Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When the Heart Settles ❯ Ode to a lost love ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When The Heart Settles  



 I don´t own Rurouni Kenshin. I'm only borrowing its characters to my project. Copyright to Watsuki and the respective owners.

Author´s Notes:

Here you have another fiction. This time as all of you can see, I have an original. Which means, no Alternate Universe. I hope that you all get to enjoy this one; it's really different from the other one. I had that idea while I was in a café with my friends. And so, I remembered the film. 'The Butterfly Effect'. Kaoru kind of hold that 'power', but it is not alike the film, you're going to notice it.

Concerning my other fiction, 'Broken Souls', I'll keep it. I just wanted to write this one. Just like I said before, I hope you enjoy it. Send me your comments, I'll be very glad.

On to the fic.

Prologue: Ode to a lost love


I still believe in your eyes

I just don't care...

What you've done in your life



Kaoru was walking for some time already. The path home wasn't that long, and soon she would be home. In her way, she thought a lot about her life. All about her life. Her past, her present, and even her future. What can she really expect from it? What does the future hold to her? So many questions lost inside her heart and head, and she has no responses. The days she has been living through ... They are calm, yet ordinary.

Kaoru stopped by a Cherry Tree. The beautiful petals kept falling to the ground slowly. What a beautiful picture. "That is so spectacular." she tenderly said to the soft breeze, that caressed her soft skin. Her raven black hair, cascading to her back, as silk.

Kaoru gave a soft sight, and continued to walk. It would be dark soon. As she kept walking, she saw a little Old Lady ahead. The Lady was arched in a Cherry Tree. It seemed odd to be resting there. Kaoru shook her head. 'It's dangerous for a Lady at her age to be alone.' she thought apprehensive, while she approached the Lady in soft paces. She wouldn't like to frighten her.

Kaoru stopped some feet away from the Old Lady. A hand resting on her sides, somehow really concerned if she should really disturb the Lady. 'Nonsense... I can't leave her here alone.'  Kaoru thought warmly, as she stretched an arm to touch the Lady's arm. "Excuse me." Kaoru called in low tone, trying to be quiet.

The Lady turned around, and faced Kaoru, whose arm was still resting in hers.

Kaoru opened her mouth and then closed it. Her arm was been removed slowly from the Old Lady's arm. "Can I help you with something?" Kaoru requested genuinely, in the stillness of the already dim road.

The Old lady did not utter a single word; she only stared into Kaoru´s blue eyes. Awkwardly, Kaoru seemed to have vanished into the Old lady's eyes. They were a hole in its darkness. Appeared that they had no possession of a soul.

Kaoru gasped distressed, a shaking hand coming to her mouth.

The Lady lowered her eyes, looking to the filthy road. "What do you wish?" The old Lady asked her unsympathetically.

Kaoru looked at her in shock. "What?" Kaoru faltered, impressed of her own voice.

The old Lady turned her black eyes to Kaoru´s. "What does you heart truly wish to the one you love?" The old Lady appealed, clearly this time.

Kaoru was taken aback. What would she really wish to the one she cares for? Could she only wish love? Could be that she's considering her well being? But even so, it would leave a deep hole, it wouldn't be complete. And she knew she wouldn't restore things with her selfish thoughts. 

"My true wish..." she whispered remotely. She put a hand over her heart, and squeezed the fabric beneath her hand. Could she? Is her love so immeasurable? "I wish happiness and redemption." Kaoru replied with tenderness in her tone, elevating her head to look at the dark blue sky.

"Redemption comes with happiness." The Old Lady uttered flatly. "Do you know the consequences...Of this." she half- questioned.

Kaoru looked at her, her mind in trouble. "What?" she asked inattentively. She shook her head, trying to comprehend her words. Recognition came in the meantime. "I do not really understand.. Why are you asking me that? And who are you?" Kaoru inquired, a little nervous with the uncharacteristic situation.

