Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Prologue: The Day You Went Away ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Okay this is my first try at a really good (or so I want it to be) story in Rurouni Kenshin. Also I would like to mention that I do not own Rurouni Kenshin because a stupid little bird told me so. Now, the purpose of this story is to show a sort of alternate universe of Okita, everyone knows what happens to Okita and that he dies from tuberculosis. It is said that he died at age 25 but I am going to make a tad-bit longer. We know that he has tuberculosis and he fights along side with Saitou, but what about other things in his life that we never knew about. Did he have any relationships or family, and did he ever think about getting married? Well in this story, I take all of this into consideration and I truly hope that you enjoy my story. Any material that seems the same from any other stories is just a mere coincidence.

* * * * * *

Where Are You Now?

Prologue: The Day You Went Away

* * * * * *

`Tears of silence rage within, friendship forever, love a sin. Windows looking out, yet never in. Loneliness is naught, but a silent kin. Lies of truth buried deep. Rocking softly in mothered sleep. Prayers to God for endless keep yet none will come for those who weep. A death awaits a meery path, entering a stale waters bath. De-educating one of simple math brought a feeling of tortured wrath. Deeds were done and swallowed past, life can go so very, very fast. Leaving life alone and felling last, clinging to loves hopeless mast. Laments called upon the night, drawing a close from the light. Lovers drawn together tight, yet Loneliness is what most fight...' -April Zumwalt

* * * * * *

The trickling rain fell from the soft gray sky and landed onto the wet mushy ground. It had been raining since morning and Aiko's high hopes had fallen just like the sprinkling rain. Quiet drops soothed her longing inner being as she sat restrained on the porch, the place she was unable to leave. Aiko sighed once and stood up gracefully, her dark brown eyes starred out into the now pouring rain, they were not about to show up today. Sighing once more she swiftly turned to the entrance that she had left open when she retreated from her dark cold room.


Aiko turned to face the young and vulnerable Takara, the youngest sibling of the well-known family. Her face seemed to fill with sadness when finally realizing that their beloved father would not be showing his stern face tonight. Takara was the spitting image of their father, she had the strength, the courage, and the looks of him except she was a female and he was a male. Aiko's eyes looked away from her little sister and walked inside the cold room. Her bright pink kimono slowly turned shadowy, Takara moved quickly to the doorway and stepped in. Her small hands and arms embraced her sister's legs and hugged them tightly burying her face into the soft cotton kimono.

* * * * * *

The silence of the giant wooden room was broken when a harsh coughing and hacking sound came from the back. Saitou turned his head slightly toward the exhaling Okita who sat restrained on the floor; his mouth covered by his shaky hands and his eyes harshly closed together. Soon uncovering his mouth only to reveal a few drops of blood on his hands, Saitou's eyes narrowed and starred at the now trembling Okita. The boy sat quietly just like before and rested his eyes, sighing once and exhaling the warm air, he let his hand lay comfortably on his left leg. Saitou watched as the Captain of the first squad fell into a tranquil sleep.

`The disease is getting worse.' Saitou thought that as he starred at the wooden floor, his arms crossed tightly and his sword stayed tucked to his side. The once strong fifteen year old boy named Okita had now fallen deathly ill and the illness would soon devour him.


"Aiko more swiftly this time!" Yelled the general of the Shinsengumi, who sat on the patio of the gigantic house. Standing next to him was Saitou who talked business with General Kondo and Okita who stood by Saitou's side and watched Aiko. She gasped for air and smiled greatly making her father grin back.

"Yes father."

"Which means the Hitokiri Battousai will be in Kyoto next week." Saitou exclaimed and turned his head to the now interesting Okita who now kept his eyes from not wandering.


Okita woke up quickly by the sudden urge to cough his head jerked forward and his hand rose promptly to once again shield his mouth. Saitou starred back at Okita, this time worried for his sake and well being. The next day they will surely return to General Kondo's house once again and drop Okita off, Saitou could no longer bear to see Okita suffering like this. Okita looked up at his worried master and wanted to question him when instantaneously he coughed even harder than before. Okita soon leaned forward with his hand pressed tightly against his face; Saitou grabbed his shoulder and helped him up. No, they weren't waiting until morning, they were leaving now.

