Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 4: His Angel, Her Demon ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel

A/N- Hey! Sorry for the wait, hope you guys like this chapter. Had to fix a few things quickly though, so sorry if it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Also, I don’t own Rk, so no suing!

Anyway, enjoy!


Chapter 4

His Angel, Her Demon

Kenshin could only stare down at Kaoru as she smiled brilliantly up at him, he felt like he would melt if he continued to hold her, but he refused to back away or let go of her.

He never, in his wildest dreams would have thought that one day he would be standing there, holding the only thing that he had ever gotten for all the kindness that he showered everyone with. 'I wonder what Sano would think if I told him I had my very own angel...he'd probably hit me several times over the head until he was sure he had knocked some sense into me.'

Kenshin winced at that thought as he remembered the last time Sano had tried that little number on him, Kenshin had a bruise on the side of his head so big that he was afraid to come out in public for two weeks straight.

Kaoru only continued to look up at him as she saw the far away look Kenshin's eyes held curious about his thoughts, Kaoru touched her hand to his cheek and concentrated. A small smile lit her lips as she registered his thought's, chuckling lightly, Kaoru pulled back slightly her eyes filled with a knowing but playful amusement.

"What," Kenshin had been snapped out of his little trip down memory lane when he had felt her hand on his cheek, Kaoru didn't answer and only touched the place on his head where he had received that little love tap from Sano. Kenshin's eyes widened, "How did you..." he was cut short when Kaoru placed a hand over his mouth silencing him.

"It is an ability that I have, I can read your mind when I touch you, but that isn't important. I still have a job to do and I'm going to do it," Kaoru released Kenshin's mouth as she pulled away from him and stretched her wings once before she closed her eyes and summoned the spell to make her look human again.

Kenshin could only watch in awe as Kaoru transformed in front of him again, her features shifted and she lost the urethral glow that had centered about her when she was in her normal form, the whole time bathing her in a pale light.

Once the light had diminished, Kenshin stood dumbstruck as Kaoru took a step forward and ran her eyes over his from intensely. 'What is she doing...' Kenshin was about to speak when Kaoru took his trembling hand in her own and began to half-drag, half-lead him towards the exit of the store.

"W...where are we going?" Kenshin felt as if he had strained his voice by whispering as he followed nonetheless. "To get you new clothes, a new home, and new transportation. So stop stalling and lets go," Kaoru shook her head lightly as Kenshin finally started to walk at her side normally, instead of being dragged all the way. 'Is she serious, a home, clothes, and transportation. This is all too much, but...she is an angel, so I guess it's possible.'

"So, which one are we going to get first?" Kenshin smiled weakly as they stepped out of the shop and started down the street, Kaoru gave him the once over again and started towards a local clothing store. 'I guess that answers that question,' Kenshin let her lead as he passed the time memorizing her features.

He adored the way her hair drifted down her back and found himself longing to touch it, making sure that Kaoru wasn't looking he reached out and touched her hair. Noticing this, Kaoru turned to look at him, her eyes filled with wonder and confusion. Kenshin could only stare back at her as he lost himself within her wondrous eyes, they held such pain and hurt.

Kenshin silently swore at that moment that he would do whatever possible to heal those emotions, 'she deserves to be happy.'

He started to lean forwards towards her with every intention of kissing her when someone ran into his shoulder, shoving him aside. Kenshin bowed his head and whispered an apology; he then was about to continue onwards when Kaoru pulled him towards that person, anger flashing in her eyes.

"Hey, jerk! Who gave you the right to shove people?" The person turned about and glared at Kaoru angrily as well, he was a tall man and had the look of a local gangster. Kenshin glanced between them in shock; Kaoru was completely unfazed by the fact that this guy could hurt her very easily.

"Hey, your a real looker aren’t yah. Why don't you ditch this small fry and go for someone more manly?" Kaoru felt like she was going to crack, 'how dare this human shove Kenshin and then hit on me like that, he needs to be taught a lesson.'

Seething in anger, Kaoru glared at the man, "You call yourself a man, a gorilla is more like it. At least I know an idiot from a genius, now you are going to apologize or you shall regret ever crossing my path."

"What did you call me woman?" the guy clenched his fist as he approached Kaoru, his intentions apparent. Kenshin knew that he had to protect Kaoru, not caring about the consequences, Kenshin stepped in-between Kaoru and that guy. Kaoru smiled mentally to herself, 'this is working better than I thought, now all he has to do is fight back.'

The guy laughed at seeing Kenshin step in the way, "so you think you can take me, alright let's see what you got little man." The guy the swung a fist towards Kenshin, Kaoru seeing that Kenshin had no intention of fighting back jumped in the way.

