Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Stars Collide ❯ Lost ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin et al is owned by Watsuki Nobuhiro. And I never will. I'm just borrowing...*sniff*

A/N: Hi to all, this is my second fanffic... I had discovered the joys of punding away at my keyboard from the first one, so even though no one might ever read this... its ok... pure break from the stress and better than smoking!! harhar... Rted for future chapters, this is totally AU, a mix between hi-techedness and barbarianism... A mix of a lot of things I've read before--- so similarities, well, not intentional but expected. It occurs far, far, off in the future.... but the planet that Kenshin lives in has things in Japanese, etc. Just read and don't forget to review! :) email is welcome too!

When Stars Collide

Chapter 1 - Lost

"Holy Circuital Crap!" was Kaoru Kamiya's yell of frustration. How could she, a Phellangar 1 Guard could be stuck in a god-knows-what-planet with a broken space Rover?

"Cheer up babe, I could fix this faster if you weren't huffing and puffing at my ear." Ashley, a Neuro III--- a free thinking super computer remarked.

"Well, if it wasn't for your nosiness in the business affairs of Magdaria in the first place, we wouldn't be stuck looking for Shogo Amakusa, then, would we?" Kaoru replied, glaring at the 12-sided screen of the space ship controller where a pink haired cat eyed girl, the residual image of her Ashley, was reflected on.

"Oh come on, tell me you would've been happy assigned to being rent-a-cop for the rest of your life at the Prime Minister's office? You were trained to be the best security agent in the planet, little missy, and for what?! A planet that has already conquered disease, remarkable in traveling through space, creator of weapons and vehicles beyond the capability of any army in the multiverse, supplier of the fastest and longest lasting pure fuel of the known worlds, and efficient in existing without the need for water since 8 milleniums ago! Face it, girl, you would have been bored out of your ever-loving mind! And just what was I programmed for, dimwit?!"

"Don't you dare give me that crap about the Acuranians programming you for my happiness again, you worthless piece of hardware, you were supposed to fly the Rover! How in hell did it break down just when we were flying on an UNCHARTED SPOT OF THE FREAKING MULTIVERSE?!!!! AaaaaaaaaaRGH!"

If Ashley was a human or an android and had real eyes, she would have rolled them. She settled instead on the visual imitation and initiating Instant Transfer, a travel process that occurs in less than a second where anything living, dead or inanimate, single or in huge groups, could travel anywhere within the nearest planet. Every Space Rover was equipped with the service, as there were probably planets a bit backward and didn't have landing ports, or that there were serious threats and the travelers needed to be pulled out quickly. Unfortunately for the living, it was also very uncomfortable. She set her human outside the ship. A small black object with a 6 sided screen popped out beside her the next second.

"I'm going to pull your plug, you unfair mass of circuits! What the hell did you do that for?!" screeched Kaoru.

"I couldn't stand your screaming anymore. I already told you that, letter a, I didn't build the Rover, it was built by you humanoids with inferior computers, so of course, it would have broken down sooner or later, and b, the highest probability that I have derived, and would've been obvious to you if you hadn't been brain dead, was that Shogo wasn't going to hide his gorgeous ass in a place that was known in the League of United Universes. C, THIS is the first place we've come upon in 6 months after breaching the uncharted. 6 MONTHS WITH THE SPEED OF LIGHT YEARS, you hear me? Of course Shogo wouldn't take a chance of getting even more lost in uncharted space by leaving here! Who knows how many planets are out there waiting to be discovered anyway? There are already more than a million in the League already--- what if there are less than 10 left---"

"Alright, alright, I GET THE FRIGGIN' POINT!!!" Kaoru sighed in frustration. Her normally unflagging enthusiasm and optimism took a serious toll in flying for more than a year in a space ship and not landing anywhere familiar. Women, in the planets that bred humanoids, were still considered inferior in the majority of the multiverse since not all were as advanced as the Sakura planet where she came from. Therefore any visits she made in plenty of planets were brief, Ashley making most of the contacts for food and supplies.

