Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Push Comes To Shove ❯ Push ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin is the creation of Nobuhiro Watsuki, with the manga and anime rights belonging to Jump Comics and Sony Entertainment, respectively.

Chapter 1



The sakabatou was no longer where it was last night, leaning on the wall of the ex-transient's room. It had just given him his wake-up call with a little help from gravity. Not bad as a means of returning him to reality.

Still in between sleeping and waking, Kenshin rubbed the growing bump on his temple.

"The place looked familiar, alright," he muttered incoherently. "I've been having that dream for months now. And always ended that way, too. Darn."

He rose from his futon groggily. He futilely tried to smother his disheveled red mane before hastily making his bed. He had woken up a little behind schedule and he needs to reach the bathroom before Kaoru wakes up to see him.

"Oh well," he said in a melancholic manner. "Here goes another typical totally domestic day."

Will it be? Apparently, fate and Sagara Sanosuke conspired to change that.

In terms of decision-making, Sano is the exact opposite of Kenshin. He makes spur-of-the-moment decisions without even weighing the consequences of his actions, not thinking beyond now. To put it bluntly, he's a man with more brawns than brain.

Chicken brained or not, Sanosuke cares for his friends deeply. His growing concern on the stagnant relationship of Kenshin and Jou-chan is as genuine as the "aku" on his shirt. It is no surprise at all that the fowl one formulated a crazy plan he would theoretically never get a way with: to join the annoyingly timid lovers together.

Confident of his success, he strode to the Kamiya dojo. He had everything ironed out before him. The ring was ready, the place set. All he needed was the man to propose. Pretty easy, ne? Except that the fate of everything else rested on the hands of the stubborn person he was about to confront. Speaking of which, just in case he doesn't succeed in convincing the ironically spineless one-time slasher, he still has a wild card tucked up his sleeve for desperate moments.

Everything went without a hitch. Kaoru was on her way to visit a friend from the other side of town, Yahiko had his part time job at the Akabeko, and this was like Kenshin's day off. He had succeeded in coaxing the rurouni to go out with him to "explore" the city last night. Now, being right on schedule, he started phase one of the plan.

Kenshin innocently followed the scheming rooster head. He was surprised though when the bum lead him to the outskirts of the town near some woods. That was when he began to suspect. Actually, they were already in the middle of the forest before he spoke up.

"Ano," he said. "This doesn't look like a gambling hall to me."

"You kidding?" exclaimed Sano. "D'you want Jou-chan to slit my throat? No way!"

"Well, she won't be too pleased if she finds out you've accepted a fight and tagged me along."

"Nothing like that, my friend. " Sano sat in the dry earth. "We need to talk."

"We do?" Kenshin blinked. "Why here?"

"For some privacy. These are important matters we have to discuss."

Kenshin felt a very familiar ki, a ki he had probably known from more than fifteen years ago. However, he couldn't match it with anyone's from his memory. Actually, he had felt it well before they reached that part of the wood, the small clearing surrounded by trees, but left it alone since it was not menacing.

"Wouldn't you introduce your friend, Sano?" he said levelly. "I would also like to meet him, if he doesn't mind."

Sano sighed. "Fine," he said resignedly. "I was saving him for later but since you asked… Oi! Come out from there."

A figure stepped out from the shadows. Kenshin immediately recognized the person, or who the person was supposed to be, even without the maniacal grin plastered on his face. Spiky, white hair, dark glasses, the stone cold expressionless face. It was none other than the lunatic from Shanghai!

Nothing happened.

"Kenshin?" Sano prompted his companion, puzzled by his lack of reaction. "Oi! Where's your tongue?"

Kenshin fairly growled, more of pain not anger evident in his voice.

"This is not funny, Sagara," he said in a soft though not too gentle voice. "This is not funny at all."

Sano was taken by surprise. "Baka!" he yelled. "That really is Enishi."

"Yukishiro Enishi?!?!!!"

Kenshin's hand went to his hilt reflexively. However, his movements were still impeded by disbelief. Sano was able to stop him before he could draw his blade by clasping the other's slight frame in his muscled arms firmly.

"Calm down, Kenshin," hissed Sano in his friends ear. "Trust me. He's through with the Jinchuu shit."

