Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Will It Be My Turn To Love ❯ My Guardian Angel ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am only a 17-year-old girl. *Innocent smiles*

AUTHORS NOTES: [FIRST!!! *bows deeply* GOMEN NASAI!! I have created another story out... i just can't help it!! Hai~~ As u all have read in the summary: Kaoru is an orphan who has a little mental illness but thanks to Kenshin she's getting better, in the recovering stage. Kaoru was abandon by her mother and in the orphanage wasn't one of the best days she had. One day she snapped and ended up with mental illness.]

<Warning: I don't really have a good command of English… So forgive me for my grammatical mistakes.>

When Will It Be My Turn To Love

Chapter 2: My Guardian Angel

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Previous: --

It was in a state like me... I am a broken person... and I cannot be mend.

I slowly picked the sharp pieces and gathered it in my hand. I winced slightly, as one of the sharper ones made blood seep out of my ivory skin.

Pain and blood, the evidence that you are alive and you can feel.

If that was the case... I don't want to feel... I don't want to be alive....

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I creaked open an eye as the strong sunlight hit my fragile eyes. I curled into a small ball and snuggled into the only warmth that was provided by my blue blanket.

"Aoshi-sama..." I jerked to a sitting position from my bed. There was someone or something in my room. My pair of cerulean eyes fell upon my nurse. Makimachi Misao. I smiled spotting a small drool from Misao's open mouth. Hardly am I able to see such a natural expression in front of me. They were always hard and strict. They only cared for their own job. I was nothing to them. I moved my legs and it happened to tug onto something. Misao instantly woke up.

"What? Ah! Kaoru-san! I see that you awake!" Misao immediately went to the bedside and held my bandaged arm.


Oh yeah... I injured myself yesterday. I looked as her lovely features dropped to a frown. I took my other arm and placed it on her shoulders, she looked up at me curiously.

"Gomen nasai... Misao-san." I apologized, knowing that the frown on her face was from the courtesy of me. I could see a small mist of tears covering her jaded orbs. She gently hugged my injured arm as she looked into my eyes.

"Promise me not to do that again... please Kaoru-san. You scared the hell out of me when Sanosuke and I returned." Misao explained. I couldn't promise anything, however to make things easier for Misao, I meekly nodded.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I told her as I looked at my leg, which was connected to hers by a string. Sanosuke must have told her to do this. When no nurses was in charge of me yet, to make sure I won't run or go injured myself, Sanosuke would always do that. It hurts to know that he still doesn't trust me. Misao noticing the string, quickly untying it and smiled sheepishly.

"Gomen, but this is..."

"I understand, Misao-san. It's ok. I'll excuse myself for a while." I cut her off and went to the bathroom. Turning the tap as clear, sparkling water started running from the opening. I cupped a handful of water and drenched my pale face with it. Droplets of water traced my jaw line as it slid down my chin. I examined myself in the mirror. Who was it? One of my fingers touched the girl in the mirror.

Who was this girl? I asked myself as I stared at those azure orbs, which happened to gaze back at me. She had the same length of hair as I had, face pale, and lips red. I tilted my head, and the girl did too. It was then I realized that the girl was me. Suddenly, I heard a click from my door. I kept quiet for a second as I heard Misao's voice.

"Himura! I thought you were suppose to come next week?" Misao asked. Himura? I don't really recall that name. I quickly brush my teeth as I overheard their conversation.

"I was supposed to come next week, Misao-dono. But I since I arrived early to Tokyo, I thought I should be starting early... if that's okay from you." A masculine voice sounded. I rinsed my mouth hurriedly as I plastered my ear to the door.

"Of course it would be fine for me! Wait till I introduced Aoshi-sama to you! And Sanosuke and Megumi. They will definitely love you!" Misao answered energetically. A low chuckled could be heard as I started to get curious. I opened the door to have a small opening so I could actually see how this guy looks like.

Time stopped as soft purple hues spotted me.

I couldn't believe my eyes. He had such beautiful features. Fiery red hair, gentle violet hues, sharp nose. He smiled at me. It was then I told myself that I saw an angel. My own guardian angel.


"Kaoru-san... this is Himura Kenshin." Misao introduced to me as the man called Kenshin held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Kaoru-dono." I hesitantly offered my hand to the stranger. Kenshin... the heart of sword. What a special name... I nodded my head.

"Kaoru desu. Nice to meet you Himura-san." Kenshin scratched the back of his head as he looked at me expectantly.

"What's your last name?" Kenshin asked casually. Misao and I stiffened visibly. I didn't know what to say. I started stuttering.

"I-I-I.... I don't r-remember." I replied lamely. How I wanted to dig a hole and hide myself in it. Kenshin's eyes widen.

