Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 1: A Person In Need ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Angel
Chapter 1: A person in need
A figure walked towards a small white bench, his mind filled with sorrow and despair, life for this man has always been hard but he had somehow found a way to make it trough at least until recently.
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Kenshin Himura was born in a small town hardly known by anyone, he was an only child and this is where all his hardships began.
He was a very good child but his parent's had never gotten along, his father left his mother when he was only 2 years old, then exactly one year latter his mother died in a bad accident.
A thief had tried to kidnap him but his mother refused to let him go, angered the thief pulled a gun and shot her in the chest, this wound proved to be fatal and so his mother died in his 3 year old arms. In a fit of rage, Kenshin had grabbed the nearest object and rushed the thief, with all the strength his little body could muster he had come close to killing the thief.
Before he could deliver the final blow, a loud knock came at the door and when no one answered a middle aged man came waltzing inside finding a blood raged Kenshin and the dead body of his mother.
Moving swiftly the man scooped Kenshin up into his arms as he glared down at the unconscious form of the thief, letting his gaze drift between the thief and Kenshin's mother's body, he gritted his teeth and pulled a sword from his side. Removing the sword from it's sheath, he proceeded to slice the thief's head clean off before Kenshin, replacing the sword he looked down at the still shaking form of Kenshin.
Letting a grim smile cross his lips he spoke with utter seriousness, "Kenshin, I am your uncle are going to come and live with me, understand?" Kenshin could only nod as he fell limp in his uncle's arms, exhaustion overwhelming him. After calling the police, Hiko took Kenshin with him as he left that insignificant town behind, as Kenshin slept they traveled to the large city of Kyoto.
When Kenshin awoke he was unable to remember anything about his mother's death, since he was in a blood rage at the time, everything that occurred seemed to be no more than a horrible nightmare. Kenshin asked Hiko where he was and where his mother was, unable to bring himself to tell Kenshin the truth, he lied.
He told Kenshin that he had been sent to train with him for a little while and that his mother wished him her best, being only 3, Kenshin believed the story and was actually excited to see what he would be taught.
Years passed as Kenshin learned one technique after another, Hiko had been teaching him the Hiten-Mitsurugi style of sword fighting. To Hiko's great surprise Kenshin became the best student he had ever had, even though he was never really that bright of a student.
Kenshin was a peaceful person by nature and he would do anything he could to keep from fighting, even let himself get beat-up, even though he could defend himself.
One of those times was when he was 7 years old, Kenshin had been sent by his uncle to collect groceries from the store while Hiko was teaching other students at his dojo. The trip to the store had been uneventful, when he had finished his shopping he was starting back to his uncle's dojo, as he passed an open lot of land he heard the tortured crying of a small kitten.
Quickly making his way towards the sound, Kenshin was taken aback at what he saw, he discovered that three local ruffian high school boys were dipping the small defenseless kitten into the brook that ran through the lot. One boy was tugging on the kitten's tail, another boy was holding the kitten by it's back legs, the last boy had pulled out a knife and was attempting to cut the poor animal.
Dropping the bags he had in his hands, Kenshin rushed forward using every bit of speed he had acquired from his uncles teachings, he reached them before they could harm the kitten anymore and kicked the two who were holding the kitten still.
They feel backwards in utter surprise, still unable to make out Kenshin's blurred form, gripping the kitten gently Kenshin stopped as he examined the kitten for any injuries. Finding none, Kenshin shooed the kitten from the lot as he turned his attention to the three fuming high Schoolers that loomed behind him, starting to turn about he felt a sharp pain sear across his upper arm.
The one that had been holding the knife had cut him, as blood started to trickle down his arm all three lunged at him, soon Kenshin was lying on the ground half-conscious as the three kicked him repeatedly in the chest and face. Over an hour passed before they were done with their beating, seeing that the sun was going down they decided that Kenshin had gotten their point, all three left heading to their homes as they left behind the broken and bloodied body of Kenshin in the waning sunlight.
Two small cuts marred his cheek from the struggle with those guy's, he could taste the blood as it drifted from the wounds and into his mouth, Kenshin didn't care though, he was just content that he had saved a poor little kitten from torture.
Barely conscious, Kenshin pulled himself towards the spot where he had left the groceries before, reaching them Kenshin held onto the wall as he pulled himself to his feet and picked up the bags.
He could feel the pain running over him almost making him fall over from the sheer magnitude of it, making sure that he had everything he started on his way again, limping the whole time as he used the wall at his side for support.
When he finally did reach the dojo, the sun had set and night had started to bathe the sky in it's dark light's. After he entered the main gate and was a few feet away from the house he dropped the bags unable to carry them anymore. A dull sense of accomplishment flooded his mind as he collapsed from sheer lack of strength and energy.
When Kenshin finally woke, he found himself in a hospital bed and two IV's jammed into his left hand, he took a quick look about and found his uncle's sleeping form next to the bed at his side. Realization dawned on him as he thought back to when those guys had beaten him up, sighing deeply Kenshin felt a light pressure at his side, looking over he saw the killing stare of his uncle.
Hiko was furious at Kenshin, but he only explained that when he found him just lying there all beaten up, he rushed him to the hospital for treatment. The doctor's had told him that Kenshin had sustained a minor concussion but four broken ribs, three deep gashes upon his upper left arm, and a compound wrist fracture.
After a month of staying in the hospital, Kenshin was allowed to leave, but only two weeks later he was hospitalized again after defending an elderly woman from a local gang of thugs. This continued for four more years, Hiko was tired of paying for all Kenshin's hospital bills, so he had him enrolled in middle school.
Kenshin was far behind the other student's because he had skipped the first few years of school, but he was a fast learner and soon he had surpassed even the best students in his class. Hiko knew that Kenshin had a knack for learning, so he allowed Kenshin to go into high school.
