Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Most Nerve-Wracking Day Of My Life ❯ "'Til Death Do Us Part" ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Second Most Nerve-Wracking Day of My Life

A Romantic Comedy by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

Chapter 5
(Or "'Til Death Do Us Part")


I barely noticed all the people, didn't hear the music start. When I turned and saw Midori walking down the aisle towards me, it seemed as if time had suddenly stopped. The radiant smile on her face made her look like an angel. Before I was aware of anything else, she was standing beside me. In that moment, it felt like I was falling in love with her all over again.

Reichi gave me a discreet push and jerked his head towards Midori, indicating which way I had to turn. Almost unaware of what was going on around me, I turned slowly to the side, facing Midori. My heart pounded at the thought that in a few minutes she would be my wife.

The priest's words didn't even reach my ears until his words were directed to Midori. He was asking her if she would stay with me and stay true to me until we were parted by death. Those weren't his exact words, but all that mattered was Midori's answer.

"I do," she said softly, looking up at me with the sweetest smile I had ever seen in my life.

The same question was directed at me. Again his voice just sounded like noise. I vaguely wondered why I was even being asked. There was no doubt in my heart or mind that Midori was the woman I loved. Did I truly wish to spend the rest of my life with her? I looked down into her violet eyes, smiling gently, and---

"I do," I said in a voice so low that only she could hear it.

After all, those words were meant for her and no one else...

I didn't even wait for the word before I slid one hand under her chin and wrapped my other arm around her waist. Leaning down, I held her gaze until I could almost feel the warmth of her lips on mine. Then I closed my eyes and pressed my mouth to hers.

She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. Gently, I nibbled her lower lip, then flicked my tongue over it to slip into her mouth. For the first time as man and wife, we danced a slow, hot dance of caresses and love.

It was Midori's soft moan that dragged my back to reality. Slowly we pulled back from our first kiss as husband and wife. In a few seconds, I heard someone start clapping. Looking back, it was probably either Reichi or my father. But soon a few more people started up, most likely urged on by Touya and Kyo. Midori and I looked out at our families to find everyone applauding. We looked at ourselves, still in each other's arms, and both turned the same shade of red.

I still wish I could strangle whoever started that damn applause.