Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 5: Making The Choice ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel

A/N- Sorry about the really, really long wait on this. Had alot to mess with at the time and sorta spaced.

Disclaimer- Don't own them, If I did, Kenny'd have a tail and be my pet!



Chapter 5: Making The Choice

The light was bright as Kenshin felt himself slowly drift awake, yawning he looked about the room he was in, he froze as the memories from the previous week surfaced in his mind.

His being fired, mugged, and meeting Kaoru. He sighed as he recalled the dream he had just experienced, they had grown more frequent and frankly they were starting to make him feel rather uneasy. It had started like all the other’s had, with him and her just strolling around or talking about this and that.

Time flew by for them and soon it was in the middle of the night, a time when Kenshin enjoyed the dreams the most. For that was when Kaoru would tell him and sometimes show him the things she could do to help improve his life, so that he could be happy. This particular dream though she showed him something quite different.

She showed him a life that he had longed for ever since he had dreamt about it, a life filled with love, caring and most importantly, Kaoru.

'Kaoru...'glancing to his side he smiled when he saw the familiar off white wings of the angel that he had come to care about.

It had been one whole week since the day he had met her, Kenshin blessed every day that he had spent with her since. Sitting up he smiled when she turned to face him, "morning, are you ready to go back to school today?"

Kenshin groaned as he remembered, she had been asking him that same question every morning. Sliding off the bed Kenshin scratched his neck as he walked over to join her at the window.

'I can't keep putting it off...damn...might as well get it over with.'

"Yeah, I guess...are...are you going to come with me Kaoru?" A light chuckle filled the air as Kenshin turned to his side, Kaoru was smiling at him.

"Of course Kenshin, now that you are involved like this...I can never let you out of my sight for too long. There's no telling what Enshi and his men would do if they found out. Besides, hopefully today Misao and Aoshi will arrive."

Kenshin raised an eyebrow at that, "who exactly are Aoshi and Misao...are they angel's like you are?"

Kaoru sighed as she turned from the window and sat on the edge of the bed, "yes, they are. The thing is, if they found out that you know what I am and what they are, they might just report it."

Kenshin felt his brows knit in confusion as he sat next to Kaoru, his body shivered when Kaoru leaned against his shoulder. "So..." Kaoru slowly gripped Kenshin's arm as she curled closer against him, "so, if that happens, then there's a good chance I will be forced to return, leaving you unprotected and vulnerable."

Kenshin ran a hand about Kaoru's back, gripping her waist firmly in his hand, "if that's the case, I can just pretend that I don't know...I'd do whatever it took to keep you with me."

Kaoru sighed as she felt Kenshin's warmth envelop her, thus making her feel more safer and protected than she ever had. She leaned against his shoulder and let her body relax slightly, "you don't have to Kenshin, after all, if it weren't for me you wouldn't be involved in this on going feud. I feel like I am forcing you to make this choice Kenshin," Kaoru then pulled away, letting her normal 'all business' demeanor take over. "No use mulling over it though, what's done is done. Now get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs so we can hail a cab."

Kaoru flashed him a smile as she shut the door after vacating the room. Kenshin was staring at the door so intensely that he probably would have bored a hole right through it, 'why does she do that? Is she that frightened of depending on someone else...I need to change that.'

A few minutes passed before Kenshin left the room and headed downstairs. Kaoru was nowhere to be seen, so he decided to wait for her outside. When he opened the door he almost jumped when he was greeted by Kaoru’s frowning face, “what took you so long? We have to get moving or you will be late and we can’t have that!”

Latching onto his hand, Kaoru drug him after her into the cab, Kenshin was still to dazed to realize this though. Shutting the door firmly, Kaoru told the driver their destination and the car started moving.

As the cab moved down the streets towards Kenshin’s school, Kaoru took that moment to gather her feelings and thoughts. She knew that she had done something that she should have never done, she was falling in love with him and she never wished to become human before. Now she was seriously considering it, over the past week she had noticed the dreams that Kenshin had been having and they made her long to make them come true.

