Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers ❯ Whispers ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers: Rurouni Kenshin is propriety of Nubohiro Watsuki.   Warning: This story contains description of two people, in love, in the act of love. It does not suit an underage public and I shall be not hold responsible for children reading the story.     Whispers     by Eden’s Epitaph         “To all the fights I've conquered and behold
The times have changed and I will now move over slowly...”           &nb sp;                         &nb sp;                         &nb sp;                        Lostprophets, Start Something, Sway         A light breeze breathed by, lifting in the gentle blue glow of the moonlit night a few stray cherry blossom petals at its tail. The air, deeply tinted with the sweet fragrance of the soft pink flowers, was enough to sooth pain of memory from the weary minds. The mild warmth of the night spoke of a summer soon to come, but still there was a chill to the night air, contrasting to the warmth of day. Above, the dark velvet of the heavens shown softly with the weak glow of the stars, their shine diminished by a thin yet present sheet of powdery clouds.     Though, as a short man, soft long red hair flowing freely around his shoulders, set a bare foot on the damp grass, the horizon had already started to darken, the stars beginning to hush away one by one as huge dark clouds loomed over the far edge of Tokyo. A frown crossed the man’s gentle features as his soft blue-near-violet eyes scrutinized the threatening beasts riding the high winds and gliding at an even pace toward the dojo.     A string of light, brighter than any lantern could shine, flickered under the clouds, turning their imposing coloring into softer shades of bluish grey, but keeping their menacing complexion, if not turning even sinister looking. A low rumbling reached the man’s ears a dozen seconds later; the storm was introducing itself. He let out a small sigh, his gaze sliding down to stare at the grass at his feet, thoughts drifting as the breeze picked a stronger blow.     The blades of dark green swayed, swiped by the wind, a slight difference to the now usual scenery. For weeks now, the red head had been spending his every nights keeping watch here, at this exact place, watching as the sky slowly shifted from the deep shadows to the soft glow of dawn before he would return to his room and sleep away the few remaining hours to day. All his waking night were spent sitting on the wooden floor of the veranda circling the house, right under this window, Kamiya Kaoru’s bedroom window to be more precise.     Since he recovered from the battle for his solution and for his absolution, Himura Kenshin had turned it into a routine to keep silent and vigilant guard under the same window every night. For his physical wounds might have healed, but the ones wrenching his heart had not, and gruesome memories turned into shadows that hunted his dreams. He could still smell the sent of her blood spilled over the wall as the lifeless doll, a devious contraption of his late wife’s brother, laid in a heap, heart pierced by a sword pinning her to it like a vulgar piece of paper. His heart still ached from the horrid pain of seeing the one he held the dearest, light faded from her beautiful eyes, staring in nothingness after death had claimed her soul. The simple memory of it was enough to make his eyes sting with barely restrained tears.     It was all his fault, and he would have deserved such pain for the suffering he had caused for what he had thought to be the greater good. But the price was too much, if the life of Kaoru was what it took for him to find forgiveness for his sins, he would willingly forsake his soul to eternal damnation. She was worth any sacrifice.     A low rumble called Kenshin back from his sorrowful thoughts. He turned his back to the courtyard, climbed back on the veranda and sat under the window. The strengthening wind blew at his silken locks, the tips of the shorter ones tickling his face and the retired swordsman turned his melancholic amethyst back to the looming threat in the sky. Bright blue strings of lights would burst from the thick clouds at random, as they stretched over the city. The darkness was slowly reaching for the dojo.     Pushing stray hair away from his face, he counted the seconds between lightning and thunder, trying to estimate the distance separating the dojo from the storm. He leaned his head back to the wall behind him, careful as to not make any sounds as his skull gently hit the hardness at his back. He shifted his hold on his sheathed reversed blade, the hilt resting right next to his ear.     The routine had started. After settling himself as cosy as possible, regardless of the temperature, Kenshin would stretch his senses enough to hear Kaoru’s soft breathing. The sound of the soft, rhythmic intakes and outtakes, the mumbled expressions as she was lot in a dream, the barely audible sighs and the sound of her weight on the wood as she would turn and toss on her pallet; it was all so very appeasing. He knew he could rest without a fear when he kept watch like this, in the moonlight or soft rain, right under her bedroom window.     However, something was different tonight. When the settled wanderer rested his upper body against the hard wood of the outside walls of the house and the whispers of her breathing drifted through the material, he sensed the change immediately. Her breathing was shallow, short and raspy, almost as if each intake was in fact a sob. A sharp feeling of dread gripped his heart and he turned his body so he could press his ear to the wood, hands on each side of his head. Clear summer pale summer blue iris shifted to winter aurora as they turned from left to right, concentrating only in hearing what was about inside the sleeping room of the raven-haired kendo master.     