Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6
They sat in silence during dinner. Misao absorbed in her thoughts of how to escape from the impending talk that would no doubt rip the world as she knew it from under her feet. Aoshi wondered how, if possible, he would get out of her what he needed to hear. The rest of the Aoiya carried on as if nothing were amiss.
Misao found it difficult to eat her dinner of sashimi, rice, leek stew, and grilled fish. Instead, she pushed it around with her chopsticks. This brought her a stern look from Megumi and so she dutifully took a bite and then another.
“Okon told me that keisatsu came to speak with you.” Jiya said in between bites. Misao chocked on her bite of fish. The dinner table went quiet.
Misao could only nod as she struggled to swallow. Why did Okon-chan have to tell Jiya? She wondered. Her face flushed, her eyes watered, and her lungs burned for oxygen.
“Misao?” Megumi asked standing.
Misao made a sound that was half cough half sputter and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
“She's chocking!”
It was the last thing Misao heard before she fainted.
“Give her some room.” Misao heard Megumi say before she felt a wet cloth on her forehead. “She's okay.”
“I'm okay.” Misao said softly, her voice raspy, and she lifted her hand to touch the wet cloth and pulled it down over her eyes.
“Can you sit up?” Megumi asked her.
“Give me a minute.” She whispered back.
“Take your time.”
“Why did she chock?” Jiya asked confused and concerned.
“She didn't do it on purpose.” Okon pointed out.
“No one chocks on purpose.” Megumi told them.
“I should hope not.” Misao said slowly sitting up. “My head hurts.” She put a hand to her head.
“I'm sure it does.” Megumi said feeling the back of her head. “When you fainted you hit your head on the floor.”
Misao raised her eyebrows at this. “No one caught me?”
“Megumi-dono tried.” Kenshin said. “It happened so fast.”
“I think what you need now is to lie down.” Megumi said standing and moving behind her to help her to her feet.
Misao felt light-headed as she got to her feet.
“Don't move to fast.” Megumi told her taking her by the arm.
“I won't.” She said and took a hesitant step forward and then another.
“Good girl.” She told her. She turned to speak to everyone else. “If you'll excuse us, I'm going to take Misao upstairs.”
“Would you like me to come with you?” Karou asked stepping forward.
“I'm okay.” Misao told her holding her hand up to stop her. “No need to fuss. I'm sorry I disturbed everyone's dinner.”
“Don't be silly.” Jiya and Okon said at the same time.
“We're just relieved that you're alright.” Karou told her.
Misao just nodded and smiled softly. She put more of her weight on Megumi. “I feel so drained.” She whispered putting a hand to her throat.
“I'll just bet you do.” She whispered back slowly walking out of the room and towards the stairs. “Your throat hurt?”
“Only when I talk.” She managed.
“Okay.” Megumi said taking the first step slowly. “Then don't talk. I'll try to just ask you yes or no questions so you can nod or shake your head.”
Misao nodded and slowly lifter her foot to take the next step. She looked up at the rest of them, it seemed like there were thousands of steps for her to climb. She felt perspiration form on her brow and upper lip. She felt her stomach tighten and she bent over to ease the pulling sensation she felt.
“You okay?” Megumi asked bending over with her.
Misao shook her head and slowly eased herself down onto the next step; she needed to sit down before she fell down.
“Put your head between your knees.” She heard Megumi say as she closed her eyes to the dizziness she felt and did as Megumi told her. “You're not going to make it up these stairs and I could kick myself for even letting you try.” Megumi told her while she rubbed her hand up and down her back, soothingly. “Let me get Kenshin to carry you upstairs.”
Misao didn't notice the hand leave her back or Megumi leaving her while she struggled not to faint again. I shouldn't have gotten up so fast, she reasoned as she fought the urge to lie down on the stairs. When she felt herself start to keel over she jerked herself back and instantly regretted the sudden movement. She felt the last of her control give way as she slumped into semi-consciousness. She vaguely registered, as she fell backwards, that she was really going to be in pain after hitting the stairs.
