Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ will to live ❯ My past? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin now or ever, but the story is mine.

Author's notes: Listen everyone, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated but I had to move over two times in the last couple of months and my new living arrangement won't allow me much time on the computer to update my story. Sorry, but I did get over my writers block thanks to one person who gave me plenty of good ideas. R&R Creative suggestions are wanted and all criticism is accepted. "Speech" `thoughts'

Last Chapter:

"Everyone," Haruka said, "this is my apprentice." The woman flipped the hood off her head with a quick nod of her head. Her face was exposed.
Kenshin, Yahiko, Sano and Megumi were all drained of color. They all breathed in sharply and were unable to breathe out. They recognized the dark raven hair, the lovely blue eyes, the young energetic face and Yahiko noticed the horizontal scar under her right eye that was created a wound inflicted nearly three years ago. They were staring at a person they thought they would never see again but here she was, standing in front if them.
Kenshin stared at the familiar face. He could never forget that face. The face of the women he loved and lost three years ago. "K-Kaoru." He breathed, "It's you." The women looked at each of them. They all stared at her as if they recognized her but she only recognized the red headed man from last night. The woman noticed that the young man with spiky dark hair was trembling and was nearly in tears, as was the rooster man and the fox lady but the man with the red hair and crossed shaped scar looked at her with disbelief, sadness and love. `Why are they looking at me like that?' Suddenly a glimmer of hope flashed through her mind, `maybe they knew me before I lost my memories. Maybe they know what happened to me three years ago.' She thought about it but dismissed it. `Haruka found me in a river covered with injuries and nearly I guess I really don't want to remember what happened.' She had given up all hope of discovering what her past life was and decided that she didn't want to know. If she was in a river covered in blood and wounds and almost completely dead then she decided that her past life wasn't worth recovering.
"No, my name is Leiko and you are...?"

Chapter 6: My past?

No, my name is Leiko and you are…? Those simple words rang through Kenshin's ears creating an unbearable echo. No, my name is Leiko and you are…? Those simple words were the reason for shocked and pained faces that had settled on the faces of Kaoru's lost family. No, my name is Leiko and you are…? Those simple words had managed to crush Kenshin's hope and heart. No, my name is Leiko and you are…? `How could she not remember me? How could she forget me…how?' Kenshin's thoughts were full of despair, `she forgot me but how? How?'

Silence had settled over the table as Leiko impatiently waited for an answer. Her foot was tapping in anticipation as she examined the faces at the table, faces struck with shock and recognition. `They look like they've seen a damn ghost or something…wait a minute… they knew me didn't they, but how? Were they involved with my past? Did they know me?' For the first time in three years Leiko felt a twinge of hope. `They knew me! They must know who I am!' However, Leiko quickly dismissed that hope, that desire for a past. `But…I was found nearly dead in a damn river. These people were probably the reason I was found like that! This stupid red head and that rooster, I saw them last night. They have strong ki's…they were probably trying to kill me last night!!' Her hand flew to the hilt of her sword, `they're probably the reason why I almost died three years ago. They must've tried to kill me, and last night at the mansion…they were probably there to finish the job! I can't believe I spared that red head. His ki is the ki of a murderer and I let him live!! How could I be so stupid?!' Angry thoughts swirled through her head. "Hey you!" she yelled. Kenshin broke out of his trance, "Answer my damn question. Who the hell are you!?"

"Don't…don't you recognize me, Kaoru?" `Please recognize me. Please remember who I am. Please remember who you are. Please remember…'

"Don't call me Kaoru! I told you my name is Leiko now who the hell are you!?" Her hand was shaking on the hilt of her sword. Her arm was tense, just waiting for a reason to yank out the sword and decapitate this aggravating red head. Leiko didn't know why she wasn't fighting them already. Her sword always spoke for her and at the moment it wanted to insure that this red head would never be able to call her Kaoru again…but something, some minuscule tug at in heart stopped her.

"Kaoru…it's me, Kenshin. Please, tell me you recognize me."

Leiko stared at him for a moment, and some part of her wanted to recognize him…but she dismissed it. "I told you, don't…call…me…Kaoru." She unsheathed a small part of her sword, "I have no fucking clue who you are but I know you know me…you're the reason I nearly died three years ago, aren't you!?"

