Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 3: Becoming Friends? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Angel
A/N- I was on a roll with this one, I actually got this one finished this morning at about 4 am, but I had to go to school so I was unable to put it up as soon as I would have liked to.
I hope you like this one, it may seem that their relationship improves pretty fast but you'll understand as the story progresses further.
As always, I don't own RK, if I did Kenshin would be my slave for life and I would rule all, Mwahahaha!
Ahem, sorry about that, please go ahead and read the chapter, I'm just going a little nuts so there's nothing to worry about! ;)
Chapter 3
Becoming Friends?
Kenshin shot Kaoru a glare as he started forward; Kaoru just laughed silently to herself as she walked alongside of him. Kenshin was actually surprised that he wasn't sore at all from the beating he had gotten the night before, it really seemed strange that he would have a dream of an angel and wake up to find her holding his head in her lap.
'The dream...I wonder why I had that in the first place, I can't remember ever having a dream quite like that one before.' Kenshin glanced at Kaoru out of the corner of his eyes and still he could not believe that she looked liked the angel in his dream, 'what does all this mean and why is she being so friendly?'
He was a complete nobody yet here she was taking him out to eat. "I still don't get why you are being so kind to me Miss. Kamiya," Kaoru flashed Kenshin a lopsided smile as she stretched her arms before her, "Kaoru, please. It's simple, I saw you lying there and wanted to help, besides, you seem to be an interesting guy Mr. Himura."
Kenshin felt his face redden at her words, clearing his throat, Kenshin slid his hands into his pockets, "Just Kenshin, why do you think I am so interesting Miss. Ka...I mean Kaoru?" It was his turn to see her blush; she glanced away as she wrapped a stray hair about her finger nervously, 'wait, she's nervous, around me?'
"Well, I was walking and saw you limping over to that bench, I was curious and I wanted to know if you were alright. So, I followed you, you looked so sad and lonely as you climbed onto that bench. I just couldn't sit there and let you be alone, I found myself walking to your side, I asked if you were all right but you were already fast asleep. I decided to stay and wait for you to wake, but you rolled into my lap almost immediately after I sat down, then you, uh...buried your face in my stomach and started to cry."
Kaoru smiled weakly and glanced at Kenshin to see his response to that, 'if that doesn't catch him then nothing will,' seeing that Kenshin looked horrified Kaoru thought that she had said something wrong. "Kenshin, are you all right, I didn't mean to," before she could finish Kenshin had a hand over her mouth stopping her, he was looking at the ground and Kaoru couldn't make out if he was happy or sad.
Kenshin couldn't believe that he had been so intimate with a stranger, 'but we introduced ourselves, I guess I can consider her my friend now, but still...' "Don't worry about that, I was just a little shocked that I would do something like that, so just put it out of your mind.”
He then released Kaoru's mouth and unconsciously ran his hand down the side of her face, Kaoru couldn't move his very touch was electrifying as he removed his hand and took a step away from her. 'What is this feeling, I don't understand...' Kaoru was lost in her own thought's as they started across the street, Kaoru wasn't looking and didn't see when a car came speeding towards her.
Kenshin panicked and gripped Kaoru's waist pulling her against his chest just as the car sped past, Kenshin shook his head as he turned his eyes towards Kaoru, grumbling the whole time. "Watch where your going next time, you could have gotten hit by that car," Kenshin's words froze in his throat as his eyes locked with Kaoru's confused one's. She was looking up at him with the same emotion he had seen on in the eyes of the angel from his dream.
He loosened his grip on her as he pulled her across the street the rest of the way, reaching the sidewalk he attempted to release Kaoru and found that her hands were gripping his shirt tightly. He took a deep breath as he spied a McDonalds just a few feet away.
"Um, there's the restaurant, you can let go now," he tried to sound kind but Kenshin was too busy trying to get Kaoru to release him, his thought's were turning towards very inappropriate images since she was so close to him.
"You just saved my life, why would I let you go, you're the first to ever do that. In all my years an assignment has never returned the favor like you, this is serious now, I must repay you for this Kenshin. Let's go!"
