Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Night ❯ Morning After ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Morning After
Epilogue To "Wedding Night" by S-chan

The first rays of morning sunlight were filtering through the shoji when Midori's violet eyes fluttered open. A contented smile spread across her angelic face - it was her first morning waking up as a married woman. Not only that, but it was her first morning waking up with the man she loved still sound asleep by her side. She shifted carefully, turning on her side, and felt Souzou's arm tighten a little around her waist. Wrinkling her nose, she carefully shook a few stray wisps of auburn hair out of her face to get a look at her beloved. She rolled her eyes at the sight that met them - Souzou was out like a light, down for the count, sawing logs, dead to the world.

Midori tilted her head, a wry grin on her face as a plan worked its way into her newly-awakened mind. It all started as she let herself wonder - how much could she get away with before Souzou woke up? A decidedly cat-with-cream smile quirked the corners of her lips as she leaned in and pressed them to her husband's. His face lit up in a goofy half-smile and he made a muffled sort of snuffling noise as he turned a little. A sweat-drop appeared on Midori's forehead - well, that didn't work, now, did it? Not to be deterred, she decided to try again.

This time, she pulled back a little - just enough so that she could ease back out of Souzou's arms. He pulled his arm back as if he had been burned and tucked it in close to his body, curling up a little and cracking his neck. Midori felt the sweat-drop on her forehead growing, wondering in earnest how much the man could sleep through. She leaned in close again and let her tongue sneak out to trace the soft curves of Souzou's lips, earning a soft sigh and a half-yawn. Her hand came to rest on her husband's shoulder, just feeling his warm skin as she slipped her tongue in to plunder his mouth. A soft groan escaped her beloved and he unconsciously pressed closer. At his next pleading groan, Midori pulled back, wondering if that was enough to wake him up.

Sure enough, it wasn't - all Souzou did was run his tongue over his lips, make a slightly confused noise and crack his neck again. Midori was getting slightly frustrated, to say the very least - what in the world could wake this man up? She scooted in closer, not enough to touch, but enough that she could feel his warmth radiating out to her skin. Sliding a hand down between their bodies, she trailed over his soft, smooth skin. Her fingernails raked tenderly over his chest, raising goosebumps and turning the twin protrusions of flesh into hard little knots. Ceasing her movements for a moment, she studied his reactions to see if she was having any effect yet.

Well, it was AN effect - Souzou had shifted so that his head was resting on the curve of his bicep and now he had his face buried in the crook of his arm. Slightly annoyed, Midori poked him in the side. He gave a startled grunt and turned over without warning, pulling the pillow out from under Midori's head and holding it over his own. His other arm had been UNDER the pillow, so when he turned, it had twisted everything up. Midori growled as her head hit the futon and a blast of cold air hit her bare shoulders.

Propping herself up on one arm, she reached her other hand out to play with Souzou's hair for a moment. He tilted his head back, leaning into her caresses a little, but otherwise staying curled up on his side. If she could just get him on his back again, then she could really work some magic on him. Taking a chance, she put one hand on his shoulder and pulled a little, hoping he would take the hint and move on his own. Sure enough, he turned on his back with the - HER pillow - still held over his head. A vein twitched in Midori's temple, but she turned her mind back to the task at hand.

Ever so lightly, she ran her hand up and down the center of his body, just caressing his warm skin. Souzou didn't move, so she sat up without fear of waking him and repeated her action, this time following one hand with the other. Souzou made a muffled "hmm" noise from underneath the pillow and his arm twitched a bit. Leaning forward, she wondered what she could do to make him experience the wonderful sensations she had felt the night before. The twin protrusions that were his nipples caught her attention. She cupped her own breast in her hand, feeling the tip turn into a hard knot at her touch. Could she do that to him?

'Not much he can say about it now,' she decided with a devilishly cute smile on her face.

