Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8
Misao sat quietly under the huge tree in front of the dojo watching Kaoru and Yahiko practice. Since her arrival almost three months ago it became routine for her to rise early, long before anyone else, and have the dojo to herself for a soothing work out. At Megumi's suggestion she started focusing on her breathing, letting her breathing and her movements become one. She wasn't sure how it helped in the long run with regards to her pregnancy but she didn't doubt that Megumi was offering her good advice. After her daily work out she took a leisurely bath to relax any tense muscles and was usually found meditating over a cup of tea and enjoying the shade the tree provided.
Today was different, though. Today, as she listened to Yahiko complain about still having to practice with “Buso” and watched Kaoru as she tried to bash his head in with her wooden sword, she found her mind wandering.
She was nearly four months pregnant and she and Megumi still hadn't found a house suitable for them.
I've gotta do something quickly, she thought slightly frightened, her hand, by instinct, went to cover her stomach protectively, I haven't started showing yet but that could change at any time and then what? I still haven't worked up the courage to tell Kaoru about the baby, but I'll have to tell her sometime. There's no way that I can live here, in Tokyo, without Kaoru visiting me. Can I keep her from telling Kenshin? Is it possible to keep something from Kenshin? Kenshin may know more than he is letting on. I'm not sure how but I've caught him, more than a dozen times, either watching me or looking at me like he knew something. She shook the thought from her head. Kenshin's probably just wondering how much longer I plan to stay with them, because it's not like I told them.
“Grr,” The sounds of a frustrated Yahiko brought Misao out of her musings. Apparently, tired of being out done by his teacher, Yahiko decided on a full frontal assault. Kaoru didn't even blink as she stepped out of his way at the last second and brought up her sword and smacked him in the forehead.
“How many times have I told you not to attack in anger?” Kaoru asked sweetly.
Yahiko groaned in pain before dropped to his knees, letting loose a string of curses.
“I hope you don't talk like that in front of Tsubame-chan,” Kaoru taunted him.
From where Misao sat she could see Yahiko's knuckles turn white as he gripped his sword to control his anger. Don't attack in anger. Kaoru'll stomp you into the ground. Misao advised silently, while attempting to keep a smile off her face, because it would only anger him more.
“One more time, then we're done,” Kaoru said taking her stance again.
Misao again felt her mind wandering. She could remember, as if it were only yesterday, getting frustrated with Aoshi while training and attacking out of anger. It usually left her with a knot or two on her head. It's something to laugh at now, Misao thought smiling, but I was ready to get right back up and attack out of anger again back then, that's how I ended up with the second knot.
She was barely registering the sounds from the clashing of the two wooden swords and vaguely heard Kaoru's scolding about Yahiko's still angry attacks when the sudden sounds of them both yelling “Watch out!” made her look up. But there was nothing she could do, save the attempt to raise her arm and block as much of the blow from the flying sword as she could. Squeezing her eyes shut and hunching her shoulders, she waited for the impact but it never came.
“I can't believe you caught that,” Misao heard Yahiko say in admiration, barely opening her eyes to see the sword, being held in mid-air, inches from her. From the tip of the sword, she followed the hand that held it up till she saw it, the face of her savoir ---Aoshi. She blinked a few times, unable to believe it was him; simply staring in wonder at the man before her. She focused on the eyes that were watching her. So piercing she almost looked away but didn't, she couldn't. He stood there, arm still stretched out holding the sword.
“I didn't hear you approach.” Kenshin said suddenly standing next to Karou. He reached out and took the sword from Aoshi.
Aoshi tore his eyes from Misao's and looked at Kenshin. He wasn't smiling but his expression was soft. “Perhaps you were preoccupied with other thing.” He slide his gaze to sweep over Yahiko and Karou.
Kenshin laughed. “Yes, and it seems you came just in time to save Misao from a nasty bump on her head.”
“And a trip to Megumi.” Karou added.
“Yea, it could have knocked you out.” Yahiko said softly to Misao, who was still sitting under the tree looking at Aoshi. At his words she looked at him, while Karou glared at him.
“You would have been laid out next to her then, Yahiko.” Karou told him hotly.
Yahiko's expression went from one of surprise to anger. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“It's your fault she was almost hit.” Karou said pointing at Misao.
“Me?” Yahiko demanded, pointing a finger at himself. “You were the one who knocked the sword from my hands.”
“If you had been holding it properly I wouldn't have been able to knock it out of your hands.” She accused.
“What?!?” Yahiko's face turned red.
“Now, now.” Kenshin said with his usual calm and his hands raised imploringly in the air.
Ignoring them, Misao got to her feet, her eyes never leaving Aoshi's. “What are you doing here?” She asked softly. She was amazed that her voice was louder than a whisper. She was so surprised to see him, here, in Tokyo. Aoshi, who hadn't left the Aoiya any further than the temple in the past two years, was here in Tokyo. It left her speechless. She didn't know what to say or do other than ask him what he was doing here.
“Let me go!”