"We're leaving." commanded Saitou as he stood up, soon looking towards him with confused expressions the few that were still awake knocked on their partners heads to awake them. Okita did not move however he just sat there, leaned over like before.

"Okita, we're moving out now. I hope that's fine with you." Said Saitou in a very calm tone, closing his eyes and leaning against the wall he soon heard his young companion speak.

"Yes, but I don't think I can move at this very moment."

Saitou instantaneously looked down at Okita and soon kneeled right by him, he grabbed Okita's shoulder gently and moved him up a little. In no time at all, Saitou could see that the hand that Okita was coughing in had an unusually amount of blood in it this time, Saitou gasped. Speedily grabbing Okita's left arm and wrapping it around his neck he pulled Okita up and walked to the door. Edo wasn't far from here, surely they would be able to make it there in time.

* * * * * *

The fresh air of the summer rain seemed inescapable to Aiko as she slowly opened her heavy eyes to her still dark room. A gentle soft breathing sound came from the side of her and the small eight-year-old child known to be her little sister slept quietly huddled by her. Kondo, their father, the leader of the Shinsengumi, had left on a trip to Kyoto for some unknown reasons. It seemed that he had become even stricter after their mother died giving birth to Takara.

Aiko felt the spell of sleep wash over her once again and easily fell back asleep until a dreadful sound came from outside. She immediately rose to sit up, waking her sound asleep sister she crawled out of bed. Her body still seeming tired she stumbled towards the long awaited door. Her shaking hands opened the shoji and in the distance was a blue and black blur. Aiko squinted her eyes, and then when finally able to see the blur far away from her she gasped. It was the Shinsengumi and father, who walked unhappily towards the house. But there was something wrong with this picture, where was Okita, where was her friend. They walked forward and then when she had tried to look at what had happened, one of the lower ranked soldiers had pushed her back.

"Hey!" Aiko yelled and got up through all of the commotion.

"Take him this way Saitou!" Muttered Kondo as he pointed down the hall, his face full of concern for his weakened comrade. He looked at his bewildered daughter who stood there full of confusion. He walked forward and put his hand on his thirteen-year-old daughter's head and gently rubbed it.

"Aiko, try to stay away from all of this and keep your sister away from this as well."

She tried to speak, her mouth had opened but nothing had came out, knowing that it would be better not to talk back and simply nodded. Kondo stood up and walked away from his very tired and confused child. Though her father had told her not to, she had to. She had to know what was going on, slipping through many narrow halls that mainly created the mansion that she lived in. Soon hearing many voices she stopped in her tracks and silently listened.

"How much longer does he have Doctor?"

"I can only give you a guess and that is about a month."

(Coughing occurs)

"His tuberculosis is getting worse by every day he coughs."

"Kondo, how will we break the news to your daughter."

"She doesn't-" (Coughing continues) "she doesn't have to know about it." Aiko knew this muffled voice, it was..........No! It couldn't have been him; it couldn't have been Okita-san.

"Please young man, try to get some rest."

"Yes, you have to regain your energy so you can tell the girl yourself." Came the stern voice of Captain Saitou.

"I told you." (Cough, cough) "she doesn't have to-" (Cough, hack, wheeze) "know."

"Please Okita lay down, you are not in the right condition to move around."

Hearing the deep tone of her father had scared her, moving her hand to her chest she could feel her heart beat incredibly fast. Her body knew what this meant; Okita was diseased with the most horrible disease that she had just found out about, tuberculosis. Feeling a tear go down her cheek she slowly turned into the darkness. Okita, the boy who always played with her and who always with her was about to die.


Okita sat by the window and watched the stars slowly twinkle above him. A soft cry came from the other side of his door, his head turned and watched it open up slowly only to reveal the sniffing young girl who had her eye covered with her right fist.