She had to move one corner of the pillow to give herself good access to her husband's broad, strong chest. It had been dark in the room last night, so she really hadn't been able to see much more than his face and shoulders. That is, except when she had turned the tables on him - and even then she couldn't see much more than that part of him her lips and tongue were focused on. Her mind went back to that sensation, of having his maleness in her mouth. His skin was so soft, stretched taut over something hard and wonderfully warm. The taste had been slightly bitter, very salty, but it wasn't bad or anything... It was just... something natural. She shook her head - there would be time to reflect on everything later. Right now, she was just going to have her way with the man she loved.

Slowly, letting her warm breath tickle his skin, she leaned in until her mouth was inches away from the little knot of flesh nearest her. She smiled and ran her tongue across her lips as she thought of what he had done to her last night with his mouth. Tentatively, shyly, she touched the little bud with a light kiss. Her husband didn't move, so she assumed that her touch must have been a bit too light. Feeling her cheeks heat up, she did what she had felt him doing the night before. Her tongue slid out and circled the little nub of flesh slowly. It felt almost cold and she looked sad for a fleeting moment, but then she smiled - she would just have to warm him up then, wouldn't she?

Without another thought of anything, her lips came down on the small knot, sucking with a gentle passion. Her tongue snaked in to offer its caress every once in a while, the memory of his tongue on her chest making her feel all fluttery. She felt her husband shift under her and she could hear his muffled breathing under the pillow. Her other hand mimicked what he had done, coming to toy with the neglected bud and warm it as well. The hand that had been at his side came to cover hers on his chest, though he didn't lift his head. Midori could feel her husband's racing heartbeat beneath her lips and the feeling made her moan. That was odd, she thought vaguely - giving him pleasure was almost as physically satisfying as being touched by him.

Pushing her auburn hair behind her ear, she lifted her mouth from Souzou's chest and leaned over to lay kisses on the little bud's twin. The hand that had been there was braced against the futon, supporting her weight as she leaned over her husband. Her other hand was flat and palm-down over his heart, enjoying the steady throbbing beneath it. Midori's hair fell over her shoulders, tickling Souzou's chest and stomach, making him twitch a little bit. His wife laughed against his skin and for a moment just lay there with his nipple between her lips. Then when she felt him move a little, she started sucking again. Souzou relaxed in his sleep and, when Midori was satisfied that he was still sleeping, she moved down to kiss his toned stomach.

'So soft...' she thought, smiling against her husband's skin. 'It reminds me of how he's so strong... but so gentle...'

Her hands traveled up and down his sides, sometimes moving up to rub his chest or down to ghost over his hips. She didn't have to look at the blanket to know what was surging up proudly between his thighs. The thought still brought a blush to her cheeks, especially with the memory of what she had done completely on impulse last night. There would be time for that again this morning, she thought. Right now, though, she wasn't through with just touching him. Her hands seemed to have minds of their own as they moved over her husband's body. Gently, she brought her right hand to rest on his side as she moved to kneel between his legs, blushing as she pulled the blanket back.

It took her awhile to make herself focus on him, now that she could actually see him in well-lit detail. She swallowed hard and tentatively reached one hand out to touch him. It had seemed so much easier last night, when she could hardly see what was going on. Not daring to look at her husband's face, in case he woke up suddenly, she let her hand touch him. He was so hot and hard in her hand - she liked the feel of his softest skin. She cautiously allowed her hand to wrap around his length, feeling his heat against her palm and fingers. Slowly, she started moving her hand up and down, her touch light, fast, and shy. When he moaned, she became bolder, holding him a little tighter and moving a little slower.

A thought occurred to her: she remembered how good it had felt to have his mouth touching her between her legs. She knew she had done this last night, but for some reason, the task seemed much more challenging. Now that she saw what it was she was getting into, she thought about just laying back down and pretending to be asleep. But then she thought of how Souzou had held her at the brink of orgasm and how that had been so painful and pleasant at the same time. If he had held her there for only a few more seconds, she would have been crying in pain. She couldn't do that to him.