Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Chapter 17: A Cold Night ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: . . . I was going to originally call this chapter "Passions Proud Captive" but you know that didn't seem right SO I didn't. ANY WHO! AGAIN another great chapter made by me, this one has a lot of fluffs in it.. er if you can call them fluffs SURE why not! Okay okay fine! So their not fluffs but they're not lime's either so enjoy!

Disclaimer: … don't own, there, LIKE THAT! I SAID IT! I don't own . . . Inu Yasha! Yeah, I don't own that series! "Gets hit on the head by inca + mysticinca" Fine. I don't own RK, sniff sniff!

Where Are You Now?

Chapter 17: A Cold Night

November 2, 1879

The sun for the day was at least helping the cold, since she was wearing black then ultimately she was probably warmer then the normal traveler. Just like the boy called Seta Soujiro, she was allowing him to call her by her name but of course he wouldn't do that, he just had to call her bird. She had spent only a month with him and noticed that he really never talked, plus it did kind of feel that he was ignoring her.

"Yo, why haven't you talked? Cat got your tongue or somethin?"

Takara got no answer from the traveler; she also hadn't said anything from the time that they started to leave Tokyo. Looking to her left she saw a nearby village, not a very big place but still a location where they sold supplies.

Thinking to herself, she was about to pass the road to the village when quite suddenly a ki was slowly disappearing. She turned around and saw that Soujiro had stopped.

"We should go to the village to get some rest, maybe some food as well."

Her eyes went narrow and she quickly turned herself back around, "We? Don't think that I am weak just as you are!"

Sighing the man went down the muddy path toward the village with people moving about. Not to far away from the homes were some crops.

Takara looked back at him and blew up at her bangs, why was it that everytime she talked to him it always came out wrong.

Grumble, grumble . . .

Slouching, she looked down the muddy road, which Soujiro was walking down, and she put a hand on her stomach. Actually she was kind of hungry, but why now, she could usually go without food for days on end but just not this time. Shaking her head she decided to run down the road toward the village, only stopped running when she came up to Soujiro. Looking to his side Soujiro smiled, "I thought you weren't weak just like me."

For first time Takara held back a glare and just passed him a dirty look, "Well, I'm not, though I am kinda hungry."

Soujiro chuckled and returned his eyes to the road, "Alright birdie, want some delicious earthworms, I hear that for you their a good meal."


Knocking him upside the head with her hand, she watched him stumble as he walked. When he regained his balance he looked back at her with a baffled expression.

"What was that for?"

Fangs slowly growing in her mouth Takara glared, "I'll let you call me birdie but don't refer to me as being a REAL BIRD ALRIGHT!"

Soujiro blinked and stood straight up, "Does that mean you don't want any earthworms?" He asked innocently.

Veins popping from the back of her head, Takara shook her head and ran after him with claws raised. Soujiro's eyes went wide as he instantly turned back for the road to the village and ran away from Takara with a smile on, holding onto his precious sword and bag as he did so.

Back in Tokyo

For the first time in over a week, she could see the sky up above them, of course there were still a few clouds lingering above them. Slowly shutting the window of their room Aiko looked back at the still sleeping Okita with half-a-sleep eyes. Nothing was getting better about his condition; as a matter of fact it was all just getting worse.Glancing back at the closed window she left her spot for a new one in the living room. Sitting down by the lamp she picked up her sewing utensils and continued to sew.

Of course her easy time was cut short suddenly when a few knocks came from the door. Sighing she stood up once more and walked to the front door and opened it. Outside were two familiar faces, a short man with orange hair and a tall man with brown hair. Yes, how could she not remember these two faces?

"Yo, how's it hangin Aiko?" said the taller of the two, who raised his hand in his comment.

Nudging the guy in the stomach with his elbow she shorter one looked up at her, "Would it be alright if we saw Okita?"

Blinking, she soon smiled at them, "I'm sorry, Souji isn't feeling well today."

Nagakura stepped up onto the lower step and looked inside, "Just like every other time we come to see him. Come on Aiko, we need to talk to him."

"Yeah, and wouldn't you happen to have some food with ya?"

