Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ Weakness revealed ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 3: Weakness Revealed...

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Previous: --

"Bring him to his room."

"Hai, Elune sama!" Another vampire went to take Illidan back. Kaoru rubbed her temple. Her eyes opened to flash a colour of blood.

The slayer had pushed her enough... she was not letting him crumbled the clan she had built up in her own hands.

She would give up her life for the clan...

For that... the slayer has to die.... she will make sure of it.

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Kaoru pushed open her 'bed cover' and got up. Her feet met cold grounds. Those blue eyes darkened at the contact of it.

'What is cold? Have I forgotten the feeling of cold? Moreover... what is hot... or warmth... human warmth...' Kaoru thought as she changed into her uniform and got ready for her school days. First she had to get a drink before she could continue. Sleep was of no use towards Kaoru. Most importantly she had to replenish her body needs by drinking blood. It was early in the morning. Everyone in the clan was asleep. Unlike her, they were much more weaker than she is. To them... sleep was needed every morning. After all... Kaoru had a different kind of blood flowing in her veins.

She went to the basement of the hideout. While walking she remembered what happened the night just before darkness consumed her.

Long silky hair danced around her, long sharp nails held her petite 17 year old figure. After some words of questions... she nodded her head and answered 'yes'. She had remembered those questions... clearly... each and every one of them.

'Do you want to be stronger?'

'Do you want to be more powerful?'

'No one had ever protected you before... So why need them... Just tell me you want to be stronger... and you would be.'

'Do you want to be a few times stronger to get what you want and to protect yourself?'

'Most importantly... do you want revenge?'

'A revenge on all those who have forsaken you... and have left you alone... to die?'

Those words rang in her mind for years... till now... she was haunted with all those questions during her rest. As if reminding her of hatred.

Of course she said yes... of course she wanted... she wanted revenge on those who have forsaken her... for that she needed to be stronger... stronger than before. By then... she felt two sharp pains at the side of her throat. She went limped. The pain was excruciating yet Kaoru felt like she had been reborn in a sense... she could feel the hot rush of blood in her veins... she felt new... light. Suddenly a pain struck her whole body. All Kaoru knew was that she struggled... her legs and hands kicked and grabbed anything that was possible. She screamed. The next was darkness... she knew nothing of what happened next.

Kaoru's ruby red eyes turned back to blue as she threw the bloodless body on the ground. She protruded one of her fingernails out to make it longer and sharper. She turned the man's face to the side as she carved an 'X' mark on his left cheek.

She smoothed her unstained uniform. It was winter soon... the season which she hates most...


"Aoshi sama... ne! ne! Do you think Elune can join our club? She said she did Kendo, kenpo and even ninjutsu before. Why not recruit her." Aoshi stopped as he heard Misao's request.

"She would have to prove herself then..." With that he walked away. Misao frowned when she saw Aoshi's reaction.

"Having a hard time with Mr. Ice?" A feminine voice rang from behind. Misao frowned further. Which was worst? Having Aoshi acting so icy like always... or having the fox teasing you for failure of not making Aoshi smile? She confirmed... both were as hectic.

"Just shut up Kitsune! You ain't having a good time with your rooster head either!" Misao argued. Megumi feigned being hurt.

"How could you say that... besides... I got him wrapped up all around my finger... Oh-hohohohohohoho...." Megumi laughed as she walked along with Misao. They did the usual... bickering... bickering... and more bickering until they saw Aoshi had his eyes widen as he stood by the opened door. The both of them looked at each other and ran up to Aoshi's side. There they saw Kaoru and Sanosuke doing battle.

Kaoru had caught Sanosuke's incoming fist with only one of her bare hand as she pulled back her hand to make Sanosuke off balance. When Sanosuke took a step forward she smirked as she rammed her knee into his stomach. Sano knelt on the floor as Kaoru took a jump till she was in a safe distance from that man. Megumi and Misao gasped when they saw Kaoru had managed to catch Sano's hand... not to mention she had made Sano panting for more air due to the kick. Megumi was about to run to him when Aoshi stopped her with his hand.

"Let go of me! Sanosuke is injured." Megumi hissed

"He won't give up just yet... Elune has avoided hitting any vital points." Aoshi stated as they saw Sanosuke standing up grinning.

"Jou chan... looks like you got something na.... Then I won't hold back anymore! I'll treat you like an equal." Kaoru smiled as she bowed.

"Gomen... I didn't know you were holding back... and... I didn't ask for any privileges... But anyway... I don't feel like working out now... too many people are here..." Kaoru said as she looked at the door. This made Aoshi even more surprised.

'It's impossible... how could she have realized we are here... Takani wasn't even shouting.' Aoshi thought.

"She's good." Kenshin uttered which made both Megumi and Misao nearly jumped out of their skins.

"Ken san! When were you here...?"

"Just before she announced that there were too many people." Kenshin told them as he eyed Kaoru suspiciously. Kaoru only walked up to him, ignoring Sanosuke's cries. Kaoru stopped right in front of Kenshin.

"Ohayo! Himura kun!" Kaoru chirped as she flashed him a smile. Kenshin moved back a little as he nodded his head in acknowledgement. Kaoru managed to escape the hands of Sanosuke as she ran down the hallway laughing.