Kenshin's eyes filled with guilt and Leiko saw this. `Yes, I am the reason she nearly died. I should have been there to protect her. It was my fault…it's my fault…' "I am to blame-"

"I knew it!" More of her sword unsheathed, "I can feel it! You the one! You tried to kill me three years, didn't you!?" She shook with anger, `this man is the reason that I have no past. He'll pay for what he did to me!'

"What? No, I would never hurt you! I'd die before I'd even think about hurting you!"

Leiko hesitated. She stared into his eyes. They were filled with such love and devotion that she couldn't bring herself to attack him, at least not while they were still in the restaurant. The man's violet eyes pleaded with her to believe him so, for the time being, she would.

Haruka exchanged a puzzled glance with Hiko. It was clear to her that the past of her apprentice was somehow intertwined with these strangers. She knew that Leiko would let her emotions run amok and would use her sword instead of her words and Haruka wouldn't let that happen.

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation outside" she began to usher everyone outside, "where there are no innocent bystanders." She added under her breath.

When everyone was outside Haruka began, "What's going on?"

`What's going on?' Everyone thought in perfect unison, `where the hell do we start!'

"Well," said Leiko, "I think it's pretty fuckin' obvious what's happening!" She pointed an accusing finger at Kenshin, "he's the reason I have no past!"

"Leiko, calm down. Before you throw around accusations why don't we listen to their side of the story, okay?" Haruka turned to Kenshin, "why don't you tell us who you are?"



Kenshin couldn't bring himself to speak. `What do I say? What can I say?'

"Kaoru…we're your friends." Sano said, "It's me, Sanosuke. I was your friend. More like your older brother…"

"I'm Megumi. We we're friends too, although it was a bit rocky…" she smiled sadly and chuckled softly when she remembered all the times she teased Kaoru. It was all in the spirit of fun but seeing Kaoru's current condition she couldn't help but wish that she were nicer. `Maybe if I had been nicer she would be able to remember us…maybe…'

Yahiko stepped forward. His eyes were glazed with unshed tears as he stared directly into the cold eyes of his sensei. The last time he saw her he was only a child but now he was a young man, a young man who felt afraid of this new woman, this Leiko. "I'm Yahiko…I was one of your students, well actually, I was pretty much your only student…you were teaching me the sword style Kamiya Kasshin Ryu." Haruka's eyes went wide. "The sword that protects…I actually met you when you were trying to protect me…don't you remember?"

Leiko scoffed, `pathetic sob stories. That's all these people are trying to feed me, pathetic sob stories. But I'm not gonna fall for it.' "No, I don't remember and you know why? `Cause everything you people are saying is just a load of crap and I don't believe you one fucking bit."

Haruka touched Leiko's shoulder. "They might be telling the truth."

"Come on Haruka! You can't tell me you actually believe this crap!?"

Haruka gestured to Yahiko. "This young man said that you were teaching him a sword style. If that's true then wouldn't that explain how you already knew how to use a sword when we started your training?"


"Why don't you just hear them out?"


Haruka faced Hiko, "Leiko, this is Hiko, the man I already told you about and you must be the police officer Saitoh. Correct?" Saitoh nodded and lit a cigarette.

"Great…" Leiko mumbled sarcastically, "Because a cop is what we really need."

Finally Haruka turned to a silent Kenshin. His head was hung low and his bangs covered his eyes. "And you're Hiko's apprentice, right?"

Kenshin walked toward Leiko and lifted his head. "I'm Kenshin Himura." He said to Leiko, "and you are Kaoru Kamiya." He reached out and took Leiko's hand into his own, "you have to remember…"

Leiko's eyes widened and her body went slightly rigid as she thrust into her memories…

Fireflies flew around Kaoru as she watched the man she loved turn his back on her and retreat into the darkness. She collapsed into a heap on the cold ground. Unable to stand, unable to go after the one she loved. She sobbed uncontrollably as the grief overwhelmed her…

Kaoru watched in horror as Kenshin and Saitoh fought each in the Kamiya dojo, their amber eyes glowing with bloodlust…their blood dropping to the ground…their swords clashing. Kaoru was helpless. She couldn't stop them and neither could Megumi, Sano or Yahiko. They were fighting to the death and all she could do was watch and pray for Kenshin's safety. She dropped to her knees and wept as Kenshin fought on…

