Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows ❯ The Bringer of Death:Kikyo Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or its characters, okay, so you can't sue me if you don't like the show. Anyway, here is the next chapter of the Prologue so I hope that you like it.

Prologue: Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows Part 2

Last time…

" Now wrench prepare yourself because the next time you see me, you'll be referring to me as your master," the warriors' leader said. " Oh no, I haven't finish taking that stance now what am I going to do," Kikyo said?

"Ha, ha wrench so how does it feel to be at the receiving end of my blade," the warriors' leader said? " Oh gee, well I don't know… how about you tell me. Kikyo said.

[Using her speed, Kikyo intercepted the warriors' leader blade and maneuver herself so she had her blade only centimeters away from his neck]. " Why you " Oh be quiet for as you can very well see, I'm the one in charge of this battle so think of me as your judge to decide whether you live or die before opening that mouth of yours again," Kikyo said.

" Err," the warriors' leader growled. "Well, I guess that's a little bit better, but I find that growl of yours to be very, uh, what's the word rude," Kikyo said while moving her sword closer to the his neck. [Pause]. " Now that's better so tell me how many people you killed have my employers want you dead enough to pay $10 thousands wulongs," Kikyo said.

"Err, that's is none of your business wrench so why don't you kill me all ready and quit these games your playing," the warriors' leader said. "Oh, what's the matter I thought that you liked games. I mean, you were so anxious to make me one of your slaves for your own personal amusement, but since you pretty much lost this battle I have decided to show you how I find amusement," Kikyo said.

"What, you call this amusement what kind of person are you," the warriors' leader asked? "Better than you," Kikyo said. "Ha, ha don't make me laugh "you" a sorry excuse for a woman because you know that no matter how many times you tell yourself that you're better than us "bloody thirsty warriors" you'll always be one of us," the warriors' leader said.

"That's enough," Kikyo shouted while thrusting her sword upward causing the warriors' leader neck to bleed a little around his neck! "Oh really is that enough because from what I can see the only thing that I have done is made you realized that you are a crazed killer just like me," the warriors' leader said while smiling to himself about how he got under Kikyo's skin.

"Err, you're wrong I am nothing like you at all. You kill people without even thinking about if they might be innocent or not and then blame your actions on your beliefs and loyalty to this new government these officials are trying to create. But I know the truth and it's that some of you don't even care about this new government at all and instead are looking for a reason to draw fresh blood with your blades." Kikyo said while lowering her sword and walking away.

"Oh so now you are some kind of saint or something," the warriors' leader said while grabbing his sword and charging after Kikyo. "No, I am not a saint," Kikyo said while thrusting her sword backwards causing the blade to go through the warriors' leader chest. "Ahhh," shouted the warriors' leader as he felt himself bleed to death.

" I will never be a saint nor will I ever be exactly human either," Kikyo said while drawing her blade out of the warriors' leader chest and then looking at her reflection on her blood-strained sword. "Yeah, I guess that's true…[breathes]…because like I said… [breathes]….you are a crazed killer….[breathes]…just like me," the warriors' leader said while falling to his knees in pain. "I guess, but then there is another thing that makes me different from the likes of you and others," Kikyo said.

"Oh…[breathes]….is that so…[breathes]…for someone who kills for money…[breathes]…like you," the warriors' leader said. " Yes because even though I kill for money I have enough sympathy in me to show mercy to even the likes of you," Kikyo said. " Why…[breathes]…you…. ah," the warriors' leader said before he took his last breath and died.

"Yeah, why you," Kikyo said while putting her sword back in its sheath. " Kikyo, Kikyo where are you," a voice said in the shadows? "I'm over here Lee," Kikyo said. [Then, all was quiet except the wind that blew around Kikyo making her hair move with it]. " Hi Lee," Kikyo whispered to the wind.

[Then just as soft and quick as it appeared the wind stopped only to reveal a young man dressed in the same Shinobi attire as Kikyo]. "So, I see you've gotten the job done," Lee said. "Yes, I did," Kikyo said. "Well then I guess we need to be going now because it seems that the Imperialists have another job for they want us to carry out." Lee said.

"Okay," Kikyo said while grabbing the warriors' leader's sword and running toward Lee. [Lee seeing Kikyo's action sent her a questioning look]. "Well, we can't very well get paid if we have no proof that the job was carried out silly," Kikyo said.

"Yeah I know, but his sword," Lee said.

"Well if you don't like the idea of bringing his sword, we could bring the "him", but that could be sort of messy," Kikyo said. "Hey, I never said that we couldn't bring them his sword, but it's just that we normally don't," Lee said. "Well, these employers want some proof of the job being completed and what better way to show it then with the warriors' leader's sword with his name engraved on the handle.

" I got to say that you are a very smart woman my dear Kikyo," Lee said. "Oh and just now you realized that," Kikyo said while rolling her eyes at Lee. "Hey, don't do that because you know that it gets on my nerves," Lee said. "Fine then, but we better leave before someone finds us here," Kikyo said. Yes, lets go," Lee said.

[With that all said and done, the two warriors disappeared in the wind without leaving ant traces of them being there]. "So the Shinobi warriors do jobs for people who are in line to run the Meiji government. Well truth be told, I'm sure the Imperialists leaders will want to hear about the traitors among them who are planning to use these Shinobi warriors against them it seems, a voice in the trees said before it disappeared into nothingness.

End of the Prologue Part 2

So that's the end of that chappie. So…how was it was good, bad, terrible, excellent, wonderful, horrible, or the worst thing that you ever read please tell me! I need to know I am a young writer who has much to look forward to life so help a sister out!