But I am an Angel and he is a human man…God would never allow such a union…unless…’ Kaoru’s eyes drifted from the window to look at the man at her side. His soft violet eyes were looking out the window and one of his gentle hands was touching hers, slowly Kaoru curled her fingers about Kenshin’s entwining their hands.

Kenshin immediately turned from the window and locked his eyes with hers, making Kaoru’s breath leave her body. ‘How can he do this to me…I don’t wish to leave his side…but once my mission is complete and I refuse to return...

An image of a pair of dark black wings and black robes flooded her mind, making her shiver in fear and slight pain of what such a thought could mean.

She didn’t get a chance to linger on it long though, because two strong yet gentle arms wrapped about her waist, pulling her against Kenshin’s solid form. A warmth flooded over her, chasing away any worries and fears that she had at the moment, all that mattered was that she was here with Kenshin and nothing in this world or the next could make her leave.

The fact that she would do whatever it took to remain with him at that moment, even becoming a fallen angel didn’t bother her, didn’t even cross her mind. She would do what it took when the time came, plain and simple.

Kenshin sighed as he ran a hand through Kaoru’s hair, his thoughts along the same path as her own. ‘What will she do when this is all over…will she stay here with me? Could I let her go if she couldn’t?

His arms subconsciously tightened about her smaller form, his fears growing. ‘No…I can’t think that way…I…I know I’m starting to love her, but I can’t condemn her to a life with me if it means being cast out of her home. When the time comes I’ll have to let go…but…will I be able too?

The cab came to a stop before the university and Kenshin immediately wished he hadn’t said yes. He wanted to spend more time with Kaoru, just him and her. After all, he didn’t know how much longer she would be able to stay, especially with her comrades showing up.

With a sigh of disappointment, Kenshin got up and opened the door, he then helped Kaoru out and was about to pay the driver when he remembered that he didn’t have any money.

But as he turned to tell the driver that, he saw that the driver had already driven off and had turned the corner to disappear into traffic. Glancing to his side, Kenshin expected to see Kaoru standing there but she wasn’t there.

Worried, Kenshin looked around frantically and nearly fell over when he saw that she was already at the doors, waiting for him. Running past other students to reach Kaoru, he was shocked when he saw a familiar guy was hovering around her.

His worry melted in an instant and he gritted his teeth as anger and protectiveness rose inside him. Clenching a fist, Kenshin tuned everything and everybody else out as he approached the doors.

“That is very kind of you but I am waiting for someone else, so if you will excuse me…” Kaoru walked around the guy when she saw the look of pure hate fill Kenshin’s eyes as he approached and if she wasn’t looking then she wouldn’t have believed it herself. His eyes were flickering from his normal soft and gentle violet, to dark and hard amber eyes.

The guy next to her took her moment of hesitation as her having second thoughts, so he reached out to grip her about the waist. Just as he was about to touch her, he went flying into the bushes at the side of the school doors, his hair falling out of place and a few scrapes appearing on his arms.

Totally peeved that someone had the nerve to shove him, he got to his feet and pulled himself out of the bushes to face the unlucky guy who did this. He was faced with a rather peculiar sight.

Kenshin was beyond pissed, after he shoved the guy out of the way, he immediately pulled Kaoru to his side. Touching her cheek in a possessive and caring manner, “are you alright Kaoru…did that guy bother you?”

Kaoru was in heaven, pardon the pun, although she was surprised to see this side of Kenshin. His eyes were still ablaze with fierce emotions, the greatest of them all was sheer possessiveness, which Kaoru found that she wanted to see more often coming from the normally shy and secluded red-head.

“Well well, look what we have here. Mr. nice guy has decided to pick a fight.” Kenshin stiffened at that voice, his head lowering to hide his flashing eyes and gritting teeth. To Kaoru it seemed as if he was trying to restrain something within himself, something that was new, even to him.

