Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Wish upon a falling star ❯ Wish upon a falling star ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Hello, my name is Kino-chan, a crazy 14 year old girl obsessed with anime. Just so you know, I do not own anyone from Rurouni Kenshin, or else the whole world would be on the verge of insanity right now. :: grins evilly :: And also, I suggest you be at least 13 to read this, cuz later on there will be some slightly heavy lemony detail. The reason I say 13 instead of 18 or something cuz a 14 year old wrote it! So if you can't handle that stuff along with gore, most likely heavy angst, and etc, then leave right now and don't look back. Otherwise, come on in and join the fun!!

::A yell from a random person a.k.a. my friend Shelly:: Lemony Freshness!

A/N: For those of you who have already read my story, I'm happy to say I have edited it and fixed the format so it is much easier to read. If there's any other grammatical errors you see, please tell me. But ONLY grammatical! If you just don't like the story itself, then leave and pretend nothing happen. Also, for everyone reading this, if you are uncomfortable about an out of character Saito, then…don't read this fanfic. (o.O) Ok, on with the fic now


"Wish upon a falling star, your dreams will come true"

Everyone always says that when you wish on a falling star, your wish will come true. I was never a complete believer, but after I experienced it, I realized whoever declared that fact was indeed not lying. For it certainly changed my three best friends and I. Not that's it bad or anything, but it certainly is an experience that can never be forgotten…

"Wow, it's never been such a clear night here. Usually it's so hard to see this many constellations." Kat said, gazing up at the twinkling, heavy blue sky. "Yeah, tell me about it. Guess all the clouds decided to go on vacation for once." Bee added, looking up with the rest of us. Michelle and I were silent, our minds focused on the dimly lit candles that added that tiny touch of brightness to the otherwise inky, endless vortex of the eternal night sky. It was around 11:45, and we were all at Kat's house, enjoying the free time off school during mid-July.

If Kat's mother had not been out on a date right now, we'd all probably be stuck inside watching late night TV shows. God, that woman could be so intolerable at times. It was a wonder how Kat could stand to be in the same house with her day after day. We were all quiet, trying to find any constellation we knew.

Suddenly, Kat sat up, the moonlight reflecting off her glasses, "Oh my God! Look you guys, it's Mitasukun, that rare Japanese constellation that's only seen every 50 years!" She rose to her feet and tilted her head back so she could get a good view. The three of us did so as well and gazed with her. I had to admit it was a beautiful pattern of stars. It was as if a goddess put herself in within the stars. Suddenly, we saw something else that surprised us. A shooting star flying through the night air, piercing the heart of Mitasukun herself. "Oh! Quick everyone, make a wish!" We all closed our eyes, clasping our hands together in front of us. I put all the faith and pleading from my heart into my wish.

Oh shooting star, your bright stream of light that is rarely seen, if I could only have one wish granted, so be it. I'd wish, more than anything in the world, to have me, along with my three best friends, to have the power to meet the four guys we admire most in their world, Kenshin Himura, Sanosuke Sagara, Aoshi Shinimori, and Saito Hajime. After I was finished, I opened my eyes and looked at everyone else. They were all staring at me. "What is it?" I asked, releasing my hands when I realized how hot and sweaty they were from clasping them so hard together.

Bee blinked, "We were just waiting for you to finish, that's all. That must have been some long wish." She guessed. I offered a small smile, "Yeah, I guess it was kinda long. But you know me." Michelle rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah, Sammy, we know exactly how you are." Kat and Bee laughed. I did too, but it was only a small giggle. Kat broke the short silence that had descended upon us, "Ok, I think that's enough stars for now. What do you say we all go inside and watch some movies?!" "Anime movies right?" Bee asked in a joking tone of voice. "Anime movies with hot guys." Michelle added, grinning and chuckling at whatever weird little thought crossed her strange mind.

Kat nodded her head and raised her right fist in the air, "Damn straight! To the living room!" She declared, and went straight into the house. We followed behind her, me being the last one in. Before I set foot in the door, I took one last look in the sky, envisioning what it would be like if my wish actually came true. Like that will ever happen. I thought realistically as I stepped back into Kat's house. Little did I know how wrong I was, until later on that night.

After watching 3 hours of anime movies, we all decided it was time to go to sleep. We headed up the stairs to Kat's large room and spread out on the floor, using 5 minutes of the time to get settled in our sleeping bags. After that we talked about anime and guys, something we did at just about every sleep over before we went to bed. Around fifteen minutes later we were all silent, letting sleep lead us into an unpredictable world of our imagination. At about six fifteen, I woke due to the glare of some strange light.

As my eyelids fluttered open, the shock of illumination blinded me for a moment. When it passed, I noticed a strange glowing ice blue ball of light in the middle of Kat's floor. I sat up, dumbfounded by the sight. A few seconds later, they each awoke to the glare of the brightness, first Kat then Michelle following Bee. We all stared at it, not knowing what to do. I slipped out of my sleeping bag and rose, deciding to step closer for a better inspection. As I walked towards the glowing energy, my friends stood up quickly. "Wait a minute Sam, don't go near that. It could be dangerous." Kat warned as I approached it.

