Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Misao's Secret ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5
Two weeks after the arrival of the Himura's a routine was finally set. In the mornings, after a nice breakfast in the Aoiya restaurant, they would go for a long walk and take in the sites and return just before the lunch rush at the Aoiya. After lunch Misao, as well as Megumi, with Misao's urging, practiced karate for two hours. And with Megumi's urging, Misao spent the rest of her time before dinner gardening. Keniji enjoyed spending that time with her. He would help her dig holes and place in the plants, he was an excellent weed puller, his aim with watering needed to be worked on but he certainly made gardening more fun.
Misao found her thoughts more on Keniji than on gardening. Would she be having a boy or girl? She would wonder. Would he or she ever be able to play with Keniji and grow up to be friends? When she noticed how like his mother and father he was, she worried. Would her baby be like its father? Could it be possible to inherit badness? Over and over the thoughts plagued her. They made her want to run away but she knew that the thoughts would simply run with her. It's hard to outrun what you carry with you.
“I thirsty.” Keniji said as he plucked yet another weed.
Misao was pulled from her thoughts. She smiled at him. “Are you?”
Keniji made a big show of nodding his head.
“Your mommy is inside. She'll get you some water.” Misao told him.
“Hai.” He said and ran away to find his mother.
It was during this newfound gardening time that Misao made her decision. She would leave the Aoiya. A return date was unknown but she would leave. The thought of the people she cared about most in the world turning to look at her with eyes full of pity or sympathy made her sick to her stomach. She had never been the type of person to be pitied. She never wanted anyone's pity. She had money left to her by her parents that she had never touched and it was more than enough for her to leave comfortably for years. She didn't have to be dependant on anyone. As it was, Megumi had agreed to be her roommate in Tokyo till she had the baby.
“Maybe I'll return after having the baby.” Misao said softly to herself as she reached over and pulled a weed Keniji missed. She suddenly saw herself, walking into the Aoiya, baby in tow, attempting to explain how they ended up together. Tell them the truth then? She wondered. She then saw Jiya's face, a look of scorn on it; stare down at the baby she carried in her arms. Misao flinched at the thought, her Jiya wouldn't act like that, but still… Misao put her hand over her stomach. “I won't let anyone look down on you either, little one.” She promised.
Misao pulled viciously at another weed as she willed the unpleasant thoughts to leave her mind. She thought of how she considered telling Karou her secret. It would keep her from having to be in complete isolation. Also, Karou had Keniji. She could ask questions. Maybe find out what to expect. Her body tingled with nervousness at the thought of giving birth.
Misao leaned back and searched for any missed weeds. Megumi had convinced her that gardening could be very soothing. If she let it, it was pointed out, but what wasn't was that gardening kept her out of the dojo. So far, though, all she needed soothed was her stiff back.
Cringing, Misao stretched. Her arms reached high above her head. She turned her face into the sunshine. Her ears picked up the sounds of approaching footsteps. Turning around she saw two keisatsu approaching the Aoiya. With eyes nearly popping out of her head, she quickly turned back around. She rose to her feet and disappeared around the corner.
Misao closed her eyes and willed her brain to think as she leaned against a wall of the Aoiya. “What should I do?” She asked herself panicked. “They can't be here for me, I'm just over reacting. Every time I've seen a keisatsu lately I've gotten so nervous.” Misao whispered soothing words softly to herself. “I'll just stay out of sight. I'll go to the temple.”
“Good afternoon.” She heard Okon say as she pushed herself away from the wall, heading towards the temple.
“We are wishing to speak with Makimachi Misao.” She heard one of the policemen say.
Misao ran. She ran right for the temple?!? She stopped dead in her tracks, the stairs leading up to the temple before her. Aoshi-sama will be there.
“Brilliant idea, Misao.” She stomped her foot and before she could pick a new place to go she heard her name being called.
Misao closed her eyes and straightened her shoulders. She was stupid to believe that she could hide from this. She turned around.
“Hai, Okon-chan?”
“These keisatsu would like to speak with you.” She gestured to the men following behind her.
“Really?” She hoped she sounded surprised as she gave the men a looking over. They were both smiling as they nodded. Both were about six feet tall, had matching mustaches, and matching suits. They could have been twins. Misao waited.
“What is this about?” Okon asked, her look curious.
“Well… uhm ….” Twin number one started.
“I'm sure t hey don't want much.” Misao interrupted. “Not enough to keep you from getting dinner ready. The Aoiya is empty now but you know how it will be in an hour.”
“The others can manage, I'm sure.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“I will see to this situation, Okon.” Aoshi said coming down the temple stairs.
