Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 7: Not your Typical School Day ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel


A/N- Here we are in chapter 7...I do hope you guys think this was worth the wait! Enjoy!

Disclaimer- I don't own RK, but I do love the characters, and playing with them! ^^


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Chapter 7: Not Your Typical School Day

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Sano could only gasp for breath as he sank to his knees, sweat pouring down his forehead and soaking his shirt, “I…I…g…give…”

Lowering his hands, Kenshin walked towards his best friend and flashed him a pleased smile, “it’s alright Sano, you did good…sorry if I was a little too relentless…”

Scratching his chin, Kenshin glanced towards Kaoru and found her walking towards him while glancing about nervously. His eyes darkening, Kenshin rushed over to Kaoru’s side and crushed her form to his as he let his eyes scan the area to find what had made Kaoru so nervous.

That was when he noticed that at least half the school had surrounded them and most of them were in shock, while a couple were cheering his name.
Gritting his teeth, Kenshin was about to growl when he felt Kaoru touch his cheek, to his surprise this calmed him instantly.

“Don’t worry about them…all they did was watch, besides…as you said before Kenshin…I belong to only you, I will honor that as long as I live.” A soft smile lit Kaoru’s face as she spoke, making Kenshin tumble into love with her all over again.

Touching his forehead to hers, Kenshin chuckled at his own behavior, “you know what? I think this is going to be interesting…I bet that even if a little child looked at you in an affectionate way, I’d become instantly jealous…it’s rather pathetic if you think about it…”

Kaoru couldn’t stop the laughter that burbled up in her chest as she buried her face in Kenshin’s shoulder, “You’re so silly Kenshin!”

Behind them, Sano watched this interaction with much amusement but a quick glance about told him that the moment would have to be cut short, lest their ‘guests’ hear or see too much.

“Oi! Kenshin…lunch is about over and besides, you have yet to explain, so lets get going or are you fine with having an audience?”

Jerking, Kenshin looked up and around them, seeing that several more people had shown up and at the same time some had pulled out their camera phones. Growling, Kenshin shifted and lifted Kaoru bridal style, causing her to grip his neck and shoulders tighter.

“Let’s get out of here…”

With that said, both he and Sano ran from the field, back into the school and towards the roof. When they finally reached it, Sano was way out of breath and panting heavily, while Kenshin hadn’t even broken a sweat let alone tired.

Setting Kaoru down, Kenshin watched as she walked towards the edge of the roof and leaned against the fencing, her expression was content yet sad at the same time and Kenshin couldn’t just sit there while she looked like that.

“Kaoru…what’s wrong?” Moving to where he was standing behind Kaoru, Kenshin placed a hand on the fence at Kaoru’s side, letting his forehead touch Kaoru’s shoulder.

Sighing, Kaoru leaned back against Kenshin’s form, “I can feel it Kenshin…something is going to happen and it’s going to happen soon. I’m worried, I…I don’t want anything to happen to you…” what Kaoru was sensing ahead was really scaring her, ‘I have a really bad feeling about all this…Enshii might be making a move at this very moment and I wouldn’t know. What am I supposed to do to protect Kenshin, he is all that matters…but I’m afraid that Enshii might just attack him just so that he can get to me.

“I won’t let anything happen Kaoru, I promise you…” sliding his arm about Kaoru’s waist, Kenshin pulled her back against his chest. Her touch was comforting and Kenshin wished at that moment that he would never have to let her go.

“Umm…sorry to interrupt, but can you guys tell me what’s going on, I mean, I have a right to know.” Sano had been waiting patiently or at least he had been trying to when he couldn’t take it anymore, he knew his friend was in trouble and he was going to help if he could.

As if suddenly noticing that they weren’t alone, Kenshin’s eyes found Sano’s and he felt his face begin to grow hot in embarrassment, “uh…sorry Sano,” Kaoru smiled and pulled back a little within Kenshin’s arms.

