Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 15: First Signs ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Alrighty people, last few chapters were the turning points of the story plus I had this chapter come after a few months now. HEY I have my reasons and I assure you everything is going to turn out awesome. For those of you who are absolutely confused as to why Aiko didn't go and search for her sister there are 3 reasons: 1 is Aiko was so depressed that she barely even left the house. 2 back then in that time getting a boat ride to China cost MONEY! Something that she didn't have. And 3 back then Chinese people loathed the Japanese.

Disclaimer: don't own RK characters, but do own Takara and Aiko!

Where Are You Now?

Chapter 15: First Signs

"You know I think it's about time we move to get out of Saitou-san's hair."

"You're right, I also believe it would be better so that they can get more time together."

"HA HA, the only time they get to see each other is when he's in his room looking over documents."

"That's true."

October 17 1879

It's been at least four months since she had been saved, and it seemed that life was taking a toll on her. She felt like she was growing more and more into a woman like her father wanted, and no doubt it was because Okita is always with her. Her long black hair had been trimmed not to long ago, leaving it at least two inches shorter. Since her favorite kimono was ruined the day she was cut on the arm she bought a new kimono and wore that until the weather took a drastic change.

The cherry blossoms became weak and fell of the branches of the trees, turning into piles of brown. It had been especially hard on Okita as well, with the weather changing from warm weather to cold weather; it seemed he started to get paler by each day. Whenever Aiko asked him if there was something wrong he would shrug it off and laugh saying, "I hate winter, every thing dies during it."

They lived in a new house; not a large one like Saitou's but it could accommodate her and Okita. Nothing has happened in bad news, the tales of the Okashira Phoenix slowly disappeared into nothing and every one forgot about it.

Aiko walked down the alley, drains already filled with water from the previous rains. People staying inside for shelter from the bad weather. Holding some vegetables in her basket she carefully carried it back home. The bottom of her dark green kimono soaked from the puddles on the road and her feet she could no longer feel. It was usually like this though, Okita would stay home and she would go out to the market place for shopping. Even though he would tell her that he was coming along with her Aiko would say no and tell him to stay.

Aiko laughed, she is beginning to act like a mother to him. But she's worried about him, she doesn't like the fact that the color in his face is leaving and he's beginning to have more fevers then usual. Okita is starting to become so weak that he refuses to leave bed.

'Just like a little child not wanting to leave the warmth of his bed.'

When Aiko came back home she opened door to see the small living room that barely had anything in it. There was a lamp in the corner along with a clock and Aiko's sewing. Taking off her shoes and setting them by the door she made her way to the kitchen to set the vegetables in their rightful places, on the burner. Pulling out herbs and spices that Tokio had given her she began her task of making dinner.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around her small frame giving her a jolt upward. Warm breathing hitting her neck, stinging it like a thousand needles. She moved her shoulder and turned her head to his resting by her neck.

"That was quite a long shopping list Aiko."

Aiko smiled and her hands went up to his, "It was the rain, it came from no where yet again I'm afraid."

Using a slightly higher tone this time he buried his head deeper in her hair and closer to her neck, "Hn, is that so?"

A small chuckle came from Aiko's mouth and she continued to hold his hands in hers.

"You don't smell like the rain or don't seem wet."

Damn he caught her.

"So, what exactly were you doing?"

Aiko turned around to face him, her eyes stayed closed as she stepped closer to him. When she opened her eyes she almost wished she didn't, the paleness of his face and the tiredness that appeared in his eyes hit her like train. Her small smile slowly diminishing as she stared at him, "I went to go see how Tokio was doing."

The silence between them lingered for quite a while after that, both of them not moving from their places by each other. The feeling was becoming a bit uncomfortable so Aiko took a step away from him.

Okita was a little puzzled and sort of angry; she had left just to see Tokio when she clearly said she was going to go out shopping. She had never left without him except to go shopping usually she would want him to go with her over there but today, it was different. Okita grinned and shook his head returning his gaze to her face, "And how is Tokio-san doing these days?"

Aiko's face locked with his once more, "Saitou-san has left due to police business."

Okita looked away and turned around, "Is that so?"

