Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Stars Collide ❯ A difference of Opinion ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin et al is owned by Watsuki Nobuhiro. And I never will. I'm just borrowing...*sniff*

A/N: Oh, just in case, the wierd words for stuff are mine... like the Sang-be bush... and Ashley the Neuro III... the laser swords and multiuse transmitters...but its ok if anyone would like to borrow them, I don't mind--- Watsuki-sama doesn't (evident in the lack of law suits) so why should I? :P Its still somewhat PG for now, so I guess I'll change the Rating later? but I like lemons, limes and whatever else its called so this one will have some along the way... Just a warning...

Don't forget... REad and REview!!!! :)

When Stars Collide

Chapter 2 - A Difference of Opinion

Kaoru, for the first time in her life was at a loss for words. The man before her was, except for lack of height (he was still taller than her, though), strangely handsome. Her eyes raked him over from top to bottom, taking in the red hair, purple eyes--- were those natural?, bare torso packed with muscles down to the loose flowing white pants and simple sandals made of some kind of leather. And the scars! He was covered all over with them, the most prominent of which was a cross shaped scar on his cheek. It should have marred his profile, but it simply added to his appeal. She approved of the way he stood, too, feet braced apart, hands lightly at the sides. Then she noticed… Holy shit, is that a sword?! A real honest to goodness sword?! She was suddenly reminded of a subject 3 years ago, Ancient Weapons and How They Were Used 101. That was the only time she saw a solid sword brought by the teacher, as swords had come to mean for them lethal lasers of light shooting out from little tubes or boxes, like her black transmitter unit that was equipped with one.

"Do I meet your approval?" Kenshin was taken aback by her boldness. No woman in his country would ever be as daring as this one staring at him. Yet somehow, it was… refreshing.

Kaoru stood mutely. The Subcon language took some time start. She didn't understand what he was saying. Kenshin thought for a moment that maybe she didn't understand his language, but then,

"I'm sorry, can you ask me that again?" Kaoru asked when finally the Subcon kicked in permanently.

Kenshin smiled. So, silver girl knows his language after all.

"Do you like what you see?"

At this, Kaoru blushed furiously. She never had a relationship with the other sex on her planet other than her class mates in training and her trainers (and they were far from close), because she was too busy devoting herself to her art. Thus she ended up a 23 year old virgin, which was a ripe old age to be one. While her friends had signed up for double occupancy with others by the time they turned 18, she was still living alone with Ashley and her mechanical housekeeper for company.

"I'm sorry again, I did not mean to be rude."

"It's no problem, that it is. But where is your protector? I would like to speak to him."

"Protector?" Kaoru was not sure she heard it right. The concept of having somebody protect her was foreign.

Kenshin heard the question in her voice. Did she not know that no lady may walk alone anywhere for they are fair game? "The man you answer to. Like a father, a brother, or the man of your joining."

"Father? Brother… Oh! You still have real parents here? I don't have any, I was hatched from an artificial womb!" Kaoru was incredulous... on her planet, human birth was controlled in an artificial environment to prevent the population boom into becoming a disaster, after they had the huge drought that nearly wiped everybody out 6,000 years ago. Very few people knew of the concept of a family, only those interested in the history of their planet knew what it was. The Prime Minister was the only one she knew who actually did something about it, Magdaria had traced down who was born out of her tube. That's why she was here in the first place… Life as she knew it was government mandated from day one, from what they eat, down to their growing up in the 'formative years', until even the careers they follow after taking the exam at the coming of age. Double occupancy was for those who liked sex and affection, whether same gender or different. That was the only concession the Sakuranians had to familial companionship.

"You mean to tell me you were hatched? Like a bird? Surely you are pulling my leg, that you are. Don't speak untruths. I will not hurt you."

"Of all the--- are you calling me a liar?!"

"There must be a reason you say something not believable---"

"Like the truth?" Kaoru had never been so insulted her whole life. She was extremely honest and had a very deep honor code. Truth be told, behind her back at Phellangar Academy they called her 'Ice bitch' because she wouldn't bend either trait, not even a bit. How dare he say she was lying?!

"Everybody has parents, and I'm pretty sure no person is hatched from---" (he struggled with the new words, they were non-existent in his manner of speech) "Arrr-tee-feesh? Fishal? Woms."

"Well there are other things where we come from that would make that pale in comparison." Ashley decided that she had been quiet enough.