Kaoru had let go of his shirt but had gripped his arm instead as she drug him while she practically ran to McDonalds, 'by the law of god I must repay in full for his actions, Heh, I think I'm going to like this.' Kenshin was at a loss, Kaoru actions and behavior had changed so quickly he had no time to react as she pulled him into McDonalds and drug him up to the counter. "So, what do you want to eat?"
He heard her question but he was to busy trying to figure out that suspicious look in her eye, Kaoru sighed as she touched her hand to his forehead shocking him yet again as she spoke the order he had been thinking. "Hello, we'd like two big'n tasty's and a large fry, oh and on one of the big'n tasty's I'd like no onion and extra mustard. That's all," the woman at the counter nodded her head as she took the order and totaled it, "That will be $5.36."
Kaoru nodded her head as she faked placing a hand in her pocket, using her magic she created a ten dollar bill and handed it over to the woman, "Alright, here's your change and we'll have that right out to you." Nodding her head again Kaoru took the money and shoved it into her pocket, she then drug Kenshin over to a seat and shoved him in, sliding in next to him she flashed a smile.
"What happened there, how did you know what I was thinking?" Kenshin gulped as he slid as far away from Kaoru as he could, Kaoru just leaned back, "Do you want a drink?" Kenshin raised an eyebrow at her as he tried to calm himself, "uh, yeah...I guess..." ", okay, I'll be right back." Kaoru got up and walked back over to the counter to purchase them drinks as Kenshin stared at her back, 'what is up with her, she seems different...' he then saw something flash out of the corner of his eyes.
Looking down he examined the object that he had failed to notice before, it was the ring that the angel in his dream had given him, 'but that's not possible, she was only a dream, right?' Letting his eyes drift up he examined Kaoru's features again, this time with renewed vigor, 'she doesn't look like the angel, she is the exact image, she is the angel from my dreams but how?'
His thought's trailed off when he saw the same ring he had been given resting on Kaoru's right index finger. It was the exact match to the ring he had, he took a deep calming breath as he watched Kaoru walk back towards him, studding her movements he noted that she walked like she was someone royal.
Kenshin was becoming frustrated, 'she looks the same, has the same ring, and walks like an angel. I don't get it, is she really the angel from my dreams and if so, why is she here anyway?' Then the words the angel spoke came flooding back to him, 'don't worry, I will always be there for you, all you have to do is believe.'
Kenshin's brow furrowed as he looked out the window at the passing cars, the last word repeating itself over and over again in his mind, 'believe.' He jumped slightly when he felt Kaoru slide in next to him again, turning his head to look at her he met her smiling face as she handed him a drink, Kenshin took a tentative sip as he kept his eyes glued to Kaoru. "Thanks..."
"No prob., they said that they would have someone bring us our food in a few, have any family that lives around here?" Kaoru was confused by Kenshin's unwavering stare, 'he is acting really strange, I wonder why?'
Kaoru took a sip of the lemon lime soda she had gotten herself and fingered her ring silently as she awaited Kenshin's answer. "No, the only family I have lives in Kyoto, you?" Kaoru shook her head as she met Kenshin's eyes, "My mother was all I had and after she died, all I could do was take over her position in life, but that doesn't mean that I don't miss her sometimes."
Kenshin raised an eyebrow at Kaoru's reply and was about to respond when a young boy with black hair set their tray of food down on the table. Kenshin looked up at him to say his thanks and almost spit out his drink, "Yahiko, I didn't know you were working here."
Kaoru glanced from Kenshin to the young man and recognized him from Kenshin's memories, he was a little boy Kenshin had let crash at his apartment for a while before he helped the kid go job hunting so he could live on his own. "Kenshin, Is that you? Hey how are you doin', it's been a while."
The kid, Yahiko, took a seat across from both Kenshin and Kaoru and began munching on their fries as he forgot all about work. "I'm okay, it looks like things are looking up for you, how are you and Tsubame doin'?"
Kenshin just grabbed the special big'n tasty and started opening it as Kaoru watched both of them closely, studying their behaviors, Kaoru had always liked watching humans interact, it made understanding them that much easier.
Yahiko choked on the fry he was eating and Kaoru handed him her drink, after taking a long sip he had swallowed what he had choked on, "We're uh...fine, how about you Kenshin, who is this fine lady you have here, hmmm?"