The feeling of cold over swept her, and Aiko's arms crossed over her chest. What was she doing, she needed to fix them something to eat before they both pass out. Taking a deep breath Aiko turned back to her food and once again began to make dinner.

'Harumasa residence, where?'

The name Harumasa hit her as a rather strange name, why would someone use that as a last name. The soft sounds of mud squishing underneath her shoes made her cringe, almost reminding her of that tragic day. There was only one person she could actually talk to about this, just one time to see her that's all she wanted. Of course people stared at her because of the clothing she was wearing, a black cape with a hood basically protecting her head from the rain that was fast approaching. She looked back and forth down the dull street in lower town Tokyo; nobody was outside to help her with directions.

'Damn, why did they have to move?!'

It WAS a lot easier for her to find that person but no-, they wanted to move to a place that she tried to avoid in the first place. Looking to her right where another board name was, she quickly smiled, "Harumasa, there you ARE!"

Quickly walking up to the shoji, she only knocked twice and waited. Her brown eyes wandering off to another direction, observing the surroundings of the place. Nothing big, everything was the same so she really didn't need to look around. Suddenly a sound came from behind the door and her eyes drifted back to the now opening shoji. And behind it was exactly the person she wanted to see. The woman in black smiled at the figure, "I found you."

Her smile slowly went into a frown as she noticed the person in front of her didn't react to what she said.

"May I help you?"

Her frown deepened and her eyes squinted, "Don't you remember me?"

Completely drawn back by the question Aiko straightened up and opened the shoji even more now. The woman that stood in front of her seemed so tired, but for some odd reason Aiko knew those eyes. So in the doorway she stood thinking, puzzled to the girl in front of her dressed in black. Unexpectedly the girl turned her gaze from Aiko in complete anger once more, "Of course you wouldn't remember me, just like last time."

Aiko's eyes widened, "You're the . . . the . . ."

Her eyes went back up to Aiko and she could feel herself once again choke on her tears, "Okashira Phoenix."

Aiko abruptly covered her mouth and moved backward away from the woman in black.

Okita watched as Aiko back away from the front shoji, he could only see the black cape but the fact that the okashira came here was completely disturbing.

"Nope, it's just like the last time. I was stupid to come by here to see you."

Okita's eyes widened and he instantly stood up and slammed open the shoji. The girl had already spun around and began to walk away. But as he made his way to the shoji Aiko quickly misunderstood his reaction.

"Wait stop Ta-"

"I came here to see if she remembered me, but it seems that I was stupid to think that a woman who is upset about something else is going to remember about her past life. Don't say who I am, just let her continue thinking I'm the Okashira Phoenix."

Okita ran out of the shoji into the cold weather and soon felt his body temperature drop. But, he knew who she was, and she deserved to see and talk with her sister. The woman in black began to step forward once more, but Okita wouldn't allow her to walk away this time.

"I won't let her continue to think that."

The girl stopped momentarily and looked back to the man standing in the alleyway.

"You won't will you? Though it seems like you've let her leave you alone many times and you don't feel she should leave."

By this time, Aiko walked out of their home with a jacket in her arms. Once again spinning around to walk away Okita spoke up, "Don't let her believe in something that is false Takara."

Shocked by the name she stared at Okita with wide eyes, "Souji is that true?"

Once again Takara choked on her tears, her jaw quivering as she stopped in her tracks. He said her name, he at least knew who she was.

Okita took a step forward and smiled, "I knew you looked familiar when I saw you fighting that ninja, I just couldn't tell if it truly was you. After all, the last time we saw you was when you were just a small child hiding behind her big sister and father."

Kami did it hurt to hear this out of his mouth, out of someone else's mouth instead of her sister's.

"You grown so much Takara, now I think you're almost taller then me!" Okita chuckled as he stared at the back of Takara.

Aiko couldn't believe it, for some odd reason she couldn't see her little sister anymore. Aiko walked toward the girl in black, "Takara, is it really you?"

Takara's muscles tightened at her voice, it was so gentle just like Okita's but that was certainly not the voice of the brave girl Takara knew.

"I guess many things can change sisters ne?"

