Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter 2


"Pregnant?" Megumi repeated stupidly.


Misao could only cry harder as she nodded her head.


Megumi struggled for words. "I don't want to ask any stupid questions here. How? For instance, because I know `how'. "


"Believe me when I say the question of how is very important."


"If you are indeed pregnant, who is the father?"


Misao turned her head away from Megumi and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know who he was."


Megumi sucked in her breath. "You were raped?!?"


Misao shot up in bed and hushed her. "Not so loud."


"You haven't told anyone?" Megumi was in complete shock. She wasn't sure what to expect when asked to check on Misao because she was sick but this was definitely not it.


"I don't know what to tell anyone because I'm not sure exactly what happened myself." Misao dropped her gaze to her hands.


Megumi reached out and took the young girls hand, "Tell me what you can remember?"


"I was walking. I'm not sure where I was but I was just out taking a walk. I wanted to get away from the Aoiya for a while. I remember hearing a snap behind me and before I could turn around something hit me in the head. I…" Misao struggled to remember. "I'm not sure what happened after that, it's all a big blur, I'm not sure how long I was out but I remember waking up in an abandoned shed and my clothes were in a pile in the corner of the room. I was bleeding… from… down there." Misao closed her eyes as her tears fell.


"Where was he?" Megumi whispered she stroked her hand.




Megumi jumped at the answer, she hadn't been expecting that. "You killed him?"


"I must have because he had one of my kunai in his chest."


"You woke up and he was dead, what did you do?"


"I wanted to stand and get my clothes but my muscles down there were so sore. I barely managed to crawl to them. I struggled to get dressed and I wanted to re-braid my hair but I it was tangled and I had dried blood in it from where he hit me in the head. My hair was a mess." Misao buried her face in her hands. "It's all a big mess. I knew that I couldn't return looking the way I was so after I finally managed to stand on my feet and get my legs to function, I grabbed my kunai, and the rest of my weapons, and left without seeing anyone or anyone seeing me. Before I reached the Aoiya I found a creek and jumped in."


"Did anyone say anything when you returned?" Megumi asked her heart breaking.


"You're wet." She answered dryly. "No one seemed to notice that I was limping a little. I was told to hurry and change before I caught a cold and that dinner was ready."


"What time did you leave for you walk?"


"I'm not sure." Misao closed her eyes in thought. "It wasn't even mid-morning yet."


"What time do you usually have dinner?" Megumi wanted to know how much of a time frame the poor was unconscious and vulnerable to God only knew what.


"Five or six."


"So about eight hours give or take an hour." Megumi reasoned and closed her eyes at the thought.


"Yeah." Misao agreed miserably. "The soreness was worse the next morning. I don't think I've ever felt anything like it before. I'm surprised no one saw me struggle to get myself a hot bath, hoping it would help."


"Did it?"


"Yes. It was pretty bad for the first week. After that it's been mostly a dull throbbing. Last two days, though, I've been waking up sick to my stomach. I was practicing my kata this morning and went to kick when a wave of nausea knocked me off balance and I feel. Aoshi-sama saw me throw up and came to see what was wrong."


"When did you start training again?" Megumi asked.


"About two weeks ago. I almost quit when I first started again but I just paced myself and eventually it seemed to help me clear my thoughts and focus my energies in a positive way."


"But you've been training more and harder than before?"




"You don't think maybe you're sick because you've lost your appetite but have increased your training. You're dehydrated and fatigued. You're body has been under a lot of stress and you're pushing yourself to hard."


"I thought that maybe that was why I was feeling sick too but then I remember Kaoru when she first found out she was pregnant. She missed her menstration and I'm about five days late."


"You're positive?" Megumi asked feeling her hope start to slip away.


Misao looked at Megumi like she was stupid. "Of course I'm positive. When it struck me that I could be pregnant I grabbed a calendar and I counted. Kaoru also said she was sick to her stomach the first several weeks."


"Have you found yourself food sensitive? Not just a loss of appetite but maybe food hasn't really agreed with you?"


Misao thought her words over. "I've had no desire for food lately. I get food or I'm offered food and I don't want it."


"Okay." Megumi said smiling at Misao and pulling her medical bag from behind her. "I want you relax on your futon and I'm going to exam you."


Misao started shaking at her words but she nodded and laid back down. She closed her eyes tightly and willed her body to relax.


"You're going to feel my hand touch your stomach." Megumi said as she reached out to touch her. Misao released the breath she was holding. "I'm not going to hurt you."


"Okay." Misao breathed.




Megumi slid Misao's door shut and leaned against it with a heavy sigh. Misao's gut wrenching sobs tearing at her heart.




The poor girl was pregnant by a rapist. A rapist she in turn killed. Well, she decided as she pushed herself away from the door and headed back downstairs, at least Misao won't have to worry about running into him.


"Well?" Okina said as she came down the last few steps of the stairs.


Megumi forced a sweet smile. "I'm afraid she has quite worn herself out. Plenty of fluids and rest is what this doctor orders."


"Has she said why she's been pushing herself and spending most of her time in the dojo training?" Okon asked.


"She has been properly scolded for being so dedicated that she forgets to eat. She has promised to be more mindful of not only the mind but the body."


"Yes, she will." Okon said determined. "I plan on making sure that she eats personally. Starting right now. I'm going to fix her some broth." And she left for the kitchen.


"Easy on the salt." Megumi called after her.


"So she'll be okay?" Okina asked.


"With a proper diet, she should be fine." Megumi said.


"That's good." Kenshin said with a smile. "Kaoru will be happy to hear it."


"Where is Kaoru?" Megumi asked looking around.


"Putting Keniji down for the night."


"I see. Well I'm going to make sure that there isn't too much salt in Misao-chan's broth. I'm trying to rehydrate her. I'll be with her if anyone needs me." Megumi said and left Kenshin and Okina to themselves.


"Where is Aoshi?" Kenshin asked.


"He is at the temple."


"I shall go and inform him of how Misao-dono is doing." Kenshin said and turned to leave.


"Thank you, Himura." Okina said to himself as he stared at the ceiling. "I'm glad that food and rest shall make the world of the Aoiya right again." And he headed to the kitchen himself.





Author's note: A thank you to all who have reviewed. Glad to know that you like it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter too.