Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ Looking For You... ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Epilogue - Looking For You...

"Mama! Mama! Look!" A small kid ran pass the park to get to where he wanted.

"Keita! Be careful!" The young mother shouted as she smiled looking at her beautiful lively child ran pass the playground. She walked briskly as she placed one of her hand at the back as she placed the other on her rounded tummy. She was expecting another one soon.

"Keita! Don't run so far away from mama." The mother shouted again as she glanced at the side of the playground to find a stranger sitting on the swing. A far distance look was plastered on his face.

A quarreled with your loved one?

The mother mused thoughtfully as her legs continue to move. As if the stranger heard her, those red bangs that shade his beautiful eyes away from people moved and his violet orbs looked up at her. The steps fluttered away as she stood her ground to stare at the young man, who some how had a sorrowful look in his eyes. What? She couldn't piece up.

"Mama! Mama! Let's go already! What's taking you so long!" Little Keita's voice rang sharply as he ran towards his mother and pulled at her dress.

"Mama!" Keita continued whining. The young mother took hold of Keita's small hand and turned back towards the redheaded stranger. She gave him a small smile and a light bow. Kenshin acknowledged as he gave a small nod of his head.

"Come on Keita. What's that you want to show mama?" The mother beamed at her son as he started describing a big monster he saw behind the bush. His mother just laugh heartily. She took another glance back and saw the stranger still at his same place looking at the sand below his feet.

May the gods blessed upon you.

She said a slight prayer for him as she walked away with her son in tow.


"Kaoru-chan! It's time for you to get a boyfriend." Keiko commented as she keyed her cell phone's keypad. Kaoru re-tied her ponytail as she nodded her head meekly and rebut under her breath.

"It's not like there's two Rui-kun in this world." Keiko snapped her hand phone close as she glared at Kaoru's back.

"What did you say?" Kaoru gulped as she turned to Anko.

"Ne! Wanna go and have a bite at Akabeko?" Kaoru asked excitedly. Anko shook her head as she smiled ruefully.

"I need to go home, my mother cooked." Anko explanined. Kaoru pouted as she whined at how good Anko's mother was in cookery unlike herself who might just burn down the whole kitchen because of her cooking skills.

Her group of friends strolled to the park as they gossiped on the latest popular guy in their school. Kaoru's laughter rang as she jumped at her ground on listening to what happen to one of her friends. She was happy. Together with them. Her die hard gang, Shinguji Anko, Kagara Yukiyo, Fuyuyuki Keiko, Matsuko Sumika and Suzuki Mika. Her best friends who stayed by her side always. Kaoru took a deep breath and jogged in front of them while shouting out...

"Yukiyo likes Akira-kun, Anko likes Hisashi-kun, Keiko likes Rui-kun, Sumika likes Kimura-kun, Mika likes Takizawa-kun!!" Kaoru finished it in the breath and immediately ran for her life. It was a daily routine for her. Shouts and yells for her to stop so they could get their hands on Kaoru's neck and wriggle them.

Kaoru hastened her footsteps and dashed to the playground clearance. Her secret place. She looked behind her to find Yukiyo running before the others. As usual, the fastest runner. Unfortunately, she hit something hard and toppled on top of it.

"Itai~!" Kaoru whined as she placed her hand on something... more like someone.

Navy blue clashed with soft lavender.


The jingles of the polyphonic ringtone sounded and broke the silence of the humid afternoon in the park. Kenshin gave a sigh before he reached to his pocket for the phone.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Kenshin! Buddy! How's life?"

"Haven't been better!" Kenshin feigned.


"Like hell. Why did you call me Sano? You wouldn't bother to if you have no plans." Kenshin stood from the swing as the metal gave a creaking sound that made it through the phone.

"Okay! Don't tell me you are at the playground again." Sanosuke shouted from the other end. Kenshin just kept quiet and looked up to the sky as he walked.

"Come on! You got to stop thinking of Elune. She's not coming back again. At least, she's happy in England. You need a girl! Definitely. I'm positive." Sanosuke cheered on as Kenshin heaved an audible sigh. He needed nobody but Kaoru. But where was she? A picture of Kaoru smiling down at him flashed through his mind. He would do anything to see her smile again.

"Hey! Tell ya what buddy. We are conducting a prom reunion and we all want you to come. Megumi, Misao, Aoshi all of us. You hear me! I ain't taking no for an answer though. And it's the rule of the prom that you bring an escort with you. It will be next Sunday though. So get your ass off the swing and go get a babe." Sanosuke encouraged. His way of consoling his best buddy. Kenshin smiled knowing what his friend was doing.

"I'll take it to consideration Sano." Kenshin told him monotonously.

"Hey. You going out too much with Aoshi. He's influencing you too much." Sanosuke commented on his friend.

"That wouldn't be good if you let Misao-san hear that."

"Nah. That weasel would never do any thing to me. Too short if you know what I mean." Sanosuke blabbered on but Kenshin never heard or registered anything as his sensitive ear caught a familiar twinkling laughter.

