Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows ❯ The Beginning of the End ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows Part 4


Last time….

"I guess it's time to see what the Imperialists want with you," Lee said. "Yes, I guess you're right, but let us hope that it's nothing too serious," Kikyo said. "Okay," Lee said. [So with their spoken thoughts said the Shinobi warriors opened the door and disappeared into the room together].


"Talk about dark, you would think they could at least open some windows or light some candles," Kikyo said as she made her way across the room. "Yes for they could use some light in here, but then on the other hand we can see in the dark so it doesn't matter," Lee said. "You know, you are quite right which makes me wonder about our hosts," Kikyo said.

[As if on cue, the lights were turned on to reveal a room full of police officers, government officials, and some of the best warriors sitting around different tables]. "Well so I see that you have decided to join us," said Lord Hao as he stood to shake hands with the two warriors.

"Join us, what are you talking about and what's all this," Lee asked as he looked across the room seeing the emotionless expressions of the people sitting at the tables. "Why it's a meeting of course," Lord Hao said walking to the two warriors. "And may I ask what about," Kikyo asked? "Oh of course you can ask because you see it is about you of course," Lord Hao said.

"Really, but I must say that whatever you said about me must be important if you needed others opinions," Kikyo replied with distaste. "Maybe," Lord Hao said gently whether we could see the hidden meaning behind Kikyo's words or not. "Sir, I have the documents that you've wanted," a man walked in the room and said. "Thank you and now you can leave," Lord Hao said as he took the documents from the man. "Yes sir…you …don't know… how much this… means to me," the man said as he ran out of the room closing the door behind him.

"So let's have a look at these shall we," Lord Hao said after he took a sit at one of the tables. "What are those," Kikyo asked? "Why your life histories," Lord Hao said. "You lie for Shinobi rarely come in contact with people outside our clan except during the war and even then you couldn't get information about us unless we told you," Lee said.

"Oh is that so, well then Kikyo: Age 14 years of age, born December on the 23rd as well as the daughter of Zu Long and Dian Long. " Lord Hao said as he read what was on the documents. "So what, you know how old I am, the date of my birth, and my parents' names, and that to me isn't really my life history," Kikyo said grinning. "Well then I guess I should read the rest of the information," Lord Hao said. "I guess so," said Kikyo as she pulled up a chair from a nearby table and sat down.

"Raised in the forest regions of neo Japan, you were trained at the age of four in the art of martial arts and swordplay so you could assume the head of the Element Shinobi tribes. But then at the age of five your parents died and so you assumed the role of leader at that time. However, many warriors were frightened and angered about having a five year old "girl" try to lead them and so they tried to kill you," Lord Hao said as a smile began to creep its way upon his face.

"So," Kikyo said. "So, nothing but I was wondering Kikyo do tell whatever happened to those men who tried to kill you," Lord Hao asked as he approached her. "Hey, if you are trying to blackmail to blackmail Kikyo into doing something for you then I suggest you stop now and quit wasting her time Hao before I have to," Lee said calmly as his hands rested upon the hilt of his sword. "Well, well, well so the mighty Lee has spoken and has made his present known so tell me Lee what would happened if I discussed you now instead of your friend here hmm.

"What are you talking about," Lee asked as his eyes turned into silts. "Hmm, Lee age 16, born in November on the 17th, as well as the son of Hayate and Ayame Wong And not only that, you became the leader of the Wind Shinobi tribe at the age of 12 with your training being martial arts, swordplay, and Tai Chi," Lord Hao said as he waved another set of documents he had in hand.

"Enough, now you tell me what you want with us, do you hear me? I have had it with you telling us about our own lives when it's or no concern to you or anyone else besides us and our respected clan," Kikyo said angrily as she smashed the table she was sitting at with her fist.

"Kikyo, sit down," Lee said quietly beneath well hidden eyes behind his hair. "But Lee, he "Kikyo, please," Lee said pleadily. (Sighs). "All right," Kikyo as she sat down and crossed her arms. "Now, I'm with Kikyo on this whole telling us our business and like her my patience is growing thinner as well, so don't think that I am trying to help you out," Lee said as he turned to look at Lord Hao at the corners of his eyes. "That's to be understandable for I have been getting carried way and for that I am sorry," Lord Hao said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah you're forgiven and all that other good stuff, but would you please tell us what you people want," Kikyo said. "As you wish, you see it has been discovered that some of the people who work for us were sneaking information to the enemies during the Revolution. " Lord Hao said as he walked over to a nearby window.

"And now you wish for us to get rid of them, am I correct," Kikyo asked? "Yes you are," Lord Hao replied back.

"But the war is over do these people shouldn't matter to you anymore," Lee said as he leaned back and crossed his arms. "Yes they shouldn't, however, I cannot overlook the fact that they betrayed us when I placed so much faith in them," Lord Hao said as his temperature began to rise.

"Okay then, so, who are they," Kikyo asked. "People who I think you know," Lord Hao said as he took some pictures out of his coat and slid them across the table, " And of course I think you'll find them to be quite interesting," Lord Hao said as began to smile again. (Kikyo, catching the pictures with her fingers, waited until Lee was beside her before she looked at them. Then when Lee was sitting beside her, Kikyo filled over the pictures over only to grasp at what they saw).

"You can't be serious we can't kill them," Lee said as he turned his attention from the pictures to look at Lord Hao. "Ah, but you can and without fail," Lord Hao said laughing. "No we can't kill them, they are our friends," Kikyo said dropping the pictures and sliding back across the table. "Yes friends to you, but traitors to our organization and to our plan," Lord Hao.

"Plan, what plan would that be," replied Kikyo said she began to rise from her sit at the table. "Nothing that concerns the two of you I can assure you," Lord Hao said calmly as he turned his attention back to the warriors. "Oh really and the sky is going to fall and kill everyone tomorrow, you liar, I know this whole thing has to do with us and them. And by the looks of things, I figure our friends must know something pretty good if you want them died even though the Revolution is said and done with otherwise why waste your time," Kikyo said with a demon-like smirk at the thought of getting Lord Hao for trying to get them committed such a heinous crime.

"Hmm, you seem to have caught on rather quickly; however, it is time to make a choice and to decide if you and Lee are going to prove your loyalty to this organization by killing your friends," Lord Hao said while making his way back to his sit.

"Well then I decline and I won't kill my friends for you and anyone else," Kikyo said while turning her back to Lord Hao and walking towards the door. "And do you feel the same or do you choose not to side with your wife," Lord Hao asked taking a sit. "You know, I would think you would all ready know the answer to that question, but I guess not," Lee said as he got up and walked towards the door as well.

"Guards," Lord Hao yelled. (The warriors and officers stood up from their places in the room and managed to block the exit. "What is the meaning of this treachery," Kikyo asked while turning to glare at Lord Hao. "It's simple really, you and Lee have decided against our little request which of course added to your other indiscretions of treason automatically makes you a traitor and quite frankly we cannot afford to have you two leave here and tell your friends what's in store for them. So…Guards kill them," Lord Hao yelled.

End of Part 4