Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 6: It's Only The Beginning ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel

A/N- Welcome to chapt 6! Been a while hasn't it?

Anyway, my computer died on me recently, so my updates have been greatly delayed...and for that I am sorry...

Disclaimer- RK...mine? Oh...right...and I'm the tooth fairy...hmph!


Enjoy the chapt!

Chapter 6: It’s Only the Beginning

Before them was a rather tall man with dark brown hair that resembled a porcupine rather closely. His chocolate eyes were filled with amusement and awe as he approached them, his hands jammed into his trench coat pockets.

Kenshin tightened his grip about Kaoru, he trusted Sano, but he didn’t want to take any chances when it came to Kaoru.

“And who, may I ask, is this lovely lady?”

Rolling her eyes, Kaoru shifted once before letting a neutral smile cross her lips, “Kamiya Kaoru, and you’re Sagara Sanosuke, am I correct?”

A sly smile crossed Sano’s lip as he draped an arm over Kenshin’s shoulders, “correct. So…what was this whole thing about Kenshin, I haven’t seen you lift a hand to defend yourself let alone fight back since the day I met you. So tell me…what’s going on?”

Why can’t I just be alone with the whole world out to keep us apart or something?!

“Wouldn’t you like to know...if you’ll excuse us, we have to get to class. We can talk about this later.”

Slipping out of Sano’s grip before he could come to his senses, Kenshin slipped his hand into Kaoru’s and hurried inside, not giving Sano a chance to stop them or catch up.

Once inside the halls of the school, Kenshin stopped running and started to release Kaoru’s hand when she tightened her grip upon his. Glancing down at their hands, Kenshin felt a small smile come to his lips as he let his fingers curl about Kaoru’s.

If only we could stay together…but...

His mood suddenly dampening, Kenshin let out a sigh, trying desperately to think of something else but nothing came to mind at all.

Noticing the sudden appearance of sadness in Kenshin’s eyes, Kaoru looked into his thoughts and felt happiness flood through her.

So he wants me to stay with him...if that is the case, then I should ease his fears and tell him of my decision to stay by his side. After all...I love him...besides, he deserves to know.

Taking a deep breath, Kaoru touched Kenshin’s cheek, causing his eyes to drift from their hands to her face. Running her thumb gently over the scar on his left cheek, Kaoru smiled.

“I have to tell you something Kenshin…its important…”

His eyes widening at her words, Kenshin looked about them, finding several people staring at them and whispering to their friends. Gritting his teeth at his sudden urge to demolish everyone around them, Kenshin turned back to Kaoru.

“Alright…but I think it would be best if we got to my classroom first, then we can sit down and not be disturbed. Besides, I don’t like all these people watching us…it’s…unnerving.”

Watching as his eyes flickered to amber again, Kaoru nodded her head and let Kenshin lead her down the hall. Sidestepping everyone who crossed her path, Kaoru remained almost glued to Kenshin’s side.

Several people backed away from them as they passed through the milling traffic of the other students and teachers. One good look at Kenshin was all that was needed to send even a cold blooded killer scampering off with their tail between their legs.

Kenshin’s eyes had changed again, this time they were solid dark lavender. Hard as rock and as unwavering as a pillar, Kenshin kept his body tensed and ready to strike. Seeing the door to his first class up ahead, Kenshin sped up, almost blurring as he pulled Kaoru along behind him.

Holding the door open, Kenshin released Kaoru’s hand, allowing her to pass through first. Once she was through, Kenshin made sure to shut the door soundly behind him.

Taking her hand again, he led Kaoru past the professor’s office and into the front of the classroom. Sitting in the front row, Kenshin waited for Kaoru to sit down before he took the seat at her side.

“You can tell me now, we’re only going to be alone for a few more minutes, so you had better hurry.”

Nodding her head, Kaoru got to her feet and stood before Kenshin. Closing her eyes, she let her appearance change to that of her true form. Her wings spread wide behind her, Kaoru smiled down gently at Kenshin, her eyes warn and caring.