It was now Kenshin's turn to choke, he pounded his chest a couple times trying to swallow, sighing Kaoru patted his back lightly until he got it down. Kenshin's face was bright red as he fiddled with his drink, "Uh, she's just a friend, umm, Kaoru this is Yahiko, Yahiko, Kaoru."
Kaoru smiled brightly as she reached a hand across to Yahiko, Yahiko took it and smiled back, "it's a pleasure, the only other friend of Kenshin's here that I've met is Sano, but I can say for sure that your the best look'n friend Kenshin's ever had."
Yahiko shot Kenshin and evil glare as Kenshin's face turned stark white from embarrassment and shock, "really, well at least I'm lucky to have a friend like him. But anyway, you had better get back to work before your boss sees you chatting with us and fires you for it, it was nice to meet you though." Kaoru made sure that her voice had changed from bubbly to that of cold steel, she had things to speak with Kenshin about and she didn't need some kid teasing them the whole time.
Yahiko's eyes widened while Kenshin mentally thanked every god out there that Kaoru was here, Yahiko got up and nodded his head to Kaoru, "See yah round Kenshin," he then walked off and as soon as he was about two feet away he mumbled under his breath.
"Stupid woman," a second latter he fell face first to the floor an empty tray laying next to him, Kaoru dusted her hands and turned back to look at a shocked Kenshin, "Kids these days, they have no manners what so ever."
Kaoru then picked up her drink and sipped some as if nothing had occurred at all, Kenshin's eyes were wide as he watched Kaoru just sit there, not a care in the world. He then glanced down and saw that Kaoru had yet to touch her sandwich, while his was all gone and so were the fries thanks to Yahiko, Kaoru was only drinking her soda. "Uh, are you going to eat that?"
pointing at the sandwich he raised an eyebrow in Kaoru's direction, "Nah, I'm not all that hungry, you can have it if you want it." Kenshin nodded his head as he took it and began to eat it taking an occasional sip on his drink; his eyes never left Kaoru though. 'This is really weird, first she has the same ring and the walk, and now she's not eating her food...there is definitely something odd about her.'
Kaoru could feel Kenshin's staring eyes, she mentally sighed, 'this charade won't last long, he's smart enough to figure this out, I just hope I can help him before that happens.' Kaoru was finishing her drink when she felt Kenshin touch her shoulder gently, looking over at him questioningly she watched as he reached over and grabbed her right hand and looked at it closely.
"Kaoru, where did you get this ring on your finger, it seems like it would be one of a kind." Kaoru felt her heart stop, he had noticed her angel band, Kaoru tried to think of a way to withhold the truth but could find none. Being an angel meant that she had to be truthful to a point, but when asked about something like the band, she had to tell the absolute truth.
"Your close, this ring is two of a kind, it is called an angel band. My mother gave this to me when I was a child; she told me that when I found the other one to match, then I would find my soul mate. Since then I have never seen another like it, I'm starting to think that I never will, after all my life is a prison and I'm trapped in it."
Kenshin glanced down at the ring on his left index finger as he processed the answer Kaoru had given him, 'an angel band, did what she say about soul mates. Can that really be true...if it is then her and I...'
Kaoru pulled back her hand as she got to her feet gathering up all of the garbage. She smiled sadly at Kenshin as she moved to the trash bin and dumped the garbage, turning back to look at him she smiled again. "So what do you want to do next, I could help you get a job, from the looks of things I think you might need one. Or, do you have one already?"
Kenshin suppressed a laugh, he got to feet and walked over to Kaoru, grabbing her hand he started walking out the door of the restaurant. Kaoru was surprised but she just let Kenshin lead her outside, she didn't know why but she felt like he understood what she had gone through.
Once outside Kenshin turned to Kaoru, "You're right, I don't have a job, I was fired yesterday for just being nice to an old lady. Then I got mugged and everything was taken. Heh, I don't even know why I'm telling you this. After all, we just met and it already feels like I've known you forever, so where do you want to look first?"
Kenshin was surprised that he actually spoke like that, 'man, she's really getting to me...but still, that dream and the rings.'
