Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7
Aoshi blinked several times as he tried to digest what it was that Misao was telling him. Raped? No, he couldn't have heard her right but she said it twice. No, it couldn't be. No one would rape Misao? Why would they? How could they do such a thing? Misao had been properly trained in self-defense. He knocked her out and did it while she was unconscious. Aoshi felt pure rage flow through his veins and he clinched his hands into fists. The bastard was lucky he was dead or he would take enormous pleasure in killing him slowly.
He felt Misao bury her face on his shoulder, he could feel her tears as they hit his shirt. Was she crying because she told me the truth? He wondered as he's arms came up and hesitantly wrapped around her, when she leaned into him, he held her tighter.
“Don't be disgusted with me, Aoshi-sama, please.” Misao cried harder and her grip tightened around his neck.
Aoshi cupped her head with one hand holding her close while he rubbed her back up and down with the other. “Never.” He whispered in her ear.
“Don't think that I am weak and unable to protect myself. Despite that it has been proven otherwise.” She pleaded further.
“It's hard to defend yourself when you are unconscious.” He told her hating that she would think he thought her weak. She was strong willed enough to love him after so many years so she was far from weak.
Misao tried to pull away from him but he held her by her waist. “I can't even remember what happened.” She told him looking at his chest.
“I am sure that women who have dealt with this before you wish they could forget what happened. Do not wish so hard to remember. I have seen you struggle with what you know now. I am not sure you would like knowing everything.” He felt her shiver at his words.
“I don't really want to know but it's scary not knowing what happened. I wonder if my dreams are real or not. I have this feeling of dread that won't go away.” She flinched as she reached behind her and removed his hands taking a step away from him. Could she not stand to have any man near?
“Knowing if your dreams are real or not will not make them go away.” He said softly.
“I know.” She replied with her head bowed.
“Does Okina know?” He asked hesitantly. He was almost positive her answer would be no but he had to know.
“I don't want anyone to know.” She answered.
“Megumi knows, though, doesn't she?” He asked knowing the answer.
Misao looked up at him for a moment before she nodded her head and began pacing back and forth again.
“You told her but didn't want Okina or myself to know? Not even Okon?” He watched her as she paced.
“I didn't want anyone to know but you insisted that she treat me when she arrived here a few weeks ago.” She said looking at him while she paced.
“Yes, treat you.” He said.
“And she said to treat me properly I needed to trust her with the truth and so I did.” Misao said hotly. “Are you saying I shouldn't have?”
“No, of course not.” Aoshi told her firmly.
“But you are saying that I should have come to you or Jiya instead of Megumi, right? Maybe I am more comfortable confiding in a woman than two men.”
“I would not be surprised that you would more comfortable confiding in a woman. Okon is a woman.”
She sighed heavily and shook her head at him. “It doesn't matter, Aoshi-sama. I have no intentions of telling Okon or Jiya. And I wouldn't have told you but I had to.”
“You had to?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“It's just like you said I had a secret and you wanted to know. Now you know. Are you satisfied?” She stood with her hands on her hips.
Aoshi could only stand and stare at her. She was beginning to loose her temper and at the rate they were going it wouldn't be long before they woke somebody from their peaceful slumber. Misao seemed to be having the same thoughts.
“I didn't mean that.” She said and covered her face with her hands. “I'm tired.” Came her muffled voice. “And I don't know why I'm trying to pick a fight with you but I am.” She held her hands out imploringly before they fell to her side. “And we're going to wake somebody up. I don't want to talk about this anymore.”
Aoshi interrupted her before she could say anything else. “Misao, you cannot run away from this.”
Misao laughed. “I couldn't even if I wanted to.”
He smiled softly at her. “No you can't.”
“But I don't want to talk about this anymore.”
“I shall leave you be for now but I can't say that we won't discuss this later. There are still many things that need to be discussed and dealt with.”
Misao waved her hand is if she could slap it away. “I don't want to talk about it.”
“But we will.” He told her and bowed slightly, taking his leave. At the door he stopped and said over his shoulder. “Sleep peacefully.”