“Kaoru…someone could come in and see you at any moment…so why did you change?”

Confused but entranced, Kenshin reached out his hand and brushed his fingers along Kaoru’s clothing, feeling the silky material shift beneath his touch as she breathed.

“Because Kenshin…” kneeling so that she was face to face with Kenshin, Kaoru ran her fingers through his blood red bangs, watching it run through her fingers like that of freshly spilt blood. “I want to be the true me when I tell you this, if I didn’t then it would only be a lie, which is something I could never do.”

This must be something really serious...if she wants me to know that it is not a lie.

Cocking his head to the right, Kenshin eyed Kaoru closely, “I understand…but you still haven’t told me…what is it, I’m listening.”

Here goes nothing.

Taking another deep and calming breath, Kaoru knew that it was now or never, she had to come out and say it or she would never work up the courage again.

“I have come to a decision Kenshin…I know that someday soon, I will have to return to heaven. Most likely it will come when my comrades show up, we can try, but I doubt that we could keep the truth from them for long. That’s what’s been worrying you, isn’t it Kenshin?”

Flinching at her direct hit, Kenshin grimaced as he got to his feet as well, stepping closer to Kaoru as one of his arms slid about her waist.

“Yes, that is what I have been worried about. I don’t want you to leave me…but…if I have to…I’ll let you go, as long as you are happy Kaoru. I will do whatever it takes to ensure it, even if it means loosing you in the end.”

Feeling her eyes fill with tears, Kaoru buried her face in Kenshin’s neck, her wings curling about Kenshin’s shoulders and back. Having him say that out loud made her feel so much different than how she felt when she read his thoughts.

Pulling back, Kaoru glazed into Kenshin’s emotion filled ones, “that is why I have chosen to stay here with you, even if it means that I must forsake my kin and fall.”

His grip about her tightening, Kenshin’s brows knit as he ran his fingers over her cheek, “what do you mean, ‘fall’?”

Her wings flapping once before spreading out to their full size behind her, Kaoru pulled herself out of Kenshin’s grip and took a step back, away from him as she let her eyes close again.

Jerking at the sudden images that assaulted his mind, Kenshin gave Kaoru one more good look before letting his eyes close as well. Many things flooded through his minds eyes, visions of black feathers and Kaoru all bathed in black.

About to question what this all meant, Kenshin heard Kaoru’s voice in his head, telling him the answer.

It means that my wings shall fade and that I shall never be trusted, let alone allowed back into my home. I shall become tainted, no longer pure as I am now.

His eyes immediately snapping open at that, Kenshin surged forwards, gripping Kaoru’s shoulders roughly his grip hard.

“No. I can’t let you do that Kaoru, I don’t want you to be cast out from your family and friends, not for me.”

Chuckling softly, Kaoru shook her head as she gave him a rueful look.

“I don’t care about that Kenshin…it doesn’t mean that I shall change personally, it is just my outside that will change. I have come to terms with what it will take to stay here and I have accepted it,” a loud and shrill noise filled the air about them, breaking the tender moment that had somehow come about.

Determined to finish what she had started, Kaoru gripped Kenshin’s chin and pulled his head closer to hers. Crushing her lips to his, Kaoru poured all her emotions and convictions into it.

Pulling away a moment later, Kaoru smiled again at the dreamy look that was plastered across Kenshin’s face. Leaning in close to his ear, Kaoru let her body be bathed in her natural pure light as she let the change start.

“You see…I…I love you Kenshin.”

With the words of her heart finally uttered, Kaoru returned to her human form and touched Kenshin’s cheek once more before sitting back down. Just in time too, because a split second later, students started pilling into the classroom and began taking their seats.

Kenshin remained standing, frozen in place, utter shock written upon his face as Kaoru’s words slowly sank into his mind and heart.