Aiko smiled even more and moved out from the doorway to let them in. As they stepped inside Harada got a glance of the kitchen and had to be literally pulled from his spot to the bedroom door. Aiko opened it for them as well and waited for the two to walk in the room. As soon as they did, she closed the door behind them and went to the farthest corner she could possibly get to. Getting as faraway from hearing distance as she possibly could.

Nagakura smiled as he looked at the shoji back to the man laying on the futon, his long black hair looking as dull as the winter sky. Harada had sat down by him and was staring at the man asleep; his hands close to his face. Sitting down as well, Nagakura put his hand on Okita's shoulder and shook, not forcefully but definitely not gently.

Okita's eyes slowly opened to thin slits on his face, "Nani?"

Sitting back on his feet Nagakura smiled, "So you won't greet old time friends will ya."

Okita's eyes widened and he casually pushed himself off the futon with his hand and arm. Now seeing the two grinning at him, he fully pushed himself off the futon and turned around into an upright position. Taking in deep breaths as he did so, he continued to fight back a cough.

"So, Aiko wasn't lying." Nagakura's grin faded quickly as he saw pain rush over the man's face, "Not only do you not feel good, you certainly don't look good."

"Oi, Okita, we need to say something to ya."

Exhaling, he covered his mouth just in case that a cough wanted to appear, "No one's stopping you."

Harada's grin widened as he sat back in a more comfortable position, and replaced his normal grin with a crooked one.

"That's so like ya Okita, ah well let's get to the point shall we."

Looking over to his companion Nagakura nodded and returned his gaze to the one in bed.

"You've heard about Saitou-san right?"

Okita nodded as his muscles went tense.

"Well, we heard that the reason he went up there was just some simple police business but I believe it's much more then that. If it were just simple police business then they wouldn't have sent him up there plus going up there in that kind of weather isn't the greatest thing to do. After all, up there in Hokkaido they have winters that can kill."

"Get to the point Nagakura-san."

Nagakura paused by the brief interruption from the man and sighed pulling out a piece of paper.

"I did a search on what was really happening but all that came up was a bunch of normal things. So the Meiji government is trying to cover up what's happening."

"More then likely cause they don't want another war going on, those stupid pigs!" exclaimed the angry Harada as he slightly hit the floor with his fist.

"Oi, oi Sano."

A slight ruffle caught both the men's attention as the turned to Okita who had his face turned toward the blanket.

"Harada-san is right, it'd probably cost to much money for them to fight another war. Plus they don't want to harm innocent people so that's one good thing."

Waving off the comment Nagakura smiled and stood up, "Sano and I are planning on making a trip to Hokkaido. We were wondering if you would go but not in the state you're in." Nagakura planted his hands on his hips, "You just stay here and let Aiko-san take care of you!"

With that said both men got to the door and opened it only Harada looked back at Okita and spoke up, "If you die Souji, I'll chase you in the afterworld and make you WISH you never ate food again!"

Okita smiled and nodded, "Hai, hai Harada-san!"

Harada smiled and exited the room, closing the shoji behind him.


Her hands were behind her head as she stared at the back of his head, short black hair slowly waving back and forth. Before they had left town Soujiro had asked her to walk behind him so that there wouldn't be any confusion. What did he mean by confusion? It's not like they were going to burn down any homes but nonetheless she did as she was told instead of screaming at him. Her vocal cords were already hurting from all the yelling for the past month.

Even if she yelled at him for the pettiest of reasons, he always wore a smile and brushed it off like it was nothing. Even if she were belittling him in front of many people he would look at her as if she was the strangest person on earth. That only made her want to find more out about this Seta Soujiro.

"Yo, can I ask you a question?"

No answer came from the traveler as they continued to walk, "I was wondering, why don't you like to talk?"

"There's just nothing to talk about?"

HAH! She actually got him to say something; it was a victory in itself. Takara's frown grew quickly into a smile as she ran up to walk beside him. He glanced to his side only for a moment to see what she was going to do.

"Sure there is, I know of plenty of things to talk about!"

Soujiro smiled and glanced again at Takara, "Oh, is that so?"