But she never hit the stairs. At the last second someone caught her. That someone was now holding her in their arms and taking her up the dreaded stairs. Kenshin, she remembered. Megumi had gone to get Kenshin and she never felt more thankful in her life. She leaned heavily into him, turning her head to rest on his shoulder. He smells good, she thought as she breathed in slowly.
She used what was left of her energy to put her arm around his neck. “My hero.” She whispered.
“What did she say?” She heard Megumi say.
“I'm not sure.”
When Misao heard Aoshi's voice her eyes opened wide and then closed again. I wondered about Kenshin shoulder's being wider than they seemed, she thought and would have laughed had she not felt so damn weak. Instead, she curled up in his arms more and moved her head to rest in the crock of his neck. “You're not Kenshin.” She told him.
“I hope not.” He whispered to her. “Megumi.” He said and she heard the sounds of her bedroom door sliding open.
“Place her on her futon and wipe her down with this cloth while I go and get my medicine bag.”
Misao felt Aoshi's muscles bunch and stretch as he lowered her down onto her futon. Seconds later she felt a wonderful wet cloth wipe the sweat off her brow. She leaned into the cloth as he wiped it down her cheek. She smiled and slowly opened her eyes. “Your not my hero, you're better. You're my angel.” She said dreamily before falling asleep.
“””'””””””& #8221;””””''
Aoshi stared down at the now asleep Misao. He continued to wipe the sweat from her face. His heart tightened as he saw her, in his minds eye, falling backwards onto the stairs, her face white. It was bad enough that he hadn't been close enough to catch her when she fainted at dinner but she could have really hurt herself had she hit those stairs.
He closed his eyes mentally shaking the image from his mind. He gently placed Misao's hands on her stomach but frowned when he felt their clamminess, he wiped them down, her arms as well.
“Kenshin, come quickly. Misao isn't going to be able to make it on her own.” He heard Megumi's voice in his head. How could she not have come to me? He asked himself filled with anger. Even Karou shot him a glance when she realized what it was that Megumi wanted.
“I thought you had your feelings well known, Misao.” He said softly. “I guess not everyone knows that if you are in need I am the person to come to. Me or Okina, that is.” He brushed her hair behind her ear.
“How is she?” Megumi asked sliding the door open.
“Sleeping.” Aoshi said watching Megumi intently as she sat on the opposite side of Misao.
“I was too anxious to get her to her room. This is my fault; I shouldn't have let her move so soon. Fainting and choking is a terrible combination. I should never have let her walk.” Megumi said over and over as she gave Misao a thorough once over. Aoshi watched her the whole time, even took note of the gentle way Megumi touched her stomach.
“Do you think she'll sleep the rest of the night?” Aoshi asked softly.
Megumi opened her bag and took out a small vile that contained a powder of an interesting shade of pink. “She will once she's had some of this.”
“It's to make her sleep?” He watched as she stood and got a glass of water and watched as the clear liquid turned pink.
“No but it should make her sleepy, it should also help relieve her headache and the pain she feels in her throat.” Megumi sat next to Misao again and gently placed the glass on the floor next to her. She gently cupped Misao's face in her hands and turned her towards her. “Misao.” She whispered.
Misao twitched at the sound of her name and groaned softly.
“I want you to drink this.” Megumi reached for the glass with her right hand and brought it to her lips.
Misao jerked away from the glass causing some of it to spill on her. “Don't touch me.” She whimpered hoarsely a single tear falling down her face.
“Open your eyes, Misao.” Megumi commanded gently setting the glass down and taking her face in both hands again.
Misao let out a soft yell as she again jerked against her hold. When she attempted to raise her arms in self-defense Aoshi reached out and still her movements.
“Open your eyes, Misao, and see that it is Aoshi and Megumi.” He said.
