Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ May The Sun Shine Forever ❯ Flames ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, just a little shout-out here. Survivor is one of my practice stories, one for burning up typing time when I need it. Lately, I've been slow on updating it, and today, I just got I think, my first flame.

Reviewed By: anonymous psycho On: February 29, 2004 19:15 EST
this story kinda sucks and is boring...sorry had to get that out. this story couldn't exactly keep my interest and confused the hell outa me

Okay, I feel sorry for that person. First off, I never forced you to read it. If you don't like it, fine with me. But do NOT tell me that. That's rude, inconsiderate, and doesn't help me with my work at all. This comment was for Just This Once, not this story, but still, it's one of those things that really get you down. I've been having a hard time lately with both writing my stories, and schoolwork. I appreciate your opinions and all, but come on, haven't we all learned about the Golden Rule? 'Do unto them as you would have them, do unto you.' I highly doubt ANYONE would want a comment like that. Now, this is just me raving, but I seriously refuse to write anymore of Just This Once or ANYTHING until I get ten more reviews in any of my stories to make up for that. I'm sorry if that's harsh, but if you don't like it, you could just say, I don't like it and tell me why. Do not say it sucks. Now that's harsh. I repeat: If you DO NOT like the story, DO NOT write a review like that. It's extremely rude and ungrateful. You try being an author that receives absolutely no reviews for the stories she likes, and all these reviews for those that are only practice writings. This is completely unjustified rambling from this author, I know, (believe me, I know -_-;;;;) but like anonymous psycho said, 'Had to get it out.'
