Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows ❯ The Bringer of Death: Kikyo ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Prologue: Kikyo the Dragon of Shadows Part 1

"Ahhhh," screamed the villagers from left and right as they watched their comrades being murdered. "For the revolution and for our dreams kill them all," shouted the leader of the warriors killing the villagers." All this for ideals and dreams, h'rm, I never thought this would happen," said a voice in the shadows that was watching what was happening. "Come on Kikyo think about it, people are die everyday in order to change how the world is," said another voice while it was moving out of the shadows.

"But Lee be reasonable, I mean is all this killing really worth it. So what if someone wins, it's not like they know that what they want will happen," Kikyo said as she jumped from her place in the shadows. [Lee begins to laugh]. "Hey what's so funny because I was being serious," Kikyo said glaring at Lee." Oh come here my dear Kikyo," Lee said after he stopped laughing. "H'rm thinks what I said was funny, ha, I'll show him,"Kikyo mumbled as she walked over to Lee.

[Lee seeing that Kikyo was anger at him placed his arms around her waist when she reached him]"Kikyo," Lee said." What, "Kikyo replied. "I know this may seem strange to a dragon like yourself, but this is what I like to call human nature," Lee said. "Yeah," Kikyo said with a look of confusion in her eyes? "In life this is what we do, we fight for a better world and a chance to see our dreams realized by others," Lee said. "So is that why the Imperialists hired us for to help them make a better world, "Kikyo said?" Yeah, that's the reason why they hired us," Lee said.

"Lee, can I ask you something, "Kikyo said as looked into his eyes? "How do they know, "Kikyo said? "Know what, "Lee said? "That this new government or whatever won't betray the ones who fight for them, "Kikyo said. [Lee paused for a moment and began to look into the sky as if the answer was written across it. Then after a long silence, Lee turned his attention back to Kikyo and tightened his grip around her]. "You know, I really don't know so I guess we have to wait and see," Lee said.

"Okay, but Lee I guess we should get started I mean we're not being paid to stay here and talk," Kikyo said." Yeah, I guess we should get started," Lee said. [All was silent and still as the two warriors disappeared in the wind]. "That's right men, kill them all til there are none left," the warriors' leader. "Sir, we have almost destroyed everything except two people," a soldier said as he walked over to his leader. "And why is that," the warriors' leader said.

"Because they have killed half of our men already," The soldier whispered in fright. "What did you say, speak louder you fool," the warriors' leader said. "I said that those two warriors have killed Ahhhhh," the soldier said as he felt an arrow go through his chest. "You know, I can't stand people who talk too much," Kikyo said as she walked over to where she was 10 feet away from the warriors' leader." Do I know you because you look as if I should know you," the warriors' leader said as he turned his attention to the dead body lying next to him. "Only by reputation and not by face," Kikyo said." Well, I know you are not the manslayer because he is a male. So I do not know who you are, but I suggest you leave or I "You will do what for your warriors are dead and you have no one left to fight for you," Kiyo said. [Then slowly sort of like a shadow hiding from the light, Kikyo walked toward the warriors' leader while smile grew upon her face]."You lie you wrench for nobody can kill all of my warriors and come back alive especially a woman. So you so as I command and leave this area before I kill you," the warriors' leader said.

[The warriors' leader, feeling that "this woman" was no threat to him turned is horse around and began to go in the other direction. However before he even got an inch away, Kikyo was right in front of him] "What trickery is this," the warriors' leader said looking at the young woman that was standing in front of him with confusion. "No tricks you pathetic man just skills, "Kikyo said with a smile on her face. "Liar for there is no way you can move that fast," the warriors' leader.

"You know the same thing before they died one by one before me. Makes you think does it not because you have said the same thing and now I'm going to kill you as well," Kikyo said. "What are you talking about wrench," the warriors' leader said. "Well it's simple really for I am a manslayer/bounty hunter and you just happen to be my next target," Kikyo said. "Wait a minute, you are one of those Shinobi warriors that the Imperialists hired, what is your name," the warriors' leader said? "My name is Kikyo and as far as me being one of those Shinobi warriors go you are correct." Kiyo said.

"But if you are working for the Imperialists, then why are you going to kill me? I have been one of their most devoted warriors how dare they command you to kill me," the warriors' leader said. [Kikyo began to laugh at him]. "What's so funny, "The warriors' leader asked? "The fact, that you think that the Imperialists told me to kill you. I mean you said it yourself you are one of the Imperialists most devoted warriors what reason would they have to kill you," Kikyo said?

"So if the Imperialists didn't hire you to kill me, then I would like to know who did? [Silence]. Come on you little traitor of a woman who gave you orders to kill me," the warriors leader said trying to control the anger that was trying to overcome him. "Not that it matters, but why do you want to know who my other bosses are anyway leader," Kikyo asked? "Because you foolish wrench I plan on defeating you as well as torturing you for betraying the Imperialists," the warriors' leader said with a hint of lust in his voice.

