Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 16: A New Companion ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Yep here I was bored stiff and now look what I have done, ANOTHER CHAPTER!

Disclaimer: "Grabs Dr Pepper" Yeah yeah I know! I should have pepsi but I don't so OH WELL! N E who! Don't own RK.

Where Are You Now?

Chapter 16: A New Companion

October 19 1879

Someone was humming . . .

No, someone was singing . . .

Hell, someone was doing something!

Big brown eyes opened from her exhausting sleep only to see a wooden ceiling above her.

Where was she?

Sitting up to look around in the room she fell back down in the bed when a splitting headache came from the back of her head. Of course falling back onto the futon didn't help things either; her head just wanted to burst! Her hands went to her temples and she slightly pushed on them to relax. That didn't help either, gosh why did her head HURT so much! Then there was the awful music that was adding to things. Odd though, it felt like she was wearing a dress.

"Ah you're awake."

Takara's eyes narrowed, 'Maybe the reason I'm hurting is because of that high-pitched voice.'

Her eyes darted to where the sound had came from and instantly went pale, looking down at what she was wearing she noticed she wasn't wearing her black outfit but now wearing a sleeping yukata. Becoming speechless Takara froze; he was looking straight at her now with a curious expression.

Glaring Takara said, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!"

Taking back from the question he answered, "Um . . . I saved you."

The girl's eyes narrowed even more to little slits, "How strange I thought I was wearing my shinobi clothing."

Letting out a childish laugh, his eyebrows went upward and he closed his eyes into slight curves, "Oh yeah that's right."

'Is that all he's going to say?'

Pushing onto her elbows to sit slightly up, Takara cringed slightly at the pain. Boy did it hurt, what the heck happened that would make her head hurt this much.

A flashback to the time where she was standing at the campsite with swordsmen around her, and the sight of a young child with blood faraway in the woods.

'That's right, I saw Mareo.'

"You know you shouldn't sit up, your headache will get worse."

"I don't care, it's just a headache."

Wow, this girl was surprising him every second, first she falls out of trees and hurts herself then she takes off to go battle some swordsmen, now she's saying that a mere splitting headache don't hurt her at all. Continuing to stare at her, he decided that since he had just saved her it would be a kind thing as to leave his name with her and depart once more.

"I'm Seta Soujiro."

Looking at him through the corner of her eye, she replied stiffly, "So?"

Soujiro's head fell forward; she obviously didn't like courtesy.

"You're supposed to tell me your name you know."

Her eyebrow raised and she let a smirk pass her by, "You wanna know my name?"

'Duh! It would be nice to tell me who you are!'

Nodding with his head down still Takara took a deep breath it'd be fun if she took a name that obviously didn't suit her. "The names Okashira Phoenix."

'Damn, why did she always refer to herself as that now?'

Looking skeptical at the girl with a crooked grin he said, "Yeah sure."

Takara fell back onto the futon; he must've been the only person that didn't believe her. Now THAT was annoying.

"HEY! I'm not LYING!"

Soujiro put his hand on his knee and his other went to grab an object covered in fabric. Takara watched as he did so and smiled, "I thought swords were illegal to carry around."

He looked back at her with a charming smile, "Oh they are, that's why I'm only carrying this case you see. The sword just happens to be inside."

He turned away to the door and began to open it.

He was just sarcastic to her!

He was polite to her!

. . . And, and HE UNDRESSED HER!

"HEY!" now grabbing the blanket and pulling it over her chest, "How dare you even leave when I have no idea where I'm at, also where my clothes are at! I'm not saying that you should stay but the least you could do is tell me WHERE MY WEAPONS ARE!"

Looking back at her with closed eyes, "It's simple where your stuff is, it's just in the closet."

For the first time in a long time Takara went blank, she watched him open the shoji and step out of her room without another word. Yet, for some odd reason she just wanted to yell at him even more.

Walking down the stairs to reach the bottom floor where most of the people were, Soujiro sighed as he felt oddly relaxed to be away from that ninja. 'I guess I pulled a stupid stunt back there by putting her weapons far away from her.' Then his cheeks went blue, 'but then again if I hadn't I might've been killed.'