I stared, knowing what she said might be true, but I had to find out what it was. Something was pulling me to it. Feeling like the bravest of the four, I finally got close enough to see better inspection. My hand slowly stretched, acting like an iron to a magnet as my fingers came close to landing for a feel of the unknown object. As I did so, the girls came closer and tried to pull my hand back.

But before they could even attempt a try, my fingers slightly touched the glaring surface. A bright flash lit the room and we were all pulled into the object. Some strong gravitational force started to reel us down into the unknown depths of this weird 3D dimension, so it seemed, that we were passing. All of us screamed from fright as we were pulled through another pool of bright light. Before we knew it, we landed hard on soft, grassy ground and instantly went black.

It must have been for just a few minutes, because I seemed to awake rather quickly from my dark slumber. With some difficulty, as I rose to my feet, I noticed immediately something was wrong. Everything looked.... Animated. When I gazed at a reflection of myself in the crystal clear mirror of the pond we had landed near, I definitely knew that instant that we weren't where we were supposed to be.

I looked like a younger version of Miss Karou, having the same wavy blue black hair, only mine seemed a bit longer and my bangs were shorter. My big cartoonish eyes were still a darkening emerald green, and I was skinny. Which, I liked, since beforehand I was overweight. My teeth were straight and I was wearing a midnight blue Kimono with patches of purling light pink over the dress. A matching blue ribbon laid double tied in my ponytail, so it did not appear as long as Karou's. When I finally remembered to look over at my friends, I noticed they were different looking as well. The three stirred, gradually coming to consciousness after the hard landing. They stood on their feet at the same time, looking sleepy and confused.

Kat still had her shoulder length hair, only now it was a light brown and was tied back into two braids, with small lilac and mint colored ribbons weaved through them. Her eyes were also the same, being an emerald silver green and she, too, had a Kimono. Hers was purple with green flowers and the obi keeping the outfit together had long wavy streamers dangling down. Bee had red hair a bit past the shoulders, which was in a half ponytail. Her eyes were still blue and her outfit was red and black, the obi being a lot smaller then either mine or Kats, and apparently Michelles.

Speaking of which, her blond hair was in a half bun, the remaining strands flowing down to her mid-back. Her hazel eyes were full of confusion and her outfit was yellow and black. For a moment we stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

Michelle was the first to speak, "Wh-What's going on? Why do we all look so different?" Her voice was rather shaky, probably from fear I thought. We gazed around, observing our surroundings. Finally, the idea of where we might be came to mind, and I gasped. "Guys…" I started out, my voice being shaky as well. The three turned to me, "What's the matter Sammy?" Bee asked. I took a deep breath and looked up, "You're probably going to think I'm really crazy, but I think we're in the world of Rurouni Kenshin. There's no other way I can think of to explain everything, like why everything's animated and we're wearing Kimonos."

Bee smirked, "If we're dreaming, then I get Sanos yakuta!" "This doesn't feel like a dream." My answer sunk in slowly into their brains. Suddenly their eyes widened, "Oh my God it's true! It has to be!! Sam's right. How else could we explain all this?" Bee stated, holding her arms out. Michelle and Kat nodded. "I can't believe this. How did we get here? I thought it was impossible." Kat wondered. "Yeah, me too. We already know it was that glowing blue ball in your room, but how did that get there?" Michelle asked.

The four of us were quiet, making creases appear on our foreheads from the hard thinking. All of a sudden, I remembered something. The wish. It had to be the wish. There's no other way… I gave the others a guilty look; "I know how we got here. It's all my fault." I said. They looked at me with a confused gaze in their eyes. "What do you mean Sammy?" Kat asked. I sighed, "Last night, when we saw that shooting star, my wish was to have the four of us be able to meet Kenshin, Sano, Aoshi, and Saito here in their world. I didn't think though it would come true." I explained.

I looked down at my feet, "I'm sorry you guys. I didn't mean to cause such a mess." They were quiet for a moment, simply staring at me. Finally, the uneasy silence shattered, "What's there to be sorry for Sam? This is the sweetest thing to ever happen to us!!" Bee cried enthusiastically.

Kat and Michelle grinned widely, "Yeah, we get to meet our dream men.*" Michelles grin dropped to a smile, "Yeah, that should be fun. Only we should change our names, so they don't sound so American." She said. I nodded my head, "I agree, Kishi." "Well, what do you say we go do some exploring, you know, get a good view of things." Kat suggested. We agreed and set foot.

Everything around us was overwhelming. It was so much more interesting than our world that's for sure, the restaurants, the stores; everything was totally new and unknown to us. While on the street, we talked and chatted about everything little thing that came to mind. Suddenly, we got what we wanted more than anything in the world. Walking right into us was Kenshin, Sano, Aoshi, and Saito.

A/N: Well, how does this sound? Was it a lot better to read? I sure hope so. Anyway, don't forget to R&R after you're done. Or else you will be forced to suffer the consequences. ::smiles holding up her scythe:: Ok, I'm done here. See you all later. ::sprouts wings and takes off::