Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Souls ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's note:

Oh my, I'm so lazy! I'm sorry for the delay, but I'm blocked! I've been so busy with college. I have so many works to complete. And with all that stressful things, my mind blocked!

Now, here you have the part 2, I'm not very happy about it, but that's all I could muster to write… I hope to get the next chapter faster. And I hope you are enjoying this. I don't want to rush things, keep that in mind.

Let me say one more thing here; this fiction is AU. Which means that I won't make it exactly the same of the original. With that said, feel free to contact me always you wish.


All copyright to Watsuki-san, and the respective owners. 

  Broken Souls 

Part 2 


Can I go on without breaking down?

Gathering the trees,

Running from the wolves

I find myself asleep

And the once sweet dreams

Are covered now with blood...



Kaoru looked at the man standing in front of her, with expectance in her eyes. "So, will you lead me to your master?" she asked, a grin curving in her lips. Her time has been running like water, she felt like a tool, but, wasn't everyone just a tool of life in the end? 

The man looked at her, and nodded smoothly. "Yes…I will." he said, smiling at her. "But, I had no idea that the warrior my master have been waiting was actually a girl." he said, glancing at her worriedly to see her reaction. 'Should I have said that?' he wondered. Truly, no woman would be fighting, especially in a war. Women are usually graceful creatures, they are prepared to serve their respective husbands and parental. Was it right?

Kaoru immediately looked at him, annoyed. "Well, life can be surprising." she said bored, immediately starting to walk. She wasn't a fool. Not at all. People would be overly surprised to see a woman fighting. She isn't an ordinary woman, she is above that. She fights for unknown reasons. No one should know it, that's the way she has chosen. 'Life can be tough... And extremely cruel.' she thought, her eyes dropping sadly at her hands. 

He nodded slightly. "Yes, that's true." he said quietly. Then, he just smiled in realization of his negligence towards the girl. "Oh Miss, let me take that." He said, while he approached her, taking her bags. 

Kaoru suppressed an urge to laugh, that scene was quite amusing, regardless of all of her previous thoughts. She should keep her light humor; otherwise, she just knew that she wouldn't last longer.  'Oh well, I'm here, at last…Now, I must keep going on...' She thought, as she started to walk once more.

"Thank you…" she whispered while she began to walk, a slight shade of sorrow hovering her blue eyes. 'What happens now?' 

The war had begun inside her heart. 


Katsura looked through the window. He shot a tensed glare to each person that his eyes could take a glance at. The street wasn't really busy, there were a few people walking around. But, he could not stop the thought that lingered in his head, since the beginning of all.  'These days will be written into theirs hearts…and mostly, in theirs souls.' he thought gloomily. He knew the results of all that disturb would effect much more the expected; that war was taking more time than all of them had anticipated.  

A soft knock took him out of his stupor. He walked quickly, sliding the shoji door open. In front of him, was his subordinate, the one he had asked to get his new warrior. And behind, there was a tiny, but beautiful girl. His brow frowned, who was she?

"Hello Nago…" he said somehow motionless, gesturing for them to enter. "Who's that girl with you?" he asked, disturbed. "I thought I had made myself clear when I asked you to get the new one…what have you bought me instead?" he said promptly, pointing to Kaoru, who looked a little bit angry.

Nago´s eyes widened in shock, he wasn't expecting that. Afterward, he looked around and turned to Kaoru with an apologetic look. And then turned to Katsura. "You see my sir, that's the one you asked me to get." He said, arching his brows. Trying desperately to keep his control. He didn't want to appear nervous.

Katsura looked at him in disbelief. "What?" He asked, taking a step forward to look closely to the girl's face. "I can clearly see that's a woman, not a man." he said while he shook his head. What was all that about?

Kaoru cleared her throat loudly, seeing the uneasy of them. She arched a brow to Katsura. Her face remained still. "Katsura-san, I ought tell you, that I´m Kamiya. And no, obviously I´m not a man." she said with a sweet tone, covering her angriness.

He looked at her for some time, as if he was studying her face. He traced each line of her, seeking for something that she might be hiding. But eventually, he gave it up. He smiled and sighed. "Don't you think I believe you, do you?" he asked at her, his face showing clearly his disbelief in her. 

Kaoru tried to regain control. She obviously wasn't the type of girl that would lie, and even for something so rubbish. Or better yet, for something that no one would really care to accept with so much good will. She shook her head negatively and a tired sigh slipped from her mouth. "I don't really care if you believe in me or not, the point is, I'm Kaoru Kamiya." 

He stared at her serene face. She didn't seem a spy, or someone untruthful. He could see someone better than that.  'It seems…' he stooped his thoughts abruptly, as he felt the girl's hand onto his shoulder. This time, her face was stern. 