Walking to the door he stopped and loosened his muscles, since he really wanted to leave Tokyo for another town he might just take the upper hand and pull a sly trick. Stepping up to the manager he said, "Excuse me miss?"

The woman that looked like she was in her late forties, looked up at him with tired irritated eyes.

"What?" came her cranky voice.

"That girl I brought in has decided she's going to pay for the bill."

She moved back to her papers and nodded waving young Soujiro off. Now he could get away from this place without any disturbances. Reaching deep into his pocket he pulled out a little black bag, he hated to be the thief but he desperately needed it.

Takara looked down at her muddy clothes and frowned, they needed to be cleaned but as of this moment she REALLY didn't care. She already felt so dirty being in that sleeping yukata. Her bare skin shining in the sunlight as she stared outside from the second floor window at a good distance. Pulling the black shirt over head she let it hang there for quite some time, reaching down to at least her knees, she bent down and grabbed her pants and put those on over the shirt. Then reaching down for the last article of clothing, she wrapped the long piece of black fabric around her waist. Now all she needed to do is put on all her weapons and safely tuck her . . . wait, where was it? Suddenly fangs grew in her mouth as her eyes went blood red.


He had first been sarcastic to her!

He was polite to her!



Well, that little boy wasn't getting away oh no! Running to the window she slammed it all the way open, grabbed onto the top frame and swung herself to the roof of the building from there she stormed her way around the town.

In Yokohama

Smiling to herself, she stretched her arms to the sky and yawned.

"Boy, that sure was a long trip."

Teardrops formed in her eyes, "But to think I still have a long ways to go."

She wore her hair up in a white and red cap, some of it straying in the front. Tight red shorts and a long white with red flowers tunic, it was her favorite so she just had to wear it. But she just couldn't wait till she got to Tokyo, to see all those Japanese people running about in a carefree place. She was really happy though, she didn't have to deal with the now occurring wars in China. Stepping into the crowd she went for the closest thing that would wake her up, the candy store.

Back in Tokyo

Takara leaped into the air over all the people, the chill hitting her face like needles but she had finally caught up with him. Silently moving through the forest in the bitter cold made her especially angry. 'Little thief, I'll teach you a thing or two.'

Leaping once more into the air this time passing the boy whom walked rather slowly, she moved herself in the air and did a back flip pulling out a dagger in the process. When she landed, Soujiro quickly stopped, not because of the fact someone was blocking his way but because there was a sharp object most certainly close to his face. Tilting his head back slightly he looked at the girl puzzled. She panted for air, warm air, not this cold air that could freeze anyone's lungs. Her nose had already began to turn a pale pink and her cheeks as well doing the same thing. He couldn't help but to think how pretty she looked with that color on her face.

Wanting to start up the conversation first he questioned, "What is it?"

Panting and exhausted from her sprint all the way there she replied, "GIVE it BACK to me!"

Soujiro smiled slightly, "What is it that I have? After all I wouldn't want one of your awkward daggers."


Chuckling he slammed the bottom part of his fist into his hand, "Oh yeah that's right, I have your money."

Walking up without even faltering her other hand she grabbed the black bag from his hand. Her glare intensified and he just smiled more.

"What's with all that smiling?"

"Just a natural reaction."

Takara's hand went for the other dagger but right as she began to pull it out, the boy's hand was already controlling her arm from doing so. Gosh he was strong, able to keep her from pulling out even a blade, but he moved so quickly, how the heck did he become able to grab her hand without hitting her other hand.

Another chuckle came from him, "I do believe it's rude to pull out a weapon in front of somebody you don't know."

Pushing some air through her teeth she glared at the back of his head. This time would be the last time . . . wait a second, why wasn't he moving away from her; maybe it was because she still had been trying to pull out the dagger.

'WAIT A MINUTE, I have another dagger why don't I use it!'

Takara quickly moved her other blade to the back to Soujiro's neck she had him now.

"Move even a inch and I swear I'll kill you."