He could feel her presence in the room. She was, from his estimation, lying on her bed a few dozen meters away from the window where she always laid her futon. The once shadow assassin sighed when he could not pick any other presence within the four walls beside the lovely woman. Fear, although, returned to him when she took three very quick breath followed by a rustle of sheets and a slight cracking of the floor. What was wrong with her, was it a nightmare, was she ill or worse? Kenshin blinked, he had not sense any hostile presence inside, but there was the possibility that maybe someone was in there.     The red haired did not like that perspective. If someone were actually in there, it would have to be a very well disciplined warrior, focussed well enough so no one would notice. Would it be such a case, Kaoru was indeed in grave danger. A distant voice screamed for an alternate possibilities, scratching at the far corners of his imagination, some of which he barely dared to think about, and most of them believable scenario.     The rurouni frowned, pressing his ear more firmly to the wall, fingers spreading trying to grip at the only barrier between him and the young woman. There was an odd sound that he only could interpret as that of a foot sliding over the sheets as if someone was trying to push their body further up the beddings. She seethed in sharp breaths and released them with a whisper of a cry for each. Kenshin’s expression deepened, not quite able to grasp what would cause Kaoru to push herself up her bed.     He stole a glance up to the rim of the window, his mind already arguing over reasons to peek inside. Finally, when his black haired host gave a jagged gasp, he jolted up and let his eyes, now darkened to a worried violet, wonder around the room through the glass. The room was gently bathed in shadow and he could only see the outline of the light furniture and simply decorated bedroom. His gaze scanned from the left corner where the bamboo chest in which she kept her training clothes rested to the right one where a growing pile of dirty white linen rested, seemingly forgotten. Kenshin blushed realising that those were probably her under-clothing.     Everything seemed to be as usual, not a trace of intrusion or struggling, each object neatly drawn up where it belonged, no dust, not even stray everyday accessories beside the pile by the far right corner. The red returned to his cheeks as when his eyes returned to that particular spot and memories flooded his mind. Kaoru had never accepted for him to wash such intimate clothes and frankly, he was too embarrassed, too much to think of some form of any kind of protest replies. Shaking his head as if discarding the thought, he turned his attention back to his careful observation and turned his eyes to the semi-darkness that covered the floor like a shear, see-through grey cloth.     The red head saw movement where he had predicted the young woman’s pallet would have been, but warped as it was in the enveloping nocturne light, he could not make out much more than a dark silhouette. A sudden bluish light swathed the room and bared before him the reason behind the erratic breathing. Kaoru’s curving body shown in soft electric blue light for barely a second, but it was enough, just enough for him to see what was ‘needed’ to be seen.     His fingers, which had been gripping the ledge of the window as a leverage for his head to not go too far up and be detected, slid down the time soften wood and his hand fell limp at his sides. Mouth slightly agape, eyes round and wide, still staring at the human-shaped mass of shadow, now a once again safely hidden Kaoru, shielded in the intimacy that offered darkness. If the under-clothes of the lovely kendoka had coloured his cheeks for a moment, what he saw was enough to make him blush so furiously that the tint of his heated face would have rival that of his bright mane and he feared that it would not fade from there any time soon.     There he had saw his precious, innocent Kaoru, covers roughly pushed aside, a corner still hanging from her bent left leg, the right one spread wide, toes curling, the binding of her night attire loosen, her white yakuta parted revealing glowing soft flesh. The water drained from his mouth, his lips drying at a fast pace and he blushed even more profusely when his mind pushed the image once again in front of him as thunder resounded around him. Her hand… Her lovely, swordsmanship craved hands had been touching herself there… and there was nothing he could do to push the ghost of the image away from his consciousness, or even sub-consciousness for the matter.     Nature did not intend to let it go either as the furious clouds lashed out with yet another lightning bolt, illuminating the glorious image of Kaoru. Lids covered her brilliant sapphires, her mouth forming a perfect little ‘o’ as she added more pressure from her moving fingers, her cheeks taking a lovely flushed pink as she arched her back to get better access. Her lips formed silent words as the raven-haired beauty shoved her head to the right, her face now completely turned in his direction. Should her eyes flutter open, Kaoru was bound to see him. Still, he was frozen in place, his body unresponsive to his brain’s panicked command to turn and face the other way.     Rain had started to pour, he noticed moments after another lightning struck the heavens and tortured him further more by showing him the forbidden moment he had stumbled upon for a third time. All reason drained from him, his senses centered on her, watching as her form moved in the darkness, and drinking in the sight of her bathed in the flashing light of the storm. Her whimpers where hushed by the booming of thunder, but the whispers of words were still audible between the pitter-patter of the large raindrops wetting the roof and the ex-samurai as well.     