“Yes you do, I am sorry that you have become involved in this mess Mr. Sagara, but you do still have a choice. You don’t have to stay here, after all, this has nothing to do with you and I don’t want anyone else to get hurt by all this…”

Kaoru stopped when Sano raised a hand to silence her, “its Sano missy and I don’t care what the odds are, I’m here to stay no matter what you guys say. Kenshin, you’re my friend, the only real one I’ve ever had and you’ve helped me out of more jams than I can count. So thanks for the warning, but I ain’t going anywhere.”

Kenshin could only smile at Sano’s words, it seemed that no matter what the situation or what happened, Sano would never change.

“Alright then…but before I start, Sano…you’re a good friend and I’m glad you’re going to stay by my side…but I want to know. Why are you doing this? And I want the real answer, not a ‘because I’m you’re friend’ kind of thing, get me?”

Shaking his head, Sano walked over and clapped a hand upon Kenshin’s shoulder, “hey, you know me right? The truth is, I’m glad you found someone Kenshin and now something is going to happen that might just tear you both apart…am I right?”

At Kenshin’s slight nod, Sano continued, “well, I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen, after all…it’s about damn time that you got to be happy Kenshin. So if I have to fight some bad guys or whatever comes our way to get that to happen, then hell, where do I sign up man?”

Kaoru smiled at Sano’s words, it seemed that even though she had read his mind and knew his relation with Kenshin, she underestimated this human’s heart.

Seeing the smile on Kaoru’s face, Sano felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, ‘at least I can make her smile…’ “So no more talk about me leaving, I’m in for the long haul…so let’s get down to business. What exactly is it that I have to be able to defend myself against and why are they after you?”

Kenshin gave his friend a brief and sympathetic smile before his face turned as cold as ice, “it’s simple Sano, you know what Kaoru is…so therefore, what is the bitter enemy of an angel?”

Knitting his eyebrows Sano leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest as he gave Kenshin a wary look, “demons…am I right?”

Nodding his head, Kenshin looked down at Kaoru, she had a grim look on her face and she seemed to be deep in thought. At this point, Kenshin knew about as much as Sano did now, so it fell upon Kaoru to continue but Kenshin didn’t want to burden her with dredging up hated memories and thoughts so he decided to attempt at guessing.

“I don’t know much else, except that two of her comrades are going to be showing up soon…but other than that…I don’t know what’s going to happen...” shaking Kaoru’s shoulder to get her attention, Kenshin let out the breath he didn’t know he had been holding when her eyes met his own.

“Thank you Kenshin…as he said, two more of my kind are on their way and if I am correct, they should be here anytime today. One of two things is probably going to occur, either they will attempt to take me back or they may just join us in our fight. Either way, Enshii must be dealt with…and destroyed.”

Running his fingers over Kaoru’s shoulder, Kenshin could hear how Kaoru seemed to spit out the name ‘Enshii’ and wondered what had happened to make her hate this demon so much.

Kaoru gave him another soft smile before she slipped her hand into his and began to pull him towards the stairwell, “we need to get going, class is starting again soon and I don’t want you to be late.”

Kenshin chuckled at that, ‘she never thinks of herself does she?’ “Alright, come on Sano…let’s go.”

Sano just glanced between the two of them in confusion, they hadn’t explained much but he knew it would be of no use to point that out right now, “alright…but I want an in depth explanation later, deal?”

Kaoru merely smiled before she gripped Sano’s wrist and drug both Kenshin and Sano back down the stairs and into the halls.

Students were milling about, some were gathered together in little groups whispering together as Kaoru drug Kenshin and Sano past them. Whatever they wanted to think, Kaoru didn’t care, she had more important things to worry about than humans spreading dumb roomers about.

Reaching the door of the next class, Kaoru shoved both Sano and Kenshin inside before following right after them, “looks like we’re all alone for a couple of minu…”

Hearing Kenshin stop talking midsentence, Kaoru walked up to him and found that both Kenshin and Sano were staring into the room with puzzled looks, Kaoru was about to ask them what they were doing when a small pair of arms wrapped about her waist.