Kenshin held firm his fighting stance. His eyes, now like slits of ice, silently threatened to maim the street fighter if their owner was not released.

"Kuso! I am not that stupid," Sanosuke fairly screeched in annoyance. "Why would I bring both of you here if I'm not fully convinced he's no longer after your head?"

No reply.

"Look." He said, somewhat reluctantly. "I know I've done dumb things and I'm not one to be considered smart-"

"Euphemisms, Sagara-san?" interrupted Enishi coolly, in a surprisingly normal-sounding voice.

"Shut up!"

"All right, Sano," broke in Kenshin, his head lowered, his voice still soft. "Release me then."

Uneasily, Sano did as he was told. He poked his friend on the ribs, ignoring the fact his eyes are still blue, bordering on their normal shade of purple.

"Oi!" he said, almost sulkily. "You don't believe at all. Why don't you believe me?!"

Kenshin raised his head, maintaining a stoic expression as he looked his enemy over. "Yukishiro Enishi…." he muttered. "Is it really you?"

"Yeah," said Sano, as if having the lunatic before them is perfectly normal. "I'm surprised you didn't recognize his ki."

"Well, he felt different."

"He is."

"Well, what is he doing here!?" Kenshin miserably pleaded for an explanation from his friend.

"I told you he's not here for Jinchuu," reassured Sano.

"But he's fugutive! If Saitou-"

"That's why we're here. To hide from psycho cop."

"We need to talk." Kenshin whispered to Sano. "We can't be really sure he won't go berserk and start chopping us all into pieces."

"His straight."

"He was gay?!?"

"No, I mean, mentally."

"Are you sure? I mean, he feels normal but Kaoru-dono-"

"I'm not sure."


"All I know is that we have the same mission."


"Why don't you ask him?" Sano winked slyly.

Kenshin frowned at him slightly, then hesitantly turned to address his brother-in-law.

"Ano… Long time no see, Enishi."

A thin lipped smile appeared on Enishi's face. "You don't seem to be too happy to see me, oniisan."

Inwardly, fainting in disbelief, Kenshin asked himself incredulously, Did I just hear him say "oniisan"? Aloud he said very sincerely, if not at tad darkly, "You don't really expect me to, do you?"

"No." He gave a low laugh. "My sister's account has made me realized you weren't the monster you seemed to be. I don't really care whether or not but Jinchuu is pointless. It seems both my sister and the heavens have other plans for you."

"But that doesn't change the fact you hate me for what happened."

"Granted. But my sister ceased to hate you, a fact I cannot change. She has no wish of me to harm you or your friends. However-" His smile vanished. "Don't expect any apology coming. You still killed her and took away her happiness. It doesn't change even though you did give her a new one."

"How do I know you won't harm them?"

"I will give you no such assurance. If you trust my sister……"

"I understand." Kenshin turned to Sano. "Is that it?"

"No way, man," replied the ex-gangster. "We haven't even started."

"Excuse me?"

Sano cleared his throat and girded his loins. "Well, I'm concerned about your relationship with Jou-chan."

"Oro? Kaoru-dono and I are fine."

"No you're not! You guys aren't going anywhere."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you officially even her kareshi? Have you professed your love?"

"Yes-no. I don't have to. She already knows."

"I don't know which question you're answering but how can you be so sure?"

"Is it not obvious?" Kenshin was a little surprised.

"Is it not obvious?" mimicked Sano. "You know, everybody knows you two are head over heels over each other and it's like both of you are totally clueless!"

"Sano, Kaoru has no such feelings for sessha-"

"Cut the crap!" interrupted Sano. "If you wanna be self-depracating, fine. But doubting Jou-chan's love is like rejecting everything she went through just for you."

Kenshin sighed. "I suppose, you're right. I'm puzzled as to why, though. Now, what about our relationship?"

"Damn!" Sano rolled his eyes. "What's wrong? Kenshin, what is exactly your courting tactic? You think you can win her by being her personal slave?"

"Sano, that's hitting below the belt. And I can't see what's wrong with that."

