Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Most Nerve-Wracking Day Of My Life ❯ Stress... Lots Of Stress... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Second Most Nerve-Wracking Day of My Life

A Romantic Comedy by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

Chapter One
(Or "Stress... Lots Of Stress...")

I was dragged off my futon at five in the morning by my three closest friends.

"Souzou, wake up!" Reichi practically yelled in my ear.

My first thought was "What the hell is going on!?" as I was quickly roused and told to get dressed. In the back of my half-asleep mind I made a note to strangle whoever came up with *this* bright idea. Reichi probably. I was still trying to figure out what was happening when reality hit me, hard...

'Oh my God, I'm getting married in six hours!' I thought, freezing my mind for a second.

I dressed in a hurry, now thoroughly awake, and turned to find Reichi, Kyo and Touya standing there with identical evil grins. Alright, I was really nervous now. When any of those three, especially Touya, got that look in, things tended to get a little chaotic. As if I didn't have enough to worry about today!

"What are the funny looks all about?" I asked warily, trying to prepare myself for any kind of practical joke.

The three of them looked at each other, then advanced on me like a pack of wolves. I was growing more and more uneasy by the second. Slowly I was starting to get an idea of what they were trying to do. This was stopping right now.

"You are NOT going to cause chaos today," I growled at them, especially Touya.

The three of them stopped where they were, the smiles gone from their faces. They actually looked hurt. Reichi shifted nervously while Kyo and Touya tried not to look at anyone. But in the end, it was Kyo who spoke first.

"We were just going to buy you a drink to help you relax today. It really looks like you need it," he said quietly.

I wouldn't let my guard down so easily.

"At five in the morning?" I asked suspiciously.

Touya answered this time.

"Well... the place isn't exactly in the best part of town," he started slowly. "So we figured it would be better to go early so no one would see. Plus, you really look terrible. Had you just got to sleep when we came in?"

I shook my head. Leave it to this lot to come up with something like this. They meant well, but sake and I don't mix. I shook my head again, rolling my eyes at all of them.

"Sorry, I don't drink," I said with a wry smile. "You remembered what happened don't you?"

Well, they couldn't argue with that.

"I'm really counting on you today, all of you," I said quietly, my voice suddenly becoming serious. "I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life."

"Don't worry," said Touya. "Everything's going to be fine. Just calm down."

"Yeah," added Kyo, grinning at me. "For you, the real chaos doesn't start until tonight..."

I turned bright red in spite of myself. My jaw clenched and I punched my less-than-tactful friend's shoulder. Hard. He yelped and rubbed his shoulder, glaring at me. Or trying to anyway.

"Hey, it's only the truth!" he said, pretending to be defensive about it.



"Hey! Ri-chan, wake up!" Nanaka hissed in my ear, poking me until I opened one eye, glared at her, and turned over, pulling the blankets over my head. "You overslept!"

I jerked awake and sat bolt upright.

"I WHAT!?!" I yelled, jumping up and frantically searching for my robe. "Why didn't you wake me up!?"

"I did," muttered Nanaka.

"Calm down, Midori!" yelled Setona from her room, which was right next to mine. "You've got three hours before you're walking down the aisle!"

"Three hours!?!" I screeched, waving my arms around like a lunatic. "Do you have any idea how long it's going to take me to do my hair and make-up!? Hell, I can't even get IN that damn kimono without help!"

I was becoming slightly hysterical at this point, so Nanaka took hold of my shoulders and gave me a little shake.

"Really, Ri-chan," she scolded. "That's what Setona and your mother and me are here to help you with!"

"Thanks for that," I said sheepishly.

"Now let's get you started," directed Nanaka. "We have plenty of time if we start right now."

Famous last words...