Another chuckle occurred from the man that so desperately held onto the blade.

"You really don't like making friends do you?"

("I like you kid, I think I may add you to my group.")

That was it, she let go of both the blades and shoved her hands onto his chest making him stumble backwards. Suddenly, she felt oddly cold.

Soujiro was amazed, she had succeeded in pushing him away, and she was good he had to admit. Then his eyes widened, she was panting for air and a red flush had covered her face, the girl wasn't used to fight in the cold.

She felt like she was going to faint, another faint spell was quickly coming at her with all it's force. Her eyes slowly becoming heavy as the ground seemed to welcome her. And as she began to fall she realized that she didn't fall completely, someone's hands were holding her up. Before she was able to react to the next movement, Takara's eyes closed and drowsiness swallowed her up whole.

Struggling to keep her in his arms Soujiro knelt down onto the solid and hard ground. Resting her back on his left arm and the other reached for her face, the mere touch of it brought shivers up his spine. Not only was she cold but the texture of her skin was so soft, wait why was he thinking about that here and now. Reaching into the bag that he was carrying, Soujiro pulled out a scarf and wrapped it around her neck, or at least tried to.

Grabbing his bag he rested it on her as he once again carried her back to the hotel that she was staying at.


"Somebody! Anybody! Help ME!"

"Come back here you!"

The little boy ran without looking back at his angry relatives. Fear over sweeping him, trying to gain control as much as he could. His cheek's pain had disappeared the moment he knew what was going on, all that registered in his head was to run. Running around to the backside of the rice shed he tripped and could still hear the fast stomping approaching him. Unable to break the oncoming scream of tears he grabbed the wood underneath the shed and pulled himself under quickly. Without delay he crawled to the nearest object, the wakizashi that was given to him. Grabbing it he held it in his arms as tight as he could and cried, "Mr. Shishio please help me!"

"Ah there you are! I never thought you would crawl under here."

His eyes went wide as he turned to face the sly elder stepbrother, pointing his wakizashi toward him. His breathing became uncontrollable as it came out in erratic steps.

"Hey that's an expensive wakizashi, were'd you get it?"

The brother's hand went for the sheath as he pulled it back to reveal the shining blade.

"Let's have a look at it."

Then the boy's mind went blank and the only one phrase appeared in his mind's eye, 'Only the strong survive in this world! If you're strong you live if you're weak you die!'


Soujiro sprung from the floor into a sitting position, taking in deep pants, he rubbed his sleeve over his forehead and stared in front of him. He was dreaming about such a horrible event that in his past life, surely no one knew how he felt about it. Even people who had killed so many couldn't know how it felt to kill family. Soujiro looked to his side to see a sleeping girl who breathed evenly, rising and falling of her chest told him that she was all right. He smiled to himself, if he left she'd probably come rushing at him again with anger. Leaning up against the wall Soujiro closed his eyes once more.

Takara opened her eyes momentarily to a dark room around her, the feeling a drowsiness ebbing away from her body. Blinking a few times to get a blur out of her eyes, she took a deep breath and pushed herself upward into a sitting position. When she looked down at her hand on the blanket, her eyes went into thin slits as she noticed she was once again wearing a sleeping yukata. Her head snapped to the right side of her head then to the left side and the outline of a boy sleeping against the wall came into view.

He changed her out of her clothes YET AGAIN!

This guy just wouldn't stop changing her from comfortable clothing to the clothing that made her feel naked.

"So now you wake up?"

Takara passed a glare to the boy who looked up at her through his eyebrows. Slowly her glare eased and a normal look over took her face, but not removing the look of careful watching.

"Why do you keep on helping me?" Her low and dark voice drove Soujiro to lift his head more.

"Don't know exactly, but is helping a person really that bad?"

She passed a glare through her thick eyelashes; "I'm not JUST a person."

Soujiro smiled with his eyes closed humorously, "Oh sorry, my mistake a bird then!"

Takara's mouth dropped and her glare became more intensive; "I'm not a bird either!"