"Oh... I'm sorry. It's okay. Don't worry about it okay. Call me Kenshin." Kenshin smiled at me again. It was okay not to have a last name? That was the first time someone ever told me that. I nodded mildly sat on the chair beside me.

"Himura, I'll go call Aoshi-sama and the rest. You could stay and look after her right?" Misao asked. Kenshin nodded as Misao already disappeared behind the doors. I took a glance up which was caught by him.

"You want to say anything, Kaoru-dono?" How could he read my mind so well? I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. He walked towards me slowly and bent to meet my eye level. I backed to the end of my chair as I saw his face, this time a zoomed-in version.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing, Kenshin... san." He frowned. I had to add the honorific, to prove to myself that he was like Misao. Someone who was just doing his job.

"What happened to your hand?" Kenshin queried me. I kept my eyes on the ground as I answered him.

"I... I injured myself, yesterday." Kenshin shook his head and cupped my face.

"You should be more careful, that you should Kaoru-dono." I nodded again. Just then a tone played. A polyphonic ring tone. I looked at Kenshin keenly, it must have been his as he was searching frantically for it. Once he got his hand on his cellphone, he gave me a rueful smile before continuing.

"Hello? Ah! Tomoe? I'm at the institution now." Kenshin replied somewhat happily. I wonder who could have made him so happy... this girl... Tomoe... who was she?

"How about tonight? I'll fetch you at about seven? How about that?" I could hear a muffling voice. I tilted my head to the side. Fetching? Tonight? I didn't really understand the conversation.

"Okay, sure. Don't worry, I won't be late. I promise, okay. See you then. Bye, love." With that a silly grin was plastered on his face. Love? I frowned as I changed my gaze towards the floor. How ironic... once you thought you find someone is your angel... he was being taken away from you the next second. I had to admit... I didn't really reached out for him... so maybe I didn't deserve him. But...

I shook my head fervently. No! No one could ever like me. Even mama left me alone. This guardian angel wasn't mine for a second. I shouldn't even think of keeping him, although it's not like he would stay with me. My once happy feeling went down the slope once again. Seriously... I should not keep my hopes high.

"Kaoru-dono.... are you feeling alright? You are keeping awfully quiet." I stood up suddenly and pushed Kenshin to the door. He was lighter but stronger than I expected. But I managed to make him stumble out of my room with much strength. Once he was out a step away from my room, I slammed the door and locked it. After that, I slouched against the wooden door as I slid down to a sitting position. Banging could be heard.

"Kaoru-dono! Kaoru-dono! Open the door! What happened? Kaoru-dono!" I shut my ears and eyes tight not wanting anything to do with this world.

"Go away...." I whispered, but the banging continued. I started shaking all over again. The terror was climbing and clamping my heart together. It hurts. I though I got rid of this feeling once I started being emotionless.

The more I thought about it... the more I trembled strongly. Why was everything coming back to me again? Flashes of unknown scenes started playing from the back of my mind.

"You can't leave us!! Saome! You can't leave Kaoru and me alone! You just can't!" A shrieking voice strained as a shoulder-length hair woman latched herself to a man's leg.

Who are they?

"Get lost woman! We aren't even officially married yet. And how would I know that the little thing you called Kaoru isn't someone's else bastard?" A rough voice reverted through the hallway as he kicked the woman and sent her sprawling on the floor.

Who are you?

"What are you saying? Saome! You know perfectly that she is your blood and flesh! How could you say such horrible words"

Flesh and blood?

"I'm sorry Kaoru... but don't worry... mama will-"

Soundless.... yet I can still see her, those big cinnamon eyes gazing into mine remorsefully.

Say something....


Say something!!


I could see her giving a small child a hug before blotting out of the familiar place. The place... so familiar... where was it?

A sharp pain stabbed my head as I clutched on it tightly. What as this that I was feeling? It hurts! It hurts terribly! I opened my mouth, wanting to shout... but nothing came out, only a small whimper.


Soon, the pounding on the wooden door stopped. The person was gone. And once again... I am left alone.

I lay on the floor as I curled into a ball... what were those? Why don't I understand a word they are saying? Who were they...?

I started crawling slowly to my bed but the agony was too much for me to bear. I collapsed halfway, still clutching my head. When was everything going to end? I stared up at the white ceiling. My eyes wincing at the light that sparkled to my eyes.

One of my hands reached up towards that source of light... the only source of light. My hand trembled as I desperately reached for it.

It was then I realized...

I didn't liked to be alone...

I never like being misunderstood...

I want to have someone to love... someone who would dote on me...

Someone... just someone who will tell me this...

"It's alright to be you... I like you this way."

The needs for assurance that it's all right the way I am... the assurance, the confidence. But god really didn't like me much.