Her smile grew bigger as well did her eyes as put her hands behind her back and her chin up high. Soujiro stared at her as if she were an imbecile, "What are you doing?"

Takara laughed as she went back to her casual stance, "Over in China, that's how men walk, they say it's made for noble men!"

How interesting . . .

"Didn't their neck hurt after doing that so much, it looks like they were just trying to make their necks look bigger."

With that said Takara laughed again, this time making her hold her stomach. Looking to the west he noticed that they needed to find a place to stay for the sun was quickly approaching the mountains. Cold air would find them and he doesn't want to carry her again to the nearest town in this bitter cold. Slowing to a stop Soujiro turned around and noticed that Takara had stopped abruptly and began to watch the sunset come to a near.

For the first time he couldn't turn his head away from her, the way she stood in the last remaining remnants of sunlight seemed almost mystical to him. Slightly shaking his head and breathing in Soujiro was the first to break the silence.

"We'd better go. Once the sun goes down it'll get cold."

Blinking many times before looking at him with solemn brown eyes then taking one more glance before moving forward. Her hands went behind her head and she closed her eyes, "Well duh! You think I didn't know that, after all haven't I been with you for a month now. I think I would've learned immediately that it was going to get cold."

Soujiro's face went blank, 'Finally back to the grumpy you eh?'

They both walked together until light was no longer and the freezing cold came upon them. The sky filled with little stars twinkling above them. Takara wrapped her arms around her body to get the warmth in her from escaping.

'Lucky Seta, he has a jacket he can wear in this weather.' Thought Takara as she could feel her body begin to shake. She pushed her arms harder into her body for more warmth yet none was actually coming. Wishing she were back at the camp so that she could grab more clothes to wear.

"Gosh, it's so- cold."

Soujiro stopped and turned to look at her, almost invisible to his sight since all she was wearing was black. Takara stopped when she noticed he had and saw him barely walking toward her. Instantly she went stiff, her body actually no longer under her control and the unforeseen touch brought Takara fear for some odd reason. She looked at her shoulder and saw that he had wrapped his arm around her, the warmth of his body being drained by hers. Her wide eyes went up to his face to see a soft smile touching his lips.

"Feel a little better."

The impulse to push him away from her was quickly growing as she stared up at him. But she was beginning to feel warm, and not only that something between them was slowly disappearing with her in his one arm.

"Uh . . . uh huh."

She had never noticed the deep blue eyes the guy had, wide and happy constantly like a little child. Something then attacked her body; a feeling of faintness was driving her to the cold ground, her knees becoming weak under her body's weight.

Soujiro's eyes widened even more as he quickly broke his gaze from hers and released her from the warmness of his side. And the minute he removed himself from her clinging body Takara right away woke up, the powerful cold attacking her flesh.


Her arms once again wrapping themselves around her upper body, and shivers went up her spine every second. Opening her eyes slowly, she let out a small sigh. Then the sound of a twig cracking caught her attention as she turned her eyes up to a hand that was reaching out for her.

Beyond the hand was the face of the boy that was slightly smiling at her. Still leaving one arm wrapped around her the other reached for his hand and he pulled her up slowly.

"I saw on the cliff a hotel, I believe they'll let us in if you pretend that you're in bad condition."

Right now Takara didn't make a comment; she'd rather be somewhere warm where she could sleep comfortably. Nodding Soujiro turned around and began to walk down the road once more, Takara following him only by a few steps.


"The day surely went by quickly."

His hand fell from the frame of the window as he stared up at the blanket of stars. It surely was a beautiful night, the clouds just lingering off in the distance where the sun had set.

"It sure did, I wonder how Nagakura-san and Harada-san are doing right now."

Okita smiled and turned back to greet a moving about Aiko, "Knowing them, their probably eating right now."

Aiko looked up at him, a smile drifted over her lips as she rolled the futon back into place. For nights now Aiko had left him alone to sleep, maybe sometimes she would wander into the room and stare at him. But he truly didn't knowwhat she did over the night, the last time he saw her was with her sewing something together. Straightening up she proceeded back to the door, her hand gracefully making its way to open it until words were spoken.