"Okita-san, I had a bad dream." She sniffed some more and walked in his room, Okita smiled and opened his arms, the girl soon ran right to him but only to hug him and fall asleep in his warm embrace. (Kay, to give you a little hint the girl is Aiko and she is about eight years old right now.) Her father and mother had left to Kyoto for some personal business and had left Okita to take care of her.

"You know what Aiko?"


"Bad dreams are just dreams that you wish not to face, but if you do face them then you can become stronger then them."

Aiko stared at him half-puzzled and half tired, did he want her to face a dream.

"You're so confusing Okita-san."

She buried her head into his clothing and closed her already heavy eyes.


No, she wouldn't turn away this time, not away from anyone especially from Lord Saitou. Aiko turned a corner and stopped instantly for right in front of her was two cold yellow eyes.

`Well, then again, maybe if it is Lord Saitou.' Giving a weak grin Aiko tried to walk past him but only to soon to be blocked by Saitou's rough hands. The door was right in front of her and yet she was unable to reach it, giving a whimper of defeat Aiko took a few steps backwards and looked up at Saitou's stern face.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Gomen, I just wanted to see Okita-san."

Aiko bowed and turned away to walk back down the lonely dark hallways once again. She couldn't believe it, no matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to see his face, and she was only able to see the Wolf of Mibu's face that truly wasn't very pleasant. Aiko stopped right in front of her sister's door; unable to hear her siblings breathing she grinned greatly. After all she always had to be stuck in this darn mansion, all she could do was explore it and with that she found that there are many ways to get past the yellow-eyed monster. Of course she would have to wait till morning to do this right now all she needed was sleep.

* * * * * *

Morning, the time in the day that he had always loved, though it meant that he was getting closer to his death by the passing minutes. The sun barely illuminating the room he brought his right hand up to his forehead, sighed, and sat up slowly in his futon. Last night was a very painful night, he had coughed non-stop and yet luckily not that much blood came with it. Okita's soft brown eyes stared blankly into nowhere, his ears heard nothing but only that of pure silence.

A sudden distant voice came from outside, "Aiko, go to the training hall I'll meet with you there soon."

"Yes, father."

Okita fell backwards onto his futon once more and threw his arms to the side, he didn't want to get up yet, and he wanted to enjoy his drowsiness a bit more. His eyes closed and he sighed deeply making himself fall half-asleep. Not even noticing that his friend Saitou was opening his shoji. Saitou walked inside and looked at Okita's sleeping face, he grabbed Okita's blankets and pulled them right off. Okita woke up immediately and stared at Saitou's cold face, all he could do was give a cheesy grin.

"Wake up, Boy!" He said and dropped the blankets onto the floor and walked away.

* * * * * *

"More swiftly Aiko!"

"Right." Her face paled, her father was actually training her, and usually it was Okita-san who taught her the art of the Tennen Reshin Ryuu. Kondo must have understood her look when fear struck his daughters young eyes.

"Aiko, never show fear to any opponent understood?"

She blinked a few times and nodded putting on a strong face and held her wooden sword like her father was. Kondo started his attack from his left foot and ran swiftly over to Aiko. She held up her wooden sword in defense as her father forcefully pushed his sword against her, Aiko gasped and fell on her back onto the hard wooden floor. The wooden sword flew in the air and landed by the entrance to the training hall. Hijikata, who happened to be sleeping at the time, only had his head slip from its resting-place due to the slight occurring noise.

"I'll take over now." Came a cheerful voice from where the sword had landed, they both looked only to see the smiling face of Okita. Kondo was shocked and his face became concerned but unlike her father Aiko had a smile on as large as Okita's. He soon nodded his head and walked carefully over to the young man who watched the elder man's eyes. Kondo stopped shortly by Okita's side and whispered to him.

"Are you sure Okita?"

"There's nothing to worry about, she is just a girl."

"That's not what I meant Okita."

With this said Kondo nodded his head and left without any sound once so ever. Aiko watched peacefully as her father left the gigantic room that she was sitting in the middle of. Okita walked in front of her and leaned over her with a grin crossing his face. She noticed and turned her head towards him.

"How can you be so reckless?" Okita asked as he straightened himself up, holding his bokken by his hand and had it hang over his shoulder. Aiko narrowed her eyes and also stood up and held her bokken in front of her.