Kenshin saw this and knew there was no way he could stop her from being hurt unless he stopped the man from attacking, without thinking, Kenshin rushed forward and kicked the man square in the chest causing him to collapse to the ground and spit up blood. Realization dawned on Kenshin as he saw the man hacking up blood before him, he had attacked and harmed another.

Kaoru looked up and saw the look of utter horror on Kenshin's face, shaking her head she grabbed his hand and drug him after her. Reaching an alley, Kaoru stopped and looked at Kenshin again, he was still frozen in horror.

Shaking her head, Kaoru took his face into her hands and looked him right in the eyes, "thank you for that Kenshin." Then she leaned in and touched his lips with her own, after waiting a few seconds, Kenshin slowly responded by kissing her back. Smiling at one task taken care of, Kaoru pulled out of the kiss, Kenshin was looking at her his eyes glazed slightly.

"The time has come for you to do that more often Kenshin, you can't let people trample all over you, you have to fight for what you want that is the only way you will earn what you have." Kenshin was surprised that she would say something like that, 'she wanted me to fight back there, why?'

Sure that he got her point, Kaoru took his hand again and pulled lightly, "come on, we still have a lot to do." Kenshin nodded his head as he walked with her out of the ally way. Back on the street again, Kenshin glanced to the spot where he had kicked that guy, his blood was lying in a pool on the ground but the guy was no where to be seen.

He still felt bad for hurting the guy, looking at Kaoru he smiled weakly as she started towards a nearby outlet store where he had gotten his clothes when he first moved here. After three hours of being drug around, Kenshin felt exhausted, 'how she can have so much energy is a mystery to me.'

Kaoru was currently dragging him towards the outskirts of town; she had a smile on her lips as she hummed lightly. That was when Kenshin realized where they were headed, it was a small hotel on the edge of town, he felt his eyes go wide as he watched Kaoru still acting like she hadn't a care in the world.

The Akabeko loomed in the distance, Kaoru chuckled lightly as she neared it, "come on Kenshin, we're almost there." "A...are you sure this is where we are going to stay for the night...I mean, it's a place I couldn't afford to stay at even when I had a job."

Kaoru shook her head and stopped walking for a moment, "There's nothing to worry about, besides, I can take care of the payment part easily." Releasing Kenshin's hand, Kaoru started forward again, glancing at the sky every so often. 'It will be night soon, we need to reach the Akabeko, I hope Tae is there.' Kenshin blinked in confusion as he followed Kaoru closely, they soon reached the entrance of the Akabeko.

The door almost automatically opened, "Kaoru, is that you?" A smile lit Kaoru's face as her eyes met those of the person she was just thinking about. "Tae, your here...I almost thought that Tokio had called you back. I'm glad I was wrong."

Kaoru clasped her friend’s hand and glanced over her shoulder at the confused Kenshin, "Kenshin, this is Tae, she runs this establishment." Kenshin blinked once before bowing deeply and flashing a soft smile, "it is a pleasure to meet you Tae, my name is Kenshin Himura."

The woman, Tae nodded her head and gripped his arm, dragging him inside. Kaoru just shook her head and was about to follow when she felt something ominous in the air. Tensing immediately, Kaoru let her wings sprout as she turned about to face this threat.

They’re before her stood a smiling shadow, or at least to normal eyes he would look like a shadow. He pulled his sun glasses down as he sneered at Kaoru, "well, I see that you haven't put your mothers skills to waste. How have you been, little Kaoru? Ready to join the big leagues yet?"

Kaoru glared back as she let her body morph into her true form, gripping the katana at her waist she centered her sights on the man before her. "What do you want Enshii...I thought that you were too busy with retirement to worry about me, or have you just grown as dumb as you are old?"

Enshii laughed as he approached, "funny. So what is it this trying to find a little housewife for Mr. Himura, hmmm?" Kaoru grit her teeth, as she clicked her katana free from its sheath. "That is none of your business Enshii, besides, he's at least more honorable then you'll ever be. But what is your purpose here? You know that you can not enter this establishment due to the demon wards that have been placed."

Enshii chuckled deeply as he came closer to Kaoru, his eyes turning blood red. Kaoru started to pull her katana from the sheath when Kenshin's red hair stopped her.

Kenshin had seen what was happening and came rushing out of the building, he made his way between Kaoru and this dark cloud. The only thought in his mind, 'protect Kaoru.'

Enshii raised an eyebrow and glanced around Kenshin at the still stunned Kaoru, "what's this? He knows what you are...bad move Kaoru, now he is part of this, weather you like it or not." Enshii then allowed Kenshin to see his true form for a moment before disappearing into the dark. Kenshin felt like his blood had run cold, but he shook it off as he turned to see if Kaoru was all right.