He could see, as the storm raged and provided momentum light, Kaoru’s movement becoming more frenetic which each passing second, her hands working her up to that little private heaven of gratification where he now longed to join her in. She had no idea, no idea at all, of the effects she had on Kenshin. He felt his body trembling lightly as want surged through his veins and drugged his mind. It was now definitive; he could no longer look away, completely spell bounded by her innocently erotic actions. It made it even more entrancing having the knowledge that he had just peeked into something infinitely private, something he was not supposed to witness, ever. Still, there he was, lavender eyes grazing softly the flushed body of the pleasure warped young woman.   “Kami-sama…” he whispered, his own voice husky and his breath hot.     It seemed to tear him out of his silent fascination and he gradually turned his back to the window and slid down the wall, very, very slowly. His shoulder hit the hilt of the sakabatto and as if time had suddenly ticked off and slowed, it slid down to the left and fell down, bouncing a few times before it rolled a bit to the left after hitting the floor. The blush would not leave his cheeks and his emotions were in turmoil. He could barely control the tremor of his hands when he lifted them to press his palms to his face in a weak attempt to hurl the vision away. No matter what the red head did the memory of her exposed body was still fresh upon the screen of his mind, the sound of her breathing and soft moaning persisted inside the room fuelled his imagination, alternating reality and creating a vicious ach at his loin.   “… hin …”     The wanderer blinked, hands leaving his face when he lifted his head and tilt it slightly to the left. Was his mind playing tricks on him? Just now, that soft sensuous whisper had sounded just like… but no, it could not be, it simply could not. The rush of hormone that his little voyeurism had triggered must have been altering his sense of hearing. Never the less, Kenshin turn his whole attention to the gentle sounds coming out of the room, barely audible over the rumble of thunder and the whining wind.   “…enshih… nuh…”     There, there it was, once again. Her intelligible mumbling was starting to whisper a clear word. Kenshin straightened his back against the wall, chin lift and eyes staring at the roof above. No, there was no way he would allow himself to begin to think that Kaoru could possibly… Closing his eyes, he let out a breath he did not know he had been holding. The torturous events of a man’s ‘earthly vengeance’ had permitted him to find an answer to his guilt, but left deep raw wounds at his battered heart. Although he felt that Tomoe had forgiven him, there had been so many bloodshed and he still felt tinted by every drop his sword had drawn those days long ago…      Nothing had really changed much since they had returned from the island. In a way, it seemed as if all remained the same. Although Kenshin’s conviction that this place, this dojo that prone a sword at the service of life instead of death, was his home, that one place where he felt he truly belonged. However, he could not simply shrug off the weight of so many sins. Even though his feelings, body and soul starved to give into the innocent girl’s lovely affection, Kenshin knew he could not possibly give in.     Oh, the red head had been fully aware of the girl’s emotion for farm much longer than any of his friends would think. His own affection for the sweet woman warming his heart since the early times when it had been only him and her and now that he had somewhat ‘atoned’ as she had put it a few days ago, most though he would soon confess his soul to her. Nothing was so easy; he had come to understand that fact at a very young age. His deeds, they had been all too much, even if they were done in that name of greater goods and whatnot had left him dirtied. Indirectly, probably because of too much time spent lone, the sky as his roof, the word ‘unworthy’ and ‘stained’ were deeply engraved within him, keeping him politely distant from the young woman.   “… uhn… keh… ihnh…”     The tormented man closed his eyes, head bowing and hands fisting tightly in a desperate need for something to keep his body firmly rooted to his post. Shutting away her distant, breathless plea was all he could do. Not thinking about it was the best solution. Focus on the low rumble of thunder, the swaying of the trees surrounding the Kamiya household, the rustle of the leaves at the branches roughly shoved from side to side and the melodious chant of rain pouring down.     Kaoru’s soft moans and whimpers took a more urgent tone and the knocking of her heels, hips and elbows on the floor. Each gracious gasps and sighs were harder to ignore than the previous one, taunting him, filling his rebellious mind with new, and very detailed, pictures of what the young woman was doing at that moment. Kenshin could feel the painful punctuation of his fingernails as they dug into the flesh of his palms, hoping the pain would kill the growing discomfort in his hakama.   “… enshi.. hin…”
