Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Amethyst Loved Amber ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin, nor do I own any of the RK cast mentioned in this fic. I do, however own Hanami Seijun, Kisei Megami. She was born of my pure imagination. I do hope you enjoy this fic. Please, no flames. If you wish to flame me do so privately by e-mailing me here; It would be much appreciated. And for those of you who do flame me, I understand that this fic is way off the timeline of RK. I have made a lot of this up. Please read and enjoy.

Warnings: Some fighting, blood…The works. May be lemon in later chapters.

Chapter One

Sanosuke looked up from his bowl of rice at the figure appearing through the rice paper door. His brown eyes widened with interest at the mysterious woman. Miss Tae rushed over and gave her a warm Akabeko greeting. He peered curiously, noting her out of place outfit. A black top clung to her like a second skin, and the neck line dropped to expose far more than it should, along with the baring of the midsection. Down her right arm there are three slits, making for a look like tiger stripes. On that hand she wears a pure white glove, with a diamond shaped cut in the wrist. In that hand, she grips an odd weapon. To her right hip there is a Katana strapped, hanging loosely at her waist. "She must have a left handed sword Technique" He thought with interest. Her skin tight black pants are curved down as well. Her slender legs reach down to a pair of traditional socks and sandals. Her long hair reaches down to her knees and is tied into two tight pigtails, each wrapped with a ribbon, and extra long bangs hide her eyes.

He watched as Miss Tae pointed to an empty spot where she could sit, and the mysterious young woman headed over. Through her bangs he felt her eyes wander to him, and he looked away quickly. A smirk and a soft chuckle came as she walked past him.

The woman turned for one last look at Sano. Her eyes widened and she clutched her necklace, he boar the same symbol of `Aku'. Turning back around, she walked back over to him. And, Uninvited, she set her weapon down and kneeled across from him. He looked down at the claw like weapon she set down, and eyed it warily. There was a long silence in between them before Miss Tae broke the silence, "What can I get you M'am?" The woman looked up, "A bowl of soup would be nice." Miss Tae nodded to Sanosuke, "Is she a friend of yours?" Sanosuke shook his head, "I was just wondering myself who she was." Miss Tae nodded and hurried off to fetch the soup.

For the first time, Sanosuke noted just how low her pants were cut. He grabbed a napkin and pushed it to his bleeding nose as he caught a glimpse of her all American, white thong that stood out against all the black she wore. The woman chuckled slightly, looking up to Sano, allowing a slight view of her Amethyst eyes. Sanosuke realized that she was not Japanese.

Miss Tae brought a bowl of steaming soup to the mystery woman and set it down, taking the bloodied napkin from Sano. The woman grabbed a noodle with the chopsticks she pulled out of know where and began to eat.

She paused for a moment and set her bowl down, "I could not help but notice, the symbol on your back. Tell me, why have you brandished such a name?" Sanosuke narrowed his eyes, "I don't think that is a proper question to ask me before we are properly introduced." The woman met his eyes and a flicker of anger passed through before they settled back down, "I have no name which you wish to know." Sanosuke sighed and combed his fingers through his hair, and began the long tale of Captain Sagara.

As he talked, the woman admired him. She hadn't expected the youth to be so handsome. She sat back and listened intently to his story. Her eyes occasionally flitting to his exposed chest and to the bandages wrapped around his midsection.

When Sanosuke finished, he inquired about her necklace. Before saying anything, she waves Miss Tae over. Paying her bill…and surprisingly Sano's tab. She looks at him, "My history is evil…Therefore, so am i…" She reaches down with her right hand and grabs her weapon. As she does so, Sanosuke does not fail to notice the cross shaped scar on her arm, that looks surprisingly similar to Kenshin's. "Where did you get that from?" The mysterious woman stands, next to a fainted Miss Tae and pretends not to hear him. As she walks out, swaying her hips, she adds a finality to the conversation, "We will meet again soon, Sano."

Sanosuke gasps as she leaves through the rice paper door, as swiftly as she had came. "I never told you my Name." He thought, jumping to his feet. Who was this woman? He would find out. Rushing out the door he caught her by the arm before she got too far away. "Just who are you anyway? And How do you know my name?"

