin yakuta draped over his upper torso, and now had bandages around his chest and left shoulder. The upper part of his right arm had a few as well, slightly brushed red. On his nose lay a thick strip of cloth, keeping his bruised nose in arrangement. He turned his attention briefly at the faint rustle of grass. Sano was finally coming around, stirring slightly and groaning in pain. His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to fight the aching discomfort enveloping his body. Though his eyes were closed, Aoshi sent him a soft look of sympathy, turning back to observe the battle.

Ketsurui released a wicked battle cry as he charged at Saito, twisting on his foot to make the slash diagonal. The tip breathed up the miburo's shirt as he avoided the attack, thrusting his Gatotsu dead on. The thinnest of cuts broke on Ketsurui's rough skin, a thin stream of blood dripping hesitatingly down his arm.

"Your Gatotsu is much more deadly then I had guessed. No one's been able to land a mark on me since the middle stage of the Revolution." His face held a frown, but his tone did all but hide the impressive divert. Saito was not pleased however, "If you were classed as a real warrior, then you would know not to underestimate your opponent."

Ketsurui's demeanor took on a whole new toll. His aura turned an eerie color of gothic colors. His lifted his head, the thin bangs lying lazily over his eyes. They had turned from emerald to a lime green. Full of such blazing fire but also glazed with such cold ice. It made Kenshin's angry glare look so…insignificant. Saito was somewhat taken aback but hid it well. He charged forth. Ketsurui replied by slamming the blades together with a forceful swing. The two glared at each other before attacking once more.

Aoshi watched with a dazed look. His vision was much clearer now and the pain decided to gradually cease. Sano had now opened his eyes halfway, the right more difficult for the black eye around it had begun to swell. He managed to get to his elbows, grunting with the effort it took. Some of his bandages were getting scarlet from the wounds. He growled in frustration, but struggled and now sat up all the way, hunched over a bit. Aoshi gripped his shoulder firmly and helped keep him in balance.

"Wh…What's going on Aoshi…?" Sano asked, looking at him confused. Aoshi smiled at him; He thought the rare moments where Sanos true age showed was just utterly adorable. He frowned as his focused back on the two further away, "After you went unconscious, I stepped up to fight this guy. I didn't think he would be as challenging as he was. Saito stayed and treated your injuries." He cast a side way glance, knowing Sano was wondering how the bandages got applied. His refocused again and continued,

"Unfortunately, I did not come out successful. The bastard did quite a number on me as well as I'm sure you can tell." Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sano nod softly,

scooting closer to Aoshi. Since neither of the fighters was looking, he put an arm loosely around Sanos waist. "Since he beat me quite decently, Saito decided to take a stand. They had just started not long before you woke up." He said nothing, but Aoshi knew he understood. Slowly, the ex- fighter for hire laid his head on the ninjas shoulder.

"I hope that damn wolf doesn't get himself killed…" Aoshi smiled, actually smiled down at his young lover. They turned to carry on watching the two warriors go for each other, neither refusing to declare surrender. Neither spoke, but both knew that the other by him felt the same kind of fear.

A disgruntled bellow of surprise disturbed the air, as Saito's shoulder was rudely sliced open by the tip of Ketsurui's sword. He jumped back, using his Gatotsu in a rush on attack. But it must have been too sloppy for proper use, for the next thing he knew his sword was laying tip down into the solid dirt, sliced in half with a strong grip holding his throat and a pointed metal blade staring him in the eyes.

He gritted his teeth and tried to spit at the formable fighter holding him in a near death grip, but was unable to release the saliva for his throat was clasped more and he couldn't risk right away much closeness for death right now.

Ketsurui dressed his lips with a mocking smile, "Here I thought I would be getting the challenge of my entire fighting career going up against the ever so famous Saito Hajime, rumored to be one of the best samurais from the revolution. But now with the way you stand you're about as dangerous as stray cat. A bite might effect but the claws have no use apparently."

