Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ Starting of Hartred ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 2: Starting of Hatred

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Previous: --

'Humans are still as dumb as before...' She thought before she jumped up to the building strolling into the night. Humans can never stop being attracted to vampires... vampires have a strange aura that will attract humans to them. This never failed Kaoru once... she was beautiful after all... in addition with this aura... she was mouth watering... not to mention... irresistible...

Sucking the blood of the victim makes her understand what's going on in his mind and know every single details of the victim. And this victim proves worthy... he was the friend of the slayer... and she had the perfect plan weaving in her cunning mind.

The destruction of the slayer would be a successful one... definitely....

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"Elune sama! I will not approve you to do that! It would be too dangerous!" Tyrande interrupted Kaoru's sentence. Kaoru gave a sigh and stood up.

"Tyrande... this is for the good of the clan... I know what I am doing. No need to worry." Kaoru reassured.

"At least let Illidan accompany you." Dryden persuaded Kaoru, in fear of her losing her life.

"My decision has been made! No need of arguments! After tonight, unless I am around, Tyrande and Dryden would be in charge of all movements!"

"Elune sama!" Tyrande and Dryden cried in unison. Kaoru held her hand up silencing them.

"Enough! I would try to come back as often as I can! Dismissed!" Kaoru announced as she turned away heading towards the door.

"I hope she knows what she's doing... even if it is for the good of the clan..."

"We should believe in Elune sama... she is after all... our leader..." Tyrande corrected Dryden's doubt.


Kens hin went to school like every normal kid in Japan. The only thing different was his forever-expressionless face. Only the small kids in the neighborhood dared to go near him. Kenshin ruffled his hair as he sighed.

"This job was taking its toll on his small body. Damn was he tired. Morning - school, night - slaying vampires. He only had about 2 to 3 hours of sleep. Although he got used to it... how he wished he could be like the normal.

"Hey! Himura!" Came a bouncy voice behind. Kenshin immediately knew who it was. He easily dodged the kick from behind.

"Himura! You are not supposed to dodged it!" Misao grumbled.

"What was he supposed to do? Get kick? Baka Itachi musume!" Sanosuke came up with his usual stick of grass in his mouth.

"WHAT? You baka tori atama!" The usual bickering continued. Kenshin didn't even greet them as he just walked away.

"Wait up!" Just as Kenshin turn behind. He spotted the newspaper. A picture caught his eye.

"Aoshi! Pass me the news." Kenshin said as he extended his hand. Kenshin scanned through the content.

"Ack! I can't believe this is happening again! A mysterious killer, not to mention hentaish."

"Wait! Isn't that... Himura! Isn't that your elementary school friend? What's his name again? Shogo!" Kenshin gave a small nod. Although they were rivals at time... Shogo... had always been his worthy friend. Once again... the vampires have taken something away from him.

'A bloodless corpse, encoded with a cross shape scar on the left cheek.' Kenshin gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

'Damned vampires....' Kenshin thought again.

"Hey bud! You okay? I heard from some of the students that a real babe's coming ya know! Can't wait to take a look at her!" Sanosuke continued his babbling as they settle in class.

Soon the teacher came in. All the students lowered their volumes, waiting for the class leader's cue.

"Stand! Bow! Sit!"

"Good morning class. We have a new student this week. Come on in." Kaoru stepped into the class. Instantly, the whole class arouse with small whisperings. Kaoru acted shyly as she bowed in front of the class.

"Ohayou Gozaimasu.... Watashi wa.. Elune Aszune desu... Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" Kaoru chirped brightly.

"Elune here came from England. She can speak fluent Japanese. I want all of you to take care of her. You can take your sit next to..." By then many of the boys... heck even Aoshi raised his hands to show that there was a space beside them. Kaoru smiled inwardly.

'My plans working... I wonder where's the... Ah!"

"You can sit beside Himura kun. I believe he can even show you around the school." Some of the boys whined literally and the others ordered a protest. Kaoru flashed them a smile and walked towards where the teacher gestured.

"Yoroshiku ne." Kaoru said gently. Kenshin acknowledged it with a nod as she sat herself comfortably beside him. Kenshin listened to the teacher and took a glimpse or two for a few seconds. Kenshin sensed nothing wrong with her.

'If I keep up like this... this dumb ass won't know that... I would want him in my collection.' Kaoru thought as she scribbled notes in her textbook.

"Remember to do your homework! I want it by tomorrow." Kaoru stretched her body. History was a boring subject... after all... she knew what happened. Heck... how old was she?


"Hi! I'm Makimachi Misao! Nice to meet you." The rest introduced themselves as Kaoru greeted them back politely.

"Elune... your English must be powerful ne! Mind to teach me?" Misao chirped as she pulled Kaoru to the cafeteria. Kaoru smiled.

"Anytime...." Kaoru was a little... really little fascinated about the people she had encountered.

"Elune! Do you do sports?" Misao excitedly asked her newfound friend. Kaoru merely nod.

