Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ Craving for Blood ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 1: Craving For Blood

"In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into the depths of hell and eternal damnation, Amen." With that the katana was drove in further to the heart of the creature. Or widely named as... Vampires. The vampire then vanished into dust.

The red haired man flicked his blade as he sheathed it back expertly. A man came running to him.

"Great job Himura... Get back to the building. Katsura's waiting." Kenshin nodded his head and head for the building that was not far away.

Kenshin abruptly stopped and turned around... he was sure he sense something behind that corner.

"Himura! Come on!"

"Hai..." Kenshin waved that comment in the back of the head as he ran after Takasugi.

In the dark.... a pair of icy blue eyes was watching the every moves of Kenshin... the Vampire Slayer.


"Kaoru sama, the clan is waiting for you." The ravened hair lady banged her fist on the table, which broke into two.

"Tyrande! How many times must I tell you to stop calling me by that name?"

"I'm sorry Ka... Elune sama. I didn't mean to upset you." Kaoru waved the comment away. She walked up to Tyrande, the lady who looked after her since her first day of darkness.

"Tyrande... I'm sorry.... Just try to refrain from calling me that... especially when we are together with the clan. I can't really blame you that you keep calling my former name... since I changed it after you introduced me to the clan." Tyrande smiled. She knew that her master was a kind soul... a kind soul that have been damned to the darkness. It was no wonder how Kaoru took the sudden control of everything in this clan. Their former leader was a bastard. Kaoru took no more than 2 minutes to get rid of him.

"Kao... Elune sama... I understand... they are waiting for your presence." Kaoru gave her a nod and walked out of the room with great elegance. Tyrande followed after her.

When they got outside of the balcony. The group of vampires roared in unison. Kaoru stood up and silenced the group.

"Silence! What news do you bring Dryden?" Kaoru asked as she looked at the old man.

"Elune sama... Muradin and his group have fallen to the slayer again. If this goes on... our clan would..."

"Enough! Who gave Muradin and his gang to do as they like?!" Kaoru questioned the clan. Whispers came as it got louder.

"WHO!?" Kaoru's anger rising each second.

"Elune sama! Muradin has come back! He has obtained many fatal injuries from the slayer." Kaoru's eyes darkens as she jumped off from the balcony. Landing gracefully on the floor. She walked up to Muradin and glared at him.

"Elune sama..." Muradin stammered. He knew what was the consequences for leaving for on purposes without consent.

"Muradin. What do you have to say for yourself." Kaoru crouched down to meet his eye level. Muradin looked away. Kaoru's fingernails dug into the skins of his chin as she forced him to look at her.

"Elune sama... all we wanted to do was to find revenge for our fellow mates. The vampire slayer has gone to far! We seek your permission but every time you said it was too early to make a move! We could wait the longer! Elune sama!" Kaoru crushed the bones of his chin. As she stood up.

"Muradin! Are you saying that I do not know what is good for the clan! Are you questioning me of my moves and plans for the clan?"

"I... I do not dare Elune sama..." Muradin quickly said as he held on to his chin. Kaoru walked away... she knew what Muradin was planning. As if on cue Muradin ran up to her. His fingernails protruded out aiming for Kaoru's neck.

"ELUNE SAMA!!" Tyrande shouted out as she saw what was coming.

"Muradin! Even if you practice over a thousand years! Your skill will always be so dirty!" Kaoru said as she dodged the coming in attack as she grasp Muradin's neck and held him up.

"Elune... sama...."

"Pleading already Muradin? With the crimes that you have cost the clan! I hereby announced... EXECUTION!"

The rest of the clan shouted in unity the word. 'Execution'. Muradin struggled with the grasp of Kaoru.

"Say goodbye to the world... Muradin." With that she dislocated his head from his neck. Not long after, he became dusts that float in the air. Kaoru walked up to a near distance to the balcony as she jumped up with ease.

"Elune... sama...." Tyrande looked up at her with concern.

"I'm fine." Kaoru whispered.

"Elune sama! Muradin's right! This case of the slayer has taken too long!" One of them cried out. Kaoru nodded her head.

"I understand your concern! Tonight! We will planned for the destruction of the slayer!" Kaoru said as the clan under her. Shouted out her name in satisfaction.

"Elune sama! Eluna sama! Elune sama!" It went on even after she disappeared behind the door. Kaoru wore her mantle and got ready to get out for her nightly quench of thrist. She was craving for it... after tonight's event.

"Kao.. I mean... Elune sama... are you going out? It's too dangerous... let me accompany you?" Kaoru shook her head and headed for the main door.

"I need to go out and checked the streets for information..." Kaoru said as she faded away into the shadows.


Kaoru brought a young man to a corner as her mantle dropped onto the floor.

"What a beauty... to be out in the streets at night." The man said as he pushed her to the wall. Kaoru stroked the young man's silky hair.

"You want to eat me don't you?" Kaoru asked playfully as she twirled the man's hair. The man licked her neck and trailed kisses down to her ear. Kaoru purred. She licked his neck. It caught the man's attention as he cupped her buttocks. Kaoru tilted his head as she moaned.

Kaoru opened her mouth. Two sharp fangs showed. She plunged into the skin of the man. Sucking the blood out of the vein. The man groaned at the pleasure. Still not knowing that he was dying soon. Kaoru sucked it slowly... letting the heart pump every single drop of blood to her. The man was soon limp in her embrace. She was done with him. She licked the part where she punctured the hole. The opening closed together. She wiped the corner of her mouth. She took her mantle.

'Humans are still as dumb as before...' She thought before she jumped up to the building strolling into the night. Humans can never stop being attracted to vampires... vampires have a strange aura that will attract humans to them. This never failed Kaoru once... she was beautiful after all... in addition with this aura... she was mouth watering... not to mention... irresistible...

Sucking the blood of the victim makes her understand what's going on in his mind and know every single details of the victim. And this victim proves worthy... he was the friend of the slayer... and she had the perfect plan weaving in her cunning mind.

The destruction of the slayer would be a successful one... definitely....

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Author's Notes:

Hiz… this is my seventh ficcy… so how was it?? Do r&r pls thank you.

I'm not sure about continuing this ficcy if I am not confident that people will like it…

Please tell me how you think about this ficcy and do you think I should continue or leave this alone…

If you think that I should continue… suggestions are welcomed

This fanfic might be taking over Battle for Love for the time being... I am sorry... but I still quite shaky with the idea of Battle For Love...

Thank You Very Much