Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 6: Feelings Within ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Yeah we all know what happened……

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Where Are You Now?

Chapter 6: Feelings Within

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Her heart leapt, urgency working up in her chest as she jumped from branch to branch. Her long black hair kept up in a high ponytail; her once dark purple facemask now hung around the bottom of her neck. Narrowed brown eyes searched each sign the forest, a broken branch or a stick that had been shown most of the members of the Art of Phoenix the way back to the campsite. Qi jumped high back into the sky, some feet above the treetops; she was getting close to her hiding spot. Dark gray smoke rose into the sky, a huge clearing of buildings and huts lined the inside of it.

Legs tucked in, she landed on top of one of the straw huts, her hand folded down and held onto the wood under her. If her father could only see her now, see her jump higher than he had ever achieved, he would be proud of his daughter. Qi's eyes closed and she took one deep breath to relieve her of the stress that had build itself upon her feminine body. A short boy, more than likely Mareo, was doing his best on coming up the ropes to meet her.

"Qi you're back!"

"What, leader has returned?"

"Really, I thought that she would've been captured!"

"Hey, leader couldn't be captured even if she wanted to be!"

The distant voices kept on coming, each one of them amazed and some were happy, this was the place that she would always come back to. The morning sun casting itself upon their camp, trees making their long dark shadows. Qi slipped her legs from under her, sliding down the hut and landing onto the raised walkway that stood high above the ground. The wooden floor barely even shook as she gracefully landed.

"Long, where are you Long?!"

The tall silent Chinese man began to walk out of the hut, which she had landed on just a few moments ago. Long was the usual Chinese man, a long braid of ebony coming out of his full head of hair. He had shown feelings for her in the past, but all that he really calls her is-

"What do you want Japanese wench?"

At the moment she really didn't care on what he called her, she didn't even care if he ganged up on her and tried to kill her. She just stared at him, using such a ki that it would make him uneasy under it.

"I want you to gather all of the clan in the main house, there is something I'd like to discuss."

Long just stared at her, scanning every bit of her essence around him, his black eyes not moving from her face, cold stone eyes. Qi raised an eyebrow, it seemed as if the words had gone in through one ear and out the other. She began to walk forward and his eyes never left her face, her brown pools couldn't have narrowed anymore than what they already were. Long lowered his eyes to the engawa, and the moment he did he could feel an ice-breaking punch hit his jaw. Immediately he began to fall backwards, blood falling down onto his shirt and onto the old wood under him, coursing painfully in his mouth and making its way down his cheek.

"When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it!"

Her voice could've broken his eardrums if it were just a little louder, he looked up at his leader, her stare resembled the look of the former leader of the Art of Phoenix, a true Chinese warrior. Qi wasn't a warrior, no, she was just a ninja with no sense on what's going on around her. She stared down at him just as she would with a disgusting insect, arms kept loosely at her sides, her head slightly tilted forward and her eyes seemed like thin slots of with and dark brown.

"Yes, leader."

Long stood up to his feet used his shirt to wipe off all the excess blood that had gone down his slim cheek. Holding onto his jaw with his other hand, he retreated back to the far away ground below them, not even bothering on looking back at Qi. Just as he slid down the rope which hung off a nearby tree branch, she let out a long deep sigh of relief. Her muscles loosened arms and neck almost going limp right then and there.

"What am I going to do with him, the son of the former leader, why did I take this position and not he?"

"I think you're great!"

Qi's eyes blinked a few times as she stared over at the nine-year-old boy who stood with the biggest admiring smile that he could bring up. Mareo was the only little boy that she could think of that actually looked up to her…….now that she thought about it, he was the only one who actually looked up to her in all of her life.

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Fujita Residence

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This wasn't right, it just didn't seem right to be kissed by this man, to be loved by this man. Her free hand still stuck in utter shock of the moment, her eyes closed and her lips appeared to enjoy every second of it. Waves of emotion drifting through her body ever instant, her wrist still remaining in his grip. Her body loved this feeling, but was this really right to be with this man?

What in all Heaven's just came over him, one second he was laughing at her then the next he was doing this. His body didn't want to move, he just wanting to have this feeling forever, but why? This woman was just a friend to him, a little sister perhaps but here he was kissing her delicate lips. Okita didn't wish to move back and soon he wouldn't have to, he could soon feel a hand on his chest gently pushing him back. As they separated themselves from each other, they reopened their eyes to look finally at each other. It was a sweet and tender moment until Aiko cracked a smile, her eyes looking up into Okita's.