Misao forced her eyes to look away from Aoshi and look to see what Yahiko was yelling about. The sight before her made her eyes widen and her jaw drop. There was Yahiko, face down in the dirt, the heels of his feet rested on his butt, and Karou was laid across them, holding one arm behind his back, while she attempted to capture the other. Yahiko bucked against her hold as hard as his position would allow him as he kept his other hand out of her reach.
“Please,” Kenshin said, standing next to Karou, a hand resting on her shoulder, “let him go Karou before one or both of you get hurt.”
Yahiko attempted to turn on his side, anything to get his free hand on her and free himself, but Karou anticipated this, as she turned further onto him and moved higher, drawing his feet up with her.
“Ugh!” Yahiko cried, his face reddened, and his labored breathing caused big clouds of dust to stir and sting his eyes. Yahiko lifted his face as much as he could and shook his head. “If you don't get off me, I'll…”
“What are you going to do?” Karou asked him tauntingly as she used his distraction to her advantaged and grabbed his free hand and pinned it behind his back. “All I need is rope and I could tie you up.” When Yahiko swore under his breath Karou pinned his shoulders down, forcing his face into the dirt again.
“Karou, really, you are much older than he is and…” Kenshin stopped what he was about to say when Karou turned to glare at him.
“What's that supposed to mean?” She demanded, moving with Yahiko as he struggled again.
“Much older, huh?”
Misao could almost see the smoke rising off the top of Karou's head. She couldn't imagine the anger that she was feeling as she stuck her leg out and knocked Kenshin off his feet. Without even thinking, she released Yahiko and pounced on Kenshin before the dirt from his impact rose into the air.
“You are the one much older, Kenshin.” She grabbed a hand full of fiery hair and pulled. “I'm only eighteen.” Before Kenshin could react to his wife's assault, Yahiko, who had sighed with great relief when Karou finally let him go, jumped on Karou causing her head to bang into Kenshin's before falling into a pile of struggling arms and kicking feet.
Misao, who simply couldn't believe what was happening, threw back her head and laughed. And laughed and laughed. She laughed so hard that her sides hurt and tears streamed down her face.
“Get oooffff mmeeee.” Kenshin cried as Karou and Yahiko wrestled and rolled around on him.
At the sound of Misao's hooting laughter, the trio stopped and looked at her. Kenshin's hair was all over his head, Karou's foot rested against his ear. Yahiko's head rested on Kenshin's feet and Karou's hand was around his throat. Karou was using the leverage she gained by pushing off Kenshin's head to keep Yahiko from escaping her clutches. It had been months since they heard laughter from Misao that they couldn't help but stop and stare at her.
Aoshi struggled to keep himself from laughing with her. Not because the scene before him was worth laughing at but because of Misao. It seemed so very long since he'd heard her laugh that he wished for it to continue forever. To always feel the rush of warmth that swept through his body at the joyous sound. He wished to always see her crying only from laughter. But more than anything he wished for her to come home. Admittedly, he was a very quiet person and enjoyed quietness, but he longed for the sounds that were only Misao. Her soft footsteps, her sweet voice, her hypnotic laugh, and her loving manner, he missed it all. How could he tell her that the reason he was here was because he had to see her? How to tell her that he knew she wasn't planning on returning and that he wanted to find out exactly why?
He still felt there was something she wasn't telling him but to see her smiling and hear her laughing he felt the worry slowly ease from his heart. He'd been paying very close attention to the progress of the investigation and there had been no further mention of Misao's name, but there had been no mention of any other possible suspects either. There seemed to be no notice of her absence so he left well enough alone but kept a very watchful eye on the situation. Which was another reason for his being in Tokyo; he wanted to see first hand if it was necessary to have so much surveillance on Misao while she was here. He had four men watching her and he was considering getting rid of one of them. But he wanted to check out Tokyo for himself before he made his final decision.
He felt his thoughts wondering, though, as he, along with everyone else, watched Misao laugh until she could barely breath.
“I'm going to throw up.” She gasped as she looked up at Aoshi but started laughing again when she turned her attention back to her friends, who were now dusting themselves off. Yahiko and Karou were still shoving and pinching each other but the fight seemed to be over. Kenshin raked his fingers through his hair, pushing it back behind his shoulders. “You should have seen yourselves.” She breathed, pointing her finger at them. Misao laughed a few more times before taking deep breaths, closing her eyes. She willed herself to stop laughing but she just couldn't help herself. She laughed a few more times before saying, “Okay, okay.” She laughed. “I'm done.” She put two fingers to her lips to keep them straight, but she still struggled with keeping a straight face.
Karou's cheeks were almost as red as her husbands hair as she stood looking down at the dirt, her hands attempting to cover her crimson face. She felt the embarrassment of the situation now that Misao snapped her out of her thoughts of doing nothing but pound Yahiko into the ground. Why did he always make her loose her control and attack out of anger? Her lump on the head a hearty serving of embarrassment instead. “Why don't we go inside for some tea?” Karou said in a rush. “Misao, start the water while we clean ourselves up.” Karou said and turned on her heal and walked away.