"Kendo, Kenpo and Ninjitsu." Kaoru smiled. Misao's and the other's jaw dropped.

"You don't look like you are up to it though... jou chan... you sure?" Sanosuke asked doubting her ability. Kaoru's usual temper showed eyes turning bloody red, dropping her barrier for her different aura. Kenshin's eye jerked opened and straightened his back.

"Don't underestimate me... Sagara..." Kaoru emitted a dangerous aura that made Sanosuke shuddered. Sanosuke spotted a change in her eyes. But the next second... everything was back to normal. She was smiling back at him, punching him playfully.

"Wanna fight?" Kaoru inquired the confused rooster head.

'Note to self... better control anger... Don't let the rooster head get on your nerves...' Kaoru thought as she laughed along with the group.

Kenshin stared at the ravened hair lady intently... He was sure... that aura... was of a vampire... He narrowed his eyes... there must be something wrong with this girl... There must be...


Kenshi n arrived at the old church as his footstep echoed through the hall. He disappeared behind another oak door. He went forward to the big pool of crystal clear water. He reached his hand into the water and pulled out a katana bond to a sheath. Just as the katana came out of the surface of the water, the katana glowed as rural Japanese words shone out of the katana. He flicked the water out of the katana as he sheathed it. He made his way out of the room and towards another office.

"Himura! We need you to go down to Sakura road. On the double!" Kenshin understood what he meant as he ran and hopped on his motorbike and rode off.

Back in the office... the two men watched him rode off.

"Do you think we are working too hard on him?"

"Kogorou... you think too much... he chose his path... because of his hatred towards the vampires... if we ever stand in his way to kill those damned... he might even kill us... You know what? I was wondering what happen if he falls in love..."

"What's so bad about falling in love?"

Takasugi smirked.

"I mean... to a vampire."


"Shi -ne!" One of the vampires shouted as he slashed towards the slayer. Kenshin easily dodged the attack as he slashed the vampire, which instantly turned into dust.

"Are you vampires so pathetic?" Kenshin sneered as he made his way through.

"Take it back human!" One of the protectors of the group took out a gun and shot at Kenshin.

"Retreat! Tell Tyrande about this!" The protector shouted at his comrades. No need for arguments the rest of the members.

"Want to die honorably fool?"

"Shut up HUMAN!" The protector shot a few shots. Kenshin managed to dodged all of them. But someone came from behind. With blessed reflexes, he used his sword as a shield. A dent was visible.

"You will die vampires! In the name of God, impure souls of the living..." Kenshin dashed straight to the protector but unexpectedly on the next second... dust rose from the air, blurring his vision. He jumped back from the protector as his eyes widen when he caught a vision of a long raven-haired lady helping up the vampire he just fought. When he blinked his eyes... the next moment... nothing was there... only the dust remains of the pathetic vampires.

'So... their leader might be... Tyrande... I must report this...'

He clutched his katana tighter, as his finger went pass the dent.

'They will pay dearly... for the past crimes they had made.'


Kaoru placed a hand over the wound of Illidan.


"Hold him down! Tyrande!" Tyrande held Illidian down harder. Slowly, the soft breathing of Illidan could be heard. Kaoru sat beside him.

"Bring him to his room."

"Hai, Elune sama!" Another vampire went to take Illidan back. Kaoru rubbed her temple. Her eyes opened to flash a colour of blood.

The slayer had pushed her enough... she was not letting him crumbled the clan she had built up in her own hands.

She would give up her life for the clan...

For that... the slayer has to die.... she will make sure of it.

TBCR 30;.

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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….
Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! Thanks... i was afraid that all of you didn't like this idea.... haiz... but thanks again... so how was this chaapie... i think all of you must have been curious bout the past of Kenshin and Kaoru... ne... I might... MIGHT... put up Kenshin and Kaoru's past in the next episode ne... but i really hope all of you would like this chappie ^__^ Kaoru knows some healing techniques... after all she isn't the leader for nothing... ne... ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Me.. -- Thanks for the compliment... anyways... there are quite a number of BxK pairing ne... Hmm... Like Broken pieces by Linay, hmm... wat else... An Alternate Time and Place by Kyaa Kyaff, theres a vampire fic with BxK, Battousai is the vampire there the fic title is Eternal Darkness by mango, I did another BxK last time.. named Akai Tsuki ^^ Heehee~ I sound like a promoter... anywayz... Here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Jason M. Lee -- Hai... I thought to let Kaoru being the vicious one now... bwahahahahaha.... *ahem* anywayz... thanks for the typo thingy... didn't took notice till u told me... me a big BAKA at times... Here's the update ne... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne... arigatou ^__^