"You know I still have a crick in my neck."

Okita's smile came into view very quickly, closing his eyes once more; his head went forward into her left shoulder. Nudging his way into the soft kimono, a smell overturned him, the smell of freshly picked flowers. He felt Aiko's hand slip right out of his grasp but instead went up his arm, barely pushing down onto his dark blue gi. Then, out of no where a hand began to lie right around him. Once again, disturbance came when something called out making Okita jump up and Aiko sit like a lady once more.

"Aiko, could you be as so kind as helping me."

Both Aiko and Okita gave a small sigh of relief; at least the person hadn't seen what was happening. He looked over at the now standing Aiko who proceeded to the hallway back to the kitchen. Right now, if he were with anyone from the Shinsengumi, all of their mouths would have dropped wide open on what he had just done.

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Grabbing the rag and twisting it once more to release all of the unneeded water, she went to her knees to put the tan colored rag to the already sparkling floor. Washing the floor the hard way wasn't so amusing, al you had to do was stroke the towel back and forth on the floor, she'd do it the way she was taught, but with Tokio by her side also cleaning the floor she didn't even dare do it. Tokio would laugh, saying that she still needed to learn some things to be a woman.

"I'm all done here."

Tokio raised herself along with the bucket that she was currently using and gave a big sigh, looking down at the still working hard Aiko; she couldn't help but laugh. To Aiko though, it sounded so much like a wicked laugh, maybe that's why Saitou loves Tokio……. A far off thought of Saitou and Tokio first meeting in the marketplace, Tokio laughing at someone's comment and Saitou going heart shaped eyed on her. Her little vision popped, if Saitou had fallen in love with her at first site then Aiko really knew that she was an empress of Japan.

"Go ahead."


Aiko returned her stunned look up to Tokio, who was smiling down at her, today Tokio was wearing normal housewife clothing, an apron kept around the front side of her and her hair. Aiko could tell that Tokio had woken up and put her hair up just so that in wouldn't get in her face, so naturally, it was a mess.

"You know what I mean, go ahead and do what you do best."


`Did she see Okita and I this morning?'

Now Aiko seemed to be sweating all over, how had she'd known about the whole thing already? Tokio noticed that the younger woman appeared to be very distressed if not confused so she gave up on hiding the truth and told her right then and there.

"What I mean is go ahead and wash the floor your way, I am pretty sure it is a lot easier for you, am I correct?"

Another sigh of relief broke the silence of the fairly large room, good Tokio didn't know what Aiko and that other man were doing…….

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Some where

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All of their feet pounded on the floor, each ninja trained himself to the very highest that he could achieve. A long room filled with pants of air, raging noises, and an Okashira who appeared to be the least bit happy. That man knew where she was going off to, he had seen her jump into the night sky and disappear without a trace, and he knew which direction to head in next. One thing was for sure, that man would certainly find this campsite.

Qi sat cross-legged on the floor and her hands gripped her knees, she didn't care what was in front of her, she only cared for what was following her here. Immediately Qi stood up, the fact of protecting her clan was her highest priority, and each one of these people was almost like her family, the family that abandoned her long ago. There may have been a bunch of noises but the most odd one could knock off one of the ninja's, as if it were instinct, each one looked into their angry leader's prone.

As she began to walk forward, each and every one of them moved from their present spot to get out of her way. The last thing that they wanted was to be lying on the floor nearly dead from all the brutal punches and high kicks that their Okashira could fathom. The room grew very quiet as Qi proceeded to leave for the corridor; not a single man made a sound.

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Qi grabbed the only available clothing that she had and began to undress; slipping off mudded clothing, which was very torn, revealing her soft and delicate skin. She couldn't believe this, how in all Hell's did he survive the last and final days of the Tokogawa Shogunate? It just didn't add up for her, the very fact that he was standing there quite alright and still the same as back then just made her more angrier than before. Proceeding to snap the last button, she began to feel like the younger her, an apprentice under the care of a great man. Blue and yellow, only two colors and really no design but they brought back the fondest of memories.

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Exhausted from the morning's chores, Aiko quietly made her way back to her room. Her clothes stuck to her body as she debate going and taking a bath. Knowing the answer would most likely be a `no', there were still many chores to do around the small residence, Aiko resigned herself to a short nap.