The river rushed behind her as Kaoru stood in front of Kenshin. She removed her favorite ribbon and gave it to Kenshin. He accepted but suddenly, strong arms grabbed her from behind and pulled her off the riverbank into a small raft. She screamed his name but all he could do was watch…

Clutching her sword in one hand, Kaoru shoved Yahiko with her good shoulder. He fell out the window and into the river below. She turned around as the Leader ran towards her, his sword raised above his head. She unsheathed her sword and thrust it forward, her eyes clasped shut. She waited for his blade to make contact, she waited for death to come and claim her…but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see the Leader impaled on the other end of her sword. Shock written on his face. He smiled with disbelief…and pleasure. The pleasure of knowing that even though he would die the explosion would claim Kaoru's life too. "You stupid bitch…" He fell forward, pushing the blade completely though his body until his weight was now pushing Kaoru to the window. Kaoru couldn't hold the dead weight. She staggered backward until she tripped and the two bodies came tumbling out of the window. The inn was suddenly ignited in flames. The explosion sent debris flying in every direction. Pieces of flaming wood flew into the dead body of the leader as the fell to the river. A large object stuck the side of Kaoru's head. She crashed into the freezing river but darkness had already claimed her…

A voice shook Leiko out of Kaoru's memories. "Kaoru! Kaoru, what's wrong? Kaoru speak to me! Please!" Leiko stared into the concerned face of Kenshin. Her tore her hand out of Kenshin's. "Kaoru…are you okay? What happened?"

Leiko began to shake with anger. `This man…all he ever brought me was pain.' She thought as she remembered her flashbacks. `I don't care! I don't care about my past! I don't care who the hell these people are! I refuse to remember.'

"Kaoru, are you okay?"

Leiko stuck Kenshin hard across the face. He recoiled in shock. "I told you to never call me Kaoru! I don't know who the hell that is and I don't care!"

"Kaoru, please-"

"NO! I won't listen to any of your crap!" Leiko felt tears roll down her face, but she wasn't crying. "I don't know who Kaoru is, I don't know who you are but I do know that I don't care! I…am… Leiko!" Leiko couldn't bear it anymore. She turned around and ran. Within a few seconds she was completely out of sight.


Saitoh broke the silence that surrounded the group. "Listen. We all came here because we have a job to do. This is no time for sappy reunions. Now if no one minds, I'd like to get down to business. Haruka, is Leiko going to join us or not?"

"Yeah…yeah, she'll help. But we'll start tomorrow. Does everyone agree?"

A few mumbles were heard but that was good enough. Haruka exchanged a glance with Hiko. "We're gonna leave you guys alone for now." She placed a comforting hard on Kenshin's shoulder. "Leiko will be fine. She can take care of herself. Just give her time and hopefully she'll remember." Haruka could think of nothing else to say. Hiko and Haruka left the rest of the group to themselves.

Saitoh snorted, "Well, this is stupid. You all should just get over it. Quit wallowing in your grief, it might interfere with our mission." He walked away. When he was far enough he took one last glance at the sorrow stricken group. He wouldn't even admit it to himself but he felt a small twinge of compassion for the group. He couldn't imagine how they felt but he knew that if he ever lost his wife they way they lost Kaoru…he wouldn't even think about it.

Yahiko spoke with a cracked voice. "What are we gonna do now?"

"We are going to do exactly what Haruka said." Megumi said, "We'll give her time. That's all we really can do." Sano and Yahiko nodded in agreement. "Why don't we all go back to the inn and call it a day?" Megumi and Yahiko started to leave but hung back for Sano.

"Hey Kenshin, are you coming?" He said.

"…" Kenshin dropped his head.

Megumi walked to Sano and gently tugged him away. "Give him time." She whispered. They left Kenshin with his thoughts. He needed to sort out his thoughts and they needed to do the same.

`Was that Leiko or was that Kaoru?' He thought about this until he decided it was time to go back to the inn. Kenshin stayed in the same spot until the sun had set.

Author's notes: Sorry for the short chapter but I just don't have the time or the opportunity to work on my story so from now on all my chapters are going to be about this long. Next chapter I'll hope to explain Leiko's training and fighting style and what the first mission is. R&R.