"What do you mean so reckless, I'd like to see you face my father!" Aiko ran towards Okita holding her weapon to her right side and went to strike at him. Okita swiftly moved out of her way and dodged her attack. Soon stopping in her tracks she quickly turned around and repeated her attack once more. He could only shake his head and simply dodge her attack once more then hit her back with his wooden sword.

"Ow! What did you do that for?!"

"Well, I have to protect myself you know."

Aiko rubbed her head roughly and starred up at the grinning Okita; he was always smiling, his face seemed to cheer up her the toughest of moods……which means Saitou.

* * * * * *

"Captain Saitou, General Kondo wants to speak with you." Hijikata informed as he stood in the doorway of the Shinsengumi headquarters. His gi a dark blue and his hakama's were gray just like the rest of the Shinsengumi's. The sun shone brightly through the doorway making it almost impossible to see what was outside. Saitou, who was leaning against a nearby wall nodded and pushed himself away from it.

Once outside they both walked down the streets of Edo only for a short while. Saitou's destination was very close but far away from the guard's. Kondo was standing behind a post waiting patiently for the captain of the third squad to come. He stopped and turned his back to Kondo leaning up against the post to at least comfort himself.

"What is it General Kondo?"

* * * * * *

Aiko walked slowly down the street, her arms held in front of herself just like a proper lady would do. Okita would always laugh at her for walking like this since she usually disobeyed the concepts on being a lady and always walked down the streets like a boy. That was the Aiko that Okita knew well, not this wait at home for your loved ones to return girl. She had to admit she had changed a lot since the time the Shinsengumi attacked ikade-ya. Her hair was no longer allowed to hang loose without a ribbon so she decided today she would tie her hair back only enough to keep it out of her face.

A slight breeze drifted by the street and some of the people's clothing would rustle in the wind. The markets were always full and children of all ages would fill the street. Men from different clans and women from different statuses would wander around a bit with a man. Aiko should've had someone come with her but the only person who wasn't busy was Harada Sanosuke, the Captain of the tenth squad of the Shinsengumi.

Suddenly, a voice caught her off guard and she looked towards the direction it was coming from. Her eyes grew wide and her breath was cut off. It was her father and Captain Saitou who were both talking but were not facing each other. She leaned in closer to hear what they were saying and soon she wished she didn't.

"We're leaving for Kyoto tomorrow, tell your troops to get ready."

Aiko froze; they were leaving……tomorrow? Her hands pushed away from the post that she had encountered a second ago and ran as fast as she could back home.

`No, they can't leave! Can't leave tomorrow!'

Aiko shook her head in disbelief, tears now making their way down her soft cheeks. They had just came back and Okita had just recovered but he can't leave yet. Then, realizing what she was thinking, she stopped and shook her head to bring her back to reality.

`What am I saying? Why am I being so selfish?'

She shadowed her eyes and continued walking; her hand rose to wipe the now drying tears. Her figure soon disappears into the rumbling crowd of Edo.

* * * * * *

Night, the time of day that seems best for predators, but also seemed to scare children as if itself was a predator. The stars twinkled with such delight, ever so often a firefly would pass by his face and he could feel the warm glow it possessed. Warm, the fireflies were always free to roam about and do what the pleased, if he were to stay still, very still, one would actually land on him. The creek's waters so very gentle, and the night so very quiet.

Okita fell back onto the grassy ground, his eyes soon scanning the endless blanket of sparkling dots. His arms held up above his head, resting from a hard day of practice. So many people, could he protect so many people in his state? Could he live through this war? He had no answers, his skills could not provide it and the people around him could not provide it.

Footsteps, small childlike footsteps were coming towards him. Okita sat back up and turned his head slowly as if to see another predator of the night, but only he saw the now thirteen-year-old girl named Aiko. Aiko means kindness, and through her whole life she has proved that her mother was absolutely correct.

"Okita may I ask you something?"

"At this time of night? Well it must be important if you want to talk to me now of all times."