This was quite humorous to Soujiro, of course she was getting angry but there was another comment that was going to blow her away.

"But isn't a Phoenix a bird of the fires of life?"

Takara choked and she really wasn't able to come up with anything to say back to the moron by her. She could tell just by looking at him that he had thought he had won the battle of wits. Oh no, she wasn't going to let him think he won just yet.

"Not in China, it's not a bird in China?"

Soujiro's face turned from a victorious smile to a curious expression, "Is that so, what is it then?"

… Um did she have to answer that question? Takara quickly looked away, the way that the Chinese phoenix was kind of weird so she decided to blandly put it as:

"It looks like many animals."

'Many animals?'

Soujiro leaned in closer his head slightly tilted, "What do you mean by many?"

"Well the phoenix has a large bill, the neck of a snake, the back of a tortoise, and tail of a fish."

For some odd reason he just wanted to laugh, "I'm sorry."

Beginning to chuckle to himself he immediately caught the attention of Takara, who in turn glowered at him. One side of her frown twitched, he'd regret laughing at her later.

October 22 1879

A fresh aroma filled the home from room to room; Okita took a big breath, taking in the smells around him. Only one of the smells though he recognized and he could feel his face go blue.

She was again making miso soup.

His head dropped in despair, he knew he was sick, but with all this miso soup could there be a time when he would become SICK of its flavor? Dully, Okita put his hand on the windowsill and pulled himself into a standing position and he walked over to shoji and opened it slightly. Taking a step out into the main room he sighed and turned to his left where Aiko was humming slightly to herself. She seemed so calm, picking up spices and other things, mixing them into a bowl like an expert.



Well, almost like an expert that is . . .

She held her hand tight in her other, holding close to her chest as she squinted to see her red hand. The pain seizing her fingers from the burn of hot water. Aiko's eyes slammed shut as she tried her best to steady her breathing.

Okita reached around her small frame just like always and rested his hands on hers. The woman had jumped by the sudden touch of cold hands, she hadn't even noticed that he was behind her. He grinned and pulled her hand away from her other to only hold onto the hand that caused her pain.

"Souji, aren't you supposed to be in the bedroom asleep like the doctor ordered?"

Okita's eyes went into thin slits as his grin went wide, "Ah but Aiko I just wanted to come out and play!"

Aiko giggled as she listened to his childish voice, her voice going quickly into a motherly tone.

"Ah but you need your rest so that you can go play with the children."

Okita's head tilted forward as his cheek now rested on her temple, his voice going into a tone lower then normal.

"You're wrong I wanted to play with you."

Pushing away from the front of the man behind her, she turned around to look upon his grinning face. Aiko had never really realized how tall he was compared to her, it seemed everytime she came to look at him she had to look a tab bit upward to see him. Aiko's eyes widened when his hand came up to her cheek and his thumb began to caress it, her hand going up to his and holding in hers.

"Souji, I really need to finish dinner."

'What the hell are you doing! You're nearly dead, your disease become worse then a few months ago. Aiko is a healthy woman, and you're a sick man, get a hold of yourself!'

Okita pulled himself away from her, closing his eyes and turning back to his cold room.

"Hai, hai! Wouldn't want you to burn yourself again now would we?"


His soft footsteps stopped at the call of his name, it wasn't unusual for her to call his name but still something in her voice seemed so low-spirited. Diverting himself away from the doorway he looked back at her with a smile, but something at that moment occurred between them. Ordinarily Aiko would smile back maybe not a happy and reassuring smile but she smiled nonetheless. This time she didn't though, she just stood there biting her lower lip, probably holding something in.

There they stood for a while until Aiko broke away from his gaze and went back to her cooking. And Okita as well went back to what he was doing, staring up at the cold and gray sky.

"Will you ever leave me alone?"

Takara smirked as she walked beside him with her hands behind her head. Soujiro liked the company and all but being with a girl who always nagged at him kind of reminded him of Yumi.


Soujiro felt like he was just hit the stomach, exhaling a exhausted sigh he continued to walk down the road surrounded by trees.

"Why not?"

