Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 2: A New Assignment ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Angel

A/N- Well here's Chapter 2 for yah. I tried to make this one very good and hopefully I succeeded. I hope you like it!

Chapter 2: A New Assignment
Watching as the small form of a man walked towards a park bench, a figure darted after him, seeing that the man had fallen asleep the figure walked over cautiously.
Studding the man's pale and bruised features, the figure's wings flapped lightly sending a single feather to land upon the man's cheek, leaning in close the figure ran their small fingers over the man's bruises. "...Kenshin Himura..."
Kaoru Kamiya, is a high-ranking angel in God's army, she was brought into this world as the end of the celestial war came to pass. Her mother was killed while Kaoru was very young and she was on an assignment, she had been sent to help a woman find her soul mate, since the need for angel's had been diminishing she thought that she would be fine on her own.
Kaoru's mother was highly ranked, she had completed thousands of assignments and had always returned unscathed, this time though would be her last mission. A demon of high rank was sent to stop and kill her, after a long and tiring battle Kaoru's mother was about to kill the demon with one final stroke but the demon had a trick up their sleeve. The demon had captured Kaoru while she was out on her very first assignment ever, making Kaoru's capture that much easier.
Kaoru's mother made the choice to sacrifice herself to save her daughter's life, the demon had thought it had won but because of the sacrifice Kaoru's mother made, she was given the abilities and strengths of her mother.
From a very young age Kaoru was the best at everything, she could out fight, out think, and out cast any other Angel. But she was all alone, no matter what anyone would say or do Kaoru did everything by herself and never requested help, to Kaoru her life was a prison and nothing more.
She was given many cases to take care of but nothing was as important than her most recent case, she had just finished one of her cases when she was sent a message through the normal telepathic ways of communication.
She was told about a man who was one of the rarest humans out there, he was a selfless pure hearted man and he needed help, Kaoru agreed to take the case but since she was still on earth she had to find the man.
Current time-
Kaoru had been walking all day long and now it was getting close to night and she had failed to find him, she had already gone to all the places that she was told that he went to but she still failed to find him.
But there was one last place that she needed to check; it was her last chance in finding him before she asked for help, which she never did. Moving silently through the park to a particular bench Kaoru sighted a form limping in the same direction, Kaoru huddled behind a tree, as the figure became clear.
It was a man, he had fire red hair that was sticking out in several places, along with sorrow filled lavender eyes, not to mention the numerous bruises that he had on his face and apparently on his body as well. Kaoru's heart went out to him as she watched him climb onto the bench and curl into a tight ball, she waited for several moments before she made her way over to his now sleeping form.
'Is this the man I am supposed to help...' looking down at him Kaoru smiled sadly as he moved in his restless sleep, reaching a hand down she touched his cheek.
Her body started to tremble as her wings sprouted and curled behind her, she was using her powers as an angel to read all of the man's memories, tears filled her eyes as she looked at the bruises on his face.
"Kenshin Himura...I see that you are the one I was looking for after all," Kaoru cast a spell so that Kenshin's sleeping form floated for a moment, sitting down on the bench Kaoru let Kenshin down so that his head was laying in her lap.
Kaoru then took a deep breath and started his much needed healing; running her hands over his bruises, Kaoru smiled as they slowly disappeared one by one. Kenshin's breathing had become easier and he had rolled slightly his face burying itself in her stomach, a slight blush came to Kaoru's face at his actions but she didn't disturb him as she watched him sleep through the night.
Kenshin stirred slightly as the sun had started to rise, he was mumbling incoherent words, Kaoru looked about as he continued sleeping taking in all the beauty and splendor of nature around her.
The sun had lit the leaves of the trees and a soft wind started to blow through the park, Kaoru felt her hair being picked up lightly as she started to stroke Kenshin's back, calming him.
Kaoru was studding the birds as they flew about when she felt something wet in her lap, looking down the concern apparent on her face, Kaoru saw that Kenshin had started to cry and that his tears were soaking into her skirt. Placing her hand on his forehead, she saw that he was having a nightmare of the occurrence with his ex-fiancée, Kaoru smoothed the hair off his now sweating brow and started to hum a dreaming spell.
Kenshin's body twitched a couple times as his nightmare faded and was replaced by a gentle one of Kaoru's making, his body slowly grew still and Kaoru smiled gently as she continued to hum to him.