Aiko smiled, "Many, many things can happen in eleven years Takara."

Takara didn't move but she could hear Aiko move toward her. Kami, let me have the strength to run, don't let me be stuck here in a sad world. Then, something touched her back, a hand more then likely Aiko's, that made Takara turn her gaze to her sister. Aiko became shocked by the look in her eyes, it was so much like the look her father possessed.

"Takara, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you . . . but . . . I do remember you."

That broke it, the wall between Aiko and her finally broke and those same tears and before that became to heavy to any longer bear. And she could feel the tears run down her face, her head quickly turned to Aiko, tears flying away as she did so and before Aiko could react she could feel the young woman sobbing in her arms.

Okita stood there by the front shoji, watching the two hold each other. But in no time Okita got the chills and walked inside the home, crossing his arms over his chest to try to warm his body up once more. It wasn't helping, his body continued to feel cold.

He had stayed out there to long.

Aiko looked down at her sister and pushed her gently away from her. Aiko knew she had to get back inside, not only because the food was probably ready for boiling but she knew Okita was probably coming down with something once more.

"Lets go in the house alright Takara, then you can tell me everything while I finish making dinner."

Takara nodded and she followed her sister inside the room, of course Takara closed the door behind her and saw her sister pointing her to the kitchen. Nodding once more her hands rose to eyes as she wiped away all the cold tears on her cheek and proceeded toward the kitchen.

Aiko closed the door behind her and looked back to the man in the corner who was shivering. Sighing she made her way to him and knelt down by him, wrapping him up in the jacket she had been holding. Okita grabbed the sides of the jacket and pulled them together. Aiko's hand reached up to his forehead, noticing he had trimmed his bangs but not the rest of his hair, and again he had it pulled back into a low pony-tail. He wasn't sweating so he didn't have a fever but he acted like he had been pushed into the snow and left there.

"I pushed it by being out there for so long."

Her hand fell back to her lap as she watched him shudder every once and a while. Wrapping her right arms around his shoulders she pulled him against her warm body, and Okita couldn't help but rest his head so close to her neck.

"Arigato Souji."

At this time Okita wasn't listening, he was just enjoying the closeness between him and her. Her steady breathing and the warming effect from her body made him feel almost like he wasn't sick. Without noticing it, Okita fell into a soft and peaceful sleep on her. Aiko stared down at the sleeping man basically curled up by her, clinging for her warmth. Removing her hand from behind him, she reached for the futon only an arm length away and pulled it toward them both. Carefully pushing him into the corner once more, she pulled the futon over him for warmth and then stood.

Silently walking out of the room, reopening the door and then closing it behind her when she turned for the kitchen a young face appeared. Aiko jumped and covered her mouth with her hand, but suddenly had the urge to slap her.

"What took you so long in there?"

Why was everyone questioning what she did?

"I just covered him up, that's all."

Takara raised an eyebrow, "right."

Waving off the question Aiko made her way to the kitchen and began to reach for things that were in her grasp.

"So, what is it?"

Takara raised her eyes to her sister who obviously knew what she was doing, "That's funny I don't take you for the cooking type."

Aiko stopped what she was doing, "Takara."

"Of course I only remember you as the girl who always had a shinai in her hands."

Her hands lowered from the top of the pot, "What are you avoiding?"

"Oh how I remember the days where Okita-san would knock you a good one and you would start crying."

'Hey wait I don't remember that!'

Aiko looked back at Takara who had her hands flat together with a small grin across her face.

"Takara listen to me."

Then Takara put her index finger to her cheek and looked up, "Then there was that time when Harada-san nearly wanted to-"

"Takara! Stop avoiding the reason you're here!"

Takara glanced over at her sister with a sad look in her eyes, her hands dropping to her sides. It was clear that while being the Okashira Phoenix there was a lot put on her shoulders. There must've been so much pain these past four months that made the rumors die down more.

"I don't really know how to explain this so lemme give it a try alright."

Aiko smiled and nodded, going back to her recipe Takara continued.