How long is my life going to torment me? How long am I going to stay alone...

How long do I have to wait... before it is my turn to love?

My hand gave way as darkness consumed by mind.

But... but just before I surrendered to the pitch darkness... A warm hand clasped mine tightly. My eyelids struggled to open, to know whose this warmth belong to...

Strength depleted me... I only know of a locket that is hanging around the person's neck and... he had long silky scorching red hair.

Was this person who I thought it was?


Where am I?

My cerulean orbs searched every corner of the big space. I looked down at my feet. A bad feeling's rise as I clenched my fist. Suddenly the solid ground under me started breaking. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

However... it looks like the more I ran, the faster the ground was breaking up. But I didn't dare to slow down my steps. Soon, the soil under me crumpled and I fell down the pit of darkness. I screamed like I never screamed before...

I could see nothing... but my hand reached above my head, hoping to find something to hold on too. A lady's hand suddenly caught onto mine. I could feel on my skin that her skin was flawless. But then she let go again...

Another one held on to mine... but not long after it forsook my hand. It happened again and again. It was then when I realized...

That this was my life...

I was being forsaken again and again till it was a common thing in my life. Not long after the previous one let go of my slender hand. I stopped screaming. I resigned to my fate. What was the use of screaming when no one is there to save you?

I closed my eyes peacefully. No more pain once its over. I could feel the air pressure getting higher as my black tresses tumble about my face. It was then when I feel my whole body started floating and the air resistance seemed to stop my fall. I snapped open my eyes to feel the same warmth. It was comforting. I felt a pair of hands cupping my face and stroke my hair once in a while.

I smiled softly. Pampered... that was what I felt.

"Kaoru-san... wake up..." I obligated slowly as the bright light from my room flickered into my fragile eyes.

Big concern jaded eyes look straight into mine.

"She's awake! Call Sano and Shinomori Sensei NOW!!" Misao prompted the other nurses surrounding me. I turned my head to the side.

"How are you feeling now Kaoru-san?" I didn't reply her, as I stared to the far wall. Who was that who caressed my hair? I can't remember his or her face.

"Jou-chan! How are you feeling right now?" A baritone voice sounded. Sagara Sanosuke. I tore my gaze from the wall... the barrier between me and the outside world.


"Did that carrot-head jerk said something?"

"Sanosuke he has a na-"

"Did that idiot said something?" Sanosuke didn't even wait for Misao to finish her sentence when he asked Kaoru again wanting an answer.

I shook my head.

"Just tell me Jou-chan... If that carrot-top jerk-" It was Misao's turn.

"He has a name dammit! And It's Himura Kenshin!"

"Whatever he's name is, he is going to get it if he hurts her! It makes no difference."

"Himura won't hurt her! He won't even hurt an ant!"

"People can be deceiving!"


"What?! You demon weasel girl!"

Their quarrels are always so cute and funny at times. I smiled lightly. But today, I wanted to be quiet for a moment.

"Sano-san... he didn't hurt me. Can you help me tell him sorry?" I looked at Sanosuke who gave me a reluctant look. But after seeing my smile, he agreed nevertheless.

"Misao-san... can I have my medicine? I think I want to have a rest for the whole day. Don't feel too good." I admitted to her, she nodded and scampered off to get my medicine.

"Jou-chan... You sure you feel alright?" I gave a gentle nod. I felt a big hand ruffling my already messy hair.

"Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you. You suffered enough as a child." I stared at him intently. My over-protective brother. Sagara Sanosuke. How could I ever forget about him. I smiled again.

"You should keep your smile there. You look better with it." Sanosuke praised me as I blushed slightly.

For that moment. I wonder if my smile affected my guardian angel. Did he like my smile too?

Soon Misao came back with my medicine. I took them obediently and snuggled back into my blanket.

My heavy eyelids coaxed me to sleep. Today was a rough day indeed. A sense of disappointment tugged my heart.


Maybe... maybe it's because he wasn't the first one who I saw once I woke up. Was he really my guardian angel.

That night... I dreamt of the same dream again. This time, I caught a glimpse of the person who cuddled me.

Crimson red hair... golden heart shaped locket. The most mesmerizing part was that he had amber eyes. Molten golden amber eyes which gaze so softly into mine. The wings on his back gave me comfort.

Are you my guardian angel?


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen for the slow update...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! YES! Kenshin made an appearance and... kinda made Kaoru's day a worst one... well... we cant let things have their way yet can we ^__^ I hope all of you like this chappie 2!!! ^^ R&R ne! THANKS!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Inu-kag :: Thanks a lot for the review... i appreciate it ^^ esp since you are the first... ^__^ Here's the next chap... i hope you'll enjoy it... ^__^