Aiko softly padded along the wooden hallway, her only thoughts being on if she wanted to waste the extra time getting undressed for bed or just passing out as she was. Eyes watched the ground before her as she listened to the soft sounds the floorboards made as she passed over top of them. Then quite suddenly she was looking at them from a closer angle.

"Oof!" The unknown person said softly as Aiko bounced off of them and fell backward.

Two arms were quickly around her waist, stopping her decent to the floor below.

"Are you alright?"

Aiko felt her stomach bottom out and hundreds of butterflies take hold as she turned to look into the smiling eyes of the man she loved. Flashbacks from that very morning rushed her, the gentleness of his kisses, the erratic flutter of his hands against her shoulders and back and the wondrous feeling of knowing he felt the same way for her.

"I am fine, thank you Okita."

Aiko couldn't pull herself away from his eyes, she watched helplessly amazed at the flurry of emotions that flashed before her. Everything from humor to possibly love to something Aiko had never seen: something intense, powerful and utterly fascinating. She was captivated and alarmed at the same time, trapped and yet free. Words formed in her mind that never passed her lips, all she could do was watch helplessly and wonder at the feeling growing inside her.

Okita never knew what possessed him to do what he did that warm afternoon, he had merely meant to catch her, to stop her from falling and yet had ended up holding her in his arms gazing down into her dark eyes. From the moment their eyes locked and the curious expression crossed her doll like features, Okita had lost contact with his brain. He was running on auto pilot, completely oblivious to everything going on around him. All that mattered was the young woman in his arms and the want that shot straight up his spine before settling in his lower regions.

He was on fire. A small part of him was suddenly afraid this was the beginning of another one of his attacks, but when he didn't begin to cough his mind turned wickedly southward. Her small breaths spurred the next course of actions as he broke eye contact and trailed his gaze to her mouth. Such a beautiful mouth, small pouty lips slightly parted as she breathed unevenly. His memory of the way they felt against his own sent another spark of desire shooting through his body. Before he could stop himself, Okita had lowered his lips to hers and was kissing her slowly. Her small body went suddenly stiff as his lips touched hers, yet loosened up gradually as he continued his gentle assault on her lips. Her arms tentatively wrapped around his neck bringing her body closer to his, causing Okita to deepen the kiss by gently probing the outline of her lips with his tongue until her mouth opened slightly. He quickly took the opportunity and plunged his tongue into her mouth, tasting the miso soup she had had for breakfast and something that was uniquely her.

Aiko's breathy moan was his undoing as the rational part of his brain reappeared and began to voice its opinion. `This is wrong! Not only are you much too old for her, you are a dead man! You will never be able to give her the life she wants!'

With a resigned sigh, Okita pulled away and rested his forehead against Aiko's as he desperately tried to get his breathing under control. For a while he simply allowed himself the comfort of the knowledge that the kiss had affected her the same as him. Her small pants of breathe leveling out as she leaned against his solid form. Grabbing the last remaining shreds of control he had, Okita stepped away from Aiko, his eyes still portraying his passion while the rest of his body looked passive and unaffected.

"Aiko, forgive me."

His words were softly spoken and Aiko suddenly felt as if she had lost something. Without the warmth of his body she felt oddly cold and unprotected and was suddenly afraid of what he would think of her. Her heart was still racing wildly within her chest as she unconsciously lifted her fingers to her lips.

"Its alright, you have nothing to be sorry for."

Okita fought the instant flare of passion that shot through him with her innocent gesture. His mind's opinion flared to life once more as it mocked him, `See! Innocent, young, virile all the things you are not!' With the last ounce of strength he possessed, Okita quickly threw his cheerful mask on, smiled softly and in a slightly tense voice spoke.

"Well then, I will see you later." And with one last small smile he quickly walked away. Leaving a stunned Aiko to stare at the now empty spot where he had once been.

Aiko tried o shake the feeling of dread that washed over her, she tried to hold back the tears that were now threatening to spill, she tried to reason with herself that she was acting silly and her tears were for nothing. And yet she found herself rushing down the rest of the hallway, hands covering her tear streaked face crying herself silly. Later she would tell herself off for the fool she had acted, later she would put on her blank mask and act as if nothing was wrong, but for right now she grieved. For what, she really had no idea, but for now she let the tears fall, let them heal her heart and ease her mind, and before too long Aiko had fallen asleep. Curled up in a tight little ball, huddled beneath the warm blankets, hiding from the world and one man, Okita.