"Oh I see how you plan to torture me, however, that will never happen. Besides I already belong to someone and so I can't afford to be defeated by the likes of you," Kikyo said. "Ha you speak quite boldly for a woman such as yourself, but I will be more than happy to put you in your place after this is all over," the warriors leader said with another hint of lust, but more openly this time. "Whatever I'm just ready to get this over with so I can get out of here for my nose seems to become more aware of the scent of this place the longer I stay here," Kikyo said.

"Then let the pain and torture begin, "the warriors leader said while getting off of his horse and drawing his sword, "Yes, let the pain and torture begin, "Kikyo thought to herself as she drew her own sword. "Oh so the little wrench can hold a sword, but can she wield it," the warriors' leader said. "Well I don't know but if those soldiers of yours were still alive you could ask them," Kikyo said with a smirk on her face.

"How dare you say that you stupid wrench I'm going to make you pay for your comments," the warriors' leader said punching Kikyo in her gut and then kicking her in the ribs. "Now that you have gotten a taste of what I can do, I expect you to show more respect for those stronger than you starting now," the warriors' leader said while laughing at Kikyo without any show of pity. "But then on the other hand, I must be careful or I might damage my new toy, the warriors' leader said with a smirk on his face. "Ha, ha, ha, you fool if those pathetic hits dealt to me is the best you can do then this fight will be over a lot faster than I thought," Kikyo said with a smile on her face. "Be quiet wrench for you have no right to say what you did when you are on your hands and knees begging me to show you mercy," the warriors' leader said. "Excuse me since when did you hear me beg "you" for mercy, ha, the air that I breathe is too precious to waste it on begging you for anything, Kikyo said while getting up.

"Shut up," the warriors' leader said thrusting his sword at Kikyo, but only to have it stop by Kikyo's hands. "What kind of trick is this," the warriors' leader asked with anger arising within him? "No tricks just skills and now that you have dealt the first blows I won't feel bad about killing you not that I would have," Kikyo said with a smile. [Next while keeping the leader sword between her hands, Kikyo kicked him in his side causing him to yell upon impact]. "Oh did that hurt, I'm so sorry next time I'll remember to hit you a little softer if you are going to scream like that," Kikyo said. "Why you little Now, now, now you should watch that mouth of yours before I decide to kill you now," Kiyo said." You kill me, ha, that kick of yours didn't even hurt," the warriors' leader said. "You know it's sad," Kikyo said. "What sad woman" the warriors' leader asked? "The fact that you have to lie to yourself in order to hide your own fear," Kikyo said. "Don't be foolish girl for I am not afraid of you," the warriors' leader said. "Whatever you say," Kikyo said while picking up her sword.

"Oh, so I see you are going to try and fight me again with that sword," the warriors' leader said." Of course I am," Kiyo said while taking a fighting stance with her sword positioned beside her head." Very well then, but I must say that you are quite stupid to try and use your sword against me after what happened last time," the warriors' leader said. "Well you may be right, but then I never make the same mistake twice," Kiyo said with a grin. "Then let us begin again shall we," the warriors' leader said? "Yes we shall," Kikyo said. [Then the two warriors began to fight with the warriors' leader being on the offensive and Kikyo being on the defensive]. "You are pretty good, but that doesn't mean a thing if you can't hit me," Kikyo said while blocking a horizontal attack. "Shut up witch," the warriors' leader said as he continued using a combination of both horizontal and vertical attacks. [The warriors continued this with the warriors still attacking her and Kikyo blocking all his attacks].

"This doesn't seem right at all I mean how can she block all my attacks and not look tired at all. Err, I know one thing though if I don't something fast, I am going to lose this battle," the warriors' leader thought to himself. "Oh no, you will lose a lot more than this battle if you lose this fight, Kikyo thought to herself after hearing the warriors' leader thoughts to himself. "I'm getting bored with this I mean we haven't been fighting that long and he looks he's ready to pass out already. I guess that means one thing that it's time to end this fight," Kikyo thought to herself. [Kikyo, using her speed and swordplay skills to her advantage, began to position herself well enough that her opponent couldn't figure out what she planned to do until the last possible moment. Then not noticing what Kikyo planned to do, the warriors' leader prepared himself for a thrust attack that he had planned earlier to use to end the match].

[Then without giving Kikyo a second to make sure her plan would work, the warriors' leader began to do his thrust attack with confidence and determination written across his face]. "Now wrench prepare yourself because the next time you see me, you'll be referring to me as your master," the warriors' leader said. "Oh no, I haven't finishing checking if that stance I was doing, now what am I going to do," Kikyo said?
End of the Prologue: Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows Part 1

So what do you think? Was it good, bad, please tell me because reviews are most appreciated and that's reviews and not flames so don't send me any because I'll just use them to light my fireplace. Please review and I'm if it was too long, sorry, but when I first wrote this it was in a notebook so my friends could read it and review for it first.