Misao sat nervously before Jiya as he calmly drank his morning tea. It had been nearly a week since her late-night talk with Aoshi and Megumi had told her that they would be leaving within the next two weeks so Misao knew it was now or never.
“How long do you wish to live in Tokyo, Misao?” Jiya asked placing his tea on the floor before him.
“I'm not sure, Jiya, you remember what happened the last time I stayed with Karou? You had to send for me.” Misao laughed at the memory but she didn't really feel it. This was proving to be harder than she thought it would.
“And you wish to `spread your wings'?” He asked quoting her earlier comment.
Misao closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Yes.” She told him. “I have spent most of my life dreaming about Aoshi-sama and seeing Karou and Kenshin together, happy, and starting a family it's made me realize that maybe I shouldn't waste any more time dreaming. I thought maybe if I got away from Aoshi-sama for a while it would give me a chance to truly consider what it is that I want and what I can actually have.” She had practiced the speech over and over before she finally found the courage to speak to Jiya about returning to Tokyo with Megumi. Now all it depended on Jiya believing her. She didn't actually need his permission but she preferred to have it. It secured her privacy more.
“I think it would be good for you, Misao.” He said finally after observing her for what felt like an eternity to Misao. “I have worried about you wasting your youth on someone who may not be able to return the feelings you desire.”
“I know.” Misao said bowing her head. God, how she knew the whole Aoiya worried about her wasting her life on waiting for Aoshi.
“And I think it would be good to try a change of scenery.”
“And being with my friends.” She added.
“When do you wish to leave?” Jiya asked and Misao jumped into his arms.
“Karou said they are leaving at the end of next week. I would like to go back with them.” She said holding him so tight he could barely breathe.
“I will see to the arrangements.” He managed.
“Aoshi-sama?” Misao called before she reached the top step of the temple. She found him on his knees in front of the alter, his eyes were closed.
“Okina has told me you are going with Kenshin to Tokyo.” He said not opening his eyes when she came over and stood next to him.
“He told you?” Misao said disappointed. “I was hoping to be the one to tell you.”
“It matters not, but he did not say when you would be returning.” He bowed his head.
“I didn't tell him when I would be returning because I don't plan on returning anytime soon.” She told him and held her breath.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at her. “You are trying to run, Misao.”
Misao felt her face flush at his words as she shook her head in denial. “I am not running.” She lied.
“What do you call it?” He closed his eyes again.
“I call it taking a chance to heal in my own way.” She dropped to her knees next to him. “I know that you wish for me to confide and seek comfort from Jiya and Okon but that is not what I want.”
“You want the comfort Megumi can offer you?” The way he said it made Misao think he thought it an incredible idea.
“As a matter of fact, I do. She has urged me to confide in my family but it has been my decision to keep it to myself. When I told her about the rape it was with her word that she would not tell another person and she hasn't but she has urged me not to keep it to myself.”
“You refuse to take her advice, Misao.”
“That may be but she doesn't hold it against me. She offers her support no matter my decision.”
“And your decision is to go to Tokyo? What does she think of that?”
“She thinks it will be good for me if it is what I wish to do. I have no desire to be in Kyoto right now and she understands that.”
“And what of Tokugawa's family?”
Misao paused. He had her there. From the beginning she had not really considered the fact that her rapists family would want to avenge them selves on her. She had not considered his family at all. Could they really find out it was her that killed Tokugawa? “Kenshin and Karou will be there, as well as Sano. And you are keeping a close eye on them so you will know if they come to Tokyo looking for me.”
“This is truly what you wish?” He was looking at her again.
“It is.” She said softly.
“I am keeping an eye on Tokugawa's family.” He said after a moment's silence. “If anything happens I will be coming to Tokyo myself.”
Misao's head snapped at his comment but she remained silent.
“When are you leaving?”
“In three days.”
“I suggest you get on with your packing then.”
“Hai.” Misao said and took her leave.
Author's note: I know you want more. I want more too, lol, so you are not alone but two chapters in two days is not bad. You are doing better than those waiting for my next chapter of Kagome's Realization. Hope you enjoyed and I would love to hear from you.