Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Kamiya Dojo ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: I'm back, and of coarse, I'm bored.

Sakura: Just get on with the story.

Tenshi: You know, I want to ignore you, but I wont, because my readers will get mad, and then I wont be able to write, and that wouldn't make me none the bit happy!


Tenshi: It's the evil squirrels!!!!


Tenshi: Do you have to say that every time?

Sakura: As often as I can! ^^

Tenshi: I'll go check it out. *leaves and comes back* I didn't see anything.

Sakura: Of coarse you didn't, they hide in the trees. You know, behind the leaves.

Tenshi: Just do the disclaimer.

Sakura: Not with that thing chirping in my ear.

Tenshi: Fine then. *shuts window* Happy now?

Sakura: There went my last excuse. All right, Tenshi doesn't own Rurouni Kenshin, just "Masako".

Tenshi: Not the word, mind you, the green-eyed girl.

Sakura: Ok, just type the story.




Ch 2: Kamiya Dojo

A sodden figure, dressed in all blue with a straw hat {A/N: Kind of like the one that Kenshin makes all the time} perched atop its head, wondered down a busy street in Tokyo. Water dripped from the indigo over shirt draped loosely around slender shoulders, falling to the large mud puddles engulfing the street. A fine mist settled over the city, giving a strange mysterious look to the street. Water dribbled from the shops built along it.

No one seemed to notice the stranger, at least, not until a local police officer looked down and saw the deep blue fabric, encompassing the sheath of the sword hung at the figure's left hip.

"Hey, we have strict laws about no one carrying a sword in these times of peace. I'm afraid I will have to confiscate your weapon… sir." The last word he said after a bit of hesitation. He had every reason to. The figure, by this time, had turned around to face the law enforcement officer, green eyes flashing dangerously beneath the straw hat.

"Is that so?" the figure drawled, already bored by the officer's presence. "You might want to rethink what you called me as well… I do not care for disrespectfulness."

"Neither do I. Now, please had over your weapon, ma'am."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then you will be sent to jail."

Already, the young woman beneath the hat had begun to look around her at the crowd of onlookers.

"Jail? Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I do not have the time, nor the patience to be placed in a jail house."

"Well, then, I'm also sorry, but your patience and time will have to sit idly for a few months."

The girl looked at the officer.

"Hmph. Perhaps if you beat me in a duel of swords I will come quietly. But, if we did do that, you would end up beaten, and by a woman no less." Her words came out more harshly, with a biting edge to them. Her personality had shifted, giving way to a more serious, ruthless fighter.

"A duel of swords is it? If it will make you come quietly, then, I accept!"

The police officer brandished his own sword as the crowd around them created a large circle, creating a ring in which the two could fight each other.

"You know, you are either the most brave man that I have ever met to accept a challenge from me-"

"Why, thank you-"

"Or the biggest idiot in all of Japan. No one survives a fight me, no one. And I will make sure that that reputation follows me, for there is someone they say is unbeatable, that I must beat."

"Greedy onna. You just want to show off your skills, don't you?"

"So must you, for excepting a challenge you cannot win." The girl gripped tightly to the hilt of her katana, pulling it out a centimeter or two with a small `click'.

"Best keep your mouth shut before you say something you're going to regret."

"Why should I?" She pulled the katana out half way, the sword gleaming in the little sunlight. "You have already, so I think that there is only one way to even that." With that, she pulled the katana all the way out with a "shing" sound.

"And what did I say that I will regret?"

"What else? You said that you wanted a fight. That, you will regret."

"You are starting to repeat yourself."

"So I honestly look like I care?" She shifted her weight onto her left foot, bringing it out in front of her.

"You should."

"Well, I don't, now, are you going to fight me, or are we to keep our audience waiting any longer?" A few whistles and shouts rose up from the onlookers, signaling that they wanted a fight. "Do you hear them, or are you deaf as well as stupid?"

"How dare you!" The officer, in a blind rage, charged forward, slashing madly at the onna.

The girl just took a few steps back, and before she hit the people behind her, she leapt gracefully over the officer, flipping twice in midair, and landed right behind him, coming down on one knee. Before the police officer had a chance to notice that she was behind him, she whirled around, the arm with her sword outstretched, and connected with his back. The blade had gone in quite deep, but she had not held the sword strong enough to shatter his spine. Though she did this on purpose. As the officer had fallen to his knees, crying out in pain, she smirked.

"If you have any sense, you will take that as a warning. I will give you a choice now," she waved her weapon at the crowd, causing them to part as she'd wished, "you can either run. Or you can stay. If you run, I would not blame. Nor will anyone else," she glared daggers at the crowd from under her hat, "Now, make your decision. Either flee and live to fight again, or stay and die a painful death."

The police officer looked up at her, torn between fright and anger. Unsure of how tarnished his record would be if he ran he didn't budge.

"Is this your decision? You wish for death? I see that you may be both deaf and blind, but you have courage and dignity. I gave you a chance, but you decided not to take it. So I will once again give you the choice. My suggestion to you would be to run this time. You were brave enough to stay the first time, so this time, you shall show how smart you are. If you truly are an idiot, you will stay there. If not, you will run, tell others of my presence, I don't care…. But you should not let your bravery stand in your way of intelligence. Your choice has shown your bravery, now do yourself a favor, and show a bit of intelligence." The girl rose her sword, pointing to the aisle that the people had made for him to run.

Unexpectedly, small parts of the crowd began to clap as she had ended her little "speech". Bit by bit, the rest of the crowd followed suit. The onna held up a hand, and the clapping dispersed.

The police officer looked up into the green eyes of the swords"woman". She nodded towards the aisle. He looked over at it, and slowly raised up. Making his way over to the gap in the crowd, the police officer held fast to his sword.

Seemingly pleased with what she had done, the green-eyed girl tuned around, sheathing her katana. Just as the crowd had begun to thin out so that she could pass, the police officer whipped around and flung himself at the girl, brandishing his weapon. Though, before he could make a clear hit, the girl seemed to have vanished into thin air. Looking around wildly for her, he suddenly fell forward, neck broken into many pieces. Almost as one, the entire crowd looked behind the officer, seeing a very angry looking blue clad figure. She looked up, re-sheathing her katana. Turning to a random onlooker, she whispered something to her.

"K-K- Kamiya Dojo," the girl answered, pointing in the general direction of the figure's next destination.


Tenshi: Wow, never knew police officers could be that low.

Sakura: Yeah you did.

Tenshi: Well, can you blame them? They're only human after all.

Sakura: True. The human race is made up of a bunch of bakas.

Tenshi: Doesn't this feel weird?

Sakura: What's that?

Tenshi: We're dissing our own kind….

Sakura: hmmm… I… guess…. But we are a bunch of idiots though.

Tenshi: True.

Onna: means woman in Japanese

Katana: type of sword (hey, I didn't know what that meant when I first started out!)

Ok, I think that's it! Please review!

Heaven Sent Tenshi