Kenshin perfect composure nearly slipped, he was so startled by the voice. He had forgotten that there were 2 voices from the beginning.

"Who-what-where did that come from?" Kenshin asked, with a menacing voice at the unseen threat, every muscle of his body tense, hand on sword. His eyes started darkening.

"Well, well, look who decided to show up. Can we Transfer now?" Kaoru interjected sarcastically.

"Babe, you know we can't… Rule 1, when visiting slow-evolution worlds--- no shocking. Explain yourself fully before initiating any action not familiar to the locals." Ashley was really enjoying her human's reaction. It wasn't everyday that she saw the headstrong Kaoru so flustered. Even her vital stats were on an all-time high, meaning only one thing… her libido was jumping in response to the cutie in front of her.

Kaoru gritted her teeth in frustration. "Don't you think I'm in danger…" she switched language to her native Sakuranian.

"I wouldn't have let him follow you for the past 2 hours if I knew you were in any."

"MOOU!!!!! He had been following me for the past friggin' two hours?!"

Kenshin was desperately trying not to let his bewilderment show. Silver girl was not happy with what the bodiless voice was saying, whatever it was. It was time to be the man in control.

"Enough. No more will I allow another speech spoken in front of me. You can both speak in my tongue, do so. It is extremely rude."

"So's cutting in the conversation, firehead!" Kaoru was so annoyed, she snapped back at him. He's so insufferable! What a creep… gorgeous and all, but still a creep. I'll break every bone in his body if he ever tries that high handed crap with me again!

Kenshin was taken aback again. No man, woman or child had ever taken that tone of voice with him before. Granted, he was normally treated with respect due to his status and capability, but he was kind and gentle to all except his enemies. But she was different, she broke the emotional discipline he was trained to have. Was this feeling what his father had told him about when he would find The One he was meant to join with?

"You need learning in what is your place."

"Are you threatening me? ME?! Well you picked a fight with the wrooooong person, my friend…"

"I think he just did, sweetie." Ashley said. Things were going her way. Her probabilities showed her that if he wanted to hurt her, he already would have. Looks like her humanoid warrior princess needed a warrior to tame her too. Not to mention that Kenshin's vital stats were also just as high as Kaoru's. There was really no fooling a Neuro III.

"I do not wish to fight."

"What?! Then what the hell was that macho-induced statement of me not knowing my place? I know very well what I may or may not do, thank you very much, I don't need some throwback to barbarianism to tell me what is!"

"It is very simple. You say you have no protector, and therefore, free to be claimed by any man who can. I can, therefore, I just took my claim." Kenshin smiled smugly. He thought that he explained it very well.

Kaoru's was pushed to the limit. With a battle cry, she launched full force into him with every intent of showing him who was boss.

Kenshin, surprised, nearly got swiped but sidestepped her by reflex. She was fast! Somebody had taught her how to fight well! The list of her oddities were rising. Women were not normally taught, and very few showed interest in doing the kind of training the warrior men did from the time they turned 7 years old.

Kaoru caught herself before she smashed headlong into the tree behind Kenshin, slightly off balance. He just evaded me? Just like that?! But no one in my planet has been able to do that before! What kind of training did this guy go through?!

"You're good, that you are." Kenshin said, still amazed.

"Thanks, but that was just a warm up." That was a lie. She was already panting lightly. Suddenly, a bright idea came into her head. "Look, if I can show you that I can whip your ass in hand-to-hand combat, no weapons, will you be willing do whatever I ask you to do?"

"Whip my ass? Why would you want to do that?" Kenshin was bewildered. Her expressions were really something.

Kaoru rolled her eyes. "You know, like beat you in a fair fight."

"Like a challenge? You will lose, miss. You will not enjoy being a challenge loser. It is far worse than being a claimed woman."

"Better think well of what you are offering, my dear." Ashley said mildly. It would be interesting to see where this leads.

"Butt out, Ash. You just said I was good, didn't you? Are you afraid to try?" Kaoru smirked. He doesn't know what he's getting into.

"But being a challenge loser deprives you of rights. You can make him or her be your slave, if the winner wishes."

"Great. You have slaves too? Fine, that's just fine and dandy with me. Ok, challenge issued then. Winner takes all in any way they choose, even the time limit of challenge loss service. Does that sound good?"

"It makes me feel sad you feel you have to do it this way, but, if the lady insists…" Kenshin shrugged. He resisted the urge to crack a smug, self-satisfied smile. She doesn't know what she's getting into…