Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Aoshi sat in the temple. He was on his knees meditating, as always, or rather, trying to mediate. Aoshi opened his eyes and sighed deeply before sitting back on his feet. “I might as well recite a chant of `Misao' as I attempt to mediate, because she's all I can think of.” He said softly to himself as he rose to his feet, bowed, and left the temple. “Might as well try and work. Maybe then I can be more productive as she plagues my thoughts.” He said as he descended the temple stairs.
It was almost four months since the last time he'd seen her and it was driving him crazy. He had been wrong, apparently, about how much time he spent thinking about her. She was no longer a distraction from the world. No, she was the distraction these days. He could use both his hands and feet and he still wouldn't have enough to count the number of times somebody within the Aoiya had to call his name more than once to get his attention since his return.
It's disgraceful, he told himself hotly, Forget about it. Forget about her. She's made her descision and I have to respect it. His mood turned almost gloomy at the reminder. Serves me right, he tried to reason with himself as he turned from the temple and headed towards the resturant. How many times has sshe begged for my love and attention? Though, how she doesn't know she has it ready is beyond me. Love is too confusing, hence, why I try to stay away from it. Admiration and respect are more my speed and style.
It seemed a long time since he showed up at the dojo and he and Misao made tea and drank it with the rest of the dojo, including Megumi, who arrive with perfect timing with a plate full of rice balls. Karou was embarrassed when she realized there wasn't anything ready to go with it and almost threw a fit when Misao whispered something in her ear. Instantly she shut up and looked at Misao with a confused look before she blushed and tried to keep from laughing. He wasn't the only one wondering what was said when he heard Kenshin;
And Yahiko's:
“What did you say to buso?” His smirk was soon wiped off his face when Kaoru tackled him to the floor for the second time that day, but he learned that Karou and Yahiko fought constantly when together and she usually tackled him at least a dozen times a day. It was simple one of the unusual days.
Though he'd done if for years, it was suddenly very odd sleeping in the same house as Misao. He knew that he was in the room next to hers and strained to hear her breathing from where he lay. One night, he even went as far as sitting with his back to the wall he knew was connected to hers but he still could hear nothing. Instead, he spent most of his nights thinking he could hear her breathing when he couldn't, but he did hear her when she got up to start her day. The sudden sounds of movements always woke him. And every morning they shared tea and Misao convinced him that it was okay to meditate by the river daily instead of a temple.
“It's very pleasant meditating while listening to the water flow and the wind blow.” She'd tell him.
“What about the people who might be fishing?” He'd question.
“We'll be meditating, it's not like we are going to go swimming and scare the fish away.” She'd tell him laughing. “Besides, fishing is a form of meditation in its own way because you have to be very quite.” She'd point out.
“So you're not going to laugh and carry on?”
“You ask me that everyday, and have I?” She'd have stopped walking at that point and would be facing him.
“It seems that we've had a little of the same conversation every day since I arrived. And, no, you haven't carried on while we meditate.”
“We really have this same conversation everyday? Do we really?”
“You stop in the same spot everyday and answer the same question with the same answer.” He'd tell her
“We really do, huh?” She'd ask shocked.
“As I told you before. Yes, really.” Aoshi would turn and continue towards the river.
Misao laughed gleefully as she ran to catch up with him. “Regularity.” She laughed again.
“You like it, I know.” Aoshi supplied for her while she laughed.
“Yes I do. So come to the river with me and lets have some regularity.” Misao lifted her arms and threw back her head to feel the sun on her face.
He said nothing, simply continued walking towards the river. He always smiled when he heard a childish scream from behind him and more sounds of running feet, as he left her behind again.
“We're going together. Don't leave me behind.” She'd tell him, with a bright smile on her face and her cheeks rosy from blushing.
“I have never left you behind because I wanted to, it was what I had to do.” He'd say softly.
“I know.” Misao said on a sigh.
“You did what you had to do when you decided to come and find us.”
“You were the main person I was looking for but I was also looking for my family.” Her voice turned sad. “I never found them either.”
He could tell she was struggling with her tears and pain over the loss of her family, her friends. “While I'm here I'll take you to see them.” He offered.
Her head snapped up and she just stared at him expressionless, then after a minute a single tear rolled down her cheek, down to her lip, and joined her quivering lips as a smile spread across her face. “Honto?” She breathed unable to speak more or louder fearing her damn would break and her tears would burst out. She couldn't keep it bottle up forever. She needs to have a good, hard cry and see if she felt any relief from what weighed her down. “I would remember if you said that everyday.” Her face broke with emotion but her voice was strong.
“Honto.” He told her giving her a rare smile. “Now lets go meditate.” And they did. They went to the river, all but the first and last day of his three-week visit.