Kaoru smiled, 'so he's opening up to me, that's good,' "well, I already know just the place, come on it's this way." Kaoru pulled Kenshin after her as she started down the sidewalk, Kenshin shrugged as he walked at her side, they turned down several streets before Kaoru finally came to a stop.
"Here we are, come on let's go in," Kenshin looked up and read the sign, 'Dr. Genzai's medicinal book shop.' The name sounded familiar to Kenshin but he couldn't seem to place it as Kaoru drug him inside the shop, inside it smelled of medicinal herbs which made Kenshin's nostrils sting slightly.
"Dr. Genzai, are you in here?" after Kaoru's call as if in response there was a loud 'boom' and muffled curses as a man about 40 or 50 came stumbling out into the shop. He was rubbing the side of his neck as he caught sight of Kaoru, a pleasant smile lit his face as he came over, Kenshin tightened his grip on Kaoru's hand instinctively at the man's approach.
"Hello Kaoru, it's been a while since I saw you last, so is this your new work in progress?" The man pulled out a pair of glasses as he peered down at Kenshin, "stop teasing me, I wanted to know if you still had that shelving position open or not." A bigger smile crossed the man's face as he chuckled lightly to himself, "sure do, so is he here to try out for the position, hmmm."
Dr. Genzai paced about Kenshin a couple times before he winked at Kaoru and nodded his head in approval, "the job's yours son, Kaoru can show you around, if you need me I'll be in the back."
With that the man turned and disappeared from the room leaving a smiling Kaoru and a completely confused Kenshin behind, Kenshin glanced at Kaoru the confusion marring his feature's, "what was that all about?"
“Oh, Dr. Genzai helped to raise me after my mother died but there were a few...complications that made me leave at a very young age, he has always been there for me but..." Kaoru's expression darkened as unwanted memories came flooding back.
Kenshin noticed this and he slipped a hand about Kaoru's waist pulling her against his chest gently in a soft hug, "I understand, so how does this job go, you two went so fast that I got lost after he said the job was mine." Kenshin smiled as he let go of Kaoru and studied his surroundings closely, Kaoru watched him quietly her heart beating rapidly, 'why did he hold me like that?'
Shaking herself out of her thoughts Kaoru walked over to Kenshin, "Pretty much you stock the books and take the money when people purchase a book. Here, watch me," Kaoru brushed past Kenshin and went to a shelf of books at the end of the store.
Reaching up she took down three books and examined the covers, "Medicinal Dictionary, The Functions of the Human Heart, and 7 ways to suture your own wounds. The dictionary goes on the main shelf at my right while the other two go on the center shelf in the middle of the room. It's that simple, you try."
Kaoru motioned to the other books on the shelf, Kenshin nodded his head and walked over, reaching up he took down two books and placed one on the main shelf while the other he placed on the center shelf. "Good, that's the way that you stock around here, and taking money, all you need to know is how to count change. So go ahead and start, I have to go in the back real quick to make a call, so I'll be right back."
Kaoru patted Kenshin on the shoulder and left the room, she saw Dr. Genzai waiting for her and walked over to him, "So, is he your new assignment milady?"
Kaoru nodded her head as she shook off her human disguise, her wings spread out behind her as she flapped them lightly, "he really has some bad problems. Not to mention that he has almost figured out my true identity, and the worst of all is that I can't seem to lie to him." Kaoru glanced back out to watch as Kenshin moved the books to their correct places a gentle smile on his lips, "I see, but I have bad news milady."
Kaoru snapped her attention back to Dr. Genzai; he had disposed of his human appearance as well and was running his fingers through the old feathers of one of his wings. "Yeah, what news," Kaoru had her back to the entrance of the backroom and was too busy looking at Genzai to notice that Kenshin had dropped a book and was peering around the corner at her and Genzai.
Kenshin had ducked behind the center shelf when he saw the edge of something that looked like a wing, he had peered around the corner as he heard the voice of Genzai say something about 'bad news.'
He then dropped the book he was holding as he saw the form of Kaoru, she had changed completely, she had sprouted wings and her whole demeanor changed. 'She was the angel from my dream, so, she really does exist...'