The old Lady looked at her in her void of emotion. "I'm your seer." she merely responded.

Kaoru looked at her, further perplexed than before. "Seer? My seer? What do you mean?" she asked, a hand coming to her confused head. Would she really believe in the Old Lady, which referred herself as a seer? Or worse, as Kaoru´s personal seer?

The so-called Seer remained still. "I am your seer Kaoru. Your desire for redemption of the man you love is very strong." she said levelly. "And, as your unfathomable wish for his happiness is so powerful, that, you made me came to you." The Seer told her; somehow endorsement seemed to be heard.

Kaoru stared at the Seer astonished. She swallowed hard. "And... I... What can I do about it?" Kaoru asked baffled, her mind desperately seeking for answers. All of it seemed really confusing, but in its own story, it had some logic.

The Seer looked into Kaoru´s eyes once more. Vanishing inside of her azure ness. "Your true wish is to make him liberated of his sins. And you are the only one with the power to do it so." she said effortlessly, as she finally moved. "The questions is... How deep can you go?" she asked advisedly, as she reached Kaoru´s hand, and began to trace each contour of her hand.

Kaoru looked down at her hand. How far? How deep? "I will be happy as long as he is." Kaoru declared in a genuine whisper. Her true wish was his authentic happiness. And just as the Seer had said, he would find happiness in redemption, and vice versa.

The Seer dropped Kaoru´s hand slowly. "I was afraid that you would say that." she confessed, although her expression remained stern. "But you speak for your heart, and so, you speak the truth." she said while she walked back to the tree. Her hands captured one flower. She extended her arm and gave the small flower to Kaoru. "You must make your wish outspoken, immediately." she uttered unequivocally, turning around.

Kaoru looked at the flower, all the information colliding in her head. "How do I do it?" she murmured vaguely, still looking at the flower.

The Seer turned around, promptly looking at Kaoru. "Your heart will guide you Kaoru. Do not fear." she told her solemnly, and turned around again. "Keep that flower, someday you might need her. It will not wither."

Kaoru nodded her head in agreement. "I will." she murmured.

She lingered there for some time, watching as the Old Seer began to fade away. The world had turned itself into turmoil, and she had a real dilemma. She knew she would go to the abyss to repair his broken heart, but was she disposed to let him go, eternally?

Kaoru shook her head, trying to make her thoughts go away for a while. "There is no choice..." her voice reverberated sorrowfully; the wind stroked her hair, seeming to concur with her, ruefully as well.


Kaoru reached the Dojo doors in a short time. She put her hand upon the dark wood door, and lingered there for some minutes. The previous moment she had had with the Old Seer had consumed her mentally, and she did not want to display a sad expression, he would notice, and questions would come. 'If that happens, I won't be able to keep that...'  she persuaded herself solemnly, as she took a step closer to the door.

"I'm home." she whispered, her purpose was to make herself inaudible. She pushed the door slowly, torturing herself further.

As she entered the Dojo, from her spot, she could see Kenshin. He had his eyes fixed in the wood in front of him. But his expression seemed a bit sad, distant. He opened his mouth, whispering something that Kaoru could not hear.

"Kenshin?" Kaoru asked hesitantly as she approached his figure.

Kenshin looked at his side, where Kaoru was. He did not give her his usual smile. He seemed terribly disturbed, she had noticed by the look he had given her. For that, her will strengthen, and she noticed more than ever, that she needed and wanted to make his heart at ease. 'I will be happy as long as he is...' Kaoru remembered her words. 'As long as you are happy Kenshin...' She thought convinced, her words still echoing inside her mind.

"Kaoru-dono... Where have you been?" he asked her agitatedly, his voice holding an unusual tone, as he got up, face to face to Kaoru.

Kaoru looked down searching for words. What would she say? "I..." she opened her mouth and just shut. A hand came to rest on the right side of her head. "I lingered in Akabeko for much more time that I had predicted... I'm sorry if I made you worry... I really am." she said, her eyes seemed to plead him to drop the subject.

