Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Most Nerve-Wracking Nine Months Of My Life ❯ Things Start Getting... Strange... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Most Nerve-Wracking Nine Months of My Life

A Romantic Comedy by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

Chapter 2
(Or: Things Start Getting... Strange...)


As soon as we were inside our house, I swept Midori up in my arms and spun her around like I had done after I carried her over the threshold on our wedding day. She smiled up at me, still looking like an angel. Her eyes were half-closed and she sighed in contentment, raising her hand to rest on my cheek. I smiled back at her, leaned down, and kissed the tip of her nose.

"You'll be a wonderful mother," I whispered, shifting her up closer to me. "I'm sure of it."

She didn't answer. I looked down at her in concern and saw that her face was a sickly pale shade of ashen grey. Oh no, not this again... I tried to hold it off as long at least long enough to get her to the kitchen. In about half a second after I set her down, she practically flew across the kitchen. She had just barely flung the back door open when she threw up on the back steps. I stood beside her, rubbing her back and telling her everything was alright until she was finished. Immediately I handed her a cloth and she reached out a shaking hand for it, quickly taking care of her face.

"Sorry about that," she said quietly, not looking me in the eyes.

I shook my head and curled my fingers under her chin, tilting her face up to mine.

"Don't be," I said, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "You can't help it."

"It should stop soon," she whispered. "At least I hope it does..."

Then suddenly her face lit up and she smiled brightly at me. Was this normal? I mean, two seconds ago she was almost crying. She took a step closer to me and reached up to wrap her arms around my neck. It was that little smile that always told me things were about to get a little difficult for me. In fact, I think it was that little smile that caused the situation we were in now, if you know what I mean. But in a few months, it would all seem like no problem at all.

"Souzou?" she asked in the sweet voice she used when she wanted something... "I just got the strangest feeling... Could you get me something chocolate?"

... Especially something hard or that she knew I would be reluctant to do... But I was helpless against those bright violet eyes and sweet smile. It was just too damn cute! Even so, that import shop was on the other side of town and it took about an hour to get there walking.

"But Midori, sweetie," I started, trying to dissuade her. "That import shop is all the way across town, you know that."

She stared up at me with the most pleading expression I had ever seen. A sad puppy couldn't possibly have been any more convincing. As tears began to form in her wide eyes, I sighed in defeat. They were obviously crocodile tears, or at least I thought they were, but it was enough to convince me. I gave her a wry grin as I touched the tips of our noses together, nuzzling against hers tenderly.

"You certainly are manipulative, my love," I said teasingly, kissing the tip of her nose. "You know that?"

"I'm not manipulative," she said innocently, blinking those irresistable violet eyes up at me, looking as innocent as a kitten. "I just want something chocolate..."

I could have sworn I heard her add 'Don't make it sound so negative. I'm just persuasive...' under her breath.

She yawned a little, tried to stifle another one and let her eyes fall half-closed. Alright, in the last five minutes, Midori had gone from happy to depressed to almost-hyperactive to tired. I wondered how long the mood swings would last... The thought was instantly pushed from my mind as Midori fell forward against my chest, wrapping her arms around me. She let her head rest over my heart, half-asleep.

"I need to sleep..." she said softly, snuggling up to me. "And... I still need something chocolate. Souzou, will you---"

She didn't need to say more. I was thoroughly convinced.

"Of course I will," I whispered in her ear, playing with the end of her braid.

Carefully, as if handling something very fragile, I took Midori in my arms, carried her into our room and settled her on our futon. She opened one violet eye gave a soft, sleepy whimper as I had to draw away from her. Smiling, I removed the tie from her long braid and started gently working the braid out. She turned on her other side, facing me. Her lips formed a cute, sleepy pout and I couldn't resist kissing her again. I stayed by her side, stroking her cheek until she was sound asleep.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --

About two and a half hours later, I was back at home, grumbling to myself about that import shop. Half the junk in there was either dangerous or useless. I couldn't even tell what most of it was! I considered myself lucky that I was even able to FIND the chocolate in that mess! But when I went into our room and found my wife just waking up, I forgot that shop entirely.