"Stay with me tonight."

Almost as if the door stung her hand, she took a step away and looked at him by the window. A solemn smile touched her lips as she nodded; her expression made him choke, the fact that she couldn't keep eye contact with him any longer made him sad.

'SEE! Look at that, she don't even love you! So turn away and tell her never mind before something bad happens.'

But the moment his brain thought that he worked up one of the last smiles he had in him and gave it to her.

"Aiko, you wouldn't mind would you?"

Giving a short giggle she shook her head and looked back up at him again, this time a softer smile replacing the last. Now walking away from the door and made her way over to the window where the cold air stung her nose and eyes.

Okita stared at her; the comment his brain made quickly was being pushed to the back of his head. His hand went up to her cheek and stayed there touching the soft flesh. Aiko's body went tense as he rubbed his hand against her face, her eyes slowly closing and her body relaxing itself as she welcomed his close touch. Smiling, her hand raised to his as she grabbed it and pulled it away from her face. She moved her body closer to his, her hands flattening themselves over his chest as she moved her head to the crook of his neck.

"No, I don't mind."

Her breathy words burned his neck; it had been a long time since they had been this close. Her body pushing up against his and his hands wandering over her body. This time though, he didn't have enough strength in him to do anything with her. His arms wrapped around her waist, bending his knee's he slowly brought her down with him to the floor. Aiko's eyes fluttered closed as she pushed against him to the floor. A wicked grin passed over Okita's face as he stared up at the form above him.

"Well, I don't see you blushing so this must mean it's a good thing."

Aiko laughed went down closer to his face and brushed her lips against his. A big smile replacing his grin as he rolled her onto the floor getting on top of her for the first time in months. The moment Okita felt her hands wandering under his gi a flare of passion passed through him. Her hands wandered up toward the top of his neck, running her fingers through his hair.

Then the breaking moment occurred when the last of his strength was put into stifling his hoarse coughs. His head fell down onto her shoulder, his energy draining out of him as he lay on her. Trying his hardest to clear out his throat he lifted his head and rolled off her, his hand lying on his stomach as he continued to gain control.

Aiko moved her hand away from her to brush it against his face, not even realizing the fact that she was putting him asleep by only making slight movements against his cheek. She smiled as she saw the look of comfort drift over his face as he fell asleep.

Just like the old times, sleeping on the floor was their last option.

Silently pushing herself off the floor she watched his face as she crawled around him to his right side to grab the blanket. Covering them both up with she could feel the warmth of their bodies combine in the night. Nudging her head against his shoulder she also fell asleep . . . with him.


Taking a deep breath she jumped up with joy, they finally made it to the hotel. Just, there was only one problem, they had no money to stay there. The thought made Takara slouch with tears in the corners of her eyes. Soujiro walked up behind her with his eyebrows raised, "Why are you crying, didn't you want to get here?"

Stiffly she turned toward Soujiro, "I don't have any money."

Soujiro began to laugh, "I thought so! What did you spend all your money on the food?"

The girl nodded to him, he walked up beside her and grabbed hold of her wrist. Takara's eyes widened then slightly narrowed when she slowly looked up at him. Opening the door to the hotel they both walked into the warm building. And soon enough Takara could feel the drowsiness once again wash over her. Soujiro looked down at her, noticing her eyes were slowly closing even as she stood there.

Then the suddenly sound of a shoji opening caught his attention as he turned his gaze to the a man walking out.

"May I help you?"

Leaving Takara's side he walked up to the man with his hand up on his head.

"Yes, excuse me sir but we need a room. But we seem to have no money, my sister has caught a horrible cold on our journey so do you think we can stay just for one night please."

The man studied Soujiro before obliging to the request and he nodded to him. Standing up he walked to the distant shoji and gestured them to follow. Instantly he looked back and grabbed Takara's wrist once more. Well, if she wasn't going to move he might as well make her right?

Takara felt his hand grasp onto her wrist and pulling her to follow, only moments later did she realize that Soujiro was the one pulling her and her eyes went narrow. Looking around she could see lights slowly going off one by one. Men and woman soon were falling asleep in a place they thought they were safe in. Pulling her hand away from the walking Soujiro, he instantly looked back at her with wide eyes. Watching her walk pass him following the man to a long awaiting room.