  He felt as if the divinities were mocking him. How much longer would it take her to reach a climax at last? His restrains were at the brink of shattering with the delicious sound of her sweet sobbing. Kaoru heaved a particularly sharp breath, and he could imagine her shifting so her fingers would reach deeper as the whispers of her movement drifted to his ears. Beads of sweat pearled at his forehead, mixing with the raindrops, his blush threatening to faint him, and frankly at this point, Kenshin would welcome the loose of consciousness.   “… gods…” was his rasped whisper when the heaves were torn once again by a row of blinding light.     One moment, the violent flare lit the sitting samurai and the second everything was envelop in darkness once again. Thunder crashed, the storm now nearly above the city and with the last of roar quieted, Kaoru’s lips managed to, finally, utter in a shaking breath the name she had been struggling to articulate. Shortly after, a second bolt of light lit the courtyard and the red head had vanished, the only token of his earlier presence, his forgotten weapon, bathed in the tears of the clouds.     With the stealth of the shadow assassin he had once been, Kenshin had moved from his guarding post as swiftly as the wind blowing savagely across the lawn and was now standing in Kaoru’s doorframe, one hand gripping the sliding panel, the only thing keeping him from walking in. Deep, sparkling amethyst stared into the darkness finding, more out of memory than actual sight, the prone form of Kaoru.     It seemed that her efforts were just about to be pay for, her back arching graciously from the pallet. The shoji was slid shut with a soft tap that none of them seemed to notice and Kenshin took a step toward the writhing black-haired woman. Lightning illuminated her delicate frame once more and, from the close, the sight of her astounded him. Her silken strands had come loose from the gentle pull of her night braid and spread gracefully around her flushed head and upper body. A few stray locks stretch across her chest, slightly damp and glowing with a thin layer of glistering sweat. His breath caught. Such beauty, such wild grace, such tempting luxury, and it was his name that her mouth kept trying to shout, only to be distort by her short breaths.     Silently, as if the man’s feet never actually touched the tatami, Kenshin knelt down by her bed, entranced by the mere presence of her. She had yet to be aware of his presence and the sweet nothing of her pleasure-warped whispers seemed to be so much more melodic now that he was next to her. It echoed and reverberated on the walls, filling his sense of hearing so well that the raging storm faded to a distant murmur.     He lift a trembling hand to her face, fingers a breath away from her hot skin, itching to touch and feel as he quietly observed her expression, the hue of red still tinting his cheeks. Kaoru was barely starting to register his presence, still too caught up in her pleasure. She was panting, her eyes tightly shut, her lovely face red-hot and brow dampened. His eyes grazed the curve of her neck following the deep arch in of her torso, the slump of her young breast, the smooth curl of her taunt stomach to her generous legs and to her firmly planted heels, which pushed her into a gracious bow. The last string of his resolve shattered when his name once more delicately touched her lips and Kenshin bent down, fingers gliding ever so gently over the contours of her jaw.   “Forgive me…” he murmured into her ear before planting a light kiss on her lob.     His digits slid down the curve of her neck and further downward as his lips traced down a line from her cute ears too nibble at the junction of her chin to her neck. She was vaguely aware of his touch and her lids lifted to reveal dark pools of nightshade blues. Lifting his head, Kenshin held her confused stare. After a moment, his mouth returned to tease the knot of particularly sensitive nerves at her neck before he slid lower down her throat to kiss and nip her collarbone.     Kaoru gasped when his fingers reached the swell of her right breast, the fold of her yakuta barely covering the tip of it. His touch was delicate, unsurprisingly as his gentle nature had suggested it long before he would actually touch her. The red head’s hand fanned over the soft mound of flesh, palm applying gentle pressure to the middle of her chest, the smallest finger sliding under the fold to brush over the erected nipple, sending a shiver of delight through her body.     His hands were cold; his clothing wet from the downpour tumbling on Tokyo, hair louse but clung to his lean body. Kaoru kept here eyes open, vaguely seeing the roof above her, lost in confused delight, mind barely registering the events taking part around her. The movement of her hands ceased and her body slowly drifted back down on the futon. Meanwhile, the rurouni had gently pushed aside the cloth that failed to cover her entire chest, his hot, silken lips gliding down across her flesh to depose an affectionate kiss at the pike of her breast. Left hand languorously taking loving care of the unattended twin, the fingers of his right one brushed down her skin to join Kaoru’s now still hands.   “… Kenshin…?” she breathed out, the single question voiced out her complete confusion.   “Shhh…” he whispered. “There are many things this unworthy one can ignore.” He said, his lips grazing her flesh with every word, his breath warm on her skin. “Such as his own desires…” He added with a brief suckling of her nipple and she felt his lips curved on her at the sound her small gasp. “But there is one thing this Unworthy One could never ignore.”     Kaoru closed her eyes as Kenshin brushed away her hands and his fingers replaced them. The tips of them started to move over the tingling her early actions had created. A sigh escaped her parted lips and the raven-haired lifted her lips once more, pressing herself to his hand.   “He would never ignore the soft voice of his loved one when she calls him, that he would not.”     