Kenshin's dream sequence-
Kenshin glanced about as the all too familiar scenery about him began to change and melt into something else. "What's going on..." Kenshin walked about as he was surrounded in a thick white mist, "Kenshin..." hearing his name he stopped and looked about again, "Who's there?"
He swiped at the mist trying to see past it but only made it thicken, "Kenshin..." hearing the voice again he whipped about quickly, but yet again there was nothing there. 'I could've sworn I heard a feminine voice, Oh God, please don't let it be Tomoe.'
Clenching his fists tightly he took a deep breath hoping that he had thought wrong. He walked forward into the mist and heard the flapping of wings behind him, just as he was about to turn around he felt a soft touch on the side of his face, turning his head to his left.
The mist had cleared in that spot but was still everywhere else, in the clearing he could barely make out a pair of small forms running about wildly. "Haruna, Ichii stop that, you're making me dizzy." Kenshin's eyes widened as he recognized his own voice, it was deeper and was full of an emotion Kenshin had only felt once in his whole life, 'Love.'
He squinted, as the figures became clear enough for him to make out their features, they were both children, a girl about 3 and a boy about 5. He felt himself gasp as they were joined by another figure, it was himself, he had grown older and had a huge smile on his face as he watched the children come running at him.
The dream Kenshin fell onto his back as he was tackled by the children, all three were laughing wildly as a fourth figure came walking over and dumped a bucket of washing water right into the dream Kenshin's mouth.
The dream Kenshin sputtered as he spit the liquid out and a playful scowl replaced his smile, "I'm going to get you for that," he gently moved the children to the ground as he got to his feet and walked menacingly towards the still blurry fourth figure. He lunged and caught the fourth figure in an embrace, Kenshin was squinting again to make out the fourth figure, but he could only see that she was a woman and had raven black hair that went to her waistline.
He felt his eyes widen even more when he saw her swollen belly and the dream Kenshin running his hands over it in a gentle caress, "How's the baby coming?" Kenshin's eyes shot up as he heard himself utter those words as if it were common knowledge. "Kenshin stop fussing over me, you'd think that after 6 years and two children latter that your habits would change," the woman shoved the dream Kenshin away as she went back to hanging the laundry.
Dream Kenshin started pouting as he wrapped his arms about the woman from behind startling her, "Don't say that, you know you love it when I fuss over you..."
Kenshin felt his heart leap as the dream Kenshin twirled the woman around and locked her in a very powerful kiss. The woman dropped the wet shirt she was holding and entangled her limbs in the dream Kenshin's hair, he heard his dream self moan loudly as he lifted the woman off her feet crushing her against his chest. When they broke the kiss the woman pushed Kenshin off, muttering to herself as she picked up the forgotten shirt and started picking the leaves off of it.
"Daddy, can I have a hug too?" Kenshin's eyes went to the young girl as she tugged roughly at the dream Kenshin's pant's, chuckling deeply the dream Kenshin bent down and picked up the girl causing her to squeal in joy. "Ichii, help your mother, we don't want her straining herself too much now do we?" The little boy nodded his head as he walked over to the woman and handed her up a pair of socks, Kenshin wanted to walk over there and take the place of his dream self when he saw how happy they all were.
"Kenshin..." that same soft voice caused him to glance away for a moment, but when he looked back the dream Kenshin and family were gone and instead there was another image starting to appear.
This new image was much larger and held many faces that Kenshin recognized as well as some he didn't, as the image cleared completely Kenshin realized that he was surrounded by the image, as if he was a part of it. He was standing in a church as organ music was playing gently, Kenshin felt as if his nightmare of Tomoe's betrayal was coming to haunt him again.
His fears disappeared when someone dressed in all white walked past him and towards the altar where he saw a man in a tuxedo. It wasn't him but he recognized the bride, she was the same little girl from before except all grown up, his eyes widened when he saw that the man leading her to the alter was none other than himself, 'this must be my daughter's wedding.'
He gulped at that thought, the dream Kenshin had released the bride and gave her a gentle kiss before he went to stand next to that same woman from before, they took hands as the ceremony started.
Kenshin moved closer to see the face of his dream wife, but as he was about to see her face everything around him exploded into a beautiful shower of color. Kenshin glanced about expecting to see another part of his dream future, behind him he heard the flapping of wings again and turned to look, this time he was greeted by the brightest shining light he had ever seen.
The light was focused in one spot and he could hear a gentle singing voice coming from it, he instantly started forward his interest peaked, 'besides, it's only a dream.'