Takara stopped in her steps, why was she following him? She just ended following him out of town and into the woods and she realized that she hadn't broke from the road. Smiling she threw her arms down to her sides and ran to catch up to him. Passing him just a couple of steps she turned around to face him with a smile.

"Because you're rather interesting."

Raising an eyebrow to her he just smiled and passed her, continuing to walk up the slope that was coming.

He just brushed her by . . . like she was a TWIG!


Sighing, the young man stopped in his steps and turned his head to look at her.


Putting her hands on her hips she exclaimed, "I'm not just an ordinary person, NO, Lemme rephrase that, I'm not an annoying bug that won't go away!"

Both eyebrows raised now, Soujiro looked questioningly at her, "Even though you certainly do act like that."

Takara glared at the boy in front of her, "What do you mean by that! I'm no BUG! Bugs are little crunchy things that any human can smash! And YOU can't smash me like a bug! You're too soft to even hurt a fly, that sword was probably a gift from your father I bet. It's probably in no condition to even fight with!"

'Well, for once she was right.' Soujiro thought.

Grinning slightly he replied, "Don't judge people by what they act like miss . . . uh?"

Putting his index finger to his chin he said aloud, "When I think about it you never gave me a name."

Takara looked over to weird boy and laughed, "Ha! For you I'll only give you the name Okashira Phoenix."

Instantly a sweat drop went down the back of his head as he stared at the laughing girl.

"Fine then, if that's the case don't call me Soujiro."

Starting back into a slow walk up the hill, the laughter died immediately after his comment. Eyebrows furrowed eyes wide with little pupils and all that she could muster up after his last sentence was a simple, "huh?"

Her hand went into a tight fist as she pulled it up to the front of her chest.

"What was that all about?!"

No answer . . .

"Mmmm HEY!"

Stomping up the hill to where he was, Takara was almost ready to pounce on the guy.

"Hay's for horses, but I'd expect a bird not to know that."

She froze in all her anger, like a demon made sure she wasn't even able to move in her fury. Her arms went stiffly to her sides, 'Why that little . . .'

Running up to him she grabbed onto his gi and pulled him back till he fell to the ground. Wincing from the fall he looked up at a face that seemed to be telling him "Say-another-word-and-you're-dead!"

So instead of saying another word he just laid there.

"That felt so- good."

Standing back and stretching with her arms raised, she yawned. Guess she used too much energy this time, a smile extended from cheek to cheek at her loss of energy. Soujiro loosened his muscles and used his right hand to push himself off the frozen cold earth. Getting into a standing position he straightened his hakama's and looked back at the smirking girl behind him.

"So then, what can I call you then?"

"Anything you want." With that said he turned back around to once again walk up the hill that he had yet to venture.

"HE . . . YO!"

Soujiro choked immediately after she changed what she was about to say, laughter already working up in his stomach. He stopped and waited for the girl to walk a couple of steps to get to where he was. When she halted right by him she stared at him and grimaced, "The names Isami Takara."


Soujiro tilted his head and continued to stare at her.

"I really don't care what you call me as long as it don't refer to the Okashira Phoenix."

He smiled at her and replied, "Fine then, I'll call you bird."


Snapping back up to her feet she yelled at the quickly retreating Soujiro, "WHY YOU!"

Next Chapter

… EH heh heh


JadeGoddess: It's okay! "Pats JadeGoddess on the head and smiles" Anywho, sorry if I went out on ya! Actually, nothing more really happens between Takara and Aiko now, maybe something, I might just add something more. But who knows, I might only have my family reviewing my story if I'm not lucky . . .

Inca_dove: Tell me to get a life, but if I did, then you wouldn't be there almost every night reading my story. Yeah I hope you enjoyed my chapter, I know I did so there HAH HAH! Right, I know Takara's character is awesome, that's why I made her! "Nagy falls on floor as ione's ego bursts" BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Cough, cough! Thanks anyways for the review!

AN: You know, I like this story and all but hey I think I have at least five to six more chapters to go! "Falls to floor" Heaven help me!

Fanfic by ione