Kaoru’s whole body curved upward, granting him more access, eyes wide open, mouth agape in a silent cry. Her senses were already heightening with every brush of his soft lips, every stroke of his talented fingers, but his declaration was what sent her body off the edge. Kenshin smiled lovingly, watching her as she reached her release, giving in to those powerful sensations with such innocent grace, he felt his breath had been stole away.     His mouth had left her chest, his right hand brought up to stroke the silken strands that formed a dark aureole around her pretty head, thumb idly caressing her forehead. Shining amethyst eyes staring into tinkling sapphire that stared into nothingness, unfocussed and blind to all that was part of the known universe for a wonderful moment. She freed a breath she did not know her lungs had been holding in, blinking her eyes feeling the pleasurable residuals of her blinding rapture. So this, this was what it was like to know the loving touch of Kenshin.     Kaoru open and close her nocturne sky orbs, once then twice. Kenshin… Kenshin was here! She turned her head to stare at the smiling man. The swordsman was leaning on his forearm and she could feel the tender hand sliding through her dark hair, his purple gaze gently probing hers. She reached out a hand to touch his face hesitantly, her warm fingertips grazing the reddened skin of his cheeks. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch, turning lightly to the left to press a kiss to her palm. His expression was that of a peaceful man watching with her with ease and joy to his heart. The light blush over his cheekbone bestowed him a charming boyish look.   “Kenshin…” she uttered in amazed surprise. “Kenshin.” She repeated realising that it was he and not some cruel fantasy. “Kenshin!”     She warped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her in a fierce hug. Taken by surprise, the once wanderer stumbled down, eyes wide as sake cups, a startled sound escaping his mouth. His wet clothing was press to her heated body, cooling her flesh but giving her confirmation of his presence by her side. He smiled, warping his arms around her and returning the lovely gesture, burring his face in her hair and inhaling deeply her natural fragrance.   “Yes Kaoru…” he whispered, kissing her temple, gently pulling out of her arms and moving his legs so he was straddling her. “I came when you called.” His smile was warm and his hands held her head affectionately.   “You… heard me?” Her face grew very hot at the simple thought of it.   He nodded. “I was sitting under your window.”   She frowned. “What were you doing there?” There was a slight taste of indignation in Kaoru’s voice.   “Oro!?”The red head blinked. “This unworthy one was merely standing guard on you, that he was.”   Kaoru eyed him suspiciously and then her gaze softened. “There no need for that Kenshin. No one is ever going to get to me again; I would never allow it to happen.”     Her eyes watered as she remembered the not so distant events of crazed brother trying to avenge his deceased sister. She could not help but feel pity for the white haired young man, even with the knowledge of his evil treachery; thanks to her mystic boken merciless pounding of Sanosuke’s thick skull. Kaoru’s finger slid across the retired assassin’s brow, a loving smile spreading over her rosy lips.   “I don’t ever want to be a bittersweet memory such as Tomoe had become to you. I could never find rest if something like that should happen.”     So many emotions flashed over his soft gaze, his expression shifting from melancholic reverie to a gently loving one once again after shifting through a dozen undesirable ones. Kenshin’s smile though, held a tinge of sadness when he bent down to rest his forehead on her shoulders, his arms once again gripping her body in a loving embrace.   “Kaoru.” he murmured, his mouth caressing the crook of her neck. “Sweet, innocent Kaoru.” His grip tightened, needing to feel her warmth cradled to his chest. “… undeserving… unworthy of you.” He mumbled, emotion tightening his throat, words hard to pronounce.   “Never Kenshin…” she gripped his head so she could stare at his face. “You hear me. Never would you not be worthy of what I have to offer.” Her gaze was firm with resolve. “You gave the world so much, and even though you had to…” her voice trailed and she chose to live a part of her sentence unfinished. “You did what your heart told you had to be done,” saying this Kaoru pressed her hands over the rhythmic beat on his chest. “Don’t you dare let it get between us once more!”     Kenshin blinked, staring avidly into her sparkling jewels, seeing the truth, the conviction that had strongly resounded in her passionate words. With a second of hesitation, he gently, cautiously traced his lips over hers. The touch was concise and their gaze locked for a second before he crushed his mouth over hers, all reason for his feelings to be bared before her gone like the storm that once seethed above the dojo not so long ago.     He nipped at her lower lip, a silent plea for acceptance, and she parted, allowing the gently demanded access. Kaoru sighed, shifting lightly, bending her knees and reaffirming her hold on around his shoulders. Acceptance at last, was Kenshin’s fevered thought as the taste of her filled his mouth. His hands return to life and slid over her barely clothed frame, callous fingers caught in the fabric sporadically.     With heart-warming gentleness, his palms pressed at her side, fingertips snaking over her stomach in a blind search for the knot of the yakuta’s sash. When he found it, his lips sensuously trailed a line of butterfly kisses down from her face to her throat and further down to her breast. This time, however, she was not only responsive, but actively answering each of his feather light touches with just, her hands buried in his wet, crimson mane, pulling his face to her and uttering wonderful squeaks of delight.     