As he neared the light he could see a figure suspended within the light, he almost gasped at the very sight of the figure, it was a woman and she had pure white wings. "Kenshin..." hearing the voice he took a wary step forward towards the still suspended woman, 'angel.'
He reached out to touch the woman and was pulled into the air next to her, Kenshin stifled a cry as he lost himself in her unearthly beauty, the woman had her eyes closed in an almost sleep like way.
He didn't even care as he studied her features, she had long shimmering ebony hair that curled down her back, her feature's were soft and gentle with a tint of pink on her cheeks. Kenshin could not control his hand as it reached towards her and touched the edge of her bangs, it was soft and almost silky to the touch, he let his other hand run about her tiny waist and pulled her flush against his own form.
A sudden wave of peace settle upon him as he took in her sent, she smelled of rain and lavender, on closer inspection he saw that her eyelids held a little make-up the color of soft violets. He slowly cupped her cheek in his callused hands, feeling her perfect flesh touch his own almost made him kiss her beautiful lips, 'wait, this is a dream, so why don't I?'
Having made up his mind he leaned down and ran is lips over her perfect ones sending a shiver of pure desire down his spine, completely mystified he pulled back to look at the beautiful woman in his arms.
Remembering it was all a dream he suddenly was scared that this moment would end and tightened his grip on the woman, he then felt her stir in his grip, looking at her perfect face he watched as her eyes drifted open and locked with his. His heart literally stopped as her sapphire eyes bored into his, she shifted slightly in his grip as he sat frozen staring dumbfoundedly at her.
She smiled as she leaned forward and took his lips with her own; Kenshin barely had a chance to blink as her wings wrapped about both him and her bathing them both in their silky feathers. Kenshin froze as the woman's lips left his and she pulled back to smile at him fondly, he took a deep breath as he tried to find his voice, finding it in his feet he pulled it back into his throat as he spoke weakly.
"W...who are you?"
the woman only smiled in response as she leaned forward and touched her forehead to his, she began to hum lightly as they sank to the ground, feeling his feet touch he worked up the courage to ask again. "Who are you, please tell me?"
This time the woman sighed and pulled away easily releasing herself from Kenshin's grip, her wings fanned out behind her as she bowed lightly, "I am the answer to your prayers, I am your angel sent down from heaven to aid you in your time in need."
She paused and glanced about her smile disappearing as she shrank slightly as if something had frightened her, "What's wrong?" Kenshin stepped forward towards her and noticed that she had her hand clutched to a sword at her side. "It is time for you to wake, I can no longer hide you from the demon's nightmare's, go with god's grace."
The woman motioned to the still shining light as her grip tightened upon the swords hilt, Kenshin was unable to move though, his body could feel something very evil close-by and wished to leave but his mind thought differently.
His mind told him to stay, for when would he ever have such a beauty in his life, no he didn't wish to wake-up and live the same pathetic life where he had nothing at all to call his. 'No, this one thing, I just want this one thing for myself for once in my life,' He moved quickly and wrapped his arms about the form of the angel, "No, I won't let you go, you are all I have and all I want."
The angel froze at his statement and turned to face him her eyes blazing with an unknown emotion, her hand touched his cheek as she pulled something off of her left index finger and held it out to him. Kenshin took the object and looked at it, it was a small white gold ring that looked like a set of wings touching their tips together, "don't worry, I will always be there for you, all you have to do is believe." With those words she kissed him upon the lips and he was bathed in the light, Kenshin struggled against the pull of his consciousness as he tried to call out to the angel.
He was unable to reach her as he drifted out of his dreams and back into the harsh reality where angels could never truly exist.
End dream sequence-
Kaoru stopped humming her dream spell as she felt Kenshin slowly drift back into full alertness, she stroked the side of his head gently as she watched his eyes open slowly, the whole time wondering what he had been dreaming about.
Deep lavender clashed with Sapphire as Kenshin's eyes focused upon the face of the person leaning over him, for a brief moment Kenshin saw the angel from his dream. Reaching up he pulled Kaoru down, she blinked in surprise when his lips crashed with hers causing her face to turn a bright red in color.
Pulling away she looked down at him her interest really peaked about what he had been dreaming of, 'most likely something wonderful if that kiss was any sign.' Kenshin felt his angel pull away and looked up at her in confusion and his heart stopped, the woman before him looked exactly like the angel, yet she had her hair up and a worn look to her appearance.