Kaoru slid her katana back into place as she stared at Kenshin, slightly angered. "Why did you do that, he could have harmed you! Now that he knows about you seeing my true form he will use you against me." Kaoru turned and walked inside, not bothering to revert to her human form.

Tae was huddled in a corner as Kaoru entered, "is he gone?" Kaoru nodded her head and pulled out a chair, sitting down she bent one of her wings and scratched a spot on it. Kenshin pulled a chair out across from her and glared at her, the worry and anger evident on his face.

"He knows?" Kaoru only nodded her head as she released her wing and glared back at Kenshin. Tae saw the looks they were giving one another and decided that she had best leave the room, "I will get your room prepared immediately Lady Kaoru." She then bowed and practically ran from the room.

A deep silence surrounded Kenshin and Kaoru as their glares only deepened. Kenshin was the first to break the silence, "who was that guy and why is he after you?" "How much do you know about demons Kenshin?" Kenshin's brows knitted together in confusion, "what does that have to do..." Kaoru raised her hand, silencing him.

"You just met one and not just anyone at that. That particular nightmare is named Enshii...he was the one who killed my mother. Since I am now the next strongest angel and I have no children of my own, it seems that I have been targeted by them." Kenshin nodded his head, with her so far.

"Well, by you defending me like that, how unintentional that are now the main target." Kenshin felt his heart sink at that, "but...why?" Kaoru sighed as she rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"Because, you are my weak link Kenshin, my vulnerability. Enshii is now going to use you to get to me..." Kaoru felt bad as she saw the truth of the matter finally dawn on Kenshin, his eyes darkened as he got to his feet and walked to the window on the far end of the room.

Kaoru got up and followed him, he leaned his forehead against the glass and looked outside with what looked to be unfeeling eyes. "I didn't mean to yell at you before, its just...I don't know if I can protect you."

Kaoru touched his shoulder briefly before turning away, she was starting to walk away when she felt Kenshin's arms slip about her waist pulling her into an embrace. Kaoru's wings immediately folded back as he ran his fingers through her feathers gently.

"Don't worry won't have to protect me, I'll protect you. I won't just sit back and let you do all of the fighting by yourself...I care Kaoru. Even though we only know one another a little, I care about you..." Kenshin leaned his forehead against Kaoru's as he felt her just nod her assent.

"Kukum!" Kaoru pulled away quickly, her face red as she saw Tae flashing her a knowing smile. "Your room is ready, I suggest you both get some rest..." Tae took one last glance at both Kaoru and Kenshin before she turned and left the room again.

Kaoru took a deep breath and started towards the stairs, glancing over her shoulder, she noticed that Kenshin was looking out the window again. "Come on Kenshin, you need to get out of those clothes and a shower would do wonders."

Kenshin nodded his head as he followed Kaoru up the stairs and down the hall to an open door. Walking inside, he immediately noticed one important thing, there was only one bed.

He heard the door shut and jumped when Kaoru touched his shoulder, "pick out what you want and clean up, then you need to rest. If I am correct, you have school tomorrow morning."

Kenshin only gaped as he watched Kaoru lay the clothes she had gotten for him upon the bed. 'She's acting like she doesn't even notice that we will have to share the bed...' Kaoru noticed his hesitance and shook her head, she placed her hands on his shoulders and shoved him towards the bathroom. "What are you d...doing?"

"Helping you of course, if your too tired I'll help you bathe." Kenshin immediately launched towards the bathroom at that, just before he ducked inside Kaoru noticed his face was completely red from embarrassment. "I...can take care of it myself!" sounded through the now locked bathroom door; Kaoru only chuckled and left the room.

Heading downstairs she had Tae prepare something for Kenshin's dinner as Kaoru went outside. The moon was high in the sky bathing everything in moonlight, to Kaoru it looked absolutely beautiful. Stretching her wings she walked a few feet from the building, closing her eyes she tilted her head back letting the moonlight cast an unearthly shimmer about her.

Kaoru silently prayed for the strength to protect Kenshin and to defeat Enshii, but she failed to notice that someone was watching her from one of the upper windows of the building.

Kenshin was relieved when he found that Kaoru was not in the room after he had finished his shower. He walked to the window and glanced down, he sighted something moving in the dark, then he saw her. Kaoru's wings were spread about her and she looked like she was floating. Kenshin felt his breath leave his body as he watched her, slowly a gentle smile lit his lips as he saw her turn slightly.

Her eyes met with his and Kenshin felt a deep sense of calm settle over him as he leaned against the frame of the window. All his stress disappeared as he watched Kaoru flash him a smile before walking back inside, he could hear her soft footsteps as she came up the steps and entered the room.

Only one thought was present in both of their minds, 'whatever happens, I will never leave your side.'

A/N- There goes another chapter...the next one should be up soon!

Ja Ne!