One lone light flared every so often before being enveloped in a haze of smoke. Behind this light a tall man closed his narrowed eyes and with a wistful smirk, snorted softly to himself. Obviously Okita hadn't learned how to deal with women during those past ten years, and it seemed it was time he gave Okita some advice.

With one last puff on the cigarette, the man stepped out of the shadows and headed toward the delicious smell coming from his wife's cooking.

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It was dark when Okita arrived back at the Fujita residence, his mind not any clearer than when he had left. A small smile touched his lips as he thought over his current situation. What in the world was he thinking? Not only had he kissed Aiko once, but twice! And the second kiss had been a wee bit more intense than he had expected. Leaving him in a very uncomfortable position, one that if he hadn't ended when he did Kami only knows what would have happened next.

Okita stepped onto the engawa; his footsteps hushed as he slowly made his way to his room. It was late; he was tired both physically and emotionally he needed to get some sleep. Arms held behind his back, he softly hummed a tune as he turned the last corner to his room and stopped.

Eyebrow raised and cheeky grin in place Okita greeted the tall, lithe man standing before the door to his room.

"Saitou-kun, I hate to break your heart, but you're just not my type."

A small red light flared slightly as the taller man smoked his arched brow the only outward sign he had heard Okita's comment.

"We need to talk."

Okita's smile lessened as he nodded his head, "Hai, hai, I know. I was waiting for you to come and try to talk some sense into this old man."

"Hn," Old indeed.

Leaning against the wall opposite Saitou, Okita crossed his arms over his chest and waited, the twinkle in his eye gone but the smile remained.

Taking one long draw from his cigarette, Saitou carelessly flicked the ashes on to the floorboards. Causing Okita to regain his twinkle instantly as he commented softly, "I thought Tokio had forbidden you to smoke in the house?"

Saitou merely smirked as he tossed the butt to the floor and stomped out the small fire. His eyes never leaving Okita's as he regarded the smaller man carefully.

Okita quickly remembered what Saitou was trying, he was trying to read him before attempting to offer any `words of wisdom' to him. Helpless to stop the onslaught of distrust that filled his heart, Okita sighed and drew his hands against his eyes.

"Saitou, I tire of this, just tell me what you will and leave me be." Okita's voice was suddenly older and sterner, not at all like the soft laughter that could always be heard as he spoke.

"Do you love her?"

Okita chuckled. Blunt and always straight to the point, Saitou had never changed.

"Weather or not I love her is irrelevant. I carry a curse within my body that will someday consume me, I can not place that on her shoulder's it is mine to bare and bare alone." Okita rubbed his tired eyes once more, his voice a steady whisper as he answered Saitou's question.

"That's nice to hear, but you didn't answer my question. Do. You. Love. Her."

Okita never thought he would ever find the day he would glare at the man standing so calmly before him. But today seemed to be his day as he tossed the dirtiest look he could muster Saitou's way.

"I can't love her."

"If you could, would you?"

"What's the purpose, I can't."

"So you do love her."

"That's not the point!"

"You're an idiot." Saitou pulled another cigarette from the pack in his pocket and lit it as he smirked around the cigarette in his mouth. He gazed at the fuming little man before him, Okita Soushi was mad, peeved, pissed to holy hell. Did wonders never cease?

"Listen carefully you dumb little shit, the point you're trying to make is crushing a woman. If you would put half of your determination in her that you had placed in surviving the war as well as the past eleven years, then I wouldn't be having this conversation with you. Saitou paused briefly to puff on his cigarette before stepping forward and turning his back to Okita.

"Your pathetic. The Okita I fought with would have realized a long time ago that the woman he loved, loved him in return and was damned in her love as much as he. Get over your self-pitying, I'm tired of watching you wallow in your despair and Aiko doesn't need that kind of crap either."

Okita watched as the taller man strolled away, his mind going over what Saitou had just told him. Aiko loved him? She was damned in her love for him? Self-pity! The arrogant bastard, wallowing in despair! Pfft, ya, sure!

Turning around sharply and stomping down the rest of the hallway, Okita snarled at the shoji separating him from his room. Breath, he just needed to breathe. Okay, count to ten...

One...arrogant, self serving...

Two...self-pity my ass...

Three...wallowing, just wait till I get my hands on him...

