Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Chapter 1


Misao jerked into a sitting position on her futon. She was drenched in sweat and struggling to catch her breath as she willed to all to familiar pain to subside. She clutched her stomach as she swallowed convulsively attempting to swallow away the tempting urge to vomit. Feeling like someone was in the room with her Misao looked around her dark room, no one. But that would be silly. Anyone who was foolish enough or brave enough, depending, to attack anyone living at the Aoiya would find that they have taken there live into their hands, and, more than likely, have thrown it away.


Misao groaned as she stood. She shivered as the sweat on her body cooled in the crisp morning air. She hurriedly washed herself and dressed.


"Might as well train. I won't be getting anymore sleep tonight." And she left her room to go to the dojo.





Aoshi listened to the sounds of Misao leaving for the dojo. Why has she started her training two hours before sunrise this past two weeks? He wondered to himself again. She's been training hard too, if what Okon and Okina say is true. What puzzled him most that for the past three weeks she started distancing herself more and more from everyone. Including him. He wondered often what was bothering her. In the past, she turned to him when something troubled her but they had been close then. But the fact that she wasn't even taking morning tea with him anymore worried him. No matter what, on speaking terms or not on speaking terms, they shared tea with each other at least once a day and it was usually in the morning. It was the only time, actually, when she was willing to sit in silence with him and just be. More than not he mediated during that time. Mostly about her but mediated none the less. What could have happened? He wondered again as he too stood and dressed. Lets see how her training I going, he decided.





Up, down, right, left, up, down, front block, back block, up, down, right, left. Again and again she practiced the first kata. Occasionally she switched it around, or changed stances, and went from slow to fast and fast to slow. Again and again. She focused all her energies into each hit and block. When she decided to throw in a kick a sudden wave of nausea hit her, she lost her balance and fell hard on her butt.


"Itai." She cried as she put a hand to her head in hopes of stopping it from spinning.


Aoshi frowned inwardly as he watched her suddenly lose her balance and fall. Why had she lost her balance? She hadn't even lifter her foot all the way off the ground, and she was practicing the beginner kata. It should be a piece of cake. He frowned outwardly when she suddenly vomited. She's sick? He moved from his position just outside the dojo.


"Are you alright, Misao?" He asked squatting down beside her.


The only response that Misao could give that she heard him, as she struggled for control, was a small nod of the head. She vomited again.


"Whoa." Aoshi said as he quickly moved out of the way. "Lets move you outside." He stood.


"Jiya will have a fit if I ruin the floor." Misao said miserably and groaned. Feeling another wave of nausea hit her she looked up at her Aoshi-sama. "Help me, quick." She whispered and attempted to lift her arms up to him before the fell to her sides again, she felt incredibly weak. Aoshi scooped her in his arms and just barely sat her on the grass when she vomited yet again.


"Can I have a wet towel?" She asked, on the verge of tears.


"Of course." He answered and disappeared to retrieve a wet towel "I think it's a good thing that Megumi is coming with the Himura's today." He said as he handed Miaso her towel. "It shall save me from having to get a doctor for you."


Groaning, Misao covered her face with the towel, grateful for its wet coolness. "Okay." Was all she could manage. She didn't have the energy or the want to argue. Maybe Megumi-san had something to settle her stomach.


"Feeling any better?" Aoshi asked softly after several long moments.


"I have a horrible taste in my mouth but yes I'm feeling a little better." Still she sounded as if she could cry.


"Would you like some water to rinse your mouth out with?" He asked feeling completely helpless.


Misao's head jerked to the left and right as she willed herself not to vomit again. "Please." She finally croaked and then her whole body convulsed before she vomited once again.


Aoshi frowned down at her. Should I get a doctor for her now? He wondered.


"I'm okay." She said softly her voice betraying her. "I think that one might have done it. I feel better."


"Really?" Aoshi asked.


"Yes." She answered sounding a little more like herself. "I'll feel even better if you get me that water."


As Aoshi left to retrieve her water, Misao placed her wet towel on her forehead and made herself comfortable on the damp grass. Why am I suddenly sick? She wondered to herself. I know the past week my appetite has basically been none but this? Maybe it's because I haven't been eating much lately and then working out too much. She reasoned with herself as she felt her stomach churn again before settling.


Misao suddenly remembered Aoshi-sama's words. "Himura's coming today." She had completely forgotten. She hadn't seen Karou and Kenshin since she went to visit after Karou had Keniji. How could I have forgotten they were coming?


"Here." Aoshi's voice pulled her from her thoughts. For all her practicing she had twice not noticed the presence of her Aoshi-sama. She was defeating her purpose.


"Thank you." She said as she eased herself up and washed her mouth out.


"I want to clean up the dojo but maybe that should wait till after your inside and lying down on your futon."


"I can manage." She said slowly rising to her feet. "But I would be most appreciative if you would clean the dojo for me."


And Aoshi watched as she slowly walked towards her room. She shivered when a gust of wind blew. First hot then cold, he reasoned, and turned to clean the dojo.




Misao had a soft smile on her face when, hours later, Megumi gently nudged her awake. She was having a dreamless sleep, complete rest. She hated to be disturbed.


"I'm sorry to wake you Misao-chan but they tell me you're not feeling good and have been asleep all day."


"She has." Jiya chimed in. "I asked Aoshi if he had seen Misao at all today and he said that she had been sick outside early this morning and had come back to her room to lie down."


"She hasn't had much of an appetite." Okon added.


Misao groaned.


"I think what she needs right now is some privacy. Why don't you all go downstairs while I see if I can find out what's wrong?" Megumi said before ushering everyone from the room.


"Thank you." Misao said when Megumi came and sat next to her.


"Why don't you tell me about your symptoms?" Megumi asked resting her hand on her forehead to check for fever. "You're pale."


Misao felt fear grip her heart. She had thought it over and the answer she came up with scared her to death. Did she have it in her to tell Megumi?


"You've gotten paler. Are you feeling sick again?" Megumi looked around the room for something she could vomit in.


"You…" she stopped herself.


"What?" Megumi urged softly.


"You won't tell anyone will you?" Her voice broke with unshed tears.


"Not if you don't want me to. What is it?"


Misao struggled for breath. She felt as if she had been kicked in the chest and the wind knocked from her body.


"Please, tell me."


Misao burst into tears when she whispered, "I think I'm pregnant."


Megumi's jaw dropped.


Author's note: All readers of my Inuyasha fic, don't worry I haven't stopped writing, but I've been editing and I've hit some writers block. And I'm hoping writing something else will help me break through.


To everyone: I hope that you enjoyed. Hope you review and let me know what you think.