At the sound of his voice Misao stopped her attempts at escape and released a sigh of relief and then her eyes snapped open as realization finally hit her. Without moving her head, which was still being gently held by Megumi, she looked around the room.
“You're in your room.” Megumi stated.
Misao looked at Megumi with tears welling up in her eyes. “I thought…”
“Don't think.” Megumi interrupted her letting go to grab the glass again. “I want you to drink this.”
“What is it?” She croaked trying not to cry.
“It will ease your pain.” She whispered bringing it once again to her lips. Misao lifted her head a little more and dutifully drained the glass. “Good.” Megumi told her as she set aside the glass. “It should also help you sleep.”
“What happened?” Misao whispered closing her eyes.
Megumi opened her mouth, as if to speak, but the sound of Aoshi's voice silenced her.
“You choked on your dinner and, in an attempt to make it to your room, you almost fainted on the stairs. I carried you up here, do you remember any of this?” Aoshi asked softly.
Misao's eyes squinted tightly together before relaxing again. “Vaguely.” She breathed.
“Don't worry about that now. You need to rest.” Megumi told her placing a hand gently on her head, stroking her hair.
Misao simply nodded before drifting to sleep again.
“She should sleep for the rest of the night.” Megumi said to Aoshi
Good, Aoshi thought. It wouldn't do her any good to be awake she would want to be up and about and that could lead to yet another fainting or near fainting spell. When Megumi removed her hand he fought the urge to replace it with his own. How he longed to stroke her hair, to see if it felt as silky as it looked. His fingers itched with the thought of it.
“Will she have any side effects from the medicine you've given her?” His eyes shot to Megumi's as his hands balled into a fist on his lap, in a poor attempt forget the urge to reach out to Misao.
Megumi simply stared at him for a moment before answering. “There shouldn't be but she might feel tired tomorrow and a little disoriented when she sits up and even stands.”
Aoshi looked down at the restless Misao before standing. “We should leave her to find her peace.”
Megumi looked down at Misao and put her hand on her forehead. “She does not need us talking about her while she is trying to sleep.” She brushed her thumb gently across her forehead before standing. Together they left the room.
Misao ran as fast as her trained feet could carry her. She ran low attempting to hide her whereabouts as she ran past a low fence. She constantly scanned her surroundings, trying to make sure that HE wasn't near. He wanted to hurt her again. He wanted to take away more. She couldn't allow that. She needed to be too strong for the sake of their child to let him rip pieces of herself away from her. She needed everything that was in her to overcome the odds that were set high against her.
She had been gardening with Kenji, as was their new ritual, when dark clouds suddenly blocked out the sun. Sending Kenji in before the storm broke loose, Misao alone picked up their tools when she suddenly felt a presence. It sent chills up her spine and made the hair on her arms stand up. Slowly and cautiously she scanned the area. She heard him before she saw him, as he attempted to sneak up behind her. When she spun around and saw his expression of pure sick pleasure she followed her gut instincts and ran for it. She ran from the Aoiya and headed towards the temple. Aoshi was there and he would help her.
She stopped when she reached the stairs leading to the temple. She was breathing hard as she scanned the area one last time but there was no one. She turned her attention back to the temple and Aoshi and put one foot on the steps when he grabbed her from behind. One hand went over her mouth to keep her scream from escaping and the other wrapped around her waist, hoisting her up and away from the temple.
Sure panic took over Misao as she watched her saving grace slowly shrink. She shook her head and bit down HARD on his hand causing him to scream in pain and pull his hand back. “AOSHI-SAMA!” She screamed while his blood dripped from her mouth.
Misao shot up in bed and struggled to get herself out from under her covers, nearly crying in frustration. Soft whimpers escaped her lips as she freed herself and scrambled to the corner of her room with her knees tucked under her chin and her arms wrapped around her legs.
Misao stopped moving and sucked in her breath when she realized that she wasn't alone. She felt panic fill her heart but she willed herself into staying still. She didn't feel threatened by the presence, the opposite actually, the presence felt almost calming. She closed her eyes as the sensation of safe washed over her.