Four...cigarette smoking, freaky haired...

Five.. .breathe, breathe...beat the living shit out of...

Six... "Okita?"

Huh? What?

Caught off guard, Okita quickly whipped around, old instincts kicking in as he reached for the sword that was no longer at his hip. His sharp eyes landed on Aiko's small form, her sleeping yakuta haphazardly tied at her waist. Exposing much more than he was ready to see.

"Aiko? Why are you up at this hour?" He asked carefully as he forced his voice to remain steady.

Aiko yawned, casually covering her mouth with one slender hand. "I, I just couldn't sleep."

Okita raised an eyebrow as he watched a red flush tint her cheeks. "Alright, and the real reason."

The flush in Aiko's cheeks deepened as she glared at him through her dark lashes, "What makes you think that's not the real reason."

Okita took a moment to look highly contemplative as he tapped one finger against his lips. Then with a wicked smile he replied, "I remember a little girl whom when she lied she blushed." Okita smiled wider at Aiko's look of shock as he stepped closer to her. "Or I could be wrong, my mind isn't what it used to be you know. Maybe its because you happened to stumble across the most attractive man you've ever seen, in nothing more than your sleeping yukata."

Okita laughed softly at Aiko's sudden look of horror as she quickly grasped the edges of her robe and pulled them together. Her suddenly modest gaze coming back to his as he took one last step, placing him barely a foot from her warm body.

Aiko's breath froze, her heart suddenly began to beat wildly and the butterflies had returned to her stomach. Was he going to kiss her again? Would he turn her away like earlier? Her hands trembled with anticipation and all thought processes slowed as Aiko tried to respond.

"I...I heard something. I was concerned...that maybe...I had a nightmare..."

Okita's laughter died away, a strange smile gracing his lips as he lifted one hand to brush over her cheek. His thumb caressing her jawbone as his warm eyes burned into her dark ones.

"Ah Aiko, never be afraid of your dreams. They are merely fears that we have yet to face, and once faced will leave us stronger. What do you dream of, Aiko? What fears haunt you so?"

Aiko's heart stopped, warm tears filled her eyes and a muted sob broke free from her throat. Quite suddenly she threw her arms around Okita's waist and sobbed silently into his gi.

"I dream of the day the doctor's said you only had days to live, I dream of the night everyone left me, I dream of my father's death and how helpless I had been."

Okita held Aiko tightly against his chest; her tears wetting the front of his gi as he continued to listen to the soft words coming from her lips.

"I was afraid you left, I can't handle the thought of you no longer being around. I lost you once; I will not lose you again. Please Okita, please promise me you wont leave me, please!"

Okita's embrace tightened, "Someday I will leave and you will have to be strong. But for now, for the time that remains, I will stay with you Aiko, I promise."

Aiko pulled her face away from the front of Okita's gi and whispered hesitantly, "I love you, Okita."

Okita's warm smile touched his eyes as he replied tenderly before pressing his lips to Aiko's in a gentle kiss, "I know."

Aiko barely heard his words as she felt the presence of his lips against her own. Moving slowly against hers in a deeply passionate dance filling her with the same sensations she had felt earlier that day. Only this time Aiko didn't feel wanton, she felt empowered and with this new sense of power she made the first tentative steps toward deepening the intimacy of the moment.

Small hands, unsure yet bold, pressed against the cloth beneath their touch and moved higher to rest against the short hairs at the base of Okita's neck. Causing the muscles under her fingers to tense momentarily before relaxing and accepting the touch. Hands around her waist tightened and drew her even closer to the firm body before her.

Kissing didn't seem to fulfill the needs of both parties as they separated briefly before coming together with a clash of desire. Breaths became shallow and husky, kisses more demanding and the paths their touch made more insistent.

Aiko somehow found herself being lead toward Okita's bedroom and a liquid warmth coated her insides. She was ready, she needed this, this would fill that emptiness within her heart, and this would end her nightmares.

Okita pulled away his breath coming in heavy pants as he struggled to keep his voice calm yet only succeeded in turning his voice deeper and huskier.

"Tell me to stop, Aiko. Tell me you're not ready, that we shouldn't be doing this. God Aiko, please tell me to stop."

Aiko sighed softly against his lips as she murmured, "I love you, I trust you and by Kami, I need you Okita."

Those were not the words Okita really wanted to hear, he needed Aiko to push him away, to tell him this wasn't what he thought it was that she only wanted to talk or .... OH! ... Those are nice.