Years passed and soon Kenshin had graduated from high school, Hiko had planned on paying for Kenshin's Collage tuition, but Kenshin, being the nice guy he was couldn't stay out of trouble for long.
After helping the local law enforcement catch a wanted criminal, he had proceeded to take it upon himself to take care of three orphaned children that he found wandering the streets, he brought them home with him. Enduring almost four months with the little urchin's, Kenshin had found them a nice home and wished them good-bye, Hiko was relived that they were gone but the money that had been spent was all from his pocket.
The start of a new year at the local University was coming around and Kenshin was really excited, but because of all of Kenshin's 'Donations to Society' Hiko didn't have enough to pay for tuition to the Kyoto University. Not wishing to tell his nephew this, Hiko researched and found a good College in Tokyo that fit his budget. After telling Kenshin that he had to learn to live on his own, he sent him to Tokyo, making sure that Kenshin would have enough to live on until he could get himself a job.
Kenshin reached Tokyo in one piece and sent word to his uncle almost daily, he soon found himself a job in a local grocery store, soon after that he had started into his first year of College and was very content with where his life was headed thus far.
Almost four years after he had entered College Kenshin met a girl, her name was Tomoe, and they seemed almost perfect for one another. After five years of dating, Kenshin asked her to marry him, she accepted and the date was set.
Unfortunately, on the day of the wedding, Kenshin was pushed into the brides changing room by his best friend Sanosuke Sagara and his girl-friend Megumi, he thought it was a harmless joke until he turned about and was horrified at what he saw.
! Graphic Content Below -Skip If You Don't Approve Of Such Things!
Tomoe was sprawled out upon a gilded dresser her hair disheveled and about her bare shoulder's, her legs were wrapped about the moving form of a strange man with dark hair, Tomoe was moaning in pleasure as the man thrust into her roughly.
Kenshin was unable to speak a single word as he watched them as they continued completely oblivious to his presence, sweat was beading across Tomoe's forehead as she cried out begging the man for more, obliging her he moved her slightly pining her against the wall roughly.
Kenshin felt sick to his stomach as he backed away slowly making no noise, after screaming out the man's name in intelligible words, Tomoe pushed the man out of her and forced him to the ground. Kenshin pushed against the door trying to leave but found that Sano had propped something against the door so that he would be unable to leave, a small note drifted down and upon it was written something about how the groom and bride would be late to their own wedding.
Behind him, Kenshin heard a growling noise from the man and he tried in vain to ignore it, Tomoe had lowered her head above his manhood as she started to lick the juices from his being inside her. The man was writhing underneath her as she continued down the sides of the shaft, making sure to go slowly so that it would torment the man, hearing a pleasing growl from him she pulled back and smiled at him seductively.
Out of the side of her eyes she noticed an extra pair of shoes, freezing in place Tomoe let her eyes drift up to see none other than Kenshin standing there, they locked eyes for a moment before Tomoe dove for her clothes.
Reaching them she started to pull them, Kenshin felt anger welling up inside him which had only happened once before, when he beat up that thief `he still doesn't remember it.' Clenching his fist angrily, Kenshin plowed right trough the door, ripping it completely off its hinges.
! End Of Graphic Content - Enjoy the Rest of the Story!
Kenshin had rushed right past everyone in the chapel as he ran out the doors and down the steps into the street, ever since Kenshin had moved to Tokyo there was only one place he could go that always made him feel better, the local park. Hurrying down the streets, he ignored every glance, every stare, and every sound as he reached the beautiful landscaped park. Making his way past the daily joggers and playing children, he walked to a small park bench that was away from all the others, it was in its own little outclave.
After sitting down he began to deal with his emotions, letting his mind run over every possible reason, but he still couldn't get why Tomoe would betray him like this. He had always been faithful, he never smoked, drank, and was still a virgin after 27 years of his life had passed, he had hoped to share himself with Tomoe, but she now had gone and done this to him.
The wedding was called off and Tomoe had disappeared, Kenshin didn't care anymore and just went on with his life like normal, but it would only get worse for him not better. Three-month's after the little incident with Tomoe, Kenshin was fired from his job, he had given an elderly woman a discount on her medication because she couldn't afford the whole price.
He decided that he would just fall back on his savings until he found another job, but on his way home from being fired he was attacked by a group of thugs, they used chloroform on him so that he wouldn't fight as they robbed him. When he finally came to his bike was gone, along with his wallet, his apartment key, and all the money he had on him.
They had even roughed him up a bit, they had kicked him a couple times and had caused him to get a split lip and bruise marks on his chest and back, but other than that he was okay. At first he didn't realize the severity of the situation, but when he got up and looked for his bike he remembered the thugs, so he searched his pockets and found everything he had in the world gone for good.
He knew he couldn't go to Sano's because he was out of town for the week, also he couldn't go to the cops without identification, then there was his uncle but he didn't have money for a fair or a phone call. Tired and weak, Kenshin stumbled down the streets going to the only other place he could, the park.
The wind was very nippy as he finally reached the park, making his way down the path, he knew that at this very moment he was of on use to anyone. Defeated, he slumped his shoulder's as he passed a couple, they seemed to be happy and carefree, cursing himself he just wished that he could die at this very moment.
Everything had gone wrong for him and even after he tried to keep himself together, he had ended up all alone, reaching the bench he laid down upon the bench and curled himself into a small ball.
Feeling sleep begin to take him under it's wing, a final thought ran through his mind, 'Only a miracle can save me now, but that's impossible...' just before he dozed off, Kenshin swore that he hear a gentle voice speak saying, '...nothing's impossible Mr. Himura...' and then everything went black.