"When we begin to think about our past we start to wonder if we could've done anything to stop an event from happening ne? We ponder our lives without even knowing what is going to happen next and we shed the tears that we believed were unknown inside our own hearts. I used to believe that I would always be saved that I wouldn't have to do anything to change the world."

Takara turned her head away from the light.

"I learned quickly that in a world of pain and sorrow you have to be strong no matter what."

A painful shot of her slicing open an elder man's throat flashed in her man and his scream echoed in her head.

"And that even if you believe in someone, it doesn't mean that you will be betrayed."

Another painful shot went through her mind except this time it was Long lying on the floor with blood running from his mouth.

"You can lose something you hold so dear, and not realize it but when you see it, it seems your feelings take a dramatic turn."


Takara looked at Aiko who now had stopped moving altogether and returned her gaze to her little sister.

"I . . . I lost that something four months ago. I lost the only person that truly believed in me and always followed me. To bad that person was no more then a child, no older then nine."

Aiko's eyes drifted down to the floor away from the face of Takara.

"When I saw him laying there, helpless I realized how stupid I really was. I took him away from a family that probably could've taken care of him. It hurts to think about it and the fact that it was my fault appalls me."

Aiko blinked twice before she returned her gaze at the younger sister that everyone had come to love.

"Takara . . . I can't say for sure on how it exactly feels but it is close enough."

The young girl turned her gaze to her sister and connected with her.


"Can you imagine being a fourteen year-old girl and watching our father's head be cut off."

Takara's expression went from skeptical too completely shocked. Aiko had watched their father die in front of her, and was probably unable to do a single thing. Was it that, which broke her sister from being the brave girl that she was? Or was it the fact that Okita had came back, both ideas didn't seem logical to her.

Silence lingered between them, both just continued on what they were doing.

Aiko set the table down in front of her sister, "If you're here then at least you can eat right?"

Takara sat down by the table that had rice, vegetables and some sauce to go along with it. Oh well, they say eat to your hearts content, so why refuse?

Aiko again set the small table down but this time opened a shoji and picked it up once more. Walking to the other side of the room to where he sat sleeping, she once again sat the table down beside her and reached up to run the back of her fingers against his chin. With a start, he woke up and glanced at her then closed his eyes again.

"Hey," her hand now going to the side of his head, "don't fall asleep on me again."

Okita's eyes slightly opened and looked at her, it was more of a glare though. He wanted some sleep and wasn't in the mood for food at the moment.

"Souji, you need to eat."

Swallowing hard Okita moved the blanket off of him and looked down at his table. Aiko sat back and smiled, "I made you some rice and miso soup so please eat it."

Rolling his eyes his head slumped to the side and he closed his eyes once more.


"I don't want any."

Aiko's hand stopped in mid air as she stared at the man trying to sleep. Softly and quietly saying, "What?"

Okita glared once more, he didn't want to raise his voice at her for fear she'll take it the wrong way. He was just so- tired, he wanted to sleep, not to eat, not to stand up, not to move at all."

"I don't want any."

Aiko sat back her hands falling to her lap as she saw him slowly drifting to sleep. Something was wrong, he didn't want to eat, and he never really enjoys moving now, plus all he wants to do is sleep. Something was terribly wrong.

"Souji . . ."

But now words couldn't reach him, Okita was becoming deathly ill now and she needed to do something about it, but what? Her head lowered in her thinking process and thoughts drifted through her head.

'Kami, her ki went down from reassurance to sadness, I screwed up.'

Not this time, Okita wouldn't look at her this time and see the pain in her eyes.

(Someday I will leave and you will have to be strong. But for now, for the time that remains, I will stay with you Aiko, I promise.)

Okita's stomach turned at the memory, he had said that to her and now it is becoming rather hard to keep that promise. But back then he didn't feel like this, he always wanted to be up and moving. Why, why did he become so weak after a few idle months with Aiko?

"I'll go tell Takara to leave after she's done eating."

Okita opened his eyes and made eye contact with Aiko and the shades of her face seemed grow brighter when he smiled. But what truly threw her off was him speaking to her, "Ah, but Aiko you should speak with her since she is your sister."

Aiko bit her bottom lip and looked away from him, "Right now she just needs some more time to be alone."