"Come on, don't give me that defeated look. Take a look around… we actually landed somewhere that still has nature not trapped and decontaminated under a dome, if you can recall the meaning of the word. I already took inventory of the planet, and the air is so pure that there is no need for a health protector shield. I even made a Subcon learning disc a week ago when I could reach human voices and played it to you in your sleep so you can converse with the locals if you ever come across some. It actually sounds like the Ancient Unilanguage so you shouldn't have a problem, you loved that defunct subject. And I gave you your multiuse transmitter so I can keep an eye on you." Ashley cajoled, really not caring for the weary expression dulling her human's eyes.

"Fine, fine. I'll take a look around. Be sure to warn me of anything approaching, nothing is familiar to me. I might take them out with my stunner or whip out my laser sword at some poor innocent thing that doesn't deserve to get hurt." Kaoru turned her back on the ship that was camouflaged to blend into its background perfectly.

Ashley purred to herself in satisfaction. She wasn't about to tell her human that the ship wasn't damaged. She had put Kaoru on this planet with a double purpose for her happiness--- to find the rebel Shogo Amukusa, genetic older brother (meaning they were born from the same tube) to the Prime Minister Magdaria, and to help Kaoru find the love she secretly dreamed about after discovering what families are in the Ancient's history. After all, she was a prime piece of intelligence worth more than some of the other planets in the League, and she knew what she had to do. She was going to make sure that her humanoid would be incredibly happy for the rest of her surviving years even if said human had to be kicked, beaten and dragged into it.


She was hopelessly lost. Again. She had forgotten the cardinal rule of secure traveling which was to observe, mark the direction and pinpoint landmarks accurately so one could find their way back to the familiar without electronic help. She was so preoccupied by her setback that it had made her absent minded. To make it worse, daylight of 2 fiery suns was fading, being replaced by 4 moons, each a different pale color. She stepped in the middle of the first clearing in the forest she came to.

Some Phellangar 1 I am! I would've flunked out if I was this ditzy in training… Good thing I have Ashley…

"Ashley, Transfer me to the ship site now."

"I don't want to. Find you own way back."

"WHAT?!!! Of all the--- HEY! I'm your owner and I command you now!!!"

"You deserve a lesson for your carelessness. Remember that I am not an easy way out."


"Your trainer would've given you a far severe punishment if he knew."

"But it's dangerous! How in holy hell can you make me happy if you won't even protect me?!"

"No, it's not dangerous for you. I made sure. Quit your whining, it really doesn't become you."

"You misbegotten waste of metal, you, if and when I find you, I swear I'm really going to PULL YOUR PLUG!!!"

"And here I was, getting soft and was about to Transfer you--- NOT!!!"

"I'm seriously tired, I'm hungry, its getting… oh damn, you're really hateful, sometimes, you know that, Ashley?! I'm starting to think that I shouldn't have competed at that centennial inter-planetary physical stamina contest if I knew you'd be the prize…" Kaoru took her transmitter unit out of her belt and stared into it to give her meddling computer a full view of just how angry she had become.


A pair of lavender eyes looked out from the cover of the 8 foot Sang-be bush that hid him from sight. He had been watching the unusual but beautiful girl for some time now. Where was her escort? And who was she talking to? For that matter, just what was she speaking?! He swore he could hear 2 women's voices but he couldn't place where the tinny sounding one came from. Her clothes were weird too… it was a one-piece something made of tight fitting silvery material that flashed blue and white in the dying day's light. It accented every part of her well toned body. It gave him the impression that she was naked, if it wasn't for the fact that there is no such thing as silver skin on a person. Just looking at her turned him on instantly, changing his soft purple eyes into hard amber ones. That was odd. He normally had better control of his emotions than that. Thankfully, no one would be a witness to it. He brought himself under control.

She is exquisite. If she is not joined then I will have her. But first I must dress her properly. That body is only mine to see.

He revealed himself to her by stepping on dead leaves.

Kaoru heard the noise, and with instincts born out of 5 years of Protection and Security Training (her government mandated career) she crouched and whirled in one graceful, practiced movement.

"Who goes there?" Kaoru said, her eyes focusing on the man who materialized out of nowhere (or so she thought).

"I mean you no harm, honorable lady." Kenshin Himura, First born of the Lord of the Hitsen Realm and heir to the Emerald Throne of the East replied to the girl with the silver body.