Sano scratched his head. "We are not going anywhere," he complained. "Alright, would you answer my question honestly? Do you love her or not? I mean what are your true feelings for her? Does it go beyond platonic?"

"Sano, this is our private-"

"I'm just trying to help you!"

"You're not helping me, you're harassing me," muttered Kenshin. "Fine. Yes, I love her very much. And-" he gulped fearfully. "Yes, my feelings does go beyond platonic."

Sano couldn't wipe off the rather lecherous grin on his face. "He he he… so you do enjoy 'accidentally' walking in on her baths."


All right, then. Having established the facts, let's talk about marriage."

"Marriage?!!" Kenshin's eyes popped out of his sockets in disbelief. "Aren't we going a little too fast?"

"Kenshin, for anybody else, it probably is. But in your case, you've spent too much time at the starting stage what you need is a big kick in the butt to make up for all the time you wasted."

"But… I don't think I'm ready to get married yet."

"It's been seventeen years. You've been playing hide and seek with Jou-chan for two years now. Get over it! Besides, you love her, don't you?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then there's no problem."

"Kaoru-dono will know I don't want to get married."

"Come on, if you're that open to your enemies how could you have survived being the Hitokiri of the old? Surely a couple of years domestication didn't rust you."

"Kaoru-dono is different. She'll be able to see right through me. I mean, I look in her eyes and I feel as if my whole being is stripped of its defenses and my soul is bared before her scrutiny. It's a wonderful, horrible feeling."


"I'm afraid I'll frighten her with the intensity of what I hide," he murmured demurely.

"Look, Kenshin, why don't you want to get married? I mean, I'm sure nothing much would change with your living arrangement and all."

"That's right. Nothing will change, so there's no point in getting married."

"Point one against moi." Sano was getting desperate. "Oh yes, there is! Do you plan on being celibate all your life?" He scowled in the fierce protectiveness of an elder brother. "I won't let you touch her outside of marriage!"

"S-sano?!" Kenshin sputtered in embarrassment. "It doesn't matter. Celibacy is fine with me. It has been for more years than I care to remember anyway. I don't care at all."

"I thought you said your feelings go beyond platonic? That means sensual desires are involved."

"What the hell-!"

"Alright, maybe your honor wouldn't allow you to do such a thing, but at one point or another Kaoru has to marry. And you sort of told her you're not leaving her-"

"Yes, I did, but-"

"Yeah and you told her that when you said 'tadaima' after we arrived home from Kyoto after Shishio's coup that that was the first time you said it in years. That must have meant something."

"Hey!" Kenshin demanded rather angrily. "How did you know about that? That was-"

"Never mind how. Let me ask you. What would you feel if Jou-chan marries another guy?"

"I- I knew all along that was bound to happen." Kenshin's face betrayed no emotion.

"She'll be in the arms of another man-"

"Fine." Kenshin's voice was perfectly neutral. "A man more worthy of her."

"-his to love and cherish forever." Sano was on a roll. This was one of he few moments he could show off his romantic poetic side. "She'll smile for him, laugh for him, live for him. She'll pour her whole being, all her love on him."

"Ano… Can we stop this…" Torture. "Can we stop this now de gozaru?"

Kenshin's stoic façade melted away to curious puzzle of warring emotions.

Sano ignored him. "They'll make love constantly, fill the dojo to the roof with it and have lots and lots of babies. His babies. Not yours. And then-"

Kenshin looked as if he was going to start crying anytime soon. "All right. I admit it. I probably won't be able to stand it-"

"Of course, you won't be able to. You'd probably commit hara-kiri, too."

"I would endure anything for her happiness."

Sano sighed deeply in exasperation. "Would you mind taking over, Enishi? I'm about to lose it."

Enishi walket to their place. He silently retired to the shadows, leaning against one of the tree trunks. He waited as Sanosuke rose from his seat groaning and pushed Kenshin, who had been standing impassively (or trying to) in his position ever since their debate started, down one of the boulders before Enishi.

"Well, you two get yourselves comfortable," he said. "I think I'd go get some air. Whew! You're as stubborn as a mule."

The other two watched as Sanosuke walked away. A little later, Kenshin sighed and gave Enishi a long suffering look.