Aiko could see the indecision still in Okita's eyes after her confession and decided to be a bit risky. Only now that she had opened her yukata she was beginning to wonder if that had been the right choice. The shock in his eyes was enough for her to quickly try to cover herself up and save herself anymore embarrassment.

Okita watched the humiliation flash across Aiko's features as she quickly drew her robe back around her creamy flesh. His shock suddenly turned to desire as his hands shot out to still her own. The surprise in his eyes changed into a feral look of desire as he slowly lifted her arms out of the way.

"No, don't cover yourself. Your beautiful." He exclaimed softly as his eyes took in every inch of exposed flesh before him.

Aiko blushed deeply as she tried to figure out what to do with her hands, and yet the answer to her question found her in Okita's gentle embrace. Her embarrassment disappeared the moment Okita swept her into his arms. He kissed her with all the pent-up passion within him, and she was mesmerized by the fierce delight of his embrace.

Conscious only of the sweet yielding form in his arms, Okita kissed her urgently, his mouth hard and demanding against hers, his hands roaming feverishly over her slenderness. There was desperation about his movements as if he were obsessed by an uncontrollable fever that could only be assuaged by the possession of Aiko's slender body. Always in full command of his emotions, never had Okita been so aroused, so driven by desire that he could think of little else but how desperately he wanted her. Okita suddenly found himself gripped by such a consuming passion that the only real thing in the world for him at the moment was Aiko's soft, clinging body. A tremor of delight wound its way through his small frame as he thoroughly searched her mouth, his hands dropping to her buttocks to lift and crush her against him.

Aiko felt her entire body respond to his nearness. His kiss was devastating, the bold exploration of his tongue making her heart pound, making her body cry out with a strange yearning. She couldn't seem to get close enough to him as she arched herself against him, trying to ease the aching demand that filled her soul.

The moments that followed were like a dream to Aiko, the intensity of Okita's passion, of his desire left her feeling nothing short of euphoric. The gentle grazing of his roughened hands against her exposed skin, the tender fury of his kisses as he spoke his love without words and the ecstasy that followed the sacred act left Aiko with a sense of contentment as the passion slowly ebbed from them.

Dark eyes gazed into dark eyes; sharp breaths meeting and merging with each other as sweat dried in sticky trails down each other's bodies. With a shaky hand Okita caressed Aiko's flushed cheek as lazy smile touched his lips.

"I suppose I owe that spiky haired idiot an apology now."

Aiko giggled softly as she leaned forward to tenderly kiss Okita, "No. You need to thank him."

Okita grinned wickedly as he returned her kiss with zealous abandon. Rekindling the fires of passion that had just recently been shared. Leading our two lovers to share their now found devotion until the wee hours of the next morning. Until completely sated and curled around each other in blissful sleep. Nightmares would not haunt their dreams on this night.

In another room on the other end of the house, a man snorted softly to himself, "About damn time."

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Beta-reader (MysticInca): Just something I had to add cause it was so stupid it was funny. Extra points to those of you who only have to read it once to notice the mistake. Gotta Love Type-O's

"Eyebrow raised and cheeky grin in place, Okita greeted the tall, lithe man standing before the room to his door."

Ione_girl: All give thanks to this wonderful and talented Beta-reader of mine! OH and everyone I beg of you to do this go read my sister's story, it's another story about Okita and Aiko, just not the same. Go here it's called "Honest Nothing."

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Next Chapter

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LOL, dot, dot, dot…I'm so evil!

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CeeCee: Well actually I would email you but I can't so I guess I'll have to keep on contacting you through stories, LOL! Sano and Kenshin really won't come back in I think for a while, but about the Okashira Phoenix, you got to hear a lot more on her now. MysticInca did the lime in this story; she always does the best when it comes to these things.

MysticInca: LOL Gee I've reviewed more than once for a chapter before, just not a signed one TEEHEE! Well once again "ARIGATO DANNA!" LOL, let's do this again sometime kk!….. no more to say…….

Vale_chan: WOOHOO! CeeCee was right, people do forget to leave a review when they read stories! Thank you for reading my story and I hope that you enjoy it even more as I bring out many more chapters.

Inca_dove: Yes of course I left it off there, just for sick pleasure of you just yelling at me for it!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah haha ah haha haha! LOL good luck on your story sis!

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Fanfic by ione