“Kaoru! So you really are here after all, I’ve missed you!” Gulping down the lump that had formed in her throat, Kaoru looked down at the girl that was now crushing her midsection.

Her long raven braid was slung over one shoulder as she looked up at Kaoru, her watery emerald eyes sparkling with joy, she was dressed just as plainly as Kaoru and it only confirmed to her just who was hugging her.

“Misao, I thought we spoke about this.”

The low and distinctly male voice had Kaoru’s eyes blowing wide, Kaoru pushed past Kenshin and went into the room, all the while dragging the girl along.

As Kaoru’s eyes met the ice-blue one’s of the man but a few feet away, Kaoru felt her heart sink as she gave him a measuring look, “Aoshi…so you both really are here…”

The man before her was a lot more composed than Misao had been as he approached Kaoru, his tall and thin frame towered over Kaoru as he came to a smooth stop before her, running a hand through his short black hair he bowed to Kaoru as his hard ice blue gaze rested fully upon her.

“Kamiya, it has been a while.”

Kaoru couldn’t stop the smirk that crossed her face at how nonchalant Aoshi was being, shaking her head she looked down at Misao and her smirk evolved into a full blown smile, “it’s good to see you two again…did you get my message alright?”

Misao chuckled as she pulled away and ran to Aoshi’s side, once she did Misao saluted and her expression became serious, “yes Mam’, we are here to help you defeat, Mrph?!”

Glaring up at Aoshi for placing his hand over her mouth, Misao saw that he was not looking at Kaoru but past her, curious, Misao followed his line of sight and her jaw would have dropped if Aoshi hadn’t been holding it shut.

Seeing the sudden seriousness enter Aoshi’s eyes as he looked past her, Kaoru let out a sigh, ‘about time they noticed…’ “Ahem, sorry…I almost forgot.”

Walking over to Kenshin, Kaoru gripped his wrist and drug him forwards, seeing this Sano merely followed.

“This is Kenshin Himura and his friend Sanosuke Sagara, guys, these two are the one’s I mentioned earlier. This is Aoshi Shinomori and his companion here is Misao Machimaki.”

Coming out of his shocked state at Kaoru’s words, Kenshin flushed in embarrassment as he bowed quickly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.” At his side Kenshin heard Sano mumble the same and also something along the lines of a rabid weasel and an ice cube.

He was about to put him in line when he saw Kaoru smack Sano upside the head, her expression thunderous, “stow it rooster. Anyway, how much did Gensai tell you exactly?” Her attention now back upon their guests, Kenshin let a small smile curl his lips as he listened to her sudden business tone, ‘seems she does this to everybody and not just me…thank goodness for that.

Misao let out a sigh before stomping over to one of the desks nearby and slumping into the seat, she knew where this was going and she’d already seen it about a million times. Aoshi simply followed her with those emotionless eyes of his before turning them back upon Kaoru’s waiting form.

“I think we should save this for later, or at least move to another room…I mean no offence, but this is between us three only, Kamiya.” Rolling her eyes, Kaoru gripped Kenshin’s wrist again as she walked over and took the seat next to Misao.

Kenshin just let her lead him, he didn’t care if it made him look weak or not, as long as he was with his Kaoru, he couldn’t care less. Sano, feeling slightly left out but still curious, followed and sat as well.

Now only the tall and rather dark Aoshi was standing, but if it bothered him at all, none of them could really tell, “it’s too late for that Aoshi, they know…both of them. So just cut the crap and get to the chase, what did Gensai tell you about the situation here, because frankly, I’m in no mood to be lied too.”

Kaoru could hear a startled gasp coming from Misao at her side, but she ignored it, keeping her eyes locked with the icy ones before her. Aoshi’s expression remained the same, all for a slight twitch of his left eyebrow, other than that, no one could tell if he was surprised by her words or not. But Kaoru could see it and she was prepared for what was about to come next.

“Kaoru…what did you do?”


A/ N- Sorry about the cliffy...but I do hope you like'd the chapter! ^^

Until next time! Ja Ne!