A small smile crossed his face, expecting that her grim features would as well seem happy. Aiko displayed any happiness though; a smile must not have wanted to return to her soon making Okita's smile fall.

"Aiko what's wrong?"

"Father said that you and the other troops would be leaving for Kyoto."

"So ka? Well there's nothing I can really do about it, I am a member of the Shinsengumi."

Okita's smile came once again, this time making him seem a little more passionate about the whole comment. Ever since this conversation began, the night seemed even more still, the fireflies now no longer moved and the creek no longer made the peaceful sound. Aiko's head lowered she felt like crying. How was she going to say this to him, a twenty-four year old man whom never cries?

Aiko tried to exhale slowly calming her inner being that wanted to badly to run away. She returned her gaze to Okita who now just sat and watch the glowing fireflies.



Okita looked back at the confused girl, he could tell that something was bothering her. What it was he certainly could not tell.

"Okita…" her voice began to drop, "don't pretend anymore, I know you have tuberculosis."

It felt as if he were just slapped in the face, as if someone had knocked the wind right out of him. How had she found out about it? Okita looked back down at the grass, how could he talk to her, how could he say that everything was going to be alright when in truth everything wasn't going to be. A long silence went between the both of them, Okita watching the firefly's absentmindedly and Aiko, who now sat right by him, stared at the nightly grass.

"Okita, how many times did you get to see fireflies in Kyoto?"

"Well, usually there are fireflies in spring and summer, right in those times. They are quite beautiful over there in Kyoto Aiko, to bad I am not able to take you to such a place."

Okita sighed, a slight vision appeared in his head. There he was, standing in the middle of a mess of blood. Blood on him, his sword held in his right hand and his face seemed shadowed by the darkness of the day. Bodies laying torn all around him, some in a heap, and yet…….and yet, a firefly floated around him so peacefully.

"Well, Aiko shall we leave back to the mansion?"

Standing up and holding his hand in front of her, he still smiled, even though he had been figured out, he smiled to keep the rest of the soldiers happy. It was the least that he could possibly do since he failed to protect that one person. Aiko looked up; her face was still moistened do to all the silent tears she had cried. Something about his smile though made her feel warm inside and Aiko couldn't help but to return the warm smile that she herself possessed. Soon she stood and they both walked away, silently and peacefully, like the fireflies themselves.

* * * * * *

"Captain Okita, its time to inform the men." Said the harsh voice of Saitou who leaned on the nearby wall that was closest to Okita. The man sat comfortably in front of a lantern that lit up his very dark room.

* * * * * *

"The reason I speak to you tonight is a reason we all must know or have figured. We have fought for the sake of the Shouganate, and many of our allies and soldiers just like you have fought in this era and died in this revolution by the hands of many men hoping for a new era that we must not allow. The most dangerous of these men is the Hitokiri Battousai, the assassin who had reappeared only a short time ago. During the ikeda-ya affair we may have destroyed his clan but the Battousai still lingers in Kyoto and has joined the imperial army. I warn you all now, you may not live through this battle, but I assure you that we will win this war for the sake of Japan!"

All of the men rose their arms into the air, with a captain like Okita what could possibly happen. Saitou walked up to Okita and stood by his side. Okita looked extremely tired and pale, Saitou knew exactly what was going to happen when he returned to his room.


"No, it's fine."

Okita smiled that same damn smile he had been giving since he learned of his disease. He had to admit though; Okita was a lot stronger then he was, not in physical strength but in mental. Okita had the true heart of a samurai and that was that, nothing would stand in his way and stop him from his ideals, not even a stubborn disease like tuberculosis could ever stop him.

* * * * * *

What a cold part of night it was, Aiko usually slept through the whole night but this time it seemed different, why did she just wake up? She sat up in bed and rubbed her tired eyes, when quick suddenly it seemed that a pack of animals just came by the mansion. `A pack of animals? A pack of……..' Aiko thundered out of her bed and opened the shoji; there of about to turn the gate was all the troops needed for battle in Kyoto. Also they needed one person, who happened to be captain of the first squad Soushi Okita.