Working fast, the rurouni got rid of the sash, pulling her into a sitting position, his mouth never once stopping their exquisite re-exploring of her mounds. Then he stirred away, taking in for the second time the adorable vision of her. Kenshin stroked her cheek with his thumb, smiling at her face before he kissed her once more, his hand sliding to her shoulders, following her smooth contours. Again, his mouth trekked down to the crook of her neck, a trail of delight in his wake.     Sliding his fingers under the thin cloth that covered he shoulders, he slowly pulled the fabric down, discovering more flesh to love and touch as he did so. Kaoru, far from giving him the privilege of being the only one allowed pleasuring the other, letting her hand roam his torso, discovering at leisure those magic little knots of nerves that sent shivers of bliss through him.   “Humh… this…” she exhaled, lost in pleasant reveries created by both of their actions.   “Hum?” he inquire, mouth too preoccupied to create intelligible words.     He never got a clear answer, a soft moan was all she would utter as she was now pilling his drenched gi off his shoulders and gently massaging the cool, smooth flesh that was once hidden. She bent her neck, her teeth nipping the top of his lob, making him grunt, his lazy suckling of her left nipple growing more fervent. Kenshin’s left hand gripped her hip, the fingers of his right one delicately caressing the soft skin at on underside of her breast, mouth moving to nip at the side, leaving a redden mar on her pliant flesh.     She uttered a strangled cry, surprised by the pleasure he was giving her and she felt the red head chortle, conveying a tender smile to her face. Kaoru lashed languorous attention at his left hear, her hands wondering freely over his bare back, circling around his waist and taking hold of the piece of white linen that kept his hakama in place. Whispering wonderful wordless expression of love and enjoyment into his ear, the midnight haired young woman pulled at the knot and, with a slow arch of her arm, discarded the binding item. The wanderer blinked at the feel of his loosen clothe and looked up to gape in silent awe at her adorably mischievous grin.     Seizing her face in a gentle grip, he dusted breezy kisses all over it, pushing the lovely woman back to the futon. She giggled, his lips tickling and the retired samurai smiled. Her every reaction a constant amazement to him, each of her expression, even the one she showed him before, seemed to be new to him, tinted with joy and elation. He pulled back, his hands turning to his clothing, loving purple iris watching her in silent adoration as he discarded his soaked gi and hakama. Returning to her, Kenshin kissed her stomach up to her lips, grazing his bare skin over hers, a shiver of pleasure sending both of them trembling.     He cupped her thighs, parting them and nestled between her legs, pouring tender attention on her throat. Kaoru blushed feeling a warm hardness poke at her heated flesh. Her hand quested down languidly down his chest, out of shear curiosity, teasing at his equally sensitive nipples, scrapping at the taunt muscles of his abdomen and inching further down, warping her fingers around the center of his pleasure nerves. He gasped, forgetting what he was doing to lay limp over her, enjoy the tingling sensation of her innocent exploration.   “Kaoru…” came his ragged whisper.     The kendoka kissed the top of his head, the only place available to her lips at that moment, her free hand tracing up and down his spine and she started to return the pleasure he gave her. Kenshin groaned, hugging her to him and nipping at her neck, her breathless gasps adding to his pleasure.     He unconsciously grinded his hips at the feel of a particularly pleasurable stroke, squeezing himself into her palm and hissed at the sensation. Feeling encouraged, Kaoru redoubled her efforts, her long, roughened fingers discovering the feel of him. Every one of her tentative touches rewarded by either a surprised gasp or a low grunt, and sometimes her name in a breathy murmur, his reactions were mesmerizing. The young woman’s pride was smiling inside her, thrilled by the simple knowledge that it was her doing that causing this all.   “K… Kao… ru… hunh...”     It was such a sweet melody, tickling her lob, as it was hushed into her ear. The movement of the red head’s hands seemed to lose their carefully elaborated cycle on her chest and turned to a pair of blind, erratic travellers trying to map out every inches of her body. They slid over her counters, following the soft curves, gripping her flesh here and there as if the man was trying to gain some sort of support. The dark haired girl moaned exceptionally loud, shocking even herself, when he sank his teeth pleasurably at the base of her throat and then soothing the non-existent pain away with the velvet touch of his tongue. In an answering reaction, her grip tightened on him and a coarse cry escaped his lungs.   “Uh… Kenshin…”     Said man took a deep breath, his nostrils full of her unique spring flower sent, and moved his hips once more. He could not tell if he wanted her to wait to be one with her or simply let go as her caressing hand induced him to. Unable to make a decision, he instead rained more fevered kisses over her skin, pausing ever few seconds to gasp, push into her hand or whisper her name as the most beautiful endearment she ever heard.     