"I have no intent to lie…why would I do that in the first place?" She asked. A smile curving into her lips. "That's not really an attractive thing, don't you agree?" she asked him, her eyes speaking for her as well.

He looked down, and then looked at Nago, realizing the bewilderment that was written in his eyes. 'She has a point…' he sighed, and then gave them a faint smile. He raised his head, and looked into her calm blue eyes. He could see her, not so clearly, but still, he could feel her true feelings, as water falling. "Well then, be welcome Kamiya-san." he greeted her. 

She looked at him and smiled sympathetically and bowed her head in gratitude. "Thank you Katsura-san." 

Katsura simply nodded, and peeked at Nago. "Nago, guide Kamiya-san to her room." 

Nago briefly nodded and looked at Kaoru. "Shall we go?" he asked her, touching her arm vaguely.

Her eyes prevented to wander through the room, and the she turned them to the man in front of her. "Of course..." she merely said. "I'd be vary glad, since I'm extremely tired." 

He gave her a half-smile and stepped out of the room, then Kaoru glanced over Katsura one more time before getting out. "Will you point me to what I must do Katsura-san?" Kaoru asked.

He briefly nodded. "Yes." he began. "I will, be ready to the call, at any time." he told her smoothly. 

Kaoru nodded and gave him a weak smile. "I will… But there is something I need to tell you..." she stooped, looking at his face. She had to communicate it to him. "But I think I will tell you that later." she said while stepping out of the room, her hand still holding the shoji. "I am very tired at the moment, as I've said."

He lowered his eyes, and then glanced back at her. "Take your time Kamiya, no need to rush..." he said while turning back. "You will need all your strength, all you can muster."

At his words Kaoru shuddered lightly, it seemed like venom running through it. She knew what he meant. But still, she didn't want to all that be that way, she was being hurt at the thought that surrounded her mind. She wouldn't go against her, and at the end of it all, she would be broken. But she would keep it, at all costs.

"I will." at these words, she was gone.


Kaoru let out a heavy sigh to flee from her mouth. She looked around her room. It was quite small. But she didn't bother with that. She had other issues running through her troubled mind. How would he react at her, when she tells him what she wants to say? Will he still want her to fight? Kaoru shocked those thoughts from her mind. She just wanted to rest in peace, while she could. But still, now and then, she knew, she wouldn't fight herself. It's her sin, it was her path. She had chosen it a long time a go, and she couldn't go back. She was poisoned, and that is something that has no cure.

She looked at the medium futon lying on the floor. And then looked at her sides. She bent down and dropped her bags. As she rose again, she walked at the window, and then got back to the futon. And there, she laid, mid awake. Her eyelids began to close, and soon she was asleep.


Kenshin entered slowly inside Katsura´s room. The ambiance of the room was heavy as usual. Not only the room, all over the place. All over. They could smell the scent of blood, and they could her the desperate cries of those innocents ones, running for their lives. Running from the madness that had settled in Kyoto, for so long. And try as they might, it seemed to linger more than anyone could have wanted.

Katsura looked back, aware that the assassin had entered. He glanced down, and as he glanceed up again, at that time Kenshin was at his side. The hitokiri was so known for his cold heart. He was a machine destined only to kill, without any feelings left, giving him a lifeless existence. Otherwise, he wouldn't be what he is. He wouldn't be a merciless assassin. But, yet so, he seemed to be changing. 

"Did you call me Katsura-san?" he asked from his spot, always in the shadows. 

Katsura nodded. "Yes, I did." he said, turning back to face a shadowed Kenshin. "The new one is here..." he said slowly. "And it's not what I had expected... The new one is nothing more than a girl." he said, trying to read Kenshin´s surprised face.

Kenshin arched one eyebrow. "A girl?" he asked incredulous. "What would she want here?" he asked, while his frozen voice ran around the room. It was always low, but always dreadful. 

Katsura let out a sigh. "I misunderstood her letter. I thought the new one was a man." he began to say, his face rigid. "And she came, by her own free will to fight here. But don't judge her yet. From what I saw into her eyes, I could see much more than what she appears. She's not ordinary. That is something I'm positive."

Kenshin nodded his head in understand. "And, will you permit her to stay here?"

Katsura didn't answer at first. Then, he nodded slightly. "Yes, I see no reason for not give her the permission to stay." he stopped shortly. "She's a very skilled girl, and I'm sure she will be very useful." he said. 

Kenshin looked at him rationalizing all that information. First, they truly didn't need a woman's help. She is obviously weaker. And lastly, there is enough people dying in that war, such as woman and children. What would they want more killing? She would be useful in somewhere else. "A woman in that war?" he shook his head negatively. "You should send her home, she's safer there. She's weaker, she won't have any use in here."