The woman's Voice was surprisingly calm he noted, "I know a lot more than just your name, Zanza." Her eyes flashed and He gripped her arm tightly, "Who Are You?!" He demanded. She looked at him, a firry rage in her eyes, "Let me go now. Do not force me to hurt you." Sano's laugh came rough and rugged, "Me, hurt by a woman? Bah!" She set her claw like weapon down and un-strapped her katana, dropping it beside the other unique weapon, "No weapons Sano, since you do not have that unworthy Zanbatou of yours. If you wish to know who I am, you must first beat me."

Sano cracked his knuckles, "I wouldn't normally hurt a woman, but you look like a worthy opponent." The woman smirked, "Too worthy for a ruffian like you." Sanosuke flew at her, his fist reared back and clenched tight. The woman made no effort to move, and Sanosuke gasped when he realized that he had actually connected with her jaw.

She was still standing he marveled, any normal person would have flew across the street. A number of people had stopped to stand around, some murmuring about how a man could have hurt a woman. The woman turned and smirked, "You actually hit me." Her fist came from nowhere and decked him in the jaw, snapping his head back and sending him into a bunch of wooden crates. She turned her back to him and stooped to pick up her weapons.

Sanosuke stood, wiping the crimson river from his jaw. "Kuso." He cursed, then clenched his fists, "I'm not done with you yet!" The woman began to walk away, "Stand down. Just be lucky that Kannon has blessed you and decided that Kisei Megami shall spare your life." "Kisei Megami…" He whispered under his breath and clenched his teeth. She disappeared into the thick crowd that had begun to move again.

Sanosuke made his way back to the dojo and found Kenshin running around with Ayamii and Suzume as they passed a ball back and forth. Kaoru and Yahiko were training a few feet away. Yahiko swung his bokken and Kaoru blocked it, "Your beginning to improve Yahiko, your not swinging aimlessly today." Yahiko sighed, "That was a Great complement Kaoru, but did you have to add `Today'?" He fell backwards with a lump on his head as Kaoru bopped him one.

Sanosuke chuckled. Kaoru looked up, "Hello Sanosuke, I hope your not here to Freeload again." Kaoru said. Sanosuke shook his head, "I already ate at the Akabeko. They have much better food." Kaoru in return to his rude comment, hit him over the head with her wooden sword.

Kenshin stopped playing and offered a Rurouni smile, "You've made your tab even bigger Sanosuke, that you have. I would much rather put up with Miss Kaoru's cooking, that I would." "WHAT WAS THAT KENSHIN!" Kaoru loomed threateningly over him. Kenshin held his hands up in protest and backed away…

Before Kaoru cold ruthlessly beat Kenshin, Sano spoke up, "I don't have a Tab anymore." "Oooorooroooroo??!!???!!" Kenshin fell over, his violet eyes becoming swirly. Kaoru looked over, "Has Sanosuke finally learned some decency?" Yahiko chuckled, "I thought that the day Sano paid his tab would never come." Sanosuke scratched his had and looked up, "Well….I didn't actually pay it…" Kenshin stood, "What do you mean Sano?" Sanosuke walked over to the Dojo and sat down, leaning back against the post. "There was this girl." Yahiko came up behind him, "A girl…oooooooooo…" Sano wrapped his arm around his neck and punched him playfully in the head, "Yes a girl. You get those when your handsome like me." He released Yahiko and Kaoru called him over for another round of training.

Kenshin sat beside Sano and looked at him, "What is it? Was there something odd about this woman?" Sanosuke took a deep breath and told him the whole story, leaving out the part about where they fought and he defeated by a woman. The last thing he wanted to do was Ruin his pride by telling Kenshin that he had been beat by a woman.

"And she had this scar on her arm that looked just like yours Kenshin." At Sanosuke's last comment, Kenshin's eyes widened. They showed a realization and a slight trace of Rurouni Fear. Sano nudged him, "What's the matter Kenshin, do you know who she is?" Kenshin's lips parted slightly and he whispered, "Hanami Seijun…"