Suddenly, his hand grip her elbows and pushed both of her arms away from him, his hands gliding over her skin to twin with her own, almost pinning them above her head, his hold too gentle though to be overpowering and she felt she could free herself at will. The ex-assassin locked gaze with her, his eyes a captivating dark shade lavender.   “Kaoru…” he sighed, burying his face into her neck, breath tickling her skin. “… The things you do to this unworthy one…” Kenshin feathered kiss on her soft lips. “The things you make him feel…”     Having looked at her the whole time, his mouth tracing a whisper of his words lightly on her lips as he spoke, the red headed samurai let his lids cover his loving gaze and took a small breath, smiling.   “The care…” he continued, his hand massaging the muscles of her arms tenderly. “The love…” he brushed his lips across her face, neck and trailed down to her chest where, in a soft murmur, a moment before he would suck in the gracious pike of her breast, “the desire…”     Kaoru exhaled a sharp shriek; the divine care of his mouth had distracted her from his hands. Kenshin had expertly changed his hold of her wrist, now contained in his left hand and the right one had drifted down swiftly and un-noticed. His fingers touched her core, toke her by surprise and made her cry.     Suckling a line toward her throat, the red head adjusted their position, sliding further up between her thighs. He was suddenly charging a fierce attack of her mouth, freeing her hands to warp his arm around the young woman, pulling her closer to him. It took barely a moment for Kaoru to notice that she was once again free of her movements and lost no time twist her arms in a firm but tender grip, giving into the depth and passion the kiss.     Kenshin smiled aware of the success of his distraction tactic and, with the guidance of his fingers, pushed the tip of him into her soft core. He drank her surprised yelp, the sound making her chest tremors and he stood stile, opening his deep violet eyes to discover stunned indigo orbs staring at him. The man blinked, he had lifted his head lightly and now their uneven breaths were mingling in their mouths. Her muscles twitched reflectively, sending a soft rush of pleasure through him and he shuddered starving to move deeper inside.   “K… Kaoru…” He and touched her cheek gently to gain her complete attention. “This unworthy one doesn’t have much, that he does not.” His gaze was softly smiling, his eyes giving Kaoru the impression of adoration a divinity would have had a mortal seen them. “He offers you the only thing he’s got. Himself… if… you would have him.”   Kaoru blinked. “I… I have a condition…”   He looked startled and slightly nervous. The gentle motions of his fingers grazing her face ceased. “Wha… What is it?”   “I want Himura Kenshin with his past, his present and his future… as a man who knows himself worthy of Kamiya Kaoru.” The light that shown in her eyes made him smile.   “This…” then he caught himself seeing the beginning of a frown darkening her features. “… I” he smiled, “will pledge my life to become this man.”     She smiled back, her eyes shining pleasantly, everything about her openly accepting him. Kenshin pressed an affectionate kiss to her mouth, pouring emotion into the other with blissful abandon. Mind was lost replaced by a dangerous mix of want, love and need. Pleasure clouded his judgement and he moved, a gasp making him blink once more. The ex-assassin was nipping a not of flesh under her jaw, Kaoru’s spin had been tugged by reflexive muscles and turned into a fine bow, her chest softly pressed to his.     He had moved further within her, not quite reaching the barrier yet, however. He groaned, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her hips and pushed again, feeling the obstruction. Her gaze was confused and the young woman when he looked back at her. Kenshin’s expression soften, his brow already shining with a thin sheet of sweat. She focused her eyes on his and smiled.   “Don’t worry.” He said.   “I’m not.”     Her trust warmed his heart and fuelled his desire. With infinite care, the red haired swordsman pulled his hips backward to nearly leaving her velvet warmth. She turned a puzzled gaze at him and met with a knowing glint in his purple orbs. Amorous induced hands brushed away stray tendrils of ink black silk from her flushed face. She observed him watch her, dazed by his expression. It resembled that of a boy who saw something very pretty for the first time, awe visible in his soft eyes, and tried to copy and deeply imprint the image in his mind. Her lips curved in a shy smile, her fingertips gently stroking the line of red hair on his forehead before sliding through the soft mane and uncovering his eyes.     Kenshin trusted forward once again, Kaoru closed here eyes for the pain she was told would come. The red haired man stopped once more and pulled back before he would pierce through the membrane. She fluttered her lids in blatant bewilderment. He merely kissed her forehead, soothing the moist spot with his thumb and rolled his hips once more. He did so several more times, until he saw her expression change from a puzzled to one of birthing rapture. Only then did Kenshin give into temptation, pressing his lips forcefully on hers and burying his passion fully into her. He softened her cry of pleasurable pain with the fervent, almost bruising, caress of his lips and tongue.     The lower part of his anatomy stood still, his breath coming rasp but far from panting at that moment. Kenshin shuddered, a grown rumbling in his throat and he crushed her body against his.   “Kaoru…” he muttered. “Kaoru, Kaoru, Kaoru…” The once country wide feared shadow assassin was chanting her name in a delicious worship.     