Another movement that threw Aiko off guard was he sitting straight up and the table in front of him he eyed. Taking a deep breath he once again looked at her, "What exactly do you mean? Don't you think that she's been alone for quite long enough."

"Well, of course I do but she . . . she really needs to things out on her own. I'm not a good big sister to good I'm more into silencing myself."

He turned his head away from her to the window; he wouldn't be able to see the stars tonight.

"To be quiet when needed be is a lady, but Aiko, please don't act like a lady around me."

With that last comment said she stood up and walked away stopping at the door and putting one hand on it.

"It is what my father wanted."

Okita smiled, 'Now you're just avoiding me aren't you Aiko?'

The sound of the shoji opening then closing relaxed him for the simple fact that while he was talking the burning in his chest had come back. He took another look at the table by his feet and whimpered before pulling it toward him. Of course the miso soup looked really delicious and the rice looked fine, in the end he always loved eating her food. Not only because he loved her cooking but also because she made it with her own hands. Picking up his chopsticks he began to eat the miso soup and well, really regretted saying he didn't want any.

The quietness in the house seemed to relax her, that and her sewing is getting much better then what it used to. But when the door to their bedroom opened she stopped all movements. He doesn't sleep walk so what is he doing staying up so late.

It was almost as though he read her thoughts he said, "I couldn't sleep."

She went back to her sewing once more by the light and ignored the next movement that he made. Sitting down by her wasn't so hard to accept now; she had grown used to him always sitting by her.

Then a hand covered up her stitching and slowly pushed it down, confused Aiko glanced over at him but only meet his face which was obviously close. Okita pushed himself forward and touched her lips, moving his lips across hers. Aiko lips were on fire from there and on, then completing the kiss she also leaned forward and pushed up against him. Instantly she dropped her sewing and moved her hands up to his face. The next second Aiko's insides melted when she felt him pull her closer.

Suddenly Okita broke away from the kiss and his head lowered into her shoulder. She could feel his body shake in her arms and his breathing he tried to steady. Aiko forced herself slowly down onto the floor with him on her. There they laid there for the remainder of the night; he moved himself off her and cuddled at her side.

October 18 1879

The forest long ago held many ninja's such as herself but it seems as if those ninja's have put down their ways and went on with their peaceful lives. That's understandable, with such a peaceful era, who could do such a thing as hurt people once again. Leaping into the air she gaped at the area to the front of her, trees beyond trees like a wall to an eternal palace. This was certainly where she belonged, living in the leaves out of site seemed much to her fancy now. As she began to land onto the mud ground she felt herself slip on something and she fell once more to a place wanted her, her grave. Takara felt so sick, but yet it was kind of the same feeling that she had over the few months without her clan around her.

"Excuse me, are you okay?"


Takara glanced up to a wide-eyed boy to her side, and she returned his wide eyes. Quickly getting her resolve she sprung to her feet and glared at the boy with some strange looking clothing.

The girl had just flew right out from the sky and fell, he couldn't resist the question of asking how she was. But for some odd reason he thought he might want to take that back.

"Why you askin?"

Takara flinched before realizing she hadn't gotten used to people asking her things. She was still stuck in the time of her being a leader. The boy smiled and closed his eyes, "Well, there's really no reason."

"Is that so?"

Taking off into a full out sprint for another way out of her situation she leaped for the closest branch to her.

The boy laughed, for a girl she ran pretty fast, but he really wondered if she was as well a good fighter along with that. Probably not, since girls are to light they can not attack properly. Then again, she jumped very high without forcing herself. He smiled deeper and continued to walk further.

Takara couldn't believe that guy; his smile was so . . . so disturbing. If she didn't get away from him quickly then she would've been scared to death. She had given up on jumping through the trees and now went for the lower route to the one place of safety that she knew her camp. Though it was completely demolished and burned down she still had one building left there. But the place had this creepy feeling to it, as if the souls of the men that died didn't really leave. Stopping she shook her head fiercely, "Shut UP TAKARA!" She yelled at herself, "Thinking like this will only bring more misery onto you!"

