Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Most Nerve-Wracking Day Of My Life ❯ Sleepless Nights ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Second Most Nerve-Wracking Day of My Life

A Romantic Comedy by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

(Or "Sleepless Nights")


It was nearly midnight, but I knew that there was no way I could sleep. My futon was a mess in the middle the floor, blankets scattered everywhere. I had tried to sleep, but it just wasn't happening. All I could do was toss and turn before getting up and pacing aroud my room. I was exhausted, but at the same time I was almost hyperactive with nervousness. Either way, I hadn't been still for thirty seconds all day and most of the night.

'I'm getting married tomorrow,' I thought, trying to calm myself down. 'It's going to be the happiest day of my life... There's nothing to be nervous about...'

My mind was having a hard time convincing my heart to stop fluttering. Alright, so I was fighting a losing battle and I knew it. But I had to keep fighting. I knew I needed sleep more than anything right now. Finally, I was able to cease my frantic pacing for a moment.

'Is this as nerve-wracking for Midori as it is for me?' I wondered as I stared morosely out the window.

I sighed tiredly and shook my head as I started to pace around my room again.



It was about two in the morning. Nanaka, Setona and I had been awake all night, sitting on my futon and talking about tomorrow. Well, in my case, I'm guessing stressing would be more accurate. I was wondering just how many of the thousand things that could go wrong would.

"Come on Midori," Setona said, rolling her eyes. "Nothing is going to go wrong."

"Really, Ri-chan," added Nanaka. "Everything is going to be FINE!"

I shifted nervously for what had to be at least the millionth time that night. Any other time, I would have been able to say "Yeah, you're right" and carried on like everything was fine. But tonight, I couldn't shake off the sinking, stressed-out feeling. Nanaka had stuck a little bit of wasabi powder under my fingernails, so I couldn't bite them. She said it would wash right out and I was going to strangle her if it didn't. I looked up at the ceiling and let out a tired sigh.

"I'm still nervous," I said softly, drawing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. "No... More like scared..."

"Oh, Ri-chan," said Nanaka, tilting her head in concern. "Why?"

I just stared at my futon, unable to look either my sister or my best friend in the eye. How could I possibly bring up "that"? Neither of them would know how to answer and I could never ask my mother about it. I decided for a half-truth. Maybe they would be satisfied with that and cut the questioning.

"This is a major change in my life," I started quietly, still not looking at either of them. "It changes everything. Everyone gets scared of big changes, right?"

Nanaka and Setona both nodded, not quite satisfied with my answer.

"I mean, tomorrow I'm going to be a wife," I continued, wondering how long I could hold out before one of them went ahead and pounced me. "Then someday... I might be a mother..."

Nanaka elbowed Setona and pulled her to where she could whisper something into my little sister's ear. That in itself was suspicious, but the look of absolute shock on Setona's face told me something was off. Not only did I have to deal with the butterflies in my stomach, but now my best friend and my sister were ganging up on me! Not fair!

"What did you say, 'Naka?" I asked suspiciously.

Setona turned bright red and mumbled something about tomorrow night. Now it was my turn to be shocked. She couldn't have said what I thought she said, could she?

"Nanaka, you didn't!" I exclaimed, then saw the guilty expression on her face. "Did you...?"

Nanaka whispered to Setona again. The fourteen-year-old demon who called herself my sister poked me and rolled her eyes. She was quickly changing the subject as I was sure 'Naka had advised her to.

"Sorry, Midori," she said in a tone that told me she was not sorry at all. "But I know that's not the whole reason..."

Nanaka poked me too, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Would you quit poking me!?" I asked irritably, my lack of sleep seriously getting to me.

"Not until you tell us the whole reason," replied Nanaka, poking me again and getting swatted for it.

I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Alright, I'll tell you," I said, pointing at Nanaka. "But Setona needs to leave."

"What!?" shrieked my now-indignant sister, running the risk of waking up our mother. "Why!?"

"You're too young to hear this kind of thing," I said primly.

"I'm fourteen!" she declared, stating the obvious.

"I'm aware of that," I shot back. "Now shoo!"

She glared at me, refusing to move. I swatted her and pointed at the door. Damn, both of us inherited our mother's stubbornness. When it was clear that neither of us would budge, Nanaka stepped in.

"Alright, alright, cool it!" she said in a hissing whisper. "Both of you need to be quiet. Now, just go ahead and tell, Ri-chan. I'll cover Setona's ears if it's something she doesn't need to hear."

"Whatever," Setona and I replied in unison.

"So what's the rest of the reason you're scared?" asked Nanaka in a hear-no-protests voice.

Well, this was it. They had finally cornered me and there was no way out. I just turned bright red and stared intently at my green-powdered fingernails as I muttered something completely unintelligible.

"Uh-uh," said Nanaka, shaking her head as Setona shook hers as well. "So we can hear you."

My face turned darker than ever and I really had to fight not to bite my nails, hot wasabi powder or no.

"I said I'm nervous about tomorrow night, alright!?" I practically yelled, then covered my mouth with both hands.