Misao swallowed hard. Okon would be gone but there would be no getting rid of Aoshi.
“Hai.” Okon said after a moment's hesitation. She bowed and left them.
“Well?” Aoshi said eyeing the policemen.
They looked at each other nervously before Twin number two proceeded thus: “I am keisatsukan Yumati Tsuti and this is keisatsukan Neguni Mato. We are investigating a missing persons report and it is possible that Misao-dono was the last person to see him.”
Misao suddenly felt faint.
“Who is missing?” Aoshi asked.
“Tokugawa Minoru.”
Aoshi started at this. “Tokugawa? Are they not descendants of Nobunaga?”
They nodded. Aoshi looked at Misao.
Misao struggled to find her voice. “I don't think I know Tokugawa Minoru. Who said it was possible that I was the last to see him?” Please tell me no one saw me, she prayed.
“No one that we are aware of. As we said, it's a possibility. The exact date Tokugawa-sama went missing is still being narrowed down but we believe he's been missing for about five weeks.”
“What was he reported missing?” Aoshi asked. Misao closed her mouth as he asked what she was about to ask.
“Four weeks ago.”
“How is it that you've come to Misao as the last person to have seen him?” Aoshi probed further.
“Watase Katashi, a friend and business associate, who's been out of town till recently, said that he spoke with Tokugawa-sama the day he left and was told by him that he was spending the day with a woman who fits Misao-dono's description. What led us to Misao-dono, though, was that the woman was said to be armed with kunai.” Twin two said.
“Do you carry kunai on your person?” Twin one asked.
Misao could only nod.
“We are not aware of anyone else in Kyoto who carries kunai.” Twin one said.
“Maybe she is not from Kyoto.” Aoshi said.
Misao forced a laugh. “I see why you think the woman you are looking for might be me, but I do not know Tokugawa-sama.”
Misao felt the color drain from her face as she watched twin two pull a shashin from his pocket and hand it to her. She cursed her hand as it took the shashin between trembling fingers.
“That's him. Maybe you will recognize him.” He told her.
“Maybe.” Misao said softly before focusing her attention on the shashin.
Everything faded away as Misao studied the shashin. The man had a handsome face. It was an oval face, with a narrow nose, and high cheekbones. His curly hair brought out his deep eyes, which seemed bright and alive, even in a shashin. He was smiling. It was a nice smile. A disarming smile, it gave you the impression that he was a nice man, but he wasn't. She wouldn't have recognized him if not for his oval face and narrow nose. When she saw him he was so pale and his hair was a mess.
“Misao?” The sound of her name drew her from her thoughts. She looked back and forth between the three men.
“I asked if you recognized him?” Twin one repeated.
Misao blushed, keep it together, girl, she thought to herself. “Gomen.” She said. “I was trying to place him but I can't.” She handed the shashin back.
“We appreciate your time.” Twin two said giving a slight bow with his head.
“If you should remember anything, please, let us know.” Twin one said and bowed.
“Hai, of course.” Misao breathed and bowed back. She stood watching them till she couldn't see them anymore, and still she watched. She could feel Aoshi staring at her but she ignored him.
Was it over? She wondered. Would there be more keisatsu with more questions? Well, she thought, they won't find me here next time.
“I need to check on Keniji.” Misao said looking down at her hands. She lifted her head towards to Aoiya and took three steps in its direction but was stopped by Aoshi.
“Okon, I'm sure, has told Karou that Keniji should not be sent back out to the niwa, as you are with the keisatsu.” He informed her.
Misao jerked her head around and up to look at him. “You think so?” She turned to look back at the Aoiya.
“Rest assured.” Aoshi looked down at his hold on her arm and released her. “Want to tell me the truth now?”
Misao jumped an inch off the ground. She couldn't help herself. There would be no lying; maybe some with holding but there would be no lying. She had to try, though. “When did I lie?” She asked in her best innocent voice.
Aoshi sighed. “You are actually going to try and deny it? You may have been able to fool those keisatsu but not me.”
“Aoshi-sama...” She started.
“Dame.” He said forcefully. Misao hadn't heard him speak to her like that since she was six. “We are going to go inside the temple, sit down and discuss this.”
“Aoshi-sama. Misao-chan.” Okon called.
Just in time, Misao thought.
“It's time for dinner.” She called to them.
“Coming.” Misao called back.
“It can wait till after dinner but we shall speak tonight.” Aoshi said and walked away from her.
Keisatsukan : (Police) Officer
Keisatsu : Police
Shashin : Photograph
Hai : Yes, Okay
Dame : No
Niwa: Garden