Aoshi stood in front of the Aoiya and fought with himself over wanting to go in or not. He wished to be with Misao. No matter her mood, he'd rather be with her than standing in front of the Aoiya by himself. Then being anywhere by himself, he corrected. He remembered the day he watched a heartbroken Misao at the graves of their fallen comrades. It broke his heart to hear her sobbing while talking to their friends.
It rained the day they visited the gravesite he created for his fallen comrades. There wasn't a cloud in the sky when they left the dojo but when they walked down the path canopied by trees it started sprinkling and when Misao kneeled before them and bowed her head in prayer it was pouring. The kimono she wore was soaked all the way through before she opened her eyes and lifted her face towards the sky. Her tears were mixed in with the rain but he knew she was crying. He took off his coat and placed it over her shaking shoulders before stepping back to give her space.
“I'm finally here.” She said and laughed, slipping her arms into the sleeves. “I finally found you.” She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. “Well, Aoshi finally brought me.” Her hands muffled her voice but he could hear the pain.
“I've thought of you every day. The times we spent together, the things we did, and the things you thought me. I can still remember how hurt and angry I was to wake up and find that you had left and you didn't take me with you. Jiya had a hard time calming me down that day, I can tell you, and Jiya will be more than happy to reenact me literally throwing a fit. I remember asking him why I was left behind and he told me that it was so I could keep him company, as he had been left behind as well.”
He stood under the slight protection of a tree and watched as Misao sat, in what was quickly becoming mud, as she spoke the thoughts she kept to herself for so long. She needed this, he realized then. After spending so long looking for us, only now has she finally found us. And it only took her how many years?
“I didn't cry anymore after that.” Her voice got stronger as she spoke, the rain eased. “He taught me so much when I became the `brave girl he loves so much'. He taught me things that you wouldn't have thought of showing me at that age, but you know Jiya. He'll act way you don't want him to as soon as you turn your back.” She smiled sweetly at the thought of dirty old man, she shook her head and he watched transfixed as her hair whipped about, sticking to her face and his coat. “He's still the dirty old man, but I'm sure you know that already.”
Her smile faded away and suddenly she looked so much older than her years. “I wish you were here.” Her voice broke as her eyes filled with tears. “There's so much to tell you and so much advice that I need. I wish you were sitting here with me in the mud.” Misao suddenly looked around her, shocked, as if truly realizing that she had been sitting, soaking wet and muddy, for the last half hour, and swiftly rose to her feet. She attempted to wipe as much mud off as she could before she bowed and said, “I'll come back and visit longer when it's a prettier day.”
Aoshi took no notice to how cold he was but, instead, considered the possibility of Misao catching a cold. She's been so fragile lately. He thought as he stepped forward to join her on the path back to the dojo. It was sprinkling again as they walked back and neither spoke to each other, but no words were needed.
Aoshi was pulled from his musings when a shadow suddenly blocked the sun. “What are you doing here, Teiko?” He asked not showing any of the concern that he felt as he faced one of Misao's bodyguards.
Teiko looked around to see if anyone was around and spoke softly, “You said to report to you immediately, and in person, if there was change in Misao-sama's `situation'.”
He felt fear tighten around and squeeze his heart. “I did. What's happened?”
He blushed and Aoshi's head twitched at change and he wished Teiko would tell him what was happening already.
“If there is a possibility that Misao-sama could be in danger, than you should know, but …” He faltered and turned a brighter color of red.
He's struggling with her right to privacy? “What is it?” He said.
“She's pregnant.” He blurted it out so fast Aoshi knew he couldn't have heard him right.
“She's what?” He asked taking a step towards the young man before him, he searched his face as he waited for him to answer.
“I said…” He said slower but a little too loud and so he looked to make sure no one was near by and said softer, “I said she's pregnant.”
Aoshi couldn't believe it. It couldn't be possible could it?
“I'd say she's about three or four months along, she's not showing much, and what she is she's hiding but I know she's pregnant.”
Aoshi struggled to find his voice. Three or four months? “How do you know for sure?”
“I cannot say who the father is but I am sure that she is pregnant.” He was holding back.
“How do you know for sure?” He repeated.
“I've heard her speaking to `it'.” He told him uncomfortably.
Aoshi simply stared at him for a few moments before he turned and walked away, leaving Teiko standing in front of the Aoiya by alone.
“I'll be… returning today.” He called after him.
She can't be pregnant! She just can't! Why hasn't she told me herself? Is she trying to keep it from me? Is that why she hasn't returned to the Aoiya? Aoshi climbed the steps leading to the temple without even realizing it. It could only be mine, as we were together the night before I left. What are we going to do?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Awesome! Two chapters in one week! I'm so proud of myself, lol, but I need to dedicate some of this writing inspiration to my Inuyasha fic. I'm still working on my next chapter for that story, I promise. Hope you enjoyed!