When the man stopped he opened the shoji he was standing in front of and stared at the two. His hand gesturing once more for them to walk forward into a cold room with only one futon. Takara walked right in and looked back, Soujiro smiled uneasily at the man and bowed a little before the man walked away.

"You really need to learn how to give thanks."

Takara didn't listen as she pulled out the futon and laid it out onto the floor, she sighed and looked at the boy sitting by the shoji.

"Do you want the bed?"

Soujiro laughed, "And share it with an animal, I'd rather take the chance of sleeping outside."

Mustering up enough energy to Soujiro she glared as hard as she could, and again like usual he just stared at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What it's true."


Takara covered herself with the blanket quickly and narrowed her eyes while trying to sleep.

Soujiro meanwhile was trying to recover from unconsciousness.


November 3, 1879

Aiko's eyes drifted open, the feeling of warmth casting over her body just wanted to make her fall asleep again. Nudging her head she noticed she was lying against something, something that was sharing the heat with her and it's body.

That something was breathing . . .

That something smelled like cherry blossoms . . .

That something . . . had its hand in her kimono . . .

Aiko pushed herself up from the futon on her elbow, and stared at the peaceful body lying by her. His hair as messy as any other day where his bangs strayed from their positions behind his ear and thin black pieces covering most of his eyelids. Grabbing his hand and setting it down by him carefully so that she didn't end up waking him up Aiko sat all the way up and stared at the wall.

Well, she was staring at it until an arm reached around her and pulled her back down. Now, she seemed to be staring at the ceiling of their room.

"Does Aiko not want to stay warm."

Her head turned toward his as she met the eyes of Okita, his tired eyes watching her with beam delight. She rolled to her side so that her body seemed to connect with his and grinned.

"Ah, but the coldness can wake you up much more quickly than staying under a warm blanket."

His lips upturned as he moved his head closer to hers, "Oh but Aiko, which one would you prefer, going to do you knitting in cold air or staying under this warm blanket with me?"

Aiko let out a small laugh and once again pushed up on her hands leaving Okita completely curious. His smile diminished seconds after she got out from under the thick fabric and he looked away from her retreating frame. Standing up she straightened her hair as much as possible and returned her eyes to Okita.

"Souji, would you like to come with me to the market today?"

Sighing he glanced back at her, "You go there almost everyday, what do you need now?"

Shrugging her shoulders she began to walk toward the shoji, "Oh nothing I just thought that it would be nice to get out of the house once in a while."

Catching Okita's attention Aiko smiled and went to open the shoji, "But since you were just complaining that I go there everyday then I guess I can the next time we need something."

Flying into a sitting position Okita's eyes went wide when she began to open the shoji.

"No!" Turning back to him with a smirk she stood there, "Can I please go with you?"

This was a once in a lifetime chance to get out of the house and he wasn't going to miss it. But the moment Aiko began laughing he knew he just lost to one of her tricks to get him out of bed. Eyes slightly narrowing at the woman ahead of him, he sighed off to his side and stood slowly up from under the sheet.

"Alright then, let's get ready."

Next Chapter

Yeah, just some more filler.


Inca_dove: Lol, I'm glad someone likes this couple. Yep, people are absolutely lazy! You know I would've made this chapter longer but you know I don't know of anything else that's a filler. All I know is that someone should be making their way into the story fairly quickly now. I hope you know who I mean!

JadeGoddess: LOL! Yeah they might meet again in the future. Heck, their sisters, their bound to run into each other sometime. No let me rephrase, Takara will end up crashing into her sister, and boy can I see that happening. I might just put that in there soon.

Ione: "cries" Nobody wants to play with me! Erm, I mean read my story, I had so mannnny reviewers at one time where'd they all GO! WhyYYYY!!! "Continues to chant in background"

Nagy: Want some food, I sware it'll make you feel better!

Ione: Why!!!!!!!! "Continues once more"

Nagy: "sweatdrop"

Fanfic by ione