Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Pleasant Surprises ❯ Mysterious Wonders ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter One - Mysterious Wonders
(c) Original Storyline by Rainesolo


The alarm shook in vibration, buzzing with a deafening alarm. Soujiro was not startled at all; instead he sat wide-awake on his bed, not threatened by the noise. He lazily pressed down on the 'snooze' button, stopping the loud noise. He stared into his alarm clock and read the time.

"Ten o' clock PM," he said as he read the digital display slowly, and word per word. Suddenly, his door opened. He jerked his head sideward and saw red hair and an orange robe by the door, and he knew exactly who it was. "Come in...Yumi-san."

Yumi - his aunt - let out a throaty laugh as she walked towards Soujiro's bed. "Okay, so I thought I was the weird one. Soujiro, you're weird...alarm clocks at night...hmm..."

"I know it's very strange, but I do it just to keep track of the hour. I lost the chance to get into soccer varsity last year because I was late for the try-outs by 20 minutes. I didn't turn on my alarm." Soujiro smiled. "So I got into the habit of turning on alarms to keep track of the time."

Yumi smiled back. "Me and your uncle Shishio's little perfectionist..." she said, putting a hand on her waist. "What's the occasion?"

"No occasion, just a stupid reason."

"Okay then, what is it?"

Soujiro sweatdropped. "Er...just so I can sleep on time"

Yumi placed a hand on her chest, conveying her surprise. "I see," she said, nodding her head. "Right. Our little Soujiro, always following a timeframe. I'm so proud! Well, I was just checking on you, Souji-kun. Good night."

Soujiro smiled. Was he still to be treated like a child in here? He shook his head. |Ah, it's better like that,| he thought. |Well I'd rather be loved -- even to the point of being too overprotective -- by Shishio-sama, and Yumi-san, than to be placed in different foster homes each year.|

"Oyasumi-nasai too, Yumi-san." He flashed a pleasant smile.

Yumi slowly bent her head down and kissed him on the cheek. "Sleep tight." Just then, the door creaked, and revealed the person who opened it. Soujiro and Yumi drew their heads toward the door to find out who it was.

"Shishio!" Yumi exclaimed happily, smiling. Shishio was unusually home early, which made her smile. She had missed him a lot. "You're home! I was just putting our little Souji-kun to sleep."

"Yumi-san!" Soujiro exclaimed. "I'm not little anymore." He smiled.

"Ah, I see." Shishio laughed, staying by the door. Soujiro and Yumi smiled back. Soujiro was happy; ever since the dreadful car accident occurred when Soujiro was just taken in, Shishio -- a distant uncle of his -- didn't smile much anymore, and was always serious. It was refreshing to see a smile shine through his usually gloomy facade, and to see his uncle in a cheerful mood. "Well, Soujiro, Yumi just likes to think you still are little. Come on, Yumi," he said. "Let's eat together."

"Of course, Shishio." Yumi gave him a sweet peck on the cheek. Soujiro smiled at them. |How sweet.|

Shishio returned Yumi's kiss. He turned to his nephew, who was smiling at them -- as usual. "Soujiro, would you like to eat before you sleep?"

He nodded, and smiled like a little boy. "No thanks, Shishio-san, I've already eaten."

"Okay," Shishio said warmly, his voice a welcoming tone to both Soujiro and Yumi's ears. Soujiro could even notice Yumi smile at the both of them from the corner of his eye. His bandages on his hand didn't scare Soujiro at all, though he felt that his uncle's arm looked like a mummy's. He was glad Shishio removed the bandages on Shishio's now-flawless face. Back then; he really looked like a mummy. "Oyasumi-nasai."

"Good night to you too, Shishio-san."

Shishio and Yumi closed the door behind them, and Soujiro heard their faint footsteps in the stillness of the room. He smiled. Disturbing the quietness, he rose up and ran his fingers through his unkempt hair. He went over to his bulletin board, walking groggily. Looking at the unorganised corkboard, he fixed it and thought of his week's schedule.

|Okay, Saturday's done...tomorrow I'll go to Shishio-san's office to type my paper...Then go to swimming practice...|

He checked his schedule, particularly the box that was marked 'Saturday'. He yawned, putting his hands over his mouth. "Yumi-san's house is pleasantly happy today..."