Midori turned over to face me, smiling sleepily as she barely opened one eye. I hid the paper bag with the box in it behind my back and sat down beside her. She squeezed her eyes shut, pretending she didn't want to get up right now. Didn't she know that I could see right through her little games? I laughed quietly as she pulled the blankets up over her head and curled up on her side.
Of course she did...

Smiling at her, I gently pulled the blankets out of her grip and eased them down to her waist. She opened one eye, glaring at me. Her glare faltered for a second when I started stroking her hair. I could see her trying to keep it up as I brushed long brown strands away from her face. I leaned down and kissed her cheek. Immediately, her anger - real or pretended - melted away. Again her mouth curved into a sweet, angelic smile. In a few seconds, her pretty violet eyes fluttered open.

"I brought you something," I said softly.

Midori sat up a little, her eyes wide in curiosity.

"What is it?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"Just close your eyes," I said, my voice dropping to a husky whisper.

I gave her a seductive smile and she closed her eyes. Quickly, I took out the little box and threw the paper bag to the side. I opened the box and picked out a dark, rose-shaped piece. As I slid one hand under Midori's chin, I took the piece in my mouth and pressed my lips to hers.

Midori gasped softly and quickly parted her lips at the caress of my tongue. The smooth, half-melted chocolate slipped into her mouth as I kissed her deeper. Her eyes flew open, startled at the warm, bittersweet taste the two of us shared. I gave a quick gasp as well as I felt Midori's tongue sweep into my mouth, swirling the chocolate flavor around on mine.

All too soon, the need for air forced us to end our dark chocolate kiss.

"Souzou..." gasped Midori, her breathing heavy. "What in---"

I leaned in again, nibbling her lower lip and effectively cutting her off.

"You said you wanted something chocolate," I murmured against her lips, flicking my tongue over them.

I met her gaze with another seductive smile.

"Do chocolate kisses count?" I asked, licking at the chocolate that remained on her lips.

She scooted over to the other side of our futon and held her arms out to me, her beautiful violet eyes shining.

"Of course they do," she whispered, smiling suggestively.

I pulled the box out into her view and picked up a light, heart-shaped piece.

"Good, because I have a whole box of these," I purred, sliding onto our futon beside her and stroking her lips with my fingertips. "Do you want another one?"

Midori brought one hand to my cheek as she picked up a light square piece with a dark heart embedded in the center.

"That sounds nice," she said quietly, her violet eyes sparkling.

She looked at me through her eyelashes as she raised the little chocolate to my lips. I let my eyes fall half-closed and slid my tongue out, willingly recieving her sweet gift. As she slipped it between my lips, I nipped playfully at her fingers. I pulled her close to me with one arm, pressing her body against my own.

Midori stopped teasing my mouth with her fingertips and slid her hand around to run her fingers through my hair. Tenderly, I brushed the heart-shaped piece in my hand over her lips. I moaned softly as she licked the chocolate off her lips. The sight of her little tongue was so sweet, so exquisitely tempting. She leaned forward and captured both the chocolate and my fingertip in her mouth. Another moan escaped my lips as she suckled hard on my finger before releasing it.

Without warning, I wrapped my arms around her, popping that heart-shaped piece into her mouth. I brought my lips down on hers, kissing her with all I was worth. Midori gasped a little at the suddenness of it, but soon relaxed against me, still running her fingers through my hair. The caress of her hand, her gentleness and the way she knew how to touch me sent chills up my spine.

As our tongues danced together, the two chocolate pieces slowly started to melt away into a slip of heaven in our mouths. When the dark center of the piece in my mouth started to melt, a deeper taste was added. My tongue continued its plunder of her sweet mouth as hers worked a sensual spell in mine.

When our mouths finally parted, both of us had chocolate on our lips. Before Midori could do or say anything, my mouth was back at hers, soft and hot. Instead of a straight-up kiss, I went for her lower lip, licking and nibbling hungrily. When I pulled back, she followed, her tongue running over my lips and eliciting a hoarse moan from me. She pulled back a little, then gave me a soft, sweet kiss. I looked down into her shining violet eyes and leaned my forehead against hers.

"What about double chocolate kisses?" I growled, tightening my arms around her and snuggling against her warm body. "Will that satisfy your little craving, sweetheart?"