Aiko ran out onto the engawa, her voice was stuck and her hands were held close to her heart. There they went right behind the gate that always kept her from leaving her confined fortress. A few minutes passed and then she was able to break her frozen spell. She leaped of the engawa and ran as hard as she could until she made it to that one gate. When she peered around the gate, everyone was long gone. Okita had left her without saying goodbye.


A few raindrops come and go.


Some more drop.


The rain started to pour on the poor little girl soon making her drenched with water. Aiko fell to her knees, tears now rolling down her face as hard as the rain, her small hands clenched the ground beneath her and she screamed once more.


* * * * * *

One week later……

Blood and guts splattered over the landscape, it was a actually very strange. Instead of the Shinsengumi getting their prey in came and got them. Many of the men had already died on both sides and the sky resembled that of blood. Along the men fought Saitou who was about to use his gatotsu. His left arm held back and his right in front of him resting on his blade. Suddenly, a slight cry of pain came through the battlefield. Usually Saitou wouldn't care but this time it sounded different, oh well it was probably just another pathetic man dying.

Okita fell back onto the ground, his left arm bleeding uncontrollably. He looked up at the shadowed figure above him, but soon returned by letting out a hiss of pain. His right hand clutching the wound tightly as he held his sword.

"I never thought I'd be able to annihilate the captain of the first squad like this."

The man held up his sword above his head and lunged it downwards to slice the little mans chest open but Okita soon released his wound and parried it with his sword. This man was strong, even while Okita was standing; it felt as if he was going to be crushed right under him. Before long Okita felt something very odd, he was moving backwards. He couldn't stop himself; the man was so strong in his strength that he was able to push him backwards.

Okita fell down once more, and finally noticed what the man was trying to accomplish. He was trying to push Okita off a nearby cliff that happened to be an inch or two away from Okita's head. He lifted his sword once more and came down upon Okita's. This time, Okita rose his leg under the man's stomach and pushed him backward along with Okita himself. The evil man fell from the cliff, and Okita held on for dear life. He arm was bleeding horribly now and the pain felt like that two swords had sliced him.

His hand weakened and soon slipped off the muddy earth, the earth that had been soaked by heavens tears; he fell to the rapid waters underneath him and disappeared down the river. His uniform however, stayed behind; it had been caught by a branch in the river and now itself hung on for its own dear reputation. Okita Soushi, first captain of the Shinsengumi, had fallen to his death.

Cherry Blossoms, the smell was gone, maybe it was covered by the smell of blood. No, even the most pungent of blood could not over power the scent of a cherry blossom. Saitou stopped momentarily what he was doing, observing every little detail of the battlefield. It seemed everything was fine, until something snapped in his mind. Okita, cherry blossoms, no matter how many times he tried to get rid of the smell, he forever smelled of them. But, the endless smell of strong cherry blossoms was gone, nothing but the smell of sweat and blood.

A final slash through another victim of the enemies fell, and again, the Shinsengumi won one more battle for the Tokogawa Shouganate. Saitou walked over to the cliff and stared down into the vicious river. Sure enough, a blue uniform hung by a branch was down there. His friend, Okita had been killed.

* * * * * *

Aiko sat in the middle of her dark room, her soul seemed isolated by the rest of the world. Her face was as white as porcelain and her hair draped down around her facial features. There in her room she had stayed for three days straight since the time that the Shinsengumi had left. She wouldn't budge even for dinner, or for her father's calls. Her body was lifeless and felt as if it were a feather being carried down to river of time.


"Aiko, please do eat, you are still a growing young lady."

The little girl looked up at her beautiful mother, who had on one of the most caring smiles that; no man or woman could possibly give. Her eyes were as well a deep brown and her ebony hair tied up into a bun, which was held by a beady pin.


"Aiko, come and eat please." Came the shrilling little voice of her younger sibling. Feeling strength come back to her body, Aiko rose to her feet and turned to the shoji. Her hand went to grab the wooden panel and soon pulled it open slowly. She walked out of her room without even glancing at Takara but only staring into the long hallway of the mansion that happened to lead straight to the dinning room.