He stared at her for some time, and then gave her a very faint smile. It was clear that he hadn't believed her story, but in the end, he had accepted that, at last for some time. "You made me worry..." he said, while he sat on the porch.

Kaoru traced him with her apprehensive eyes. She did not know his reason to be acting so strange as he was, she could only wander. 'What is that Kenshin?' came the thought, as she sat at Kenshin´s side.

The silence remained for some time, making Kaoru grow anxious of her next actions and words.

"Kenshin..." Kaoru called him in a dejected voice. 'It´s so hard...To let you go.'  came the though, depressing her further more.

Kenshin turned his head to stare at Kaoru; his eyes seemed to be searching something deep inside her. Answers? His eyes softened, and he smiled faintly. But it seemed true. "Yes?"

Kaoru kept staring at him, all the actual situation felt to her tremendously poignant.  "I..." she began, trying to find words and strength. She looked down at Kenshin´s hands, and reached for them. She molded it to her, as if she treasured it.

Kenshin looked at her eyes. He seemed startled. Could be that he was sensing something? He frowned his brows. "Kaoru-" he tried to say, but Kaoru´s fingers covered his mouth, as she shook her head, pleading without words for him to make it easier for her.

Kaoru took off her hand apprehensively from Kenshin´s mouth, and looked at him. She closed her eyes and inhaled deep. She would lose him, but for his own happiness. Was that right? Was she doing the correct thing?

She had to. And for the last time, she allowed her eyes travel all over Kenshin, stopping as she reached his eyes. Her eyes softened with tenderness. Her next words would be her dismay, but would be his only chance of living without guilt haunting him.

"Kenshin... I wish you redemption..." she whispered, as her words floated in distress. "It won´t be long now.You won´t live in guilt anymore... You will live in peace."

He looked at the hand Kaoru was holding, and then looked back at her azure eyes. He began to shake his head slothfully, exceedingly shocked. He opened his mouth, as he began to whimper, nevertheless, he noticed that no sound came out.

Kaoru shook her head in agreement, and gave him her last smile, a wondrous smile, covered with a shadow of sorrow. "I love you Kenshin..." she whispered, finally out speaking her heart.  

His eyes widened, as his vision began to blur; His nostril inhaling only the sweet scent of jasmine. After seconds of agony, he vanished; the only figure that could be seen was hers.

Kaoru felt her hand being alone on her lap, she felt her heart aching, burning in grief. He was gone, eternally.

She kept there for a long time, staring at her hand. Grievously she got up. "Now, you will be happy my dear." she whispered, as the soft breeze tried to put her heart at ease, being concerned and inconsolable of her desolate being.


Kenshin woke up suddenly. A hand came to his heart. It pulsed strongly. He shook his head, as a memory of a soft voice, whispering words of affection, echoed in his mind. He could clearly hear the sweet, yet melancholic tone. And due to the blurry memory, he was prevented to see the person who had pronounced the words.

"I love you Kenshin..." he whispered, as the words echoed into his drowsy mind.

He looked at his side, and saw Tomoe sleeping. Then, he turned his head to the wood door. The voice, he had not ever heard that it. But strangely, in his depth, he could feel the attachment with the tone. Who hold that voice, was a real mystery to him, or a fraction of him. 

As his eyes began to close once more, he laid down. Unconsciously his hand came to his steady heart, and there, along with the words, lingered a faint scent of jasmine

/End of prologue./


Author's Note:

Here we have the prologue. So, tell me, what do you think of it? I'd really like to hear some comments here, huh? Anyway, if you find this confusing or something, please let me know. If you have never watched the "Butterfly Effect", you can always e-mail me and I´ll be more than glad to answer your questions. (Regardless that, you can always send me an e-mail.)  

I'd advise you to pay attention to the flower and the jasmine scent. It's really important in that plot.

I hope you've enjoyed. Thanks for reading.