The well-stocked rage flaming up into the Miburo's soul was making him indescribably pissed. That little red headed bastard…How dare he say such things to him! Saito Hajime, leader of the third squad of the Shinsengumi, did not deserve such rude critics at all, especially from the likes of a Karasunaki member; His pride was flabbergasted.

"You're gonna wish you were dead…" He hissed. A pair of lime green eyes widened slightly but accomplished no more as he found himself landing hard on his ass a couple feet away, sitting up abruptly with a shaking jaw.

Damnit he's much more skilled than I took for granted… He growled, wiping the thin stream of blood traveling down his chin. He spat to the side, red drops mixed with the clear saliva. He looked directly in the golden eyes fixed on his every move, standing slowly but surely.

"I guess I spoke too soon…either way you will still not come out with victory in your hands as you have before. Prepare to die on this very ground Saito Hajime." The wolf glared more angrily, twisting the corner of his lips. "Don't sound so confident…" He cracked his fists and both began to approach.

Meanwhile Sano was clenching his fist hard, his facial features clearly expressing his fury. Aoshi had tried to calm him, let his arms soothe his frantic motions, but so far nothing worked. The fighter for hire spoke,

"Damn him…Damn him to hell. He better not come out victorious…I can't believe this happened…" Aoshi nodded understandingly and held him closer. They focused back as the tall men started to exchange punches and kicks.

Sano would not stop growling and cringing with wrath, "Damnit I wish Kenshin was here! He'd kick this guy's ass!!" Aoshi stared down at him taken back by his anger.

It was as if that sentence had stopped time for the two battlers. Everything remained frozen, not a single stir showing up in the deserted area. Ketsurui looked on with an unknown shocked expression, like his heart had just been trapped in his throat. His aura gradually dulled. Saito looked on confused.

Suddenly before he could be stopped, he rushed forward putting his speed into use and yanked Sano up by the collar of his jacket, holding him close up, his eyes glittering madly.

"Tell me how you know Kenshin? How did you find out his name? Where's he? Answer me!" He shook the defenseless teen, who only gazed at him speechless. Even if he could talk he wouldn't have told him anything.

"Damnit you low life punk of a fighter, answer me!!" He pulled him closer and growled viciously. Before more could go on, every head turned at the intrusion of soft yet sharp footsteps approaching their grounds. Aoshi spoke and the words he used sent trickles of stun through Ketsurui's back, like his spine was just engulfed in a frozen ice.

"Himura, you're here…" Kenshin looked at Aoshi, his innocent look of joy transforming to shock when he caught glimpse of his wounds.

"Aoshi what happened?" He inquired with a great deal of concern. Saito stepped up, earning another shocked expression from the Rurouni; his entire right shoulder was caked with blood, a couple other tears sticking up on his clothes brushed red. His thin cheek was turning darker and more touch sensitive.

Kenshin looked on surprised, especially since no one was answering him. "What's going on?" He turned to look at Sano, but never got the chance. Whom he laid eyes on struck him with something undefinable to man's wisdom. Nothing could describe the moment Ketsurui locked eyes with Kenshin. It was like the beginning of a battle, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Ken…shin…" The name came out in a whisper, and he slowly released Sano of his grip, who stepped back and observed the staring contest taking place. Kenshin could only stand back and look, his wide violet eyes never promising signs of movement.

"Himura…" Saito started to say but trailed off abruptly as Ketsurui finally made movement by stepping forward. He stopped midway and then to everyone's surprise he broke in a run, catching the stunned Rurouni in his powerful arms, leaning down to have his head rest on his shoulder. He held him close, not saying anything at first. The red head formally known as Battousai only stood frozen solid, his limbs unable to move on their own. What the Karasunaki member said next was the most shocking statement that the three warriors ever heard since they had known Kenshin.

"Little brother…I finally found you…"

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A/N: Aww…the last line sounds like such a Kodak thing ^_^ Sad soul aren't I? Well well well look what we got here, I wonder how this is going to be explained? *Tilts head as she thinks, humming* Well you'll just have to wait for the next update *winks* Review onegai and I hope you come back for more. ^___^