The one in his dream was flawless, angelic, and unearthly, while the one before him was clearly a human woman.
Kenshin then realized that he had just kissed a total stranger out of nowhere and that he must look utterly foolish right now. Kenshin moved to sit up when he felt the woman place a hand on his chest holding him in place, "Sir, are you feeling alright?"
Kaoru had been shocked when Kenshin kissed her like that, but she regained her composure quickly knowing it would not help anyone if she just sat there dumbfounded, like she was some schoolgirl who had just gotten her first kiss. She was an angel and she had been sent here for a purpose, not to just stare at her new assignment, she was brought out of her musings when Kenshin had tried to move and she snapped into her business mode quickly.
Kenshin was surprised when the woman's voice sounded just like the angel's but not as, 'angelic,' he mentally slapped himself for going off track as he assessed the situation carefully. 'Okay, you just woke up and kissed a total stranger and then I have my head resting in said beautiful strangers lap, wait...did I just think that?'
"Hello, sir, is anyone home in there?" He snapped out of his thoughts at her voice, licking his lips he looked up at her trying to make himself look at least a little respectable. "Um, I'm alright...but uh, could you let go of me please?”
Kaoru wanted to laugh at the look on Kenshin's face, he looked like a deer caught in a pair of headlights, "Are you sure, because I can have you taken to a hospital, you do look pretty beat up." Kaoru kept her voice soft and gentle as she slowly moved her hand allowing him to pull himself into a sitting position on the bench next to her.
Kenshin was surprised at the kindness in the woman's voice; he only shrugged as he finally sat up feeling a headache coming on. 'Maybe when I get home I could...I forgot, I don't have a home to go to anymore, I don't even have a life.'
Kaoru watched as Kenshin's eyes darkened with all the bottled up emotions that he carried with him, she smiled understandingly as she decided to start a conversation. "So, I guess you had a bad night huh, I've had a few myself." she trailed off as she glanced over at Kenshin, understanding shining in her eyes.
"You have no idea, first I loose my fiancée, then I get fired and mugged. That's not what you would call a walk in the park, I just don't..." Kenshin caught himself as his face turned a faint red in embarrassment and shame. 'I can't believed I just blurted my thought's like that, and to a total stranger no less, she must think I'm crazy!'
Kaoru only smiled back though as she watched Kenshin's inner emotions flash in his eyes, "I see...I didn't mean to pry like that, but I was walking past last night and saw you lying here. I felt so sorry for you, I am happy that I decided to stop, I can tell that you just needed someone to be there when no one else would be. Believe me, I've been down that road myself, I lost my mother in a horrible accident when I was young and I was always kind when I was young, even after I was beaten up by bullies.”
“I remember my mother's dying words as I held her hand, she told me to always help those in need to the best of my ability and I've listened to that ever since, it's one of the many rules I live by. But I can't always be happy, it's hard sometimes to smile when you want to cry...oh, here I go on a rant again, I'm very sorry."
Kenshin could only stare in awe as Kaoru talked on and on, he wasn't upset that she was ranting, but strangely happy.
He felt like he had been seen for once in his life, even if it was by a complete stranger, "I, uh...I don't mind, it's kind of nice to have someone to talk to." Kaoru blushed at his words and had no idea why, all he did was respond, she smiled as she got to her feet and stretched a hand towards him.
"Kaoru Kamiya, you?" Kenshin watched her face light up in a gentle smile and found himself smiling back as he took her outstretched hand, "Kenshin Himura."
"Well, would you like to get a bite to eat with me, or do you have other plans Mr. Himura?" Kenshin silently wondered to himself how a smile so big can only get bigger, he widened his own smile to match hers as he got to his feet, he felt his stomach growl lightly.
Kaoru chuckled at the noise she heard coming from Kenshin's stomach, 'sounds like a yes to me,' Kenshin sighed pathetically as he hung his head in shame. "Yeah, I'd love to eat..." "So I heard Mr. Himura, McDonalds sound okay?"
Kaoru placed her hands behind her back as she glanced sideways at Kenshin, "Sounds great, as long as I'm no burden," Kaoru sighed and shook her head lightly, "it's no problem at all, but I think we need to work on that confidence of yours."

A/N- I was a little depressed when I wrote this so I hope it still turned out okay. This story is
getting pretty good in my opinion, I hope you share my hopes. As always, I'd love to hear your comments on this and hopefully you guys liked it. Till Next Time!