“Aoshi-sama?” She whispered, her eyes still closed.
“Hai.” He answered from across the dark room. Misao opened her eyes at the soft sound of his voice. She smiled, instantly relaxing.
Aoshi smiled at Misao from the dark corner he resided in. It was too dark for her to see him but he could see her perfectly as she sat almost under her window, the moon shining down on her. She looked even paler under its soft light than she really was.
He was glad that she was awake. His will to let her sleep in peace wavered greatly when he realized her dreams were turning into nightmares. Before she started breathing heavy, as if she were running, she seemed to be having the sweetest dream. Each time she laughed softly he almost wished he could be in her dream so he could see what she was doing. Especially when she mumbled something about a shovel and laughed.
He remembered, as he sat listening to her, that she had talked in her sleep as a child. Apparently she hadn't lost the habit. He hadn't been trying to watch over her while she slept back then either. He had simple been observing her, trying to figure her out. He felt that he knew her very well, but he didn't always feel like he `knew' her. For example, when he found out that she was the one who broke Okina's vase that was in the Aoiya restaurant, she had confessed to it while sleeping. He was surprised. She had successfully lied to him. He never questioned her about it. Okina had been really upset about the broken vase, because his grandmother had made it. He had threatened death to the guilty.
When he left earlier with Megumi he felt unsettled. He had planned on talking to her about her involvement in the disappearance of Tokugawa-san. He was determined to have his questions answered but now it didn't seem possible. So, instead he returned to his dinner with Megumi, the others were waiting. He left the explanations to Megumi. He spoke little as he pondered about Misao.
Misao was never able to keep secrets from him. She may have gotten away with a lie or two, maybe even a few he didn't know about. But when it came down to it she could never keep anything secret. Something always happened and he always found out and he refused to let now be any different. She had a secret and he wanted to know exactly what it was. He glanced at her as she sat silently looking out her window, her knees still drawn under her chin. She looked so fragile. Feeling his eyes on her she looked at him and gave him a small smile.
“How long have you been here?” She asked softly.
He sighed inwardly, how long indeed? It had to be after three at least and he heard the strike of twelve while sitting on her floor so ... “A while.” He answered.
Misao nodded her head and after a moments silence asked. “Why are you in here?”
Aoshi raised an eyebrow at her question but found he didn't have anything to say for himself. Why was he in her room? He shouldn't be. He should be in his room asleep, leaving her to have her nightmares and wake up scared and alone in the middle of the night. That was how things should be but tonight he was grateful that they weren't. He saw the sure fear and panic on her face when she woke up, he heard her cries as she struggled with her blanket, and he saw the relief she felt when she realized he was in the room with her.
“I came to check on you.”
“And decided to stay awhile.” She stated. “I had a bad dream.” She said breaking the silence that had fallen between them.
“I know.” He said.
She laughed softly and nodded her head. “I guess you do.”
“Where you in the garden?” He asked suddenly.
“What?” She asked stupidly, almost as if she weren't fully awake yet.
“You were talking about a shovel.”
“I talked in my sleep?” She asked surprised.
“You laughed mostly.”
She laughed again as she remembered. “That would be about right. I was laughing in my dream while I was gardening with Kenji.”
“Gardening even in your sleep.” He told her.
“Hai.” She said her face sobering.
“Nani?” He asked softly hoping she trusted him enough to tell him about her bad dream.
Misao felt to tired to keep her walls up against telling Aoshi about the attack. What was the point, really? She knew in the beginning it would be almost impossible to keep everything secret but she had to try. She would tell Aoshi enough to satisfy him, that if she withstood his questioning. He had a way of getting her to spill her guts to him.
“In my dream all of a sudden it became very dark. Kenji was inside and I was alone in the garden and the he was there.”
“Tokugawa-san?” He asked knowingly.
