Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows ❯ The Lost of One's Life ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Well y'all know the deal I don't own anyone except for my OC.


Kikyo, the Dragon of Shadows Part 5


Last time…


"Guards," Lord Hao yelled. {The warriors and officers stood up from their seats and managed to block the exit}. "What is the meaning of this," Kikyo asked? "It's simple really you and Lee have decided to not do our little request. And since you know as much as you do I or we cannot afford to have you leave here and tell your friends what's in store for them and so guards kill them," Lord Hao yelled.

"Well what do you know there are two of us and 200 of you," Kikyo said while taking a fighting stance. "Yes and if you ask me, I like those odds," Lee said while taking a fighting stance of his own. "So 100 for me and 100 for you," Kikyo said as an evil smirk began to creep its way upon her face. "Hey doesn't matter to me and if you want we could do 40 and 160," Lee said smiling. "All right then let us make this more interesting," Kikyo said after charging into one of her attackers sending him to the ground.

"Oh, well…what do you have in mind," Lee says as he dodges attacks from his opponents. "First one to reach Lord Hao and get rid of their 100 wins," Kikyo says. "Hmm, fine with me," Lee said confidently. {The two warriors began their game with their speed and attacks growing stronger as their desire to win raged like a fire}. "Ha this is way too easy," Kikyo says as she kicks her opponent's sword out of his hand and catches it with her own. "Yeah, kinda makes you wonder where they got them from," Lee said as he knocked two of his attackers heads together after taking their swords.

"Ha, my guess is some training school that "really" needed some help," Kikyo said. "Hm, maybe so, but that still doesn't explain why they're this pathetic," Lee said while using the force of his sword to knock five of his opponents back. "Hey, Lord Hao what happened," Kikyo asked as she also used the force of her sword to knock five of her opponents back.

"What are you talking about these warriors are some of the best that the Revolution had," Lord Hao said. {Lee and Kikyo started to laugh}. "What are you laughing about," Lord Hao demanded to know. "Oh, nothing it's just that if some of these are your best warriors then, where are the rest of them, I mean where are they at home or something cause most of these warriors aren't doing to good," Kikyo said smiling.

"Er, how dare you insult these fine warriors when they deserve your respect," Lord Hao said. "Respect, ha, respect is earned and not demanded and most of these men of your need more training," Kikyo said as she rushed through her opponents while slashing at them from left to right. "Er, guards, pull yourself together and start living up to your reputations," Lord Hao commanded.

"Ah, no offense for we think it's nice for a guy to cheer his warriors on, but it's too late for that now you see," Less said. "What," Lord Hao questioned loudly? "Just look around you, and you'll see what he means," Kikyo said while twirling her new sword around. {Then seeing that he had no other options, Lord Hao looked around to see that his precious warriors lay dead across the floor of the room}.

"Hey Lee, you haven't forgotten about the other part of our game have you," Kikyo asked. "Ha of course not and since we haven't anything else to do we can go on and get it over with," Lee said as he rushed over to Lord Hao. "No stay back I'm…I'm warning," Lord Hao said as he tumbled backwards. "Stay back, hmm, no sorry but when you made us that offer to kill our friends knowing that they were you pretty much sealed your our fate," Kikyo said as she also rushed over to Lord Hao.

"You see Lord Hao, I told you they wouldn't do it that I did," said a voice in the shadows. "Ah, you're here now so help me you fool," Lord Hao said. "I will, but I need to take care of something first that I do," said the voice. "Yeah well then take care of it so you can protect me from them," Lord Hao said. {Then all was deadly silent and still without any breathes being heard. Then suddenly..} "What the…let me go," Kikyo shouted between struggles. "Now I think that it would be in your best interest now to stop struggling that I do," the male figure said as he tightened his grip on her.

"Let her go now," Lee shouted as he turned his attention to the man. "No, but instead I want you to drop your sword that I do," the man said. "Lee don't you dare drop that sword you hear me," Kikyo said as she continued to struggle. "But Kikyo, he might kill you, and I can't lose you like this, "Lee said lowering his head.

"Lee, do you love me," Kikyo asked him. "Of course, I do you know what," Lee said pleadily. "Then if you truly love me which you say you do, you will take that sword and kill his butt right now," Kikyo said. "But Kikyo, I … Don't you but Kikyo me, we have been in situations like this before and you know what you have to do so just do it all read and kill this guy," Kikyo shouted.

"Look Lee, I trust you and I believe that you won't hurt me okay so please, please kill him," Kikyo yelled. "All right then…I'll do it," Lee said as his hair hovered over his eye and he charged at Kikyo and her captor. "You should stop your attack that you should," the man said. "Oh shut up, we know you're only saying that because he is going to kill you to save me," Kikyo said smirking. "No, it's because he may be able to protect you but can he protect them," the man said. {Then hearing the man's word, Lee stopped his assault}. "You wouldn't dare hurt them," Lee said surprised that the man said such a thing. "I would if I think that it would stop you in your attacks but I see that I didn't have to do that far that I did," the man said smirking.

"Lee, what's he talking about who's them," Kikyo asked Lee confused. "I'm sorry Kikyo, but I can't do it I can't risk hurting them too," Lee said as he placed his sword on the ground. "Lee, what are you doing and whose them," Kikyo cried repeatedly. "I'm so sorry my love; I didn't tell you when I know I should have but I didn't Lee said as he finally placed the hilt of his sword on the ground.

"You should listen to your wife instead of others that you should," the man said. "Why do you say that," Lee said. {Tossing Kikyo to the side, the man charged at Lee and stabbed him in the chest}. "Because you never know what they might do what you have done what they asked that you don't," the mean said pulling the sword out of Lee's chest and walking over to Lord Hao. "Lee no don't you dare die on me now," Kikyo said in between tears as she ran over to Lee and caught Lee before he fell. "Hey…you're…you're okay," Lee said breathlessly. "But you're not …Oh God, please let me be able to heal cause if I can't he won't make it," Kikyo cried on. "No, cause…you aren't …supposed…to…ah….do that," Lee said as his breathing began to decrease. "Lee could you for once not be yourself and be selfish instead and let me heal because you know this isn't fair, it's just not fair," Kikyo said as she cradled Lee's head in her arms.

"You know…it may…seem…like…this isn't….fair…but it is…cause…everyone…gets…to live once…and…die once…except…for you…that is," Lee said. "But Lee, how I'm I supposed to live an eternity in this world without you with me," Kikyo asked quietly. Kikyo just promise…me," Lee whispered. "What of course I'll promise to you anything," Kikyo said in another whisper. "You…have…to…promise… that…when…I'm gone…you let…your anger… consume you…okay…so that you…can…love them…like I…know you can," Lee said as he moved his hand to Kikyo's stomach to indicate his meaning.

"All right I promise," Kikyo whispered as she took Lee's hand from her stomach and kissed it. "Ha, I….always…knew…that…I could…count ….on…you," Lee whispered out as his hand fell to the ground and he took his last breath and fell into the darkness. "Lee, Lee, NOOOOOOO," Kikyo cried loudly, "Don't leave me alone like this!"