Katsura took a step closer to Kenshin, his head was low. "That's why you do not know her." he said, raising his face to look intently at Kenshin´s severe eyes. "I fell a battle aura into that girl...But still, I do not feel an assassin aura." he stopped. "That is quite disturbing... But yet, she interests me, she draws me with that essence of her. If I can see that in her eyes, you can see it as well." he stopped, realizing the sudden change in Kenshin´s face. "Then see it, after that, you can say what you want." he said, turning around. "But that does not mean, that you'll have the final word."

Kenshin said nothing. Only stared.

"You will meet her soon, then you'll understand my words, and you will see my reasons." he said, while he gestured to the door. "You may leave now, that's all I wanted to talk."

Kenshin nodded, and got out of the room. 



The soft knock had been heard inside of Kaoru´s room, and lazily, she opened her eyes, gazing at the shoji. She sat slowly; a hand went to her head. She must have been asleep for a long time.

She got up, her hand still resting at her head. "Who is it?" she asked softly, while she got another yukata to cover her more properly.

She heard the male voice in response. "It's me Kamiya-san, Nago." he said calmly from outside.

Kaoru sighed, and kept still. "Come in Nago." she ordered. 

He entered the room slowly, trying not to stare. Still at the door he looked at her cautiously and a smile spread his face. "I´m sorry Kamiya-san, for being so rude, and waking you up." he started, his voice low. "But Katsura-san wishes to see you."

Kaoru nodded, and looked straight at the floor, wondering. "All right Nago." she said, while she was turning around. "Tell him I will be at his room as soon as I finish here." she said, while she bent down, trying to set the mess that was her futon.

He looked at her and nodded. "Very well Kamiya-san, I´ll tell him." he said, walking away.

Kaoru heard Nago closing the shoji door and went to pick one of her kimonos. 'Would that be the meeting?' she thought, knotting her obi. "May be, he said he would be calling me at any time..." she said, putting her sandals.


Kaoru went to Katsura´s room unhurriedly, her mind in a real dilemma.

She knocked the door softly. "Katsura-san? Are you there?" she asked, her hand in front of the shoji, ready to knock again.

Then she heard the shoji door being open. She looked inside and realized that there were four persons. She entered slowly, looking around. She looked at each face shyly, they were staring at her, and she could feel. "Excuse me, Katsura-san." she said, a slight smile in her face. "But, Nago told me that you wanted to see me." she said, glancing at him.

He smiled and nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, I want to see you Kamiya-san. Please take a sit." he told her, showing her a zanbuton.

She nodded and went straight to sit at it. She tried desperately to keep still, but they were still staring at her. She felt incredibly unease, and shifted in her seat. 

The room went silent. Then Katsura sat, along with the others.

He cleared his throat. "I'd like for you to meet Kamiya Kaoru, she is our new comrade." he said, his hands at his sides. Every man kept his eyes upon Kaoru, who was still extraordinarily uncomfortable.

They all bowed their heads to her gradually and respectful. She stared at them, and softly bowed her head. Then, Katsura nodded his head, and asked for three of the men to leave the room. "The only one that is going to stay is Himura."

Kaoru looked at the man beside Katsura. His face was straight. His eyes were deadly amber. He had a deep crimson hair. Then she realized the she was staring at the Hitokiri Battousai. The so-called legend. The man who had dominated the bajjoutsu.

She took a deep breath, and started at the cold eyes. They seemed to read hers. They seemed to vanish inside her. He searched for something, but what would that be?

Kaoru blinked a few times, trying to loose the contact. 'What would that be?'  she thought worried. 

Katsura looked at Kenshin, a tiny smile dancing into his lips. "Very well Himura, what do you say?" Katsura asked, still amazed by his deep stare into the girl's blue eyes.

Kenshin slowly drifted his gaze to Katsura. "I say that she should go home." he said flatly.

Kaoru glanced at him, searching for some emotion in his deep eyes. But, she could see none. Or could she? She groaned. "I´m sorry, but I might say that I´m the one who is charged to decide if I shall stay here or not." she said, disbelieving and angry. The words seemed to escape from her lips, just as usual. She knew she wouldn't change.

Kenshin continued to stare at the angry Kaoru, and he seemed a little mad, but yet, could be that her spirit amazed him? He shook his head lightly. "I still think that she does not belong here. She must go home Katsura-san." he said impassively. 

Kaoru sighed and settled her eyes upon Katsura. He seemed to enjoy, what, she wasn't really certain.

"Katsura-san, I've traveled all the way to Kyoto...And I'm not going back!" she altered her voice, her madness rising. "I'm just as skilled as he is!" she stopped, her mouth wide open. "Oh...I see..." she began, her tone a mere murmur. "He's doing all this because I'm a woman...Isn't it correct?" she hollered spitefully, the sudden recognition running into her mind.