"Buddy?" Kenshin still didn't respond, the laughter was getting nearer. There was no mistake. It was her! He swirled around to find a giggling young teenager knocking straight into him. Instinctively, his hand wound around her waist as he took the impact of the fall. His cell phone dropped onto the hard ground. Although it was still in one piece, due to the impact it shut off automatically.

"Itai~!" The teenager whined as she placed her slender fingers on his chest and pushed herself up. Her eyes were still the same.

Navy blue.

"Kenshin..." Kaoru whispered very softly, even Kenshin wasn't sure what she just said. Just then a stab of pain hit Kaoru's head. Her face cringed painfully as she clutched her head and toppled onto Kenshin's body again.

"Kaoru!" Kenshin sat up instantly and cradled her body in his lap. Her friends just stood there in stupor, not knowing who the man was but he knew Kaoru's name and was holding her as if he was her beloved.

Soon the pain ceased as she shook her head another time to get rid off those excruciating memories of something or someone. It was then she found a pair of warm arms around her tiny waist. She blushed.

"Who are you?" Kaoru looked up at the amethyst eyes of the stranger. She had to admit, they seemed familiar. But from where?

Kenshin was shocked that Kaoru didn't recognize him. This wasn't the Elune or Kaoru he knew. This girl in front of him was the reincarnation of his Kaoru. Although she didn't remember anything about her past...

Kenshin shook his head mentally.

No... it was better for her not to know such pain. He could see that this Kaoru was a happy one. And he will soon teach her how to love. He will make her fall in love with him again. And this time, he won't let go.

Kaoru suddenly saw determination flashed through those beautiful eyes of his. Her sight changed to the cross scar on his left cheek. She fought down an urge to reach out and caressed it straight at that moment. A feeling of warmth and regret floated from her heart. There has to be a story behind the scar, Kaoru thought seriously as her gaze return back to the stranger's eyes. He smiled.

"Are the both of you quite done staring at each other?" A boring voice sounded from the back of Kaoru. She immediately snapped out from stupor and jumped out of the embrace and flushed to a deeper crimson.

"Keiko!" Kaoru yelled and instantly her five friends started giving her dirty looks and grinned at her. Yukiyo and Mika pulled Kaoru to their small group and started bombarding her questions.

Her peaceful days are over... definitely.

"Who is he?" Mika asked first.

"Where did you find that sexy hunk?" Anko queried next.

"Why didn't you tell us you had found a guy?" Yukiyo questioned seriously.

"Kaoru! You've done a greater job than I thought you would have!" Keiko commented as usual.

"No wonder you had no interest in the other boys! You already have one! Not to mention he's a drop dead gorgeous hunk." Sumika as excited as always.

Friends... can't live with them, can't live without them.

Kaoru ignored their questions and turned behind to find the man she had knocked down was gone. She swirled from side to side, but could no longer see any trace of red. Her mood slip downhill.

She didn't even ask for his name, she had not even apologized yet. Would she ever see him again?

She masked her emotions flawlessly and smiled at her friends.

"Let's go minna! Or I'm gonna tell your secrets to thee whole world!" Kaoru threatened and laughed at her friends when she saw color literally drained from their face.

Little did she know, amongst the dark shadows behind the trees, a pair of violet and amber swirling eyes was watching her every move from now on. He was the prey the other time, this time he was going to be the predator.

He licked his dry lips and smiled to himself as he called his buddy. Immediately, the rough baritone voice rang and shouted at him. But Kenshin silenced him with a sentence that he didn't expect.

"I'm going to the reunion, and I'm bringing her along." With that he hung up the phone.

A new beginning was what she always needed. And he was going to make sure that she deserved every happy moment they are going to stay together, he's not going to let her suffer again this life. Kaoru was definitely going to learn how to love and her target to that is him and only him.

He was looking for her since that day, and god has answered his prayers by her appearance.

He wasn't ever going to let her go.

He had waited too long to say those words he wanted to tell Elune... Kaoru... and they were...

I love you...



Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… kon'nichiwa… how do you find this chappie ^_^ hope you enjoy it ne… YES!! I have finally finish Kimi wo Sagashiteta!! *hides behind computer* don't throw the tomatoes and lettuce first!! Erm... this might be quite unexpected as Kaoru was reincarnated and she doesn't have Elune's memory. Remember the previous chap where Kaoru shed a tear. It merged with Kenshin's to create 'hope'. The hope I illusted here was to give Kaoru a new chance of a happy life and to meet Kenshin again. *thinks* you do get what i mean do ya... as in a new beginning. And this time a gave them a change of roles! Kenshin's the predator instead of Kaoru and Kaoru's the prey instead of Kenshin >_< i hope you get my idea and liked it. There might be a sequel... i dunno... still thinking about it. I have lots to finish and start... haha~ too many ideas for tons story... but i'll keep writing for me and you guys who supported me! ^__^ ARIGATOU MINNA!!!!


I would be covering this story with either 'Battle for Love' or 'When will it be my turn to love' maybe you guys can help me decide ^^ hehe~

Thank you!! And have a nice day ne~!! ENJOY!!