"What does this have to do with you?" he asked. "I mean, are you really a part of Sano's plan?"

And so Enishi started his lecture.

"A few months ago, I saw a vision. I saw my sister, Tomoe, for real. I pleaded for her forgiveness and asked what I can do to make up for my blindness. She merely shook her head and said I need not do anything.

"See how generous my sister is? I insisted. She didn't exactly give me a definite answer but mentioned you. She said she died because you're still needed in this world. " Enishi frowned slightly as if confused. "Her words were, ' …if one such as I is given a second happiness, there's reason for one so magnanimous not be granted the same favor…' which I still don't understand. She said-" Enishi's vice died down to a whisper. "maybe I could help you ensnare a woman…."

"What?!?!" Kenshin stared at him incredulously, jaw hanging open.

"Well, she said she didn't trust you to profess your love on your own much less propose. Is is true that you didn't propose to her properly and that someone else did it for you?"

Kenshin facefaulted, not bothering to answer the question. "She actually said that?" he muttered.

Enishi shrugged. "She didn't actually refer to the Kamiya girl but even I know how madly in love you are with her, which is why she was the main key of my Jinchuu."

"I see."

"Don't give that look. Battousai! Call it a hallucination, I don't care. I saw what I saw."

"I believe you," said Kenshin with a sigh. "It was actually her who told me Kaoru-dono is alive the time you kidnapped her."

Sano, who had just arrived in time to snatch the last of the rurouni's words, spoke up in surprise.

"Really?" he said. "So that's why you knew before anybody else told you."

"Yes, I saw her in a dream."


"Will you tell me something, oniisan," said Enishi out of the blue. "Have you ever really loved my sister?"

"Yes, Enishi. I loved Tomoe. I still do. She'll always be in my heart. And I love Kaoru." He sighed. "You know, Sano. I could have easily used Tomoe as an excuse for evading marriage but I didn't because it would have been a lie. Just because I love Kaoru doesn't mean I love Tomoe any less. Likewise, just because I love for her doesn't mean my love for Kaoru is insincere or untrue." It might be even more. Much more, in fact. He shook his head. " I can't explain it."

"What if Tomoe doesn't like the idea of you remarrying?" asked Sano.

"I thought you already knew Enishi's story?" Kenshin gave out a sound that seemed like a cross between a snort and a chuckle. "Tomoe herself gave her blessing."

"But you still don't want to marry Jou-chan."

"That statement needs clarification, Sano. I do want to marry Kaoru-dono. I just have to reconcile myself to the idea."

"So you'll propose to her tonight?"

Kenshin sweat dropped at Sanosuke's tenacity. "Er… no."

Sano slapped his forehead. "Oh, boy," he said. "Time for desperate measures, Enishi."

"Alright," said Enishi. "If you don't get married by sundown tomorrow, I'll go on a killing spree."

Kenshin raised an eyebrow coolly (at least, he was trying to be cool). "Do you expect me to believe that?"

"Do you think I'd hesitate to kill for my sister's sake?" countered Enishi.

"She wouldn't want you to do such a thing."

Enishi grinned diabolically. "She didn't really specify any methods, so I'll do it any way."


Sanosuke shrugged. "You know how wild he can get. Even if I won't let it happen, there's no guarantee we can stop him. I mean, you gotta remember Megitsune's words. Why else did I agree to work with him?"

Sano is actually threatened…. "Why by tomorrow?" asked Kenshin in a small voice.

"Because I said so," retorted Enishi.

"Oro!" Kenshin looked utterly helpless.

"So you'll propose to her tonight?" asked Sano, grinning triumphantly.

"Yeah, yeah." He starts ringing his hands nervously, looking flustered. "How the hell do I get everything ready by midnight!?"

"Relax," said Sano. "That's what we're here for, right Enishi?"



Now what?

Will Kenshin push through with this?

Will Kaoru even accept the date?

Is Enishi really sane?

What possessed Sano plan such an outrageous scheme?

What possessed Melpomene to write such a whacked out fic?

Find out!


Please, review! Tell me what you think. Don't hesitate. Don't try to be nice. Hit me with all you've got. Tell me what you don't like or even hate about the whole thing. I'm begging….