“Hai.” Misao called after her. Her lips broke into a huge smile and she laughed without making any noise and turned to go inside and make tea.
“Oro.” Kenshin said when he picked of his broken hairband.
“You have more.” Yahiko told him before walking away.
Aoshi smiled openly to himself as he left the others and followed Misao towards the kitchen.
Misao could feel his eyes on her as she rounded the house and entered the kitchen through the backdoor. When she stepped into the kitchen she set about preparing the tea and avoiding any lengthy conversation. It would only lead to the topic she wished to keep away from the most. With just the self-reminder she almost shivered as images filled her minds eye and she fought the urge to cover her stomach protectively. She couldn't do things like that in front of Aoshi, he would surely notice. But she also knew that she would have to be a complete fool to think she could possibly avoid it. I have to try, she thought as she dipped the tea kettle into the bucket of water she collected that morning and watched as it filled, so that just makes me foolish. I can live with that. She decided with a slight nod of her head. She poured out the excess water and turned to find Aoshi squatting next to the fire, stirring it.
“Is the water ready?” He asked quietly, not turning around.
“Hai.” Misao answered softly. She walked over with the kettle but before she could squat next to him and settle the kettle over the fire, he reached up and took it from her and did it himself. With her hands suddenly empty she again fought the urge to place them protectively over her baby.
She flinched when he stood and turned to face her suddenly. She raised her startled eyes to look into his intense ones. She'd always known that he could see through any game or façade she might be trying to play and see the real her. So, she tried her best to meet his serious gaze with a calm, unreadable one in return. Her hands itched to feel the warmth of where her baby lay against her skin. The gesture was more for her comfort than for any other reason. She didn't realize the number of times she did it subconsciously, only the times she felt uncomfortable. And this was one of those times.
Clutching her hands into fists she dropped them to her side and took a step back. He took a step forward. Misao felt every nerve in her body tingle as she took another step backwards and bumped into the kitchen counter.
“Nervous?” He whispered as he took another step towards her.
“Should I be?” She whispered back. Her hands reached up and grabbed hold of the counter behind her, attempting to find support in case her knees buckled out form under her.
“I should think you'd never be nervous around me. You've known me your whole life.”
“Most of my life, at least. You spent a lot of time away, fighting in the war.”
“You spent a lot of time tracking me down after the war.” He closed the space between them with half a step.
“But I never found you.” She whispered.
“Didn't you?” He asked, his head tilted slightly to the left, as if in thought.
“No.” She breathed. What breath she had left was sucked from her lungs and a look of complete surprise took over her `calm' one when Aoshi reached up and touched her long bangs that hung loose from her braid. Her hair had grown more than an inch since the last time she'd seen him.
“Your hair has grown.” He commented softly as his fingers tucked her hair behind her ear.
Misao fought against the shiver that ran up and down her s pine. She felt her cheeks flush. “I haven't bothered to trim it.”
“You should let it grow.” He told her.
I didn't want to know that, Misao thought as her eyes fluttered shut and opened again. “Really?” Was all she could say.
Aoshi nodded as he took a step back. He wasn't sure why he was invading her personal space the way he was. Even when she was a little girl he never hovered over her. He wanted to believe it was because he hadn't seen her in weeks but he had gone years without seeing her, hadn't he? Why should now be any different? Because, she's running away from me, now, instead, of the other way around. When he left, after the war, it was because he knew he didn't fit into the new civilization born from all the blood shed created by himself and so many other samurai's. He couldn't bare the thought of the blood on his hands touching her innocent life, thus polluting what she created.
Even as he ran from her, he thought only of her. He dreamed of her whenever he was able to sleep. It was usually because he dreamed of her when he did sleep that he tried to avoid it as much as possible. She was the last thing he thought of night and the first thing he thought of when he woke up. Even when he was fighting, he did it to protect her, a member of the Oniwa Banshu. He almost smirked at the thought of her being the leader but he was the one who put her in that position, so his pride was short lived, but even when he betrayed her and tried to murder her best friend, because he wouldn't betray his loyalties as well, she still allowed faith and hope to live in her. And eventually it lived in him. It was her obvious nervousness that made him step back and give her some space.
“Cake?” He asked his brow arched.
“Cake?” Misao repeated stupidly.
“To go with the tea.” He offered.
“Tea?” Misao asked confused. “Yes, of course, the tea. I'm not sure if we have any.” Misao was grateful for an excuse not to have to look at him anymore as she surveyed the kitchen for something appropriate to go with tea. When she heard the sound of Kenshin's voice she smiled. “Kenshin?” She yelled.
“Hai?” Kenshin asked suddenly appearing in the kitchen.
“Do we have anything to go with the tea?” She asked as the kettle whistled.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it's taken me forever to update but so much is going on that writing can be harder than normal. Hope you enjoyed and that you'll let me know what you think.