Misao simply nodded her head and continued. “I ran to the temple. I was running to you but he got me.”
“Like last time?” He probed.
Misao had a flash of being hit in the back of the head and placed her hand over the spot. “He knocked me out last time.”
“In your dream, what happened?” He asked making her feel dizzy with his switch in conversation.
“He had his hand over my mouth so I bit him and I screamed your name.” She closed her eyes. “Did I call your name in my sleep?” She asked looking at him but not really seeing him. She looked towards his voice. She loved the sound of his voice.
“No. You just shot up straight.”
“I didn't say anything?”
“You started breathing heavy just before you shot up in your bed. You scrambled off your futon and to where you sit now.”
She nodded at him and sat silently for a while. “I don't know what happened.” She told him softly. She could feel his eyes on her as he considered what she said.
“And Tokugawa?” He asked finally.
“Is dead.” She answered calmly.
“Did you kill him?”
“I think so.” She answered again focusing her energy on remembering what happened that day.
“What makes you think so?”
“My kunai was in his chest.”
“Where is the body?” He asked she could hear the soft rustle of his clothes as he moved on the floor.
“I don't know.”
“Misao.” He breathed her name as he suddenly came into view. He walked over to her and sat down next to her. “You must tell me where the body is.”
Misao lowered her legs and sat forward. “I told you, I don't know where the body is.”
She lowered her head when he sighed. She knew she wasn't answering his questions clearly but she just couldn't remember where she was.
“Start from the beginning.” He said finally.
Misao sighed and rubbed her temples. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want him to know that she was raped. And he was a few questions away from finding out. She felt like crying.
“Tokugawa-san is dead and I killed him. That is all that there is to know.” Misao jumped back when Aoshi face was suddenly close to hers. His expression was very serious.
“The police came here and questioned you today. Do not think that his family will not find out about this. It is known that you carry kunai and there is a witness who spoke with Tokugawa the day his was with you. Misao you must know that this could turn into a very dangerous situation for you? You must tell me what happened.” Misao tried to back away from him but each move she made he took one forward. There was to be no escape. She almost wished she could faint her way out of it.
Instead she stood and stared down at him as he sat back on his heels. “He is in a shed. I don't know where because I wasn't paying attention when I left. All I wanted to do was get away from him so I grabbed the kunai that was in his chest and I left.” She wanted to yell it at him but didn't want to wake up everyone so she somehow managed to keep her voice low.
“How did you end up with him in a shed? Do you remember that?” He stayed seated on the floor as Misao paced back and forth before him.
“I left to go for a walk and he knocked me out from behind. I woke up in a shed and he was already dead.”
“You were gone all day you couldn't have been unconscious the whole time?”
Misao swung around to face him. “How many times do I have to tell you that I don't remember what happened? I could have woken up twenty times before but I don't remember.”
Aoshi stood and Misao found herself looking up at him instead of down at him. He towered over her mercilessly. “I know that you are still keeping something from me and I want you to tell me what it is.”
She swallowed hard. She knew that if she didn't tell him what he wanted to know he would force it from her. She let out a small squeal when he grabbed her by the arms and pulled her towards him, lifting her off the ground to where her toes barely touched. She expected to be shaken but was completely thrown of balance when his thumbs caressed her arms and his hold loosened so that he wasn't hurting her.
“Tell me.”
It sounded almost like a plea and she closed her eyes knowing that he wouldn't like what he was going to hear.
“You don't want to know.” Misao said looking up at him and she nodded her head. “I promise you.”
“I want to know anyway.” He told her.
Misao felt tears fill her eyes and she wiggled out of his hold and hugged him. “He raped me.” She hugged him tighter when she felt his body stiffen at her words. His arms dropped to his side.
“What did you say?” He whispered.
“He raped me.”
Author's note: Don't you just love cliffhangers? LOL I do. Hope you all enjoyed. Hopefully you will review and let me know what you think.