I...I can’t believe it, she...she loves me? is that possible? We only met a week ago...

Too caught up in his thoughts to pay attention to his surroundings, Kenshin failed to notice that all the students had taken their seats and that their Professor was ready to start the class.

“Mr. Himura…”

Jerking as he heard his voice, Kenshin noticed that Kaoru had disappeared and whirled about to find that she was sitting in the seat that she had chosen. Then he noticed that about her the other students had arrived and were already seated and wondered just how long he had been spacing.

“If you are determined to continue to stare off into space Mr. Himura, please take it elsewhere, I have a class to teach and you are disrupting it.”

Turning to find the professor eyeing him, her glasses resting upon the bridge of her nose as she looked at him over the rims, her expression one of ‘no nonsense.’

“Sorry Professor Suzuki, it won’t happen again.” Bowing deeply, Kenshin quickly took his seat next to Kaoru, making sure to show proper respect to the teacher.

Nodding her head Professor Suzuki began class, but unlike every other time before this, Kenshin wasn’t paying attention to her at all. His mind was occupied with more…important thoughts.

What should I do...Kaoru has told me how she truly feels about me, but what do I feel for her. Do I love her too? That is what she deserves in return, I?

Looking at his side, Kenshin couldn’t help but admire Kaoru’s beauty and the pureness that seemed to radiate off of her. He had seen it even before he had found out who she really was, it scared him to think about what would have happened to him if he had never met Kaoru in the first place.

More than likely I would have been found in some river, drowned. No one would have even noticed, well, no one but Sano and Yahiko. But I was given a second chance and now I must decide what to do with that chance, if I don’t, then I may regret it for the rest of my days.

Class soon passed by rather uneventfully and before Kenshin knew it, class was over and it was now time for lunch. As the other students filled out of the classroom, Kenshin waited behind, determined to give Kaoru a response. She deserved one after all.

Once everyone had finally left the room, Kenshin got to his feet and helped Kaoru up. The Professor was packing her things when she saw what Kenshin had just done, silently wishing him all the luck in the world, she turned and left the room thus leaving them alone.

“I didn’t know how to react to what you told me Kaoru, I mean, we’ve only known each other a week but I feel as if it has been lifetime. But now that I have thought about it, I have come to a decision as well.”

Clasping Kaoru’s hands in his before them, Kenshin smiled gently as he leaned foreword, letting their foreheads touch.

“I will protect you Kaoru, as long as I am able, because…I…I guess…” shaking his head, Kenshin let out a small laugh. ‘Why are moment’s like these always the hardest to deal with?’ “No…I mean, that I love you too Kaoru. So no matter what happens, I will never leave your side. But there is one thing I think I should tell you.”

Feeling tears welling up in her eyes again, Kaoru rubbed at her eyes as she felt her form change again, unable to prevent it from happening. “Which is?”

Letting a feline like smirk cross his lips, Kenshin’s eyes swirled and shifted to pure amber as they filled with total possessiveness.

“From this moment on, you’re mine. No one else can ever take you away from me, they can try but, I’d fight to the death to keep you as mine, forever.”

Tilting her head, Kaoru flapped her wings and smirked, “I wouldn’t have it any other way…besides, this new side of you is really appealing, not to mention flattering. It’s about time that you started sticking up for yourself and protected what is dear to you…I’m just glad that I am one of those things.”

Shaking his head, Kenshin touched Kaoru’s cheek, “no, not one, you are all I ever want to protect Kaoru. I need nothing else…”

“What the hell is this?!”

Spinning about, Kenshin spread his arms wide, shielding Kaoru from view as he sighted the source of that shout.

Sanosuke Sagara was standing in the short hallway leading into the classroom, his eyes wide and full of shock as his hands balled at his sides. He was currently shaking his head, trying to force his mind to accept what his eyes were now seeing, an angel.

Kaoru was mentally shouting herself, it went more along the lines of, ‘oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!