Kenshin strained his ears so he could hear what was being said between them, "They have sent Enshii and his minions, this is getting worse milady, why don't you just call for help?" Kaoru's wings went rigid at the mention of 'Enshii,' "So they sent that demon to finish me off just like he did my mother, very well then, send for Misao and Aoshi. They are the only other one's who can hold their ground against Enshii's men..."
Kaoru sighed deeply as she used her magic to create a chair. Sitting down she buried her face in her hands, "Milady, why don't you just back away from this case, we cannot afford to loose you over a human life."
Kaoru slapped Genzai roughly as she rushed to her feet, her hand clenched to her sword in anger, "Never Genzai, I would probably agree on anyone else, but Kenshin is special. He has something I've never seen before in a human and there is no way I will ever abandon him, he needs me...just as I do him." Kaoru's brows knit together as she sat back down, "Why milady?"
Genzai had recovered from her slap but was on one knee in submission. Kaoru sighed, "I don't know why, it's just that every time I look into his eyes something pulls me towards him. He has experienced so much pain in his life just as I have, so we can relate in a way I never knew before, he has touched my soul."
Kaoru glanced down at Genzai a sad smile on her lips, Genzai only nodded his head, "I understand milady, I will contact you when the other's are about to arrive."
With that Genzai was bathed in light and disappeared from the shop, Kaoru only sat there gazing down at the ring on her finger, "Mother, will I ever find the mate to this ring or shall I leave this world by the hands of that bastard Enshii? What ever happens, I swear that I shall never leave Kenshin's side until he has received the life he so richly deserves."
Kenshin watched all this as his heart pounded loudly in his chest, 'Kaoru has sworn to protect me...what can I ever offer her in return for such a sacrifice,' he looked down at the ring on his finger and listened to Kaoru's question to her mother.
Kenshin felt like he was dreaming, with his angel, his Kaoru standing by his side through all things. Kenshin watched as Kaoru started to cry as she sat there, all alone, Kenshin got to his feet and made his way over to her. Kaoru felt the tears as they ran down her face, "why, mother, why did you leave me all alone in this battle?"
Kaoru flinched as she heard footsteps at her side, clutching the hilt to her sword; Kaoru leapt to her feet to face this unseen foe. Kaoru felt her heart stop as she came face to face with none other than Kenshin, he had a determined look on his face as he stared evenly back at her.
"Kenshin..." Kaoru released her grip on her sword and felt a deep sense of dread well up in the pit of her stomach. 'He knows, he knows I lied to him, now he'll hate me forever.'
Kaoru started to turn away from him her wings drooped in despair when she was stopped, she felt Kenshin's fingers grip her wrist and pull roughly. Before Kaoru could respond, she found herself in Kenshin's arms, Kaoru's eyes were wide as she felt Kenshin's hot breath brush against her neck.
"Kaoru...thank you..." Kenshin tightened his grip on Kaoru making sure that there was no way she could squirm her way out, "Kenshin...I'm sorry..." Kaoru buried her face in Kenshin's shoulder as her body shook with unshed tears.
"Never say that to me, you have nothing to be sorry for, this time let me help you. I thought that I had nothing, but now that I think about it...I have everything I could ever want right here. Promise me that you will never leave me, promise me..."
Kenshin whispered in Kaoru's ear as he pulled back, taking her right hand in his left he brought them up to show Kaoru the matching pair of rings on their fingers. Kaoru gasped when she saw them, "the angel band, you had the mate, but how?"
Kenshin smiled as he touched his forehead to hers, "you gave it to me, in my dream, my angel." Kaoru felt tears welling up in her eyes again as she looked into Kenshin's eyes, "I promise..." leaning forward, Kaoru touched her lips to Kenshin's sealing their promise with a kiss.
Around them a bright white light, like the one in Kenshin's dream, bathed them both in its pure and gentle embrace. Kenshin felt like his body had caught on fire as their lips slowly parted; Kaoru had a deep look to her eyes as she touched Kenshin's cheek with the tips of one of her wings, "...forever."
A/N- There you go, I hope that all didn't go too fast for yah, I got so caught up in the moment that I couldn't stop writing.
Hope you liked it and review it, I'm going to be working on the next chapter of 'Innermost Secrets' so that it will be updated again, and besides, it's taking me too long to write it.
So it may be a while before the next installment, but it'll be worth the wait! Till Then...