"Hey boss, ya' think the guy still lives here?"

"I thought I saw him just a few days ago in this area."

Her eyes narrowed as she backed up into the trees, shadowing herself from their wandering eyes. There were six of them this time, each one a swordsman, one carrying both a sword and bow. Others were just standing there poking at all the burnt wood except for one person who sat on top of a horse. She knelt down onto her right knee and went for her dagger in the secret case behind her hip. Then she leaped upward into the branches to make sure they wouldn't see her and grabbed the blade by it's tip.

She aimed it for the one riding on the horse, leveling it with his head and gracefully pulled it behind her head.

'Leave or die.' She thought.

But the little noise that was set off by her movement at the men scared the archer as he steadied an arrow. Then it was to late, a flopping sound hit the man's ears and he turned around to see no one on the horse any longer. The five swordsmen walked up beside the man and looked at him closely, there in his head was a little knife that hit dead on in the center of his forehead.

"I suggest you leave before you all end up like him!"

The archer turned around and noticed the first attack of their Okashira, but wasn't able to act ready his arrow. Before he could even draw one he saw a young girl flying toward him with a punch ready. Connecting the man flew at least five feet away from her; bringing up one hand by her hip and one further out from her body in the center of her chest.

"Why YOU!"


Two more men came at her, waiting for the proper distance until it was reached she jumped forward right above their head and brought both legs to the back of their heads. Falling on her hands she heard another sword get drawn at that moment she rolled to her right and stood up, dodging the sword that was being thrown at her by ducking she came back up with her raised and broke that man's nose.

"I haven't had this much exercise for quite some time now. Common, is that all you got?"

Now five swordsmen stood swords drawn and each one at a different position. Giving a toothy grin to the group they launched for her with swords raised and ready to attack. Kicking herself up at least a foot of the ground her left foot went for one's jaw and feel it bust under her force. Turning herself around she used both hands on two men and hit them in the chest pushing the air out of their lungs. Ducking once more to an attacking man, when his stomach was over her, her back went up and her hands grabbed the man's legs and launched his head into the ground.

When she looked up though, her blood went dry and every thing in her body stopped. There in the forest was a small boy, covered in blood and sliced in his stomach.

(I'm glad you came back leader.)

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain hit the back of her head and her body went limp. Falling to the mushy ground, drowsiness washed over her like water. Blackness overcoming her mind, the next sight the got from the last light was a boy covered in blood, light and dark blue clothing with a sword in his hand and nothing but a slight grin on his face.

Soujiro smiled at her, she was so close on being killed, or even worse raped by those men. Their vital fluid of life dripped of his old and used blade that still shined like the sun.

"I'm not going to get away from Tokyo ever am I?"


"Evil laughs" MWAHAHAHA! EHEHEHE AHH No! Wait nevermind. Yep that's all!


MysticInca: "Laughs" WOW everybody SHE REVIEWED! Yeah the part with Saitou was a little funny blip I had to add. Now Okita in this chapter, I'm really not looking forward to the end of the story!

Inca_dove: Well, you knew he was going to die soon SINCE I told you about it. Hey it was . . . 10 pages so what! That chapter was just a fun chapter, but oh well this chapter makes up for it. Since well, it's 15 pages long! That's on MS word so don't yell at me cuz you think I'm wrong. Oh if you thought last chapter was good, then this chapter just got better. BWAH HAHA!

JadeGoddess: "Sighs" Sad to say this but one of my reviewers is giving me a headache. "Looks over at JadeGoddess" Oh well let's see if I can put this through correctly: "AH HUM!" Like up above in my Author's note before the chapter begun that's the reason why Aiko didn't seek Takara out. Takara on the other hand thought that her family had either disappeared or they died. Giving up all hope for her japanese family she decided to make a home with the man that basically saved her life, the former Okashira Phoenix. Confusing ne? BUT PWEASE Don't ask another question…. Instead just give me an online PEPSI! Or a box, or maybe a thousand…. Forget it I'll just raid the factory!

Ione: "Falls to the floor in weariness"

Muse: And this is what happens when you work on a story or chapter ALL DAY LONG!

Fanfic by ione