He walked over to his bed, clicking the pen with his thumb. He laid the pen on his bedside table and laid himself down on the white comfortable sheets and smiled. "Hmmm...This feels nice."

He closed his eyes peacefully, and buried his head under large, soft pillows. Soon, he unknowingly drifted off into the land of dreams, with a fine smile shining through.


The next day was a normal one, much like Soujiro had expected. Yumi still loved Shishio, and vice versa. Shishio was in his serious mood again. "Soujiro," a voice called out from behind. Soujiro turned on his heel to see who it was.

"Oh, Shishio-san," he said, smiling nervously. He scratched his head, noticing his uncle's raised eyebrow. "Yeah?"

Shishio walked over to the shiny black car in the spacious driveway. Opening the door, he looked at Shishio. "Let's go. We're late."

Soujiro smiled sheepishly and gulped. He nervously fingered the diskette he was holding. "Okay," he said faintly.

He sat down on his seat quietly. "Shishio-san?"

Shishio turned the ignition, and the high-class engine gave a smooth purr instead of its loud roar. "Hmm?"

"Are you mad?"

"No. You just eat slowly, that's all. You ate so slowly this morning, I'm late for work."

Soujiro's sweat dropped. "Um...right. Sorry."

He sat for the entirety of the drive in boredom.|Shishio-san's so serious, he won't even turn the radio on,| he thought, smiling faintly. He put his elbow on the car door, and rested his cheek on his palm. He looked at Shishio, whose eyes never wandered off the road. |His mind is always focused on a certain admirable.| Soujiro opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. |Never mind,| he thought. |He won't turn on the radio anyways.|

Soujiro continued on wandering into his train of thoughts, until his uncle's deep voice brought him to reality. "Soujiro, get ready. We're here," he said, as the car pulled up into the large office driveway. It stopped, and Shishio patted Soujiro on the back. "Let me get your things for you."

Soujiro greeted his offer with a warm smile, but refused. "I'm fine, Shishio-san,"
he said. "I can carry" he looked at the diskette in his hand. Shishio was...offering to carry a diskette? |Weird,| thought Soujiro. |Unusual for a serious guy like him.| " can carry this on my own."

"You don't have any more gear to bring?" Shishio asked as he and Soujiro got out of the car.

"No, Shishio-san. I'm okay."

"You said so."

The two walked slowly to the office doors, chatting with each other happily. Soujiro and Shishio's hearty voices could be heard from the distance, displaying their closeness to Shishio's officemates who greeted them along the way.

Soujiro's eyes darted to a young, vaguely familiar girl with black hair, who was dressed in all blue, walking with his uncle's officemate. The girl in blue caught his eye when she smiled. Shishio looked at his nephew and raised an eyebrow.

"Soujiro?" he asked.

Soujiro didn't answer - he stared at the girl, who opened the office door and went in. "Charming..." he said to himself, pertaining to the girl who had just went in the office.

"Soujiro?" Shishio waved his hand in front of Soujiro. "What's charming?"

Soujiro shook his head, clearing his mind of thoughts. He smiled. "Oh, the girl. I've seen her before."

Shishio grinned. "Is it that my little Soujiro is now a man?"

"What?" Soujiro asked, wide-eyed. "I've always been one, Shishio-sama...."

"No, I meant that I know you fancy her. It's a surprise to see someone your age here, isn't it? Well, the name's Misao Makimachi, Aoshi Shinomori's cousin."

"Thought it is a surprise to see her, I don't fancy her, Shishio-sama. She's just..." Soujiro paused to think. "...Interesting."

Shishio smiled. "Really now?" he said to himself. "Well, Souji-kun, Let's see about that." He smiled deviously, and went inside his office.

It was a normal day for Soujiro and Shishio once again.


Author's Note:
Please tell me what you think...thanks! This is my first MisaoXSoujiro fan fiction, and I'd love it if you told me what you thought of it. I accept any kinds of reviews, but don't flame, okay? Constructive criticism's better. Much, much better.

As much as I'd like to say it is, the characters of Rurouni Kenshin aren't mine. They all belong to Nobuhiro-sensei. Thank you very much!