Luli451 -- Humour would be at the later part where they know each other better ne... i tinsy winy bit.. ^^ I just hope I dun over do it... Here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Joey -- What Elune means is the Moon Goddess in Warcraft 3 ^^ Surprised? An innocent gerl like me plays Warcraft!! haha~ Yes.. I do... I like the name a lot thus i used it for Kaoru... thought of giving her the same title... Moon Goddess.. ^^ NIce? I won't leave Battle FOr love alone ne... I'm trying to rearrange some plans... ^^ dun worry... anywayz... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Hai... Kaoru was human before.... And this chappie is where Kaoru and Kenshin will meet... Here you go.. the next chappie.. I hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

aku-chan -- Me too! THough they are creepy at times... they are COOL!Ok... here's the update... i hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

Saiyajin Goddess Nicole -- Hai! It's a small quote from Hellsing.... i only added 'depths of hell' I thought it might add on the impact... did it? Thanks for the compliment... now here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. ^__^

Chiki -- Haahaa~ Yes... Kaoru's the more freaky one here... that I have to agree... I'm not like what you have said... there are better people out there ne.. ^^ Thanks though... here's the update... hope you'll like it too ne.. thanks for the review ne... arigatou... ^__^

Shunu no Miko -- I do understand what you mean... here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the reveiw ne... ^__^

SwtRkGurlz -- Yes... they aren't going to fall in love that fast what you say they would get irritated.... like as u suggested... I made her eyes to change into a bloody red colour... I think it suits her better than amber... you think so? Anyways... here's the update... hope you'll love it ne.. thanks for the compliments and review... arigatou... ^__^

Haruko -- Hai... as the story goes on Battousai or Kenshin's character will be more developed... the explanations would also come later ne... ^^ Heer's the update... thank for the review and encouragement and suggestions ne.. ^__^

Vesca -- Hai! Kaoru would be evil... not too evil... her actions are for her clan that is... ^^ Anyways.. here's the update... thanks for tge review ne.. ^__^

tesuka-chan -- Hmmm... If I'm not wrong... you wrote 'The Vampire Aoshi' right? It's really a nice fic... ^^ THough i hardly have time to review it... gomen ne... i would review it when i have the time... anyways... here's the update.... thanks for the review ne... hoope you like this chappie... ^__^

Shizuka -- I'll say a 'Gomen' in advance then... I won't tell you why ne... ok... haahaa~ When i first saw wat you write about Kenshin-the-Battousai-Slayer... I was like... wat? Battousai-slayer? He kills Battousai?? haahaa~ then i realize how stupid i was... baka desu ne... anyways... here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne... ^__^

White Plum -- Hai... you have been one of my constant reviewers... *huggles white plum* Arigatou!! Glad to know you like this idea too... ^^ Here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review too ne.. ^__^

Sakura Alex -- Kenshin? He's 17... still Battousai mode ne... As you can see he's still studying... ne... Senior high school... ^^ Here's the update ne.. hope you'll enjoy this chappie.. thanks for the review... ^__^

Chiruken -- Elune is the moon goddess in Warcraft 3... i Like the name and gave it to Kaoru as i wanted to give her the same significance to it... Moon goddess ne... Hai... some question is answered here in this chappie... I can't answer to the others as it might give the story away ne... ^^ Hope you understand... here's the update.. i hope you'll enjoy it ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

marstanuki -- Hai~ It is ne.. Here's the next chappie.. Hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

nameless-chan -- Hahaahaa~ i love that name... heehee~ hmm... Vampires attract human.. but when Kenshin appears things will change desu ne... I agree... hahahaha~ Anyways... here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Tan Kimiko -- Hai~ Here's the update! Hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

raine c",) -- HAI~~ Elune and Tyrande ARE from warcraft 3... i just love them... heehee~ here's the update ne... thanks for the review ne.. hope you'll like this chappie... ^__^

SailorLoneStar -- Hai... I will explain about her past no worries ne... ^^ Here's the update... hope you'll love this chappie too ne.. thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Kriska -- Arigatou *bows and blush* I'm not that good... there are other better authors though.. I am definitely not one of them... but thanks again... for reading my stories and supporting me until now... thanks... here's the next chappie... i hope you'll like and enjoy them ne... and thanks again for such a nice review... ^__^

SakuraCherryBlossom -- *gulps* Continue or die?? Is it soooo serious? *laughs nervously* Imouto chan? Anywayz.. here's the update... hope you'll love them ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

Baka Itachi Musume -- Stupid Weasel Girl
Baka Tori Atama -- Stupid Rooster Head
Hentaish -- Its suppose to be from the word 'hentai' which means pervert.
Ohayou Gozaimasu -- Good Morning
Watashi wa Elune Aszune desu -- I am Elune Aszune
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu -- Literal Meaning is 'please take care of me' Normally it means... Do help me out when I need it...
Yoroshiku ne -- Same meaning as above... more impolite..
Kendo -- Kendo is what Kaoru does
Kenpo -- Kenpo is something like kick boxing... what hannya does
Ninjutsu -- Ninja techniques
Jou chan -- Missy (Sano's nick for Kaoru)
Shi-ne -- Die