Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ katsue's story(title sucks i know) ❯ Shock! the return of the wolves and a sisters misguided words of honor ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was midday at the kamiya dojo and Sanosuke was quiet, unlike him he knew, but the day was not a day of happiness for him. Today was the day the leader of the sekihotai, Souzou Sagara, had be killed by the imperialists. Souzou was dear to him because he had raised him when he was a young boy.

Sano Snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the "fox lady", or megumi takani, come at him with an insult.

"Sanosuke Sagara!"

Sano looked up with an evil grin.

" You baka why don't u get off your butt and help me get ayame and suzume ready to go to the Akabeko!"

After getting knocked up side the head sano agrees and follows megumi inside ignoring the laughs from his friends.

"Sano's no match for miss megumi that he's not."

"Kenshin" Kaoru and Yahiko hit Kenshin on the shoulder.

* * * * * * *

"Miss Tae, could we get our usual beef stew please?" asked Kaoru.

"Certainly" tae responded.

The door the Akabeko opens, and a policeman sit at a table right across from Kenshin.

"Sano…" kenshin whispered and tilted his head to the man.

"He's…he's alive" sano responded quietly.

"Apparently…" Kenshin was then cut off.

"Kenshin what are you two staring at? You know that's rude!"

Kenshin and Sano didn't answer, and they slid their gaze back to the man. Kaoru and Yahiko followed their gaze to a police swordsman.

"Saito!" Yahiko squeaked.

Just then a red headed young girl walked in. Her face Was Exactly like Kenshin's Except the fact that she had blue eyes the color of a full moon and he had violet eyes. The last difference was the scars on her left cheek, the one went completely though the corner of her eye, Kenshin's stopped at the bottom eyelash. She was a bit shorter maybe 5'6 and her hair was a bit longer than his as well. Her out fit was simple for the most part; she wore a light yellow gi and her hakama pants were a pastel red color.

She looked like a normal young woman until kenshin noticed the blue out shirt that went around he gi. It was the traditional Shinsengumi outfit. This meant she used to work for Saito Hajime, and that meant trouble for kenshin, but still he couldn't help but notice the resemblance between the girl and the sister he was separated from by slave trader's years ago.

The girl walked up to Saito, caught his attention, and bowed.

"Saito-sama, forgive me for being gone for so long"

As she bowed kenshin caught 2 swords on her belt.

"Sit down Sukoshi wolf" Saito said calmly

all of the kenshin-gumi were thrown aback by his remark, it was actually a high ranking respectful remark! Kenshin remember the way saito did thing he had a name for each woman who crossed his path (megumi-fox, misao-weasel and Miss Kaoru-raccoon… and now this girl, who looked exactly like kenshin, Saito's worst enemy, was being called a Sukoshi wolf or in normal tounge little wolf, those were the first words of respect saito had ever said.

* * * * * *

The kenshin-gumi walks outside Akabeko after Saito and the "little wolf" leaves but they are greeted with them outside.

"Himura" Saito said with his famous evil grin.

"Saito…" kenshin answered.

"I'd like you to meet a friend of mine"

Sukoshi wolf walks out from behind him.

"You may have met before her name is Katsue Himura," grinned Saito.

Kenshin's eyes widened and the others look at him. He reaches up and traces the scars on her cheek.

"Imouto where did u get your second scar"

The girl silently backed away.

"You should know, you placed it there!" she shot back. Kenshin, shocked, has a flash back.

Saito…as leader of the 3rd group in the Shinsengumi you will die! A young child at the age of 10, with blue eyes and red hair, stands next to saito as he charges in to connect swords with the Battousai. Saito-sama, the child charges in using the same thrust technique. "Get out of my way kid" hollered battousai, slicing the child up the cheek and across the eye.

"That was you?" kenshin stared, shocked once again.

"So you place your sword under the power---" kenshin said with a sigh but was cut off.

" No, a sword belongs to no power what so ever! You should know that better than anyone, however, my swords follow me under my faith in Saitou Hajime-sama and my belief in AKU-SOKU-ZAN!"

With this Katsue walks away, Saitou give an arrogant farewell and follows her to the police station.

I'm sorry sister… but what could have clouded your mind so much I wonder? I hope I can find a way to help you…