Kenshin on the other hand just narrowed his eyes watching as his long time, not to mention only true friend, approached them. His thoughts were on a completely different line then Kaoru’s though, ‘I swear if he starts screaming that he has seen an angel, I’ll kill him myself. I can’t afford to let anyone know about her, but...I guess I can trust him, he is after all, my friend.

Coming to a stop before Kenshin, Sano peered around him, as he gazed at Kaoru. “She…she’s an angel isn’t she?”

Kenshin moved swiftly, gripping Sano’s collar, Kenshin literally lifted him off the ground as he glared up at him.

“Do you swear to not let what I am about to say leave this room?”

A few moments of silence passed before Sano grudgingly nodded his head, content with his answer, Kenshin set Sano down gently releasing his collar. He then turned about and pulled Kaoru into a hug, still a little uneasy, Kaoru eyed Sano suspiciously as she returned the hug.

“Don’t worry Kaoru, we can trust him…”

Pulling back, Kenshin gave her another soft look before he turned again to face Sano, Kaoru now standing next to him instead of behind him. She had gripped his arm though and had no intention of letting go anytime soon.

“Now, I suppose you want to know what is going on here, right Sano.”

Still feeling at a loss, Sano remained silent as he just stared at Kaoru. Not liking that, Kaoru gritted her teeth as she intensified her glare, “stop staring at me like that! If you have a question, just ask it!”

Jerking at the anger in her voice, Sano shook once, before he gave a solid nod of his head. “Fine then, are you an angel or is this just some trick?”

Snorting, Kenshin shook his head as he pulled away from Kaoru and sank back into his seat, lifting his hand to place it over his eyes. ‘Good grief, was he born this stupid?

Knowing that it was her who would have to provide the answers, Kaoru let her body glow brightly in her holly inner light, making her look just as angelic as she really was.

“Yes…I am an angel…Kenshin’s angel. He is the reason I am here and he is the reason that I stay, but now you are involved in this. It is going to get very dangerous very soon, so I must know this now, can you defend yourself well?”

A smug smirk settled across Sano’s face at that, “of course I can, I am the best hand to hand fighter at this school. Heh, I can take anyone on, if needed too.”

Glancing down at Kenshin, Kaoru lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head. Kenshin snickered as he got to his feet and stepped over, his hands at his sides as he gave Sano a measuring look.

“Well…why don’t you and I step outside, then we can see if you really have what it takes to handle the odds you’d have to face.”

Sano’s face immediately shifted to one filled with shock, “you…you can’t be serious Kenshin. I mean, yeah, what you did to Umenei was cool and all…but…”

“Are you backing down Sano?” His voice mocking, Kenshin crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes amused.

Gritting his teeth, Sano glared down at Kenshin, anger clear in his eyes. “I’ll take you on, but I’m warning you, I’m not going to go easy on you just because you’re my friend Kenshin.”

Changing back to her human form, Kaoru started towards the door, glancing behind her at Kenshin as she held her hand out for him to take. Smiling, Kenshin took her hand, “let’s get moving then, we don’t have much time until the next class starts.”

Sano merely nodded his head as he followed them to the door and back out into the hall. There were a few students here and there, paying no attention to that, Kenshin lead them down the hall and back outside. He was headed to the rugby field, it took only a few moments but they soon reached it. Around them others saw where they were headed and some followed, curious as to what was going on.

Moving to the middle of the field, Kenshin released Kaoru’s hand and watched her walk a safe distance away, giving them the room they needed to do this.

Standing a couple of feet away from Kenshin, Sano loosened his collar and prepared himself. Kenshin on the other hand just turned and stood there, his posture straight and tensed.

Deciding to go first, Sano lifted his hands and tensed his leg muscles, “Let’s do this!” And with that he charged.

A/N- And that's the end of this chapt!

I hope I can update soon...but who knows...

Anyway, till next time then...

Ja Ne!