Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ She Arrives ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: Ok, I need help, can anyone explain to me what the heck `Mary-Sue' means? From what I've picked apart, it seems like it's those stories where the girl(s) is/are the heroines of the story and beat the crap out of the guys, but I have this feeling that I'm wrong, so can someone explain that to me?

Sakura: I'm just gonna sit here and watch you plead for help, I find it quite satisfying.

Tenshi: Ok, on with the story!

Sakura: Usual disclaimer applied. There, now I only have to say that!

Tenshi: Until I find something else in here that you have to disclaim.

Sakura: Kuso. -_-



Ch3: She arrives

The blue clad figure re-sheathed a clean blade. Her hat low, she looked over at a girl that had just arrived at the fighting scene to see what was going on in front of her shop. Walking over, the figure whispered something to the young woman. The girl thought for a second then answered in a shaky voice.

"K-K- Kamiya Dojo." She pointed in the general direction of the said destination. The figure turned and looked that way. She murmured a `thank you' and started off in that direction.

Yahiko watched in awe for a few moments before showing signs of life again. Why had the girl just said Kamiya Dojo? Perhaps he should go warn Kenshin? Yeah, that'd be best.

Without warning, Yahiko pushed his way back through the crowd, and ran as fast as he could toward an ally that he knew would serve as a shortcut back to the Dojo.


Upon arriving at the large wooden doors set into the fence, the young woman in blue looked up at them.

"So this is it…? This is the last place on earth that the Hitokiri Battousai will draw breath…?" As she said this, a psychotic smile played about her lips. Quickly, though, it faded as she heard approaching footsteps. She looked around. Whoever it was, they were running. And they weren't heavy enough to be anyone full-grown. A child?

"Hmph…" she turned as she `snorted', opening the large doors, and entering the grounds.

She looked around. No one home… but she knew he was here, she could tell…. Looking around, she could see what one would expect in a dojo, including a home…. Turning back to the gate, she slid a lock into place.

"That should keep that brat from doing anything to interrupt my fight… rather, it will keep out anyone, for that matter…."

She smiled again, pulled the brim of her hat even lower over her face, shadowing all of it, and turned back towards the building. She heard the footsteps approaching the gate, but it wouldn't matter.

Looking up slightly, she noticed one of the doors sliding open. A young woman emerged, dressed in training clothes.


Kaoru slid the door back into place, broom in hand, training clothes still on. She thought she'd just get a bit of sweeping done, then go make dinner for those freeloaders….

She'd just begun to sweep when she looked up, noticing a stranger a few yards from her. They were dressed in similar clothing as to what Kenshin wears, except they had an extra shirt beneath the over-shirt. The top-most shirt was a deep indigo, the undershirt quite a bit lighter than the first. The pants they wore were loose, and not as puffy as Kenshin's, flowing off the hips and flaring a bit at the bottom. They were a white, creamy color. They were wearing single toe socks and sandals that continued up the leg, crisscrossing {A/N: cross between a ballerina's shoe and Sojiro's sandals}. A straw hat, obviously homemade, was pulled low over their face, shadowing all of it. And everything was in the same shape; wet. Kaoru looked at them.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, actually, you could… can you tell me to whom this dojo belongs to?" Kaoru noticed that the voice that had floated from beneath the hat sounded feminine.

"Yes, actually, this is my dojo…" she replied, almost hesitantly, but she was careful not to let it show.

"Good…" The woman in blue smirked. "Now…"


"HEY, KAORU! OPEN THIS DOOR! OPEN IT RIGHT NOW!!!!" Yahiko screamed as he pounded furiously on the doors behind the blue clad woman.

"Jeez, Yahiko, you don't need to make such a ruckus! Maybe I'll just leave it locked."


"Killed a police officer…?" Kaoru muttered, walking over to the gate. Just before she could lay her hand upon the large bolt, the woman had reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"You aren't very smart are you?" she asked, looking at Kaoru.

"What?!" Kaoru asked, taken aback at her visitor's attitude.


"Who are you?!" Kaoru asked, ripping her arm away from the woman's grip, stepping back, and completely ignoring Yahiko's shouts. She gripped the broom tightly, ready to use it as a weapon if need be.

"That does not concern you. I'm here in search of someone."

"Miss Kaoru, what is going on out here?" asked a voice from the doorway that Kaoru had appeared in a few moments before.

"KENSHIN! WE'VE- oh…." Yahiko seemed to have been interrupted mid sentence.

"Yahiko!" Kaoru shouted, trying to get him to respond.

"Your little friend will not be answering you for some time now…" murmured the woman, as her body seemed to have fazed back into place.

"Who are you?" Kenshin asked, walking toward them, pushing Kaoru back behind him in the process.

"That depends. I will not tell someone if they are to live to tell of it. Though, if you are whom I've been searching for, then I will tell you." The woman pulled the straw hat backward, revealing the face to everyone. Her face was thin from days of hungry nights. It was a golden color from many days in the sun. Her eyes flashed a dangerous green. Her hair trailed down over her shoulders, some going into the front, some to the back. Either way, it came to rest just above her waist. It was a deep brown; with golden highlights that only shown in the sunlight.

"And who exactly are you looking for?" Sanosuke appeared in the doorway next, cracking his knuckles.

"The Hitokiri Battousai, Himura Kenshin. Why else would I be here?" She added.

"Then you have succeeded in your quest to find me, that you have," Kenshin replied, a bit of bite to his words and his gaze.

"Good. Then I will tell you my name. Or, rather, what everyone knows me as… You may call me Masako, but don't plan on using it very many times, I'm not here to make friends," Masako answered, glaring at all of them menacingly.

"Oh, and what exactly are you doing here, then?" Sano asked, walking over and stopping beside Kenshin.

Her smirk grew larger, then faded a bit. "To exact the revenge that I would have come for earlier if I hadn't been training."

"What? Why would you want revenge Kenshin?" Kaoru asked, sidestepping from behind Kenshin for better eye contact.

"For what he did to my parents," Masako answered, her words almost failing her.


Tenshi: Alright, I just had to stop it there. Ok, I guess, just review please!

Sakura: See ya.

Heaven Sent Tenshi