Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ May The Sun Shine Forever ❯ Not A Hole, But A Mouth ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Notes: Yea, my second chapter in one day! I hope people keep reading…*weepweep* I have no idea whether or not people actually read my stories, I only know if they review, so please, PLEASE reviewreview! (Actually, last time I checked, I think only 7 people read my last chapter…*weepweep*) I'd be happy if I can have a 20- reviews celebration. I promise a surprise if I can get twenty reviews…(hinthint: New Story)

Disclaimer: If nobody even bothers reading this story, should I even have to repeat myself? *sighsigh* I do not own Ruroken, and I also don't own the book ,'The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm', written by Nancy Farmer. The last quote is hers.

R&R: You know the drill ^^



.:*May The Sun Shine Forever*:.

By Elementsofmine/elementalspirit125

Chapter Ten

Kaoru gazed wistfully out the window. Kenshin, when are you coming home? Deciding to work on her drawing once more, she headed off in search of pencils.

May the sun shine forever,

May it last, our true treasure,

May there always be grace,

May you always be mine

The figure's last, plaintive notes died away.

Remember how we would try and try, but it would never open?

Everything was rushing through his head now.

The letter smelled of white plums.

All the memories…


"Kaoru? Miss Kaoru? Where..?"

Had it really been Kaoru? Had it really been her in that nauseatingly real dream?

Something about the voice did not ring true. Stumbling blindly through the snow, Kenshin shivered and groped around for anything, anything that could be used as a landmark.

Now he knew, it had not.

"I'm here.."


It hadn't been Kaoru! How could he have thought it had been, when her sweet innocence completely mirrored the personality of the woman standing in front of him.

Urgency lined his voice as his hands, numbed with snow, stretched out farther.

"I'm here, and I'll always be here."

It had been her!

That's right Kenshin, it was me, it will always be me, and you will never turn to that stupid girl in order to escape ME!

Here Kenshin realized what she was saying. He braced himself, feeling heat overtake him. "Don't you dare call Miss Kaoru that, I went to her because of what she was like, because of her hopeful dreams and her bright future. My future with you was never made to be, it ended all too soon. I'm sorry to say this, but you should know it better then anyone else. I lived all my life after you died hiding from you memory, searching for a place to find commiseration. I've found it now, and don't you dare take it away from me!"

The figure shrieked out loud, shrill and piercing, making Kenshin's hair stand on edge. Kenshin's hands flew to his ears, and he shut his eyes closed tightly, trying to block out the unearthly scream that had him gritting his teeth in pain. Wind seemed to pinpoint itself at the figure in a circle, giving a wide berth around her, but leaving rushing winds to rip at his arms and any other uncovered skin it could find. Her shriek was loud, and formless, but was quickly taking form into some sort of ancient command, shaping itself into human speech.

Bind the warrior,

Seize the sword,

Bring down the light from the holy song

Invincible spell,

Take care, take flight,

Bring down the light from the holy song

Repeat once,

repeat twice,

Bring down the light from the holy song

But repeat three times thus,

And the dark shall break,

Bring down the light from the holy song

Deny the gods,

Deny thy name,

Bring down the light from the holy song!

With a flash, the figure was gone, leaving behind a pitiful mound of dirty cloth. Kenshin waited, hands still over his ears. Nothing happened. Standing still and carefully listening behind him, Kenshin made sure no other surprises awaited him. A flutter reminded him of the rags still on the ground in front of him. Kenshin reached out slowly, fingers trembling, and found himself bending down beside the cloth. As he carefully dug through the pile, he uncovered a heart-shaped locket, beautifully adorned with tiny, miniscule carvings, in the shape of gold vines and silver leaves. His breathing became smoother, changing from the ragged breaths of before to the more controlled breaths now. His fingers traveled around the edges of the locket, and found a tiny clasp on the side of the heart. Opening it, Kenshin found a tiny picture, black and white, of a boy and a girl. The girl resembled Kari, locks of hair brushed doggedly behind her ears, eyes big and round, taking up most of the room on her sharp face. Beside her, with his arms around her, was a boy with rather long, black hair. His eyes were narrow, framed overhead by sleek eyebrows. His mouth was curved in a smile, showing a small mouth. He was smiling contentedly, head resting against the young Kari's shoulder. Kenshin guessed that the picture must have been taken a few years ago, judging by Kari's face, and the boy had to be her brother. But…

Something told him he wasn't. Wasn't her brother. Was he? They didn't seem to resemble each other.

Kenshin fingered the locket again. It seemed so familiar…but now wasn't the time for this. Pocketing it into his gi, he stood up, bracing himself for the unknown. Soujiro still lay on the ground, a couple of feet away from the cloth, apparently still unconscious, but obviously ready to awake. Giving him a minute or two to stir, Kenshin carefully nudged him with his feet.

"Wha…what happened?" Soujiro stood up uneasily, groaning a bit at the new pressure added on his aching heels. Kenshin didn't reply, but choose to instead, apply the same method used to show him the non -exsistent house. He placed his hands on Soujiro, and felt a furious rushing sense inside him, running down his arms, into his fingers, and into Soujiro's mind. While he passed his thoughts onto Soujiro, he felt something prick him from inside his mind. Not now, he replied irritably. I'm busy.

But I am you.

So you are busy too. If you must show me something, show it to me later.

But then you won't have time. I must show you know.

Fine, Kenshin replied, annoyed. You know, today's been really strange, and now I'm talking to myself.

Kenshin felt the voice inside his head smirk. First sign of madness, talking to your self.

I thought you are me.

Second sign of madness, arguing with yourself.

Just show me what you wanted to show me.

This is what Kenshin was shown.

He was falling, falling…

Where am I, he thought.

You are inside yourself.


Be quiet, and listen. Listen, and watch…

Kenshin watched. Everything was black, with occasional flecks of light. A sudden rushing from far away brought him to walk to the source. He couldn't really walk, he had no permanent body; it was more of a drift. Coming across the noise, he saw a rip in the air, some black, misty hole that seemed to consume all that came near.


Just a bit closer, Kenshin urged. It's there, why not take a look?

No, don't!

But it was too late. Kenshin should've known.

For it wasn't a hole, but a mouth.




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