When she finally arrived, she sat down and shut her eyes bowing her head only enough for her father to no longer see her troubled eyes. The maid walked in and laid down a tray of what was to eat for tonight, in other words, rice. Aiko grabbed her bowl and began to eat slowly and gracefully. Kondo stared at his eldest daughter only for a moment before he slammed the bowl on the table making both Takara and Aiko jump in fear. Aiko knew what this was about, she could only tell by the stern look on his face and for Takara to hear this would make her cry.

"Yes father."

"He did have to go to Kyoto."

"Father I never asked of you the reason why he left, I already knew. Even though you of all people should realize that his condition is not the brightest."

"Aiko, you were not snooping around other's business's were you?"

"No, father I overheard that night that you and the soldiers came back."

"Aiko, never again will you disobey my commands!"

What was this feeling that was sweeping over her body, it felt as if both her lungs and stomach were burning up. Suddenly, unable to control her body, Aiko slammed the bowl of rice onto the table just as her father did, rice flying over the table.

"I am not your soldiers father, I am your daughter!"

"And as my daughter you should know your place like a rightful young lady!"

Both their voices seemed to be the same level of intensity. Aiko with her disagreement with Okita leaving and Kondo with his will to protect Japan but disagreement of his daughter's actions. She had choked at his last statement, was she not a graceful young lady like her mother. Her hands shaking on the rice bowl, she slowed her breathing and bowed her head once again, removing her gaze with her father.

A distant sound came from the back of the mansion which made Kondo jerk up. Many footsteps were coming their way, coming to the dining room and without any hesitation, the shoji to the dining room was quickly opened. In the doorway stood Captain Saitou, with his sword sheathed and another damp uniform in his left hand. Kondo sat back down onto the mat, and by the look on Saitou's face, he could tell someone had been killed.

"Captain Saitou, you gave me a scare. I thought you were the Hitokiri Battousai attacking my mansion. The mission went well I presume."

"Aa. Very well except we were not able to kill the Battousai again."

"So ka? Well what happened?"

"We were attacked by a troop of Ishinshishi."

By now Saitou had come to sit at the end of the table and began giving out the details of the battle, completely leaving out the details of Okita. Aiko began to puzzle the uniform that Saitou had long ago set aside. The uniform seemed rather familiar, wait every uniform looked the same, exactly the same as a matter of fact. Takara sat more closely by Aiko and held onto the oldest ones sleeve. Her concentration was fully on Captain Saitou and their father.

"And the uniform, who does it belong to?"

Without any delaying, Saitou said the one thing that Aiko was not ready to hear. She tried to keep her breathing normal but it was no longer controllable.

"Okita has perished General Kondo."

It felt as if Aiko was being suffocated, at that one moment Aiko couldn't breath. Tears now jerked at her burning eyes, and she could feel her mouth go dry. Okita, who was basically with her since she was born was………….dead.

* * * * * *

January 4, 1868

(First Year of Meiji)

* * * * * *



Struggling against the men who held her, Aiko jerked around trying her hardest to release herself from their hold.

"Be silent!"

Holding his sword over her head the man gripped her hair tighter and yanked her away from the dock. Letting out a painful cry Aiko fell onto her back, the uniform that she wore now spread across the wet dirt of winter.

"Leave her alone she is only a child." Came a deep voice.

Aiko opened her eyes painfully and tried to regain her sight.

"But Himura! She wears a Shinsengumi uniform."

"Who cares, she's an innocent girl leave her alone."

Then she saw him, a man with red hair and yellow eyes. (If I were still in love with Kenshin I'd probably be saying right now :: Red hair yellow eyes :: ) Before she could do anything more, she was kicked in the head, her eyesight finally losing itself and her eyes soon rolled up into her head making her go unconscious.

* * * * * *

AN: HEHE you can so tell that I got tired of writing this chap. GOD it took me so long to do this, and it will probably take me longer to do the next. Well, anyway, I hoped you liked my story so far, cause I really did try to do this well. I'll do all the character notes and replies next chapter. Now do me a grand favor and of course review my delightful story Thank have a nice day! TEE HEE !! ^-^

Fanfic by ione_girl