"Get back here jou chan!! You can't get away from Zanza you hear me!" Sanosuke yelled as he clutched the side of his ribs still panting. Kaoru twirl back to face them.

"Try catching me... if you can..." Kaoru smirked as she turned back and walked down the path.

"You can't catch her Sano... she's fast." Kenshin told Sanosuke the truth only to earn a glare from him.

"What! Even you think jou chan can beat me? I'll catch her... you'll see!" With that Sano took off.


"Damn... she's fast..." Sanosuke said while catching his breath. Sweat pour around his forehead and neck.

"I remember I just saw her there a minute ago..." Sano whispered as he gasped for air while starting to search for her. He stopped in front of the big door and looked above the door. It read 'HALL'.

'She can't be in here... now... can she?' He drifted in his thoughts as he pushed open the heavy oak doors. There the lady was. She was sitting at the center of the stage... her legs dangling at the edge of it. Sano raised an eyebrow as he noticed all the windows are shut tight... the fans are all closed... yet... her hair was flying behind her. Making her...

'More seductive' Sanosuke thought as he felt a chill behind him as the door shut by itself.

"Come..." Kaoru commanded softly as she held out her right hand... beckoning him. Sanosuke closed his eyes he felt his legs moved by themselves. He opens his eyes to find Kaoru's normal blue eyes to be in a sexy red. Her hand was giving him a silent invitation to her. Sanosuke find her at that particular moment, beautiful... not that she wasn't but... she had a certain glow that attracted him to her now...

"Come..." Kaoru demanded again... he felt himself being pulled closer. When he opened his eyes he found out that he Kaoru's lips were closed to his. Sanosuke pressed down an urged to kiss those alluring lips.

"My dear... I see... you and your friend... Himura Kenshin are very close... what is his weakness...?" Kaoru interrogated Sano.

"Kenshin... Kenshin weakness is... being too kind..." Sanosuke whispered into Kaoru's ear. Kaoru looked at Sanosuke's eyes... it held a hazy expression... but within it... held the truth.

"Kind? Is he hiding it behind that mask of his...?" Kaoru asked as she cupped his jaw. Sanosuke nodded his head lightly. Kaoru smiled as she bended down and planted a kiss at his neck. Then she flicked her tongue at the hollow in his throat. Sano gave a groan. Kaoru smiled as she opened her mouth. Just as she was about to inject her teeth into his veins, she sensed someone nearing the hall.

Instinctively, she let go of Sanosuke and disappeared with the twirl of her hand. As if on cue, Kenshin slammed the door opened to find his friend lying on the wooden floor motionlessly. He quickly checked his pulse.

'He's alive...' After that he turned his neck to find any punctured marks on it. He heaved another sigh as he settled on the floor. He narrowed his eyes...

'Damn... I was sure it was a vampire's aura... but it felt... so much stronger from the ones I have killed last time... It must be their leader... Tyrande... How did they know this school? Did they come because of me? Fuck... if they ever hurt anyone of them here... I'll make sure they pay.' Kenshin mused.

"Chikusho! That is one damn of a headache!" Sanosuke got up and grabbed his head. He shook it violently.

"Sano... Daijoubu?" Kenshin asked as he stood up, dusting his pants.

"Aa... I'm terrific... if it's not for this freaking headache!" Kenshin smiled a bit at his statement.

"So you caught Elune?" Kenshin asked curiously.

"Talking about her... where is she... I remember she was here..." Sanosuke exclaimed as he scanned the whole hall.

"Elune? She was here?" Kenshin surprised at what Sanosuke had said.

"Hmmm... But maybe it isn't... Elune has blue eyes... what I remember is... red... really bloody red eyes... it's really vague though... but those red eyes... they looked arousing." Kenshin's eyes became slits as he thought about it...

'I remember that day... she emitted an aura... but the aura vanished so fast... that... I couldn't even catch... now... Sano is saying he saw her... I must check on Elune.' Kenshin thought to himself as he walked along side with Sano.

'She must be something to be able to do it...' Just as Kenshin passed through the gates of the school, Kaoru squinted her eyes as her pupils followed the movement of the slayer.

"Oh well... now all I have to do is make him soft hearted towards me... that would be a child's play." Kaoru thought conceitedly.

"He will fall in my hands whether he likes it or not."

TBC&# 8230;.

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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….
Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! HAI!! Kaoru has some plans weaving in the head of hers...OK... now... should i kill Sano... or should i not... do tell me ne... hmmm.... really not very sure desu yo... A little of Kaoru's past was written in the top part... thus coz-ing this chappie... a little wayyyy to dark ne... hope you'll like it anyway... R&R ne.. ^__^

To continue or not?? That is the question...

No individual thanks but i wanna give BIG BIG BIG credits to these people who reviewed...

Chiki, Chiruken, Shunu No Miko, SwtRkGurlz, Haruko, SailorLoneStar, Joey, marstanuki, Kriska, Shizuka, Tan Kimiko, SakuraCherryBlossom, Sabrina-star, Sakura Alex, raine c",) and Jason M. Lee

MINNA SAMA!! Arigatou!!!