Placing a hand upon his shoulder, Kaoru turned to glare at the human male before them. “If I were you, I’d think twice about provoking him. He isn’t in the best of moods and you would be smart to not push any further.”

The guy seemed surprised at her words, as if he had never had a woman threaten him before. Kaoru was about to continue when she noticed Kenshin shift, locking eyes with him, she made her choice.

It was in his eyes, the longing, the pain and the love that she had come to feel for him. He needed her just as much as she needed him and there was nothing that she would let part them now. But first this little matter needed to be dealt with, deciding to back off, Kaoru gave a smile before stepping to the side allowing Kenshin to face the guy that was bugging them.

With a slight effort, his name came to Kaoru’s mind and she snorted, ‘Umenei Sarukasa.’ It seemed his name fit his personality and attitude, she also scanned his memories and found a few choice ones of him picking on Kenshin, not to mention bullying him.

Seeing that Kaoru had decided to let him have his fun, Kenshin smiled with great satisfaction and pleasure. She was definitely perfect for him and he’d be damned if he’d let some pampas rich ass try and steal her from him. She was his and nothing or no one could take what was his.

Umenei had no idea what he had just done, feeling all the power of his uncles teachings flowing through him, Kenshin lifted his head and was very amused to see Umenei shake in shock. The poor ass was in for it now, “I would listen to her, she knows what she’s talking about.”

Holy Shit! What happened to his eyes!’ Was the only thought that ran through Umenei Sarukasa’s mind as he stood face to face with the class nice guy, the one who never lifted a hand to fight back and the guy who could always be laughed at without a worry of him ever taking a grudge.

Scraping together what little nerve he had, Umenei scoffed at Kenshin, sneering tauntingly. ‘He would never hurt a fly…he’s just bluffing.’ Repeating that over and over, Umenei found his ego rising and a sence of invulnerability came over him. ‘Besides, even if he did fight back, there’s no way he could beat me.

“Really…well, I don’t think so. Besides, what is such a lovely lady doing with you in the first place? I bet she is only tolerating you because you owe her something…well…if that’s the case. Let me take her off your hands for you, she does look like she’d want some fun…wouldn’t you sweetie?”

And with that, Kenshin snapped. Whatever thing he was holding back within himself was set free to wreak havoc and there wasn’t a damn thing anyone could do to stop it, besides maybe Kaoru.

Umenei didn’t even see it coming, Kenshin moved so fast. Between one second and the next, Umenei was flying through the air to hit the wall of the University with a dull ‘crack.’

Before he even had time to recover, Kenshin was before him, his hair floating wildly in the wind and eyes burning a shimmering amber, as if he was some type of wild animal.

With a deep growl that was very close to a snarl, Kenshin locked one hand about Umenei’s throat, making him completely defenseless. Besides, Umenei looked as if he was about ready to piss his pants or cry like a little girl, his eyes were wide and full of fear.

“Now…I hope you learned from this. Just so you know, I’ll let you go with a warning, don’t fuck with something that is mine. You get me Umenei?” Kenshin’s voice had gone deeper and seemed almost inhuman, but Kaoru new better, after witnessing his little move she new exactly what was happening and she was surprised by it.

Umenei gave a weak squeak and slight nod of the head to signify he understood. With a look of pure distaste, Kenshin let go and let Umenei slide down the wall to land upon his knees, gasping for air.

Turning away, Kenshin walked to Kaoru and took her into his arms, which Kaoru gladly accepted and allowed. “Damn Himura, I never knew you had it in you!”

Turning, both Kaoru and Kenshin immediately recognized the source of that voice.


A/N- was about time Kennny boy went 'Hulk Smash' on someone. That poor shmuck just happened to be the one that broke the cammels back.

Well...the next chapt is going to be up sooner than this one, but just so yah know, it's going to be an ineresting one.

That's for sure!