Katsura looked at Kenshin, who still held his gaze into Kaoru´s form, who remained stiffly.

Kenshin took a step forward, and the put a hand into his katana. "You do not understand Kamiya. Then with that said, do as you wish." he said, turning his head slightly to Katsura, silently asking his permission for him to leave the room.

Katsura nodded. "I will talk to you later Himura." he said levelly, pointing his finger in the direction of the shoji.

Kenshin nodded, and passed slowly through Kaoru. He didn't look at her; he simply passed through her without even a glance.

The room was silent for a moment, and then Kaoru took a step forward. "Katsura-san...I won't disappoint you, and I won't disappoint this country."

Katsura looked at her and gave her a faint smile. "Yes." he stopped and sighed. "But tell me Kamiya, what do you want to tell me?" he asked.

Kaoru bit her lower lip and opened her mouth. Then, she just closed it. What would she exactly say? "Well Katsura-san.... I don't know really how to put that..." she said in real shame. "I thought that it would come out easy.... But, I can't see to make it now."

Katsura stared at her and shook his head. "Whatever it is Kamiya, you should say." he stopped and walked to the window. "I do not want secrets around us. Around this place." he said turning to her, his face solemn.

Kaoru agreed in silence. She lowered her head, her hands sweating. "I..." she started. "I don´t believe in killing Katsura-san..." she managed not to choke in these words. But eventually, she hadn't said what she needed to, yet. .

He glanced at her, and then moved his eyes back to the small window. "What does that mean?"

Kaoru let out a deep sigh. She would have to say it eventually. "I've tried to stop myself from killing.... Because I don't believe that this leads to anything but suffering." she said calmly, trying to put out the words in the best way. "Who am I to take a life away?" she said, as if she was asking herself. "I'm very distant of what my father taught me." she said wistful, a vague smile planting in the corner of her mouth. "He taught me that the sword is destined to protect... Not destroy." she stooped, thinking of her next words. "But... He died far away from his principles. And I can't see a way to find what he taught me in my heart anymore. It vanished."

Katsura looked at her surprised. Who would have thought that this girl, after all, had demons inside of her? She seemed extremely determinate in her aim. But still, she was only a girl. Just like the other boy, whom he had managed to destroy the soul. Life is really full of surprises. But who would have predicted? "I see..." he started. "But, do you intent to stop the killing? Now?"

Kaoru swallowed hard. Could she? "No." her lips trembled as she said this word. "I've tried so hard to stop it...But I can't find a way...The more I kill, the more I suffer... And still... I'm so attached to..." she stopped, a lone tear escaping from her blue eyes. "Everything I've been taught...Oh God..." she lamented. "What have I become?" she asked herself, vaguely in misery, her two hands in her head. She seemed for a short time insane. She was going mad.

Katsura looked at her worried, and rushed at her side. He put a hand on her arm, preventing her to fall. "Please Kamiya..." he said, touching her little chin with tender fingers. "You're just a girl…" he said protectively. "Who needs to find a way...Do not give up you essence..." 

Kaoru stood still for some time, his words running though all of her body. She sniffled silently. "You are right." she said, trying to smile. "I shouldn't decline now. I can't. I've made a promise, I won't back up at that." she said slowly. 'I wouldn't... I hope that I'm in the right way to complete... Am I father?' she thought in the middle of her storm. She had to manage it; she needed to know the answer to her actions. Is that the right way? 'But, still, I expect to be the Kaoru I once knew. When this ends, maybe. Will I Father, be able to rescue my soul?'  

He released her after some time and smiled. She was just like him, the Battousai. He had demons inside him. He needed a light; he was becoming a mad man. How much would he fall? And, even if she was fighting against her demons, he knew she still had her essence, it was inside her soul, but in the meantime she would find it. And would as well, help him to find his. They would after all, complete each other. Is that what life is willing to give them? Or does she have other plans? Only time can say.

From the outside, a shadow began to walk. His amber eyes cold into the darkness.


To be continued.


To the Reviewers:

Thank you for your comments. I hope that I'm exceeding your expectations this time. I won't point to each one right now, but in the next chapter I'll make sure to give an answer to each one.

Author's Note 2:

Oh Gosh! What was just that? Okay, I know that this part was very lame! I know, but I don't fell like rushing it or something. I'm quite blocked, as I've said on the top. But, Oh well, I would be very glad to hear some comments about that chapter. What do you say huh?

Now. Are you people following me into this plot? I hope so. Am I being confusing or something? If you have anything, I mean, questions or any of those things, please contact me, and I'll be more than pleased to answer you properly. All right?

Now, I had no time to check the fiction. Sorry for my spelling mistakes one more time.

Thanks for reading.