Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Most Nerve-Wracking Nine Months Of My Life ❯ Yes Souzou, You're Going To Be A Father ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Most Nerve-Wracking Nine Months of My Life

A Romantic Comedy by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

Chapter 1
(Or: Yes Souzou, You're Going To Be A Father)


The next morning, I was walking to the clinic with Midori. She hadn't eaten anything and had been almost silent since we got up. I was more worried than ever now. Her face was pale and she stared into space with a blank look on her pretty face. I figured she was either thinking about something or totally apathetic. I never could tell.

When we were almost there, she reached out and took hold of my hand. She looked up at me and my heart clenched painfully. I caught my lower lip between my front teeth and bit down fairly hard on it. She looked so scared and helpless. I wanted to be able to protect her from whatever it was that was hurting her but I was unable to do so. All I could do was squeeze her hand and look down into her eyes, giving her an encouraging smile.

I wrapped one arm around Midori's shoulders and held her close to my side as I knocked on the door of the clinic. I could hear the usual chaos in the waiting room. (It seemed I had been in here a lot lately, considering my luck sometimes...) Instead of the doctor who was usually here, a young woman in her thirties opened the door.

"Can I help you?" she asked, sounding polite and professional.

To me, she was just the least bit intimidating and I shifted uncomfortably.

"My grandfather isn't here right now so I'm temporarily running the clinic in his place," she continued.

I wasn't quite sure what to say, but Midori did.

"If you can, I'd like to speak with you privately," she said softly. "Right away if possible..."

Now I had no idea what was going on. Not even a vague one. It must have been some kind of female-exclusive communication. The young doctor smiled knowingly and cast a sidelong glance at me. I was more than nervous when she nodded silently then asked Midori to please follow her.


I was so glad to see a woman doctor! By this time, I thought I had a good idea of what the "diagnosis" would be. I barely suppressed a giggle when the doctor gave Souzou a knowing look and he flinched. And I almost laughed outright when I saw the look on his face. He looked like a man who was obviously trying not to look confused and astonished.

As the young Dr. Shimada shut the shoji behind us, I started laughing quietly. When I sat down, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to find Dr. Shimada smiling warmly at me. There was a slight sparkle of laughter in her eyes. She probably knew exactly what I was about to say, but she knew I wanted to hear the truth so I could believe it.

"Could you please tell me what has been bothering you?" she asked, still sounding professional.

"About three months ago, I started eating nonstop," I began, sounding more than a little nervous. "After about two weeks of that, I could barely hold down anything I ate."

Dr. Shimada nodded, her smile widening.

"Now I have trouble sleeping and---" I continued, but Dr. Shimada cut me off.

"Let me guess," she said knowingly. "You're 'late' aren't you?"

I felt my face flush bright red. She raised one eyebrow at me, asking for an answer. I nodded mutely, staring at the tatami floor. Once again, Dr. Shimada put her hand on my shoulder and I looked up at her. She was smiling with a touch of longing in her face.

"You've probably figured it out by now," she said quietly. "But you need to hear this."

She paused, partially to add suspense and partially to clear the emotional catch in her throat.

"You're going to be a mother," she said, giving my shoulder a supportive squeeze. "Do you want to tell your husband or should I?"

I imagined the look on Souzou's face and almost died laughing.

"I think I can handle this," I said between giggles. "I'm just not sure if he can!"


Midori had been in there for far too long and I was starting to fear the worst. People had been giving me really strange looks since I started pacing around the room. Like I told Reichi, at least I wasn't talking to myself. Just when I thought I would lose my mind, the shoji slid open and Dr. Shimada appeared with Midori not far behind her.

I stopped right where I was, wondering what in God's name was going on. The doctor whispered something to Midori then hurried away to help someone else. I swear, this female-exclusive communication thing was going to drive me insane...

When I stopped shaking my head in confusion, I turned around to face Midori. She looked different somehow. There were plenty of other people in the waiting room, many of whom were probably thinking of me as the village idiot by now. The moment our eyes locked, nothing else mattered. She was smiling like an angel. It was obvious that she didn't come out of there with bad news. I smiled down at her as she took my hand and whispered for me to lean in as if she had a secret to tell me.

"What is it, sweetheart?" I asked in a low voice.

I leaned down and she cupped her hand about an inch from my ear.

"Souzou," she whispered. "You're going to be a father..."

I snapped straight back up with a strangled "What!?!" Did she really just say what I thought she just said? I stared down at her with wide eyes, stunned and totally speechless. Taking both of her hands in mine, I tried to ask her if it was true but no sound came out.

"Yes, it's true," Midori said softly, leaning up and kissing me lightly on my mouth, right in front of everyone. "Due sometime in late February or early March..."

I gripped both her hands tightly and kissed them, each of them, knowing full well that PDA's were sorely frowned upon. I didn't care at this point. For God's sake, I was going to be a father!

"Midori, oh honey, that's wonderful!" I exclaimed, still sounding slightly strangled.

Then something in me turned on, the instinct of a father to protect his child, especially the child not yet born. Gently, I wrapped one arm around Midori's shoulders and the two of us left the clinic amid applause from the young and shaking heads from the old. She leaned her head sideways on my shoulder. After a while, she closed her eyes and trusted me to guide her home.

I swore to myself, right then, that I would protect my family even if it cost me my life.