When the raven-haired woman caught his waist in a light grip, Kenshin began a slow, even rhythm, taking deep breaths in, whispering pleasure broken confessions of love. She answered each with an approving moan and a tentative rotation at their connection. He groaned feeling her hands touch him at, seemingly, all place at once. He was aware of her, only her, the rest of the world a distant concept.     In an innocent attempt to please him as well, Kaoru unwrapped her thighs, planted her heels on the soft futon, and levelled up her hips, meeting his thrust and giving him more depth. It did brought more of the tingling to spread from her pelvis to delude in her blood, drugging her mind with blissful sensations. It, however, stretched her muscles in an odd way, not unpleasant but not comfortable either, but to reach the pike of the wonderful experience, she was willing to feel sore the morning after.   “Ken…shin… I…”     He was ravishing the side of her left breast, his low grunts and soft moans vibrating over her stomach.   “Shhh…”     Kenshin nipped and sucked and Kaoru touched and pinched what she could get, unknowingly driving him mad. Something was building up, a promise of blinding pleasure was growing, becoming real with each carefully deep thrusts, the young woman could feel it and the heated actions of his mouth and hands were enough for her to know that the red head was aware of it as well. Feeling the climax becoming was torture, a craved torture, a sweet one, only a step away from that instant when love became physical and not just spiritual.   “Hold… me…” he murmured, wanting her, needing her.     Kaoru could only tighten the grip of her arms, crushing his face to her soft mounds and pushing more strength, more determination into her movements. His hands pressed the curve of her back, guiding her hips. All coherent thoughts had long since been blown away, to feel was priority, and the rest was to be ponder over afterwards. Between her soft pleas and his breathless whispers, the red headed man felt the steer of release rising in his nerves. His skin was suddenly very sensitive and Kaoru’s every touches felt like a bolt of pleasurable electricity had hit him.   “K... Kaoru…” the retired samurai tried to get his lover’s attention, his words muffled by her tender flesh. “… Kaoru…” he repeated, his voice more urgent, his head still pressed to her lovely breasts. “Kaoru… o… open your eyes…”    Kenshin had pulled his face away from her chest and had reached up to graze his fingertips over her brown and caress the gentle curve of her beautiful face. When he finally caught the crystalline blues under the dark lashes, he smiled. She blinked, his cheeks were flushed, face reddened, pearling sweat dripped from his brow and a few strands of fiery silk. She had known what he wanted a fragment of second before he explained in a rasped voice.   “I want you to see what you do… hunh… to me…”     No longer able to support his head, Kenshin led his forehead over hers, his hair, still somewhat dampened, sliding over his shoulders and shielding them in intimacy. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a round in an adorable display of surprise. Her complete body curled into his and she began to tremble, her arms reflexively warping around his shoulders.     He knew then that it was alright to let go and with gentle fervour, he gripped her waist, spreading his fingers over her hot flesh. His face nestled in her neck, Kenshin rocked his hips for the last few thrusts and embraced her tightly, her name rolling over his tongue as climax seized him in blinding pleasure.     Kaoru had turned limp in his arms when rationality returned to him. He shifted his weight but did not move away from her, choosing instead to pillow his head to her breast, his hands tracing random lines across her shoulder. The raven-haired woman sighed and kissed the top of Kenshin’s hair.   “Did I… harm you?” he sounded hesitant, nervous even.   “It was un-noticed…” there was a pleasant tone there.   Silence dominated the room once more, then, “Why were your clothes wet?” She was simply curious.   “There was a storm…” he turned his head and kissed her chin.   She blinked. “And you didn’t notice?”   Kaoru felt her red-haired swordsman nod. “My attention was elsewhere…”   The young woman blushed and she both heard and felt him chuckle. “Hey!” her exclamation was soon followed by a gentle knock of her firmly tightened fist.   “Oro!?”Kenshin rubbed the tender spot at the back of his head and stared at her in astonishment. “Ow…”   She giggled. “Pervert…”   He smiled warmly and bent neck to catch her lips. “Pervert maybe…” he said between kisses. “But I wasn’t the one touching myself…”     Kaoru’s eyes shoot open and narrowed. A resounding ‘bonk’ filled the room.   “Ow!” The ex-assassin pulled himself up with his left arm, rubbing the soar area or his skull.   Kaoru snorted and crossed her arms. “Pervert…” was her only explanation, but her eyes were shining with mirth.     He laughed hole heartedly, warping his arms around her torso and crushing her in a tight hug. His laughter was soft, his breath tickling her ear and she could not help but smile… then laugh herself.                &nbs p;    ~x~           I wrote this story some times ago and got it proofread, however, there were still many mistakes that needed to be taken care of. I wrote this story as it came to mind. When I started to write, it was Kaoru and not Kenshin that stood outside watching the storm coming. However, as ideas came, I had to change things and resulted this rather long one-shot. I hope you enjoyed your reading and all comments are very welcome. Flames shall be dealt with equally scorching replies or, in case of anonymity, used to lit camp fires in my backyard.   Eden’s Epitaph   